A Unique Hunter

Chapter 825: God punishment

"Hmph, I really don't want to let Xiao Meili go to the Bright Empire." Cook snorted coldly, don't think you are the pope, you are awesome.

"You... Boom." The pope's eyes widened, and he wanted to rush towards Cook. Cook suddenly moved and knocked the pope out with a single kick. The wall of the hall was directly broken by the pope. hole.

"Puff." The pope fell outside the hall, spouting a big mouthful of blood, and the pope looked at Cook in disbelief.

"With me, you have to abide by my rules." Cook said coldly. The pope still wanted to resist, but the two big men looked at the pope coldly, their mental power was directly locked to the pope, and the pope could feel the cold breath. And the appearance of these people, the pope also distinguished.

"Titan." The pope swallowed.

"Bring in." Cook ordered. The two Titans brought the Pope in directly like chickens, but the rest of the Bright Empire did not respond, because for these people, Xiao Meili First, the pope, but a little beautiful servant.

Cook looked at the people in the Bright Empire and said, "Go to your Bright Empire and accept the prayers of hundreds of millions of believers. This is certainly a good thing, but you have never thought about it, safe and safe."

"Who can guarantee Xiao Meili's safety, ah." Cook shouted loudly.

"The empire of light is powerful, but there is also a dark empire. You can guarantee that the dark empire will not send people to assassinate Xiaomei. What if you are frightened to Xiaomei." Cook did not give the people below a chance to speak.

Cook then said in a flat tone: "And our plane is different. Not only must we go through the strict inspection of your Bright Empire, but also the strict inspection here, and I have not only the legendary magician of the space department, There are also powerful Titans, at least we don’t have to face tens of thousands of magic spaceships here."

"I understand that you, as the pope, desperately want Xiao Meili to appear, but now you have to know that you are Xiao Meili's servant, even if you die, Xiao Meili cannot be hurt, understand." Cook told the pope The old man said earnestly.

"I was wrong." When the Pope was said by Cook, he immediately admitted his mistake.

Cook nodded, feeling very relieved about the pope's expression. This religious fanatic's faith is very loyal.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to repair the ancient teleportation array. You will also be responsible for maintenance and inspection in the future." Cook patted the pope on the shoulder.

"No problem." The pope said quickly, patted his chest.

"Well, you all go down and rest. In the Baron's mansion, there is no problem with safety." Cook asked these people to take these people down to rest.

"No, we want to protect the master." These people shouted immediately.

"Asshole, you don't have a good rest, how to protect the master, if the master goes out, you are all apathetic, can you protect the master, let me go to rest, or deprive you of the identity of the guard." Cook shouted.

The people of the Bright Empire left, Lina looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, why did you give the teleportation formation to those guys just now."

"Leave this to them. You want it to be that after the completion, the guys from the Dimension Alliance will come. What should we do? It's better to hand it over to these people." Cook replied with a smile.

Lina and the others immediately understood. Cook looked at Xiao Meili and asked in surprise, "What happened to Xiao Meili just now."

"The Protoss has a complete inheritance memory. This is also the reason why the Protoss can be powerful. After all, learning will waste a lot of our human time." Lina explained.

Only then did Cook woke up, and he had no doubts about Xiao Meili. Looking at Xiao Meili’s swollen face, Cook had a feeling that he couldn’t tell. At the beginning, Xiao Meili was only adopted because of no other way. There is a feeling in it, like a family member, Cook knows that this is a kind of affection that comes from getting along for a long time.

On the second day, before Cook got up, he heard the old pope's roar: "What, it was confiscated, who confiscated it."

"It is said to be the Holy See of Light." Sophia's voice.

"Damn, bastard, this is revenge, this is an insult to the master. I want to make those **** guys look good. Boom." Cook watched the pope jump up, and then flew out like a missile.

"What's the matter?" Cook walked out and asked.

"I received the news this morning that the owner's property in the Bright Empire was confiscated." Sophia looked at Cook suspiciously, but from the time of the contract, it was definitely not a fake.

"Hey, blame me, blame me for offending Mo Luo, know that she has a lot of right to speak in the Holy See of Light." Cook laughed in his heart, and someone actually fell into the pit, but Cook couldn't show it on the surface. , But also a look of self-blame.

Sophia looked at Cook suspiciously, and then left. For the legendary level, there is no problem with flying.

"Huh, they are all stupid, there is a teleportation array that does not leave." Cook watched Sophia fly away, and walked towards the teleportation array leisurely.

"Yo, yo, what's wrong." When Cook teleported out, he faced the knights of the Holy See of Light.

"Take it away." The leading knight shouted loudly. Cook made a frightened look and was escorted to the Holy See. It takes at least ten minutes to fly from the Baronial Land to the Holy See of Light, Ku Ke came here to dig deeper.

"Hmph, Cook, do you have anything else to say now." Moro snorted and asked Cook arrogantly as he watched Cook being taken into the Holy See.

Cook smiled and looked at the cardinal, the pope, and Moro around him. These people didn’t show any signs. Obviously these guys were also jealous of the snow sugar trade. You must know that the Bright Empire grew sugar beets due to the power of the Holy See. The area of ​​​​is not small, and the price of snow sugar is high. These guys have long been jealous. Some people have taken the lead in dividing Cook’s property. Who doesn’t want to, among these people who are sitting there are plantations planting beets. .

Cook looked at the way these guys looked and smiled and replied: "I'm here to watch the show."

"Asshole." The Pope of the Holy See snorted and shouted at Cook.

"Haha, haha, I forgot to tell you, the property you confiscated was not mine." Cook laughed, he didn't expect so many people would be trapped in the original pit.

Cook has no pity at all, because Cook knows that if he is not capable, then the things he faces will be unimaginable.

"What if it's not yours," the pope shouted coldly.

"It's not very good. The owner of the property will naturally come to you, but I just watched the play first." Cook smiled and took out a scroll, then slowly tore it open, a golden shield appeared. On Cook.

"No, forbidden curse-level defensive guard..." Molo felt a bit wrong just now. How could someone like Cook come here alone? Just after Cook ripped the scroll, Molo thought of something terrible. The possibility, in case these property belong to.

"Damn, damn, **** anyone who offends the master." A powerful voice resounded throughout the holy city, and the rumbling voice was comparable to thunder.

"Rumble." With a loud noise, the entire holy city trembled, and the huge Temple of Light was directly split into two by a huge sword of fighting spirit.

"Damn, damn." The five-tier country pope was burning with golden flames, like a dazzling light that fell into the hall that had become two halves.

"You, stand up." The pope pointed at a cardinal without even looking at the pope.

"You count...puff." The cardinal reacted and stood up to curse, but as soon as the golden light flashed, not only the pope, but even the few next to him were directly beheaded. Two paragraphs.

"Kill." The Pope of the Bright Empire also reacted and roared.

"Puff puff puff puff." Countless figures rushed from the dark rays of cold light to the enemies surrounded by golden flames, but when these people were within a hundred meters, puff puff puff, these people's bodies exploded. Countless blood came out, and then the whole person fell softly to the ground.

"As an ant, I dare to do these things, so on behalf of my master, I grant you...death." The fifth-level pope was completely angry. Someone actually offended his master. You must know that the pope has practiced for hundreds of years. Even if you are not a fanatical believer, you have to pray every day and you have become a fanatical believer for hundreds of years. After seeing Xiaomei, you have become even more fanatical. After you become a servant of God, your cultivation level will increase greatly, and you will be able to use magic skills. More comfortable, let alone attack power.

"Incomparably noble master, your servant is here to ask you to give death to those who offend the master." The fifth-level emperor prostrated on the ground and sang loudly.

Then the countless golden flames on the pope quickly condensed into a huge light and shadow under an invisible energy.

"God's Judgment." This light and shadow carried an inexplicable coercion. Whether it was the cardinal or the pope, the power in the body was constantly losing.

"No, no, no, it's impossible." Hearing the man's singing, the pope once again felt the loss of power in his body, and then looked at the huge gradually forming light and shadow, which was a prelude to the legend.

"Sinners, you are all sinners, and your soul is destined to be flogged for a hundred years." The Pope of the fifth-level Light Empire stood up and said coldly.

"No, no, this is not our attention, this is the woman's attention." The light power from the cardinals is being continuously pulled out, followed by slowly dying bodies, these people know this is vitality At the disappearing scene, immediately pointed at Moro in horror.

"This woman will also be punished by God, robbing the owner's finances, hum, you know what the crime is." The fifth-level Moruo said coldly.

"God's verdict." The pope watched the shriveled corpses falling around and chanted four words again in a cold voice.

"Puff puff puff." After a sound, all the people involved in this matter in the holy city burned themselves.

Countless people were taken aback first, and finally understood that this is a scene of divine punishment according to legend, so the whole holy city is full of loud prayers. />

"You, it's you, it's you." Moro looked at Cook and roared loudly, so many believers.

Cook snorted coldly: "Huh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ ridiculous, if you didn’t want revenge, how could there be such a consequence as today? If not for their greed, how could there be such a consequence, you people You’re talking about God every day, but you are just making money under the guise of God. Why don’t you see so many interns in the Holy See every year? You asked for this."

Mo Luo was stunned, because Mo Luo felt the power in the body was disappearing, and the blood power in the body was also slowly degrading, and Mo Luo looked up at the sky.

"Is this a punishment for me." Mo Luo didn't dare to resist at all. From the moment she saw Xiao Meili, she knew that Xiao Meili was the youngest daughter of God Lord and the darling of the entire Guangming Protoss, but she knew clearly, Actually want to retaliate against Cook.

"It seems I was wrong. I was blinded by hatred." Moreau suddenly woke up.

"Humph." The sky hummed.

"Boom." Cook was pressed directly on the ground by this cold snort, smashing the entire ground into a large human-shaped pit.

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