A Unique Hunter

Chapter 828: Strange Demon Seal

"Everyone is ready to go. If you don’t have to bring the things you need with you, don’t put it in the space, including the familiars." Cook looked at the lineup in front of him and was surprised.

Fifty people came to the fore. As for the specific process. Anyway, it is said that Kokorov was beaten several times. Cook secretly laughed. But what surprised Cook was the background of these people.

The weapons and equipment are extremely high-end, and these guys also have magic patterns and almost all magic pattern weapons, and the lowest level of the magic familiar is also the 9th level. The most surprising thing is a gorilla that is fifty meters high. Although ninth level, the combat effectiveness of humanoid monsters is very powerful because these guys can use weapons no longer as simple as biting.

The most beautiful is a butterfly that is taller than a person. There is a colorful halo spreading all over the body. Cook thinks that he is far away because it is a magical monster.

And all of these monsters have powerful magical equipment. Look at them, all of them are armored, and some of their teeth are magic weapons. Cook looks profusely.

The funny thing about everyone is that they are carrying a huge backpack. This is the supplies, potions, etc.

"Xia" Cook saw that everyone was ready and immediately said to Xia because the three golden dragons had already entered the Demon Seal first. As for how to do it, Cook didn't know what mysterious magic props he seemed to use.

"Okay" West Asia is ready for a long time, West Asia and the others get busy immediately

"Cook, we can only open it for twenty seconds" Sia said to Cook

"What's wrong" Cook asked suspiciously

"This ancient magic circle has been running for a long time and the three-headed dragon caused some damage to the ancient magic circle when it entered. There will be no damage to the ancient magic circle within 20 seconds. If it is longer, I don't know what will happen." Sia explained

"Then a few can go in, even a few" Cook immediately made up his mind

Cook immediately told the situation to fifty people and explained the detailed situation again, and then ten people entered as a team. These ten people are convenient to fight in any profession.

"Cook is ready, I'm going to turn on" Xia shouted to Cook

Xia drew a strange talisman in her hand; then this talisman became the pattern on the magic circle on the ancient magic circle gradually brightened

"Go" Xia immediately roared calmly when she saw a **** hole appeared on the magic circle.

Cook took the lead in jumping over Cook's heartbeat while slandering: "The design of this magic circle is really speechless."

Originally, no one wanted to jump down into a dark hole. Cook also has a package on his body. Not only that, but also a big mouth and a big mouth. Now it gives people an uncomfortable feeling.

To be precise, Big Mouth is a creature of the Nether system. This is a rare system. It only exists on a very special plane. No one knows where the Nether plane is, but the direction of attack of the creatures of the Nether system. Is the soul

Big Mouth is not Cook’s contract creatures, they are more like friends, except for occasionally appearing once, the rest of the time is very mysterious. Of course, Cook also gave a lot of help to magic crystal coins.

Cook's body is tight. After all, no one knows what's under it, but when Cook crosses the dark ancient magic circle, what Cook sees is a huge underground space.

Yes, no Cook imagines the bsp; it looks like an extremely ordinary underground space

The people behind "Cook" were also astonished when they saw such a scene. They didn’t expect that the back was so peaceful.

"Well, the dragons went there," Cook asked immediately, realizing this.

Cook's reminder made the newly relaxed mind immediately vigilant, and then Cook found more things that were wrong.

"There is not the slightest elemental mental energy consumption here, it will double. Everyone, be careful how many people are here" Cook asked in a deep voice

"It's all here" someone replied behind

"Then everyone is in a defensive formation, a small team and a group to keep a certain distance from each other." Cook took out his weapon, which had been modified, and the people behind the ghost bow also took out the equipment and looked around vigilantly.

"Okay, everyone, pay attention. I'll take the team first." Cook immediately took a look with his magic eyes and found nothing strange.

"Cook is very strange that it is not a forbidden space, but I found that there seems to be a kind of power to absorb elements here" someone said afterwards

Cook took out a piece of inferior magic crystal. After the inferior magic crystal was taken out, the elements in it were almost visible to the naked eye.

"Everyone, be careful that this place is dangerous" Cooke's words are a bit redundant because everyone who can absorb the elements knows that this Nima is better than the Forbidden Domain.

The forbidden domain is only forbidden to use, but although it is not forbidden here, it is actually deprived of magic power

"This is a divine art. When one's own magic power is deprived, it will be vitality and finally soul." Someone said

"Go, let's move forward," this person's statement reminded Cook of the God’s ruling of the Light Empire, even the soul was sucked away. The magic here is just slower.

This underground space is extremely large, but what you can see is that there seems to have been a great battle. On the ground, you can see pieces of rubble, big and small.

But these big or small stones will turn into a pile of powder as long as you touch them, giving people a strange feeling

"All the elements in it are lost." Cook now finally understands why the magic eye has no effect. There is no element in it.

"Where are those giant dragons in Cook" someone asked

"I don't know it's so weird here." Cook shook his head. Cook knew nothing about this unknown situation.

The speed of fifty people is extremely fast. In this underground space, everyone is walking purely with physical strength, but this space seems to be too huge for hundreds of kilometers, but it is still like boundless.

"Cook hastened to leave here with all his strength" Barry's voice thought in Cook's mind

"Why" Cook asked

"The person who placed this seal is too treacherous. Once someone enters here, you will find that there is a situation of absorbing magical powers around you. You can't help but use physical strength. But Cook, you thought that the person who did not place the seal may be the person who wants to come in. Do this" Barry said

Cook was stunned by these words. Cook gritted his teeth and said loudly: "It's not good, everyone, hurry up."

"Boom" After Cook finished speaking, a strong green light appeared on his body first, and then the whole person was suspended in the air; then the whole person flew out in one direction

The people behind "Go" saw Cook go this way and they all mustered their magic and started to rush.

A strange thing happened. Cook just rushed into the air bsp with luck and anger; the surrounding suction suddenly increased. This was something Cook had expected. Of course, it’s not surprising that Cook finally found out why it was endless after running for so long. In general, it turns out that this Nima is actually a huge turntable. Usually, the group of people keeps spinning like this, but how big is the turntable is almost hundreds of square kilometers in size.

"Insidious" Cook couldn't help being vigilant in his heart because it was almost a trap

As long as someone comes in, you will definitely find that it absorbs the elements and mental power and will not use mental power to check it, and the mental power scan of hundreds of square kilometers is not achieved at all, which means that everyone will continue to circle and circle until they are on the body. Elemental vitality until the soul is sucked dry

"No, there is the power of magic patterns" Cook immediately reacted

Cook thought quickly in his mind. Since such a huge trap is established here, then the demon seal

"Everyone, follow me" Cook thought quickly in his mind for a while and got the idea. Since there are magic patterns that absorb elements, this is the clue

Cook knows the magic pattern very well. I felt the direction of the suction force and immediately roared loudly. Dozens of people behind immediately followed.

The speed of these people is extremely fast, although the hearts of the people behind are sp; but now a suction force is constantly coming from around, so I can't take care of so much. Accelerate and follow Cook

"It's here" Cook came to a thick pillar and the big pillar in front of him was like a support pillar left by the hollowing out of the underground world, but Cook keenly felt that there were magic patterns on it.

"Alert" Cook shouted loudly and dozens of people around immediately dispersed. There are also those familiars.

"Huh" Cook wiped the dust directly and saw a very complicated magic pattern

"Found it" the people around were excited when they saw this scene

But Cook’s face is a bit ugly because Cook discovered that this is not a magic pattern but the highest **** pattern

There are only some magic patterns in the shadows of these gods. It is precisely because of the shadows of these magic patterns that Cook dare not act rashly because Cook found that if these gods are damaged a little, it will bring catastrophic consequences because this is a countless god. The most important thing about the formation of the pattern is that Cook is not familiar with the **** pattern. If there is an energy failure, the energy can be destroyed on this plane.

"Go" Cook checked and yelled immediately following the flow of magic energy in the **** pattern

A group of people flew directly to the top, although Cook was a little anxious, he still carefully checked the energy flow and finally Cook Seven Bend   found a huge rock gap If Cook didn't find it along the elemental energy, he couldn't find it at all.

"Artificial Traces" Someone found the traces of artificial excavation in the rock gap and immediately cried out

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