A Unique Hunter

Chapter 839: Want money but life

Three or five dragons that sacrificed their souls rushed towards the Lich. The Lich’s souls are all dead. Although the Lich’s soul is strong, the three-headed golden dragon is in the metal domain. The domain has a common feature, that is, assimilation, which is in the domain. Everything in it will be assimilated, just like the metal domain of a three-headed golden dragon. This metal domain will assimilate all other elements in the domain into metal, including the body of the lich.

Boom, several giant dragons carried the silver flame insect on the lich, and the body of the lich was immediately lit by the silver flame.

"Damn it, you hurt me, **** it, soul storm." The Lich was in pain by the sacrificial fire and roared loudly. Then the body of a dragon occupied by the Lich suddenly exploded in the metal realm. , And then disappeared.

"Puff." The three-headed golden dragon's domain was backlashed by the Lich's self-detonation, spouting a mouthful of blood, and the domain disappeared.

Cook felt tight, knowing that after the Lich blew himself up just now, he was definitely not dead, because the Lich was a special existence, and he didn't find a container to store the soul, that is, the phylogeny. The Lich would never die.

"Jie Jie, can actually hurt me, you humble ants, betrayers, I will punish you today." A strange laugh sounded in the entire space.

"Quickly, look for suspicious items separately. Lich has a phylactery." The three-headed golden dragon yelled.

Cook secretly cursed an idiot in his heart. Since he knew it was a lich, he should have been looking for a phylogeny. Only now is he remembering how many people he lost.

"Quack, I want to find the phylogeny of the god, quack, quack." The lich quack laughed strangely.

Cook is speechless. Why are there so many words about the lich? Cook certainly does not understand a lich who has lived alone for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if he can say a few words to the enemy, it is a rare opportunity, man, from the beginning. Social animals, social xing animals.

"I wanted to play with you for a while, but it's impossible now. Come out, my servant." The Lich's voice appeared very loud in the empty hall.

"Boom, boom." Just now Cook was still wondering if the lich could help him when he heard a loud bang from the wall next to him.

Then Cook hurriedly moved. At this time, Cook discovered that the metal walls around the hall were making banging sounds. The metal walls just protruded as if they were being hit hard. The walls around the entire hall were Yes.

"Zizizi." A pair of big golden hands protruded directly from the wall, and then the metal wall was torn apart by such a pair of hands like a cloth, making a sizzling sound.

Within ten seconds, hundreds of skeletons appeared in the main hall. The tallest skeleton is 20 meters long, and the shortest is about one meter. But these skeletons have a common feature, that is, the skeleton is Golden se.

Cook looked at a dwarf skeleton next to him, his eyes glistening, because the dwarf was still wearing equipment, and it was an officer’s magic pattern equipment, and he wore as many as six fist badges.

"Quack, enjoy the feast." The strange cry of the lich is the signal of attack, needless to say that these are the undead creatures transformed by the lich.

"Puff." Cook looked at the officer equipment of the dwarf skeleton, gritted his teeth, and gently approached the dwarf. Fortunately, the dwarf had short legs and fell at the back. Cook cut off the dwarf's skull with thunder teeth. Then he threw the lower body and his equipment into the natural ring.

"Defensive formation." The three-headed golden dragon was still wondering just now. How could the lich not have transformed undead? Oh, isn't it here? The three-headed golden dragon roared loudly.

"Quack, quack, there is actually another little bug, quack, **** little bug." Just when Cook put the dwarf skeleton down, the lich screamed, and Cook quickly slipped over.

Cook hid quietly in the corner of the wall, hoping that the Lich would not be able to find himself. After all, Ku had used the invisibility potion to overcome it. Knowing that just when Cook was holding a fluke, a dozen skeletons actually rushed towards Cook. come.

"Damn, who said that the undead move slowly." Cook roared in his heart, and then drove away quickly. Of course, Wang Ping'an would not go to the dragon to find death. There were hundreds of golden skeletons over there. There are only a dozen sides.

"It's actually a hybrid, a hybrid of orc blood, a dragon of dragon blood, can it be said that dragons like orcs too?" Wang Ping'an suddenly felt his eyes dizzy, and then a phantom appeared in front of Cook. This is the Lich, but What the Lich said made Cook want to tear the Lich to pieces.

"Asshole, Lao Tzu is an authentic human being, a human being." Wang Ping'an roared.

The Lich quack laughed strangely: "Quack, it turned out to be the lowest slave. I didn't expect that slaves would have such a powerful strength after interbreeding."

"You Demon Race is a bastard, and **** like your Demon Race are dead and deserve it." Cook cursed loudly immediately after being angry.

"Bastard, die." The Lich was so annoyed by Cook's words that he raised his hand as a black magic.

Cook took out a bottle of holy water and poured it directly on the Lich.

"Sir." A burst of green smoke emerged from the Lich's body.

"Holy water, **** it, tear him to me." The Lich was taken aback, and then immediately moved away from Cook, roaring hysterically, knowing that holy water is the nemesis of undead creatures. If the soul is damaged to the extreme, so will the lich Sleeping, but falling asleep in this environment does not mean awakening, but endless darkness.

According to the truth, the lich will absorb the soul particles in the deep sleep and slowly repair it until the day when he wakes up, but this is the seal of the devil, and everything is extracted, otherwise the lich does not know that there is What a pervert.

"Cut, you are the tattered stuff." Cook looked at the lich avoiding far away, regretting in his heart. If he brought Xiao Meili, it would not be a matter of hooking fingers, but why didn't he bring it? Actually Cook did not expect that there was a lich in the seal of the demon god.

Cook seems to be constantly chased by the skeletons behind him, and he seems to be embarrassed. In fact, Cook has a plan in mind.

"Darkness corrodes."

"Shadow Arrow."

"Undead flame."

"Spirit shock." One by one, the black magic was thrown from the Lich's hands to Cook like no money, and dozens of skeletons began to encircle Cook again.

Cook was embarrassed by the black magic of the Lich, and when the three-headed golden dragon saw Cook, his eyes widened with anger, and he whispered: "Stay steady, let Cook be the partner. The demon fight first."

What can these inferior dragons do? Of course, it is based on the words of the three-headed golden dragon. The three-headed golden dragon is the royal family among the dragons, and is inherently coercive to other inferior dragons and high-level dragons.

"Hmm, I will let you guys come back and forth." Cook looked at the skeleton team behind him, his eyes flashed, and then Cook turned back quickly, jumping to the chasing skeleton after a jump Behind.

"Puff." A dwarf skeleton was cut off by Cook with thunder teeth, and then only a blink of an eye left the skull with a head, and the lower body disappeared.

"Despicable, deceitful, yin dangerous bastard." The Lich immediately jumped and shouted, because the types of skeletons are different. Those with long legs run faster, and those with short legs are slow. This skeleton is no better than a guy with a grudge. With vindictive support, the dwarf fell behind just now.

The Lich hurriedly controlled the skeletons and began to change their formations to contain them. Cook narrowed his eyes, and the bottle of holy water in his hand slammed directly at the Lich.

You must know that the Lich is a full kilometer away from Cook, but for Cook's power, let alone kilometers, it can be reached by adding more kilometers.

"Zie Zi Zi." The Lich was at the top of the main hall. The holy water bottle smashed directly on the top of the Lich's head, and then the Lich took a free shower.

"Ah,,,,,,." The horrible howling of the lich resounded through the entire hall. You must know that the lich does not have a body now, but something like a ghost, which is like pouring holy water directly on the soul. Same as above.

Cook took this opportunity to take out a bottle of facial liquid from the natural ring, but the liquid seemed to be a little viscous. Cook opened the stopper of the bottle and squirted it directly towards the skeletons chasing him.

"This kid is sick." The three-headed golden dragon secretly slandered himself, and then passively resisted the other dragons. Fortunately, although these skeletons are equipped, these magic patterns are not supported by vindictive energy, and the dragon's defense can resist. Ok.

"Asshole, asshole, tore me this bastard, bastard." The Lich shouted angrily, his body hidden among the skeletons.

Hundreds of skeletons surrounded Cook, abandoning the dumbfounded dragon, Cook shouted loudly on the surface: "Elder, elder, dragon elder, help."

"Asshole, you did it deliberately, deliberately." The Lich also reacted, and immediately sent skeletons to surround the dragons, and the three golden dragons cursed, letting Cook do it on purpose.

Cook laughed inwardly, the Lich commanded at least a hundred skeletons to slowly surround Cook. The hall itself is not small, but the Lich is not a fool. He directly pulled up the line of defense and pursued and intercepted Cook. .

"Stop, stop." Cook saw this and shouted loudly.

"Jie Jie, want to stop, no, I will slowly tear your soul into pieces one bite at a time." The Lich Jie Jie laughed strangely.

"Don't stop, don't blame me for being impolite." Cook shouted loudly.

"Quack, you're welcome, okay, you're welcome to take a look at me." When the Lich heard Cook's words, he hid behind the head of a Titan Skeleton and laughed strangely.

Cook said loudly: "Since this is the case, don't blame me for being polite, Vine Art."

"Haha, haha, nature magic, haha, haha." After seeing Cook cast a spell, countless vines grew in the hall. The lich laughed loudly. What is the nature of Nima, that is the strongest Support, but against undead creatures, this thing is useless.

"Kacha, click." But the moment the lich finished laughing, the lich heard the sound of clicking.

The Lich took a closer look and was immediately stunned, and then the entire Titan skeleton was directly pulled into a pile of bones by countless vines, and the huge skull crashed on the ground.

"This is impossible. This is an undead skeleton made by a god-level Titan. Even if it is hundreds of thousands of years old, it still has the power of the peak of the sanctuary. It cannot be torn apart by a small vine." Then came the heartbreaking lich. Roar.

"Nothing is impossible, dwarf oil." Cook commanded the vine to bring the Titan's skull directly, and waved hello to the lich who was still on the skull, and the lich disappeared with a whistle. Up.

The lich ran to the side in a panic, and then the lich discovered something was wrong. Why were there only dozens of skeletons torn apart by the vines? The rest of the skeletons simply ignored the vines. The lich cried out, "You kid has a problem."

"I stopped, you still don't listen. In fact, I'm a very good person, and I just want to make a fortune. If you let the skeletons give me all the equipment, I won't move the skeletons." Cook He said while peeling off Titan's equipment.

The Lich hesitated. Cook must have an unknown means to clean up the skeletons. If the skeletons are cleaned up, then facing the dragon, his phylogeny is in danger, and the three-headed golden dragon jumped up and shouted, "Asshole," Villain, Yin risk, despicable, Cook, I will never end with you."

"I don't see it, this dragon elder has a grudge against me, I just need to equip it." Cook continued to add enthusiasm and said, while looking at the helmet that was taller than his own Titan.

The Lich hesitated even more, knowing that Cook had not only holy water in his hand, but also something to restrain the skeleton. Cook seemed to have some truth in what he said.

"Don't believe this guy, human beings are despicable, yin dangerous villains, kill him, kill him." The three-headed golden dragon saw the Lich hesitate, and immediately shouted loudly.

Cook also felt the Lich’s hesitation, secretly smiled in his heart, and then asked: "You said that if you hadn’t summoned these skeletons just now, could I make a move? And I’ve been in for so long. My enemy, this girl wanted to kidnap my wife as soon as they met. It's not a good thing."

"Bah." The three-headed golden dragon poohed immediately.

The Lich thought, yes, this human **** didn't make a move when he first started. You must know that if you attack yourself at that time, you will definitely suffer more damage.

While collecting the trophies, Cook said: "Hey, I am the least valuable thing. For the sake of valuable things, I can kill myself."

"Puff." Cook's three-headed golden dragon vomited blood, and it seemed that the Lich and Cook were about to negotiate, and Cook was still picking equipment, mother.

"Don't, don't believe the words of this despicable human being, he was the first to come up with ideas." The three-headed golden dragon felt the tremendous pressure, and hundreds of skeletons gathered on his side and immediately said loudly.

Cook immediately retorted: "I just want money and treasure. What's wrong, I don't have any idea about other things."

The Lich looked at Cook and asked, "You swear you only need equipment."

"Hey, of course I only need equipment. What do you want this bone rack for? There are so many bone racks outside." Cook put the last piece of equipment into the space ring and said with a sigh.

"Okay, then you swear by your soul." The Lich said immediately.

"Ahem, me, besides asking for money, there is another characteristic." Cook coughed.

The Lich was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "What are the characteristics?"

"I just don't like to swear, you see, I took these bones apart easily. Why do you say I swear? If you don't give it, I won't take it myself." Cook rolled his eyes and replied. .

"You, you bastard, dare to lie to me." The Lich reacted at this time and roared loudly. Then a piece of undead fire was thrown towards Cook.

Cook sneered. Under the green vines, the dark green viscous liquid spilled on the skull by Cook has long turned into head-sized gray elemental fruits, elemental fruits of the undead system. The Yan Se on the Jin Se's bones is slowly fading, and the tiny parts of the bones have turned gray and then turned into a pile of powder.

"Master, master, master, you are a waste, a waste." A voice rang in Cook's ear.

"Little Arrow." Cook asked uncertainly.

"It's me, master," a voice replied immediately.

"Damn, how many years do you want to sleep?" Cook immediately yelled, Xiaojian, a very rare bone creature. The last time Cook got a lot of crystal bones in that war relic, after Xiaojian absorbed it. Falling into a deep sleep, Cook almost forgot.

The next one was like a mouse, with ears like elephant ears, but much smaller, and a pig-mouth creature appeared in front of Cook's eyes. Cook asked suspiciously: "It has become a pale gold se."

Xiaojian looked at so many skeletons and said to Cook with his eyes bright: "Master, are these all for me to eat?"

"You can eat the bones, but the equipment above belongs to me, but you can eat so much." Cook said in disbelief.

"It's when people grow up." Xiaojian replied dissatisfied.

Cook instantly falls into sweat, you are a semi-elemental creature, you actually have a long body, even if you eat crystal bones, there is no one who has a long body.

"Then you go." Wang Pingan said immediately, looking at Xiaojian's drooling.

With a swish of a small arrow, he rushed forward, and all the nearly white skeletons in front of Cook suddenly turned to the ground. Cook saw this scene and all his jaws fell. Cook hurried over and ran over to do. , Of course, take the spoils.

Cook’s Thunder teeth cut open the skeleton of a skeleton easily. Cook took a look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and immediately understood that the bones of these skeletons’ limbs and joints were directly glued together. Cook quickly yelled: "Don't bother to put those guys down too, or the dragons will grab these bones."

"You dare to **** my things, even the dragon won't work." Xiao Jian immediately shouted aggressively when he heard this.

The three-headed golden dragon looked at at least one-third of the skeletons that fell to the ground for a few seconds, and then fell another third. When he was excited, he heard Cook say so, and then a little thing answered, three Even if the golden dragon didn't understand what the little thing was, he understood that those skeletons were caused by this little thing. Hearing that the little thing misunderstood him, he immediately shouted loudly: "Our dragon is not a dog. What bones do we eat?" "

"Hmph, don't want to lie to me, these bones are so precious, your dragon loves the baby the most." Xiaojian snorted, but he almost killed the three golden dragons when he said it.

"Bone type creature." If the lich had a chin, it would definitely fall off. This Nima skeleton ran into a bone type creature. This Nima is just for food.

The Lich was planning to deal with Xiaojian, but he knew that an extremely arrogant laughter rang out: "Quack, quack, quack, there is a lich, and I just woke up with such a big gift, short oil."

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