A Unique Hunter

Chapter 847: Monet offers a reward

Kalong and the Golden Dragon stared closely at the water flowing into the channel. The water kept advancing. Although the progress was small, the eyesight of Kalong and the Golden Dragon was great. For the passage that seemed to be hundreds of meters long, this The speed of the current is very slow, but after all, there is a reaction, and the hearts of Kalong and the Golden Dragon are stirring.

The two looked at each other, and their hearts were full of vigilance. What they were vigilant about was to beware of the other party going in. The two of them watched the water keep moving forward quietly. According to the current progress, there is still a long time to go. Some time.

In fact, this kind of energy-supported trap, once the energy consumption is not enough to support the trap, then the retreat speed is extremely fast, at first it is only a retreat of one millimeter by one millimeter, and finally it is almost ten centimeters or tens of centimeters. After dozens of minutes, the entire water flow ran through the entire passage, and the huge water flow rushed directly to the end of the passage.

Kalong was about to dash forward, but at this moment, the golden dragon gave a vicious kick.

With a bang, Kalong was directly kicked by the golden dragon and hit the wall next to him. The golden dragon shook his body and rushed into the passage.

Kalong stood up slowly, and he smiled: "You got fooled, old guy, how could I go in in an unknown danger, but I don’t do this, let you old guy think I know what’s inside, you Why would you rush in first."

Kalong walked slowly into the passage.

Cook appeared on the Plane Alliance with the Pioneer. The people on the Pioneer looked at the endless starry sky and the huge planets. They were all shocked, but West Asia was concerned about the things inside the Demon Seal. West Asia watched. Cook asked: "Cook, what do you say is in that powerful passage? Why is there such a powerful trap?"

Cook looked at Xia and replied with a smile: "I thought it was a trap at first, but then I pondered that the place was actually just a huge decomposition magic pattern."

"What do you do with decomposing magic lines?" Lina asked suspiciously.

"What else can it be? That big place, with so many people, must be used for garbage disposal, and I guess it must be the original source of energy for the entire space." Cook's answer surprised Lina and Xia. After a while, there was no response.

"The reason there is such a large passage is because there are too many people living, so it is necessary to make the passage larger, otherwise what to do with the garbage generated." Cook further explained.

Xia also nodded: "It's very possible, in such a big place, garbage is a very important issue, but Cook, how can you be sure that it is garbage."

"Why not? This is next to the city. If it is an important place, there should be something like a fort, but there are no defenses in that place. Obviously, it is a place that is not valued. There is only one reason, and that is that this place is an ordinary facility. Then I discovered that there is no place for garbage disposal in the underground city. Combined with the analysis just now, I guess it must be a place for garbage disposal." Cook I said my thoughts again.

Lina asked, "Is the energy power core something like a volcano."

"Well, I guess it will provide such a large living area, as well as magicweave defense facilities. There is only one huge energy source, magma. So I am not sure if this passage is destroyed, will the entire space collapse. Being destroyed, the magma below gushes out, my small body still dare not take risks." Cook nodded and said.

"Look, this is the Green Forest Empire, and this is the Sugar Maple Tree. The world has the most insect-type monsters, but these monsters are also divided into levels. At the top of the tree, those monsters are already close to the star beasts. A type of monster that is extremely rare in the plane alliance." Cook first came to the Green Forest Empire with his family.

As Cook drove towards the Green Forest Empire, he used the Magic Net to send messages. Soon after, the huge magical fleet followed Cook's Pioneer as a guard, while the Green Forest Empire’s An airport was even cleared out, and countless large and small magic spacecraft were ordered to drive away.

Of course, Cook didn’t know that Kalong and the Golden Dragon would actually be under the seal of the Demon God. Kalong walked slowly to the end of the passage and discovered that the end of the passage was a huge upright passage with a diameter of 70 or 80 meters and a depth of even greater depth. There is no bottom, but what makes Karon puzzled is that although this place has downward steps, it is very rough in every way. It is surrounded by a kind of charred rock, just along the exit of the passage. The two-meter-diameter metal pillar leads directly to the dark cave below.

"It doesn't look like there are good things in this place." Kalong was puzzled, and the huge water rushed directly into the dark cave, but the cave seemed too deep to see the end, so Kalong hesitated and went down. When I couldn't see it, a huge roar faintly came from the channel.

Kalong looked down vigorously, but didn't find it, but the sound was getting louder and louder. Just when Kalong was about to go down to see what happened, a stream of golden se flashed by, and the golden dragon did not look at Kalong. Long, just ran away.

"What the **** is running... is not good." Kalong was still wondering, but then immediately realized that the golden dragon was running for his life. In just a few seconds, Kalong saw the fiery red lava at the bottom of the cave continuously erupting. Come up.

Kalong turned his head and ran, the huge sound of magma rushing behind him, Kalong just left the passage, a large amount of magma spewed out from the passage, the magma continued to gush out, countless things continued to melt under the high temperature of the magma, Kalong It was also discovered that the metal walls of this space seemed to be faintly deformed.

"Damn it, Cook, you bastard." Kahron doesn't know where Cooke must know what this place is. No wonder Cook doesn't pay attention to it. Kahron also understands that this is mostly where the power core of this space lies. Originally the energy of magma was absorbed by the energy core, so the magma did not gush out, and it destroyed an energy node, so the energy of magma was not absorbed, so it had to be emitted.

Rumble, when Kalong escaped from the Demon God’s seal, there was a violent sound, and a huge sound erupted from the center of the entire Demon God’s seal. A magma spurted thousands of meters in the sky, and there was a lot of dust, poisonous gas, even though The obsidian that depicts the seal of the demon **** was also instantly shattered into fragments. One can imagine how powerful this is.

"It's in the center of the earth." Kalong also knows that the place where the Demon God's seal passes through is actually the core of the ground. The heart of Kalong has a lingering fear and ran tens of kilometers away, watching the fiery red magma spewing out from behind, even if it is a legendary powerhouse. It is a giant dragon, when faced with such explosive power, it is also very small.

Kalong’s face was very ugly. I didn’t expect to have been so busy for so long and almost couldn’t come back. The Golden Dragon watched Kalong flying over from a distance, and when Kalong arrived, he stared and said: "Jian liar, despicable Guy, don't let me see you in the future."

"You old guy, who rushed in first, shameless." Kalong was also very angry. Nima didn't call me when she ran. If she didn't react quickly, she might have been swallowed by magma.

With a bang, Kalong was kicked into the air by the Golden Dragon, and he yelled: "Jian scumbag, if you don't pretend to rush in, I will be in danger."

"You dare to hit me, I'm Cook's friend." Karon asked in surprise.

"Hmph, I swear not to do anything to Cook's friends and family, but I am the dragon royal family. I have a natural blood pressure on you guys. The oath has just been offset, and I will not kill you. "The golden dragon replied with a grunt, and then rushed up again.

Kalong also caught fire. He drank a few bottles of potions in a row, and then rushed to the golden dragon by relying on the military magic pattern equipment on his body. The two giant dragons fought together, and all of them were flying sand and rocks within a distance of several thousand meters. Large pits were punched out on the ground, and groundwater spurted out in some places, making it dizzy.

"Old guy, shameless, keep going."

"Jian liar, despicable, shameless bastard."

"Old guy, wait for me, if I get your granddaughter, I...Ouch."

"I'll see you hit you once, see you... Damn, you use dragon's breath."

From the beginning of the hand-to-hand combat, the two giant dragons developed to magic, the dragon's breath, from the ground to the sky, they fought earth-shaking, but fortunately, they were all unmanned areas.

Cook had just landed in the airport with the Pioneer, and a large group of people were waiting in the airport. Cook took the lead to walk down. The leader was an elf woman, but by looking at the crown on his head, he knew that the elf woman was The king of the Green Forest Empire, Cook bent over and performed the courtesy of a gentleman: "Your Majesty, it is nice to meet you."

"Your Excellency Cook, I am also very happy that you can come to the Green Forest Empire, and the Green Forest Empire welcomes you." The Elf Queen did not dare to show off the Queen's shelf. Cook is the parliamentary chairman of the Plane Alliance and also serves as The speaker of the plane alliance can be said to be the first person in the plane alliance, so the elf queen used honorific words.

Cook chuckled, and then Cook met with the people brought by the Elf Queen. Finally, some people were actually the people in charge of the property under Cook's name. It can be said that Cook has properties in all empires of the Planar Alliance, Green Forest Several trade chambers of the empire, as well as two large mercenary groups, are under Cook's name, and the industries under Cook's name are still being consolidated.

"President." The remaining person in charge of Cook's industry.

"Do it hard." What can Cook say, Cook doesn't know who these people are.

Cook and his party were received by the Green Forest Empire with the highest standards. They stayed at the best level of Tang Fengshu. Cook did not plan to go to other places, because Cook just wanted to release a reward, but Cook was still constantly disturbed. Some The person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce in Cook’s name came to ask whether he wanted to listen to reports and the like. Of course, Cook would not listen. These are managed by specialized people. It can be said that they can become an empire of chambers of commerce. It's sound, and there is a dwarf management team under Cook, so there is no problem.

In addition, there are ties and invitations to banquets. In the end, Cook was really annoyed and would not accept them at all, but Cook did not expect that this trick would still not work, because others have recognized it, and you are not allowed to come. It’s a matter of attitude that I didn’t come. In the end, Cook had to take his family to hide. There was no other way. The news of Cook’s appearance was spread. The number of people who visited every day gradually increased. Some of them were still princes and princes of an empire. I have to meet again.

Cook began to travel with his family in the entire plane alliance. Cook began to travel, but the entire plane alliance’s magic net trading platform caused an uproar. The seven magic alloy formula rewards made all parties excited. Magic alloy Formula, this is also a big direction in the entire plane alliance. There are more than millions of employees and more than 100,000 in the composite metal laboratory. However, the formulas in these laboratories must be approved by people, and more The laboratory is struggling to support.

"Look, look, is this recipe for bounty magic metal similar to the one we tested not long ago." In a laboratory, someone exclaimed.

"Really, really, wow, million magic crystal coins buyout formula, million magic crystal coins, my God." Someone immediately found the reward amount.

"The latter, the latter is the key point, see if it is the Baron of the Maru Empire, see if it, see if it is, the title, the title." Someone next to him shouted again.

This person then yelled: "I see it, I see it, there is a laboratory that has a formula that can become a partner and partner of Marutifang."

The person in charge of the laboratory immediately yelled: "Hurry up, hurry up, give me the experiment, do the experiment."

The entire laboratory immediately went into operation frantically, countless personnel became busy, and every condition of the reward was said to have made countless people jealous, and some chambers of commerce even contacted the laboratory that was dismissive in the past, crying for capital injection, and more Many laboratories have been established again, and countless people dig people from other laboratories with generous conditions.

Cook knows of course, so what Cook wants is this kind of effect, but Cook has more than seven bounties, and he needs too many recipes. Cook once again released 13 bounties, all of which are related to metals. In addition, it also released some rewards for solutions, which is to formulate a solution for the size of the magic pattern equipment. Of course, Cook will not indicate that it is a magic pattern equipment, but only gives the conditions and then asks for a solution.

However, in just one day, Cook accepted a magic metal formula. Cook and West Asia tried it out, and it did meet the requirements. So Cook immediately paid the magic crystal coins, and the Maru Empire also gave this test room. The owner of the was issued an imperial resident certificate, and the holder of the laboratory was awarded the baronial title, and the laboratory was listed as a partner by Marudifang, which can be said to be a step up to the sky.

In this way, some people hesitated to start the experiment immediately. The efficiency of the tens of thousands of laboratories was really high, so one after another, in less than three days, the magic alloy reward was completed, and Cook's mouth couldn't close, and some later The completed ones are even more pounding, but these later completed laboratories have been acquired by mysterious people on high terms. Of course, this mysterious person is Cook.

The solutions are even more dazzling for Cook, such as the size of a helmet, there are no less than five solutions, and each of them is feasible, but it requires very few changes. Cook saw that this magic net actually has such a Advantages, so the problems encountered in the manufacturing standards for braking magic patterns were given a reward on the magic network, as many as thousands of rewards, as well as design plans, design sizes, for different races, different heights, men and women , As well as different races and age groups, etc., all offer rewards on the magic network, involving a wide range of materials, production, size, craftsmanship, and so on.

And Cook’s price is very high, but without exception, Cook asks to buy out the formula or the plan. Although some people know that there are so many rewards, someone must make a big move, but whether it is a formula, a process or a plan, there is more than one. Maybe after a little hesitation, someone else will solve it, so the entire Monet is crazy about it, and the number of Monet users has also increased, and sometimes Cook will receive several solutions at the same time, which requires It is said that the Monet has been delayed, and there is a buffer for the release of the rewards, so they are released almost at the same time, but the reward task is not available.

However, there is another function of Monet, which is the function of recording time. It is like saying that you just paid a reward task, but after a few minutes you will find that your payment fails. This is because the delay of Monet in some remote areas is very severe, but Monet users It has more than doubled.

Sia looked at Cook's busyness, and now the Blazer is controlled by Lina. In fact, this thing is very simple, but in the starry sky, what you need to guard against is those fast-moving meteorites~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These meteorites are very fast. Fast, of course, fast speed also means strong kinetic energy. There are meteorites with speeds reaching millions of kilometers per hour. After all, there is no resistance in the starry sky, and the speed will only get faster and faster.

"Cook, how are you doing now." Xia asked with a smile looking at Cook's appearance.

"Hey, I didn't think of this a long time ago. Soon, the magic pattern equipment manufacturing process and the structure of repairing the puppet can be completed soon." Cook sighed, if he solves these things by himself, I don't know how much it will take. It’s only 20 years old, now as long as you offer a reward, it will come out soon.

West Asia gave Cook a charming look: "Of course, you are only one person's power, there are so many people on the Monet."

"It seems that I will pay attention to the magic net in the future." Cook nodded and said, and then started working again.

"Cook, there are star beasts in the distance." Lina's voice came over at this moment.

"Star beasts, how big is the size, number, and distance." Cook immediately asked nervously. Star beasts are robbers in the universe. Star beasts generally feed on minerals and can even survive by absorbing sunlight. , Anyway, very weird.

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