A Unique Hunter

Chapter 849: Star Beast "Part 2"

When Cook saw that this was no longer possible, he might be besieged by the star beasts behind. Cook found a good thing by scanning his mental power in the Ring of Nature. This is a modified firecracker originally intended by Cook. The development of thermal weapons, but later discovered that thermal weapons are useless in this world. Physical warheads are still useful for ordinary people. However, it is enough to equip a firecracker with expended ammunition, which is enough to arm a knight. There is no market prospect because In this world war, it is an unconditional sign. It is just eating and eating. It can be said that the pigs on the earth do not eat well. After all, pigs do not eat food, they will not grow meat. This is the food eaten at the bottom. The grain may be the powder of dried leaves

There are even some batters during the war. Note that the batter is not pure flour and there are other miscellaneous salt.

For professionals, a distance of 100 meters is not a big deal at all. Although the range is hundreds of meters, the effective range is at this point. For professionals, 100 meters is only two seconds at most, so there is only one shot. The sound of fire guns is loud, which is almost the best way to expose yourself, so there is no way to promote fire guns.

Cook took out the firecrackers. This is similar to the firecrackers of shotguns. The firecrackers burst out with a red flame but there was no sound. The shells of the shotguns were at least tens of meters away and flew into the distance at a very fast speed. Ke's body felt a backward force. Cook's body instantly flew upside down and flew out so fast

The bullets of the fire blunders also hit the star beast at an extremely fast speed. The star beast rubbed countless sparks on the surface of the star beast. The star beast saw the enemy who was about to reach it, and it bounced off the red light stone on its body with a single blow. The speed increased again. Cook also found that the scales of these star beasts were all propellers, generally accelerating and rushing towards him.

Cook knows that this is not the way to go, but Cook must first be familiar with the battle in the weightless environment of the starry sky. Cook still has time to look at the pioneer.

In contrast, the pioneering spacecraft is more flexible and constantly changing directions in the starry sky and constantly uses the meteor cannon to attack the star beasts. Although the meteor cannon will not cause any damage to the star beasts for a while, the huge energy of the meteor cannon still impacts these star beasts. Deviate in another direction and wait until the star beast changes direction. The pioneer has already moved away again.

The star beasts roared endlessly. Huge fireballs sprayed towards the pioneer Lina. Seeing that the pioneer is not in danger, study carefully. These star beasts can actually avoid their own space magic. This is the first time I saw it.

"Space Blade" does not have any anomalies in space magic in the starry sky, and space magicians do not have the slightest combat power because they have no magic power. Space exists anywhere in the entire world. This is also the abnormality of space magicians.

A space blade was released again. The black space blade, like a crack, rushed directly towards a star beast, Lina's eyes, opened wide. This space blade unexpectedly approached the star beast and twisted the direction again. Lina was surprised. But Lina carefully noticed that there was a light flashing between the two eyes of the star beast head.

In order for Lina to make sure that several space magics were released in succession, the head of the finder star beast would light up, but just like this, the space blade would actually be distorted and the star beast would automatically avoid it, which made Lina look away from the star. The beast is more tempted. Why is the star beast actively attacking or passively defending?

With the help of the firecrackers, Cook gradually adapted to the battle in the starry sky. Cook successfully opened the distance and did not blindly flee, but because the three-headed star beasts that chased Cook were lower in strength except for one leader. The leader was furious. Although Cook’s firecrackers did no harm to the star beasts, Cook’s action was considered to be Cook’s provocation for the star beasts, so the distance between the three star beasts was getting farther and farther. Is such an opportunity

Dong Dong Cook fired a huge thrust from his right side one after another, directly pushing Cook's direction of motion to one side, and then Cook fired again Cook's success in a way that resembled a sharp turn to the star beast. Direction movement

The star beast leader watched Cook directly pass by him hundreds of meters away, and spit out two fireballs in anger, but it was obviously missed.

The fire blunderbuss in Cook's hand fired again quickly and directly rushed towards the two weaker star beasts that fell behind. The red light on one of the two star beasts was rich and a lot of the body also slammed into Cook.

Kaka appeared on Cook's wrist, and then Cook rushed towards a star beast with a flick of his fingers, and then the whole body was wrapped around the star beast's long neck.

"Hi" Cook felt that the spider silk was tightened, so he fired a fire to the side again. Cook's flight trajectory was like a flying trajectory, but the spider silk in his hand Cook's body passed a semicircle in Cook's hand. Thunder teeth suddenly shone with green light and reached seven or eight meters long

Cook's body is centered on the pulling force of the spider silk. The whole body rushes directly to another star beast. Cook constantly adjusts the distance with the spider silk. The thunder tooth in his hand easily slashes across the side of the star beast.

The body of this star beast spurted countless blood immediately. Without the restraint of the scales and muscles, the powerful blood was sprayed out directly, and then flew away quickly. A large swath of blood-red liquid disappeared in sight in a blink of an eye. Ke pulled the spider silk with his wrist and immediately shortened it from a kilometer to seven or eight hundred meters. Cook was like a spinning top. The thunder teeth in his hand slashed across the back of the star beast, and the whole back split immediately over ten meters. Deep big mouth

"Hey Devil Vine" Cook laughed a few Devil Vine seeds and lased away, leaving the wounds of two star beasts. These seeds were soaked by Windsor with life essence.

The scars of the two thousand-meter-long star beasts would not have killed their lives, but the seeds of the devil's vine that Cook dropped caused the two star beasts to roll up immediately, and the whole body was lit up with a raging flame tens of meters high.

The star beast leader just rushed over at this time. The star beast leader glared at Cook, but what Cook did not expect was that the two star beasts planted with the devil vine in their bodies were so painful that they rushed to the star beast leader and madly tore Bite jet fireball

"Sweat is OK." Cook was still moving at high speed and saw the star beast planted with the devil vine in his body attacking desperately. The star beast leader. The star beast leader had been in contact for a moment. His body was bitten and dripping with blood. The wounded star beasts desperately attack the star beast leader and there is no way to stop it.

In a blink of an eye, Cook saw the pioneer, which was still evading the attacks of the star beasts in the surrounding starry sky, so he rushed up. What Cook didn't expect was that he hadn't waited until he was close to the star beasts and the star beasts would draw arcs and then rush towards The attacked leader

"How is it?" West Asia quickly asked when Cook slowed down.

"Fortunately, some are not suitable for starry sky combat and there is no equipment specifically suitable for void combat" Cook consumes a lot

Lina said, "These star beasts are immune to space magic."

Lina then recounted what she had encountered. Not only Cook and Xia were surprised, but even Manli and others were also surprised. Then Xia asked: "Forget about so much, what shall we do now"

Originally, Cook wanted to leave, but at this time, when he heard that the star beast was immune to space magic attacks, Cook planned to get some skins of the star beast and study it. Of course, the immediate thing to do is to put away the inaccessible puppets so that they can open up. The number space is large enough. Cook quickly brought back the damaged magic puppet and watched the battle of the star beasts from a distance.

The z-star beasts swarmed up and kept biting and attacking the two star beasts that had been sprinkled with devil's vine by Cook, and these two star beasts were no longer enough to describe the two star beasts as the youngest star in the entire star beast group. The strength of the beast is second only to the leader, otherwise it will not rush out with the leader. The huge size gives the two star beasts enough time. The leader of the star beast was madly bitten by the two star beasts, although the two star beasts also suffered other stars. The attack of the beast, but the two star beasts ignored the star beast leader

"This devil vine is too terrible," Lina said with lingering fear as she watched the battle in the distance.

"This is actually because the star beast is too big" Cook pointed out in a burst of blood

Xia sighed: "After this star beast group is over, look at that star beast actually biting out a piece of devil vine."

"No, these star beasts eat minerals, as long as there is devil's vine in the flesh and blood, it won't do much," Connie shook her head behind.

"It's a pity that the seeds of the Devil's Vine are very rare." Cook sighed. What if there are enough seeds for the Star Beast

"Cook, you can put the seeds in the arrow" Manli exclaimed from behind

Cook shook his head and said, "I don't use the high defense of these star beasts. My scissors may not be able to break through the defense." Cook shook his head. How can the defense of the star beasts that can live in the void be so simple? Maybe only Thunder Fang can break open. Defense of these guys

Half an hour later, the two star beasts were bitten by the group of star beasts, and the two dying star beasts that were visible to the naked eye continued to emerge from their bodies, and the heads of the star beasts also had similar vines and star beasts. Two dying star beasts with their huge mouths bite and do not relax, the surrounding void is even more sprinkled with countless blood

Seeing such a weird scene, the star beasts retreated and burst out bursts of flame magma in an attempt to burn the devil vines on the star beast, but these vines would be burned once and they would grow out again a few hours later. Three huge star beast corpses turned into a dense cluster of devil vines

The star beasts looked at the pioneer angrily, but the star beasts also knew how their leader died, so they curled up and disappeared into the void.

Cook looked at a big devil vine and immediately greeted: "Windsor come out and have a look."

"Ah, there are so many." Windsor immediately yelled at the devil vine when he saw it. These devil vines are very passionate about Windsor and don't want to be as cruel to the star beasts.

Windsor brought back many gray Devil's Vine seeds and said excitedly: "Mutated Devil's Vine Seeds are mutated."

"What about those?" Cook pointed to Devil Vine and asked

"What should I do is to let them continue to live. I have time to see." Windsor said while looking excitedly at the seeds in her hand, but the devil's vines were gradually shrinking together, leaving the huge star beast. The bones and some scales are scattered in the void

When Cook heard Windsor's words, he also sweated profusely. This devil vine can grow everywhere, but Cook doesn't need to worry about these devil vines themselves. They don’t move. Even if they move, it’s not dangerous for those planets. After all, there is an atmosphere. Under the action of huge gravity, this kind of friction can melt the rocks. Not to mention you, the devil vine plant.

Cook drove the pioneer and used the meteor cannon to knock the devil vine and the bones of the star beast into the air, leaving some star beast scales on the scene.

After Cook and others collected the scales, Cook and Sialina discovered that the scales actually have natural patterns on them, but these patterns are somewhat similar to magic patterns, but they are not magic pattern star beasts. The scales are not very large, only the palm scales. Cook knows that the dark part is covered in half of the color, so that these star beasts are equivalent to two layers of scales, each of which is half covered, and these scales are already exactly like metal. It has higher hardness and toughness than refined iron

There are tens of thousands of scales, but the lines on this have not been thoroughly studied. Cook, who would not be able to use it before, put in the natural ring and let Windsor complain about the garbage and clean up the above.

Cook knows Windsor’s love of natural space. Sometimes Cook forgets to tidy it up. Windsor will tidy it up. As long as there is open space, Windsor will plant plants. There is a little Cook wants to pick magic herbs and Windsor will not let Cook do it himself when there are other plants, Windsor does it himself

For the rest of the day, Cook will maximize the distance to detect the magic pattern. As long as there is a star beast, he will avoid it far. But during a month's voyage, he will only meet the star beast again. There are no more encounters in the plane alliance. Many strange planes have sandstorms all day long. The planes live with rare earth-type mutants and sand-type creatures. There are also planes full of swamps. The species on the planet are amphibians. There is also a plane on the planet. Tens of thousands of meters high mountain peaks, this plane planet is full of poisonous insects that like dark environments, there is also a plane planet that is all ice and snow, and there is a huge water ball tens of thousands of meters in diameter suspended around the void, giving off plenty of water vapor. A hundred kilometers wide, it looks like a strange foggy ball. There are many water creatures and flying water creatures in it.

The strange scenes and so on made Cook, Mickey, and Lori’s family excited. Cook took the time to constantly improve the standards for manufacturing magic weave equipment designed by himself. If there are any problems, Cook uses the magic net to contact. The local release offers a reward for one month. Cook designed the magic pattern equipment of the human race. The standard of combat clothing for the shield warrior is divided into seven types, mainly for different heights and different fighting styles. The entire standard is divided into boots, leggings, pants, belts, and chest armor. Shoulder armguards, wrist guards, gloves, helmet, a shield, a weapon, a cloak lined shirt, a total of 14 pieces, which means that the standard of this set of shield warriors has 98 different equipment

This is just the number of human shield warriors. You need to know that warriors are also divided into many kinds of one-handed swords, two-handed swords, one-handed swords, one-handed shields, and hammers, etc. The weapons used differ in their own agility defenses. Shield fighters require power and defense, as long as the power is high enough and the defense is strong enough, there is no problem. The two-handed swordsman must not only pay attention to defense but also focus on agility, so it needs a lot of changes.

"Cook, I don't think this standard needs to be formulated again, right? Anyway, it's all about customization." As soon as West Asia sees this workload, several major professions and countless races are required to develop equipment types that may not be less than thousands.

"Hehe Customization can't make the business bigger." Cook just chuckled and continued to set standards

"Do you still want to mass produce" Lina asked in surprise when she heard this

"Nonsense, not mass production. Why do I develop this standard? If I have thousands of such automatic maintenance puppets, I will design an automatic refining equipment by myself... By the way, there are still good things on the Spike Fortress. "Cook said here suddenly I took a shot of the base on the side of the Thigh Spike Fortress. Not only is there a huge decomposing magic circle but also an instrument that can make various items. Even the identification card can be made with such a sophisticated thing. Things but Cook didn’t have enough vision at the time

"Go to Spike Fortress" Cook said excitedly, and the pioneer gradually accelerated and disappeared into the void.

After Cook returned to his original plane, he immediately went to the Magician Guild Cook to check why this Spike Fortress was found. According to the plane of God, there should be no other planes in this space turbulence.

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