A Unique Hunter

Chapter 878: Kobold weakness

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Vincent jumped into the deep trench, then stretched his head and peeked over. The liquid bomb drew a beautiful arc in the air, which was also a line of death, falling more than a thousand meters away.

Boom, the first thing Vincent saw was a huge shock wave. The shock wave blew a house-sized stone into the sky more than ten meters high, and then instantly fell down the hillside, and continued to roll forward. He didn't know how many kobolds were killed along the way. , The giant tree surrounded by several people was also shattered by the impact of the huge shock wave.

When Vincent saw the shock wave, he had already buried his head deep in the trench, and some people who did not obey the command were left without a trace by the shock wave. Vincent felt like he was in a storm, huge. Even the oppressive Vincent felt that his breathing almost stopped. I don't know how long it took, ten minutes, five minutes.

In fact, the shock wave of the explosion was only a moment, but this huge sense of pressure made people feel that it took a long time. Vincent waited until the shock wave calmed down before slowly getting up.

When everyone saw the scene below the hillside, they couldn’t help feeling shocked. A large pit with a diameter of 100 meters. The inside of the large pit is full of exposed rocks. The huge thing was scraped a layer, revealing new soil, the trees were uprooted and thrown far away, and the traces left by the rolling boulders are still clearly visible.

Looking at the trench where I was hiding just now, it was also flattened, leaving only a shallow trench. The most shocking thing is that there were at least tens of thousands of kobolds under the hillside at this moment. .

"My god." Wildhammer exclaimed, also shocked by the scene.

"Everyone quickly build a defense, and dig the trench deeper for me." Seeing this result, Vincent ordered loudly because there was a liquid bomb.

Wildhammer also woke up and said to Vincent, "Vincent, I think I have a way to make this entire mountain collapse."

"Captain Wildhammer, I don't think we need to do that. I found that this liquid bomb is most suitable for flat ground operations. Let's step up the defense." Vincent shook his head to stop Wildhammer.

"Okay." It's a pity in Wildhammer's heart. The liquid bomb that Cook gave originally had a copy of it, but it was handed over to Vincent for safekeeping. Who knows that this liquid bomb has such a powerful power.

The human coalition finally woke up and quickly used simple tools to build defenses, while the magician seized the time to meditate and restore magic power.

Cook also saw the mushroom cloud of the liquid bomb exploding in the remote forest. Cook decided to break through. Cook was like an elephant, and the kobold on the ground was like a mouse. Although Cook kept using The feet are shot with a big shield, but there are too many kobolds, and magic puppets are limited by magic. As long as the magic crystal has no magic power, then this magic puppet becomes a decoration.

And this is in the forest. Cook's actions are greatly restricted. Fortunately, the defensive armor of the magic puppet is very strong, and Cook has already released the automatic repair puppet, and the chest cavity is even more prepared. A lot of materials, occasionally damaged places, will be quickly repaired. This damage is not damaged by kobolds. The level of kobolds is probably around level 8. It is already very strong on the plane, but in the holy Domain, kobolds are scumbags, but kobolds are omnivorous animals that eat plants and animals, so they have a strong breeding ability. Kobolds win by huge numbers every time.

That is to consume, after all, even if you are a sanctuary, there are times when you are exhausted, the kobolds are winning by piles of numbers, there is no other reason, so after a while, Cook had to start to flee.

Cook controlled the magic puppets to leave quickly, but the kobolds didn’t want to let Cook go. So behind the magic puppets followed a group of kobolds several kilometers long. When Cook saw such a scene, he wanted to just run away. But then Cook thought about whether these kobolds would attack Cold Spring City again if they lost their target.

But then Cook gave up this idea, what happened to Cold Spring City, and if there were no kobolds besieging Cold Spring City, wouldn't his plan fail? You must know that if Nick brings the fleet to rescue at this time, then Cook's Even the forces have inserted a nail in the civilized world of this sanctuary.

Now that Cook wanted to understand it, he drove the magic puppets and left quickly. Although there are a large number of kobolds, the magic puppets that Cook controls are fifty meters high and their legs are more than 20 meters high. Just stepped far.

The kobolds could only watch the magic puppets controlled by Cook disappear into the forest. The kobold troops chased them for a while, and finally did not see the magic puppets controlled by Cook. After running for hundreds of kilometers, no trace of the kobold was finally found, and the mana crystals consumed for a few hours only consumed half of the mana crystals. Cook looked distressed.

Cook decomposed the magic puppet and packed it up, and he relaxed a lot. Cook looked around, and then moved towards the area where the liquid bomb exploded just now. Because of the existence of kobolds, within thousands of kilometers There are almost no beasts, where the kobolds go to eat, even the most powerful beasts will be surrounded by kobolds and eaten.

The smell in the forest was so stinking that Cook had to take the magic helicopter out again, and then Cook drove the magic helicopter, and the speed immediately increased.

When Cook came to Vincent’s place, he was also surprised, because there were a lot of kobolds besieging Vincent’s people. Fortunately, Vincent occupies a relatively steep mountain and the surrounding kobolds. Densely, they are climbing upwards at a very slow speed.

After these kobolds saw Cook’s magic helicopter, the simple catapult below continuously fired stones, and some kobolds threw spears below, but these spears often flew tens of meters in the sky, and then It fell again, screaming other kobolds.

Those who were snarled by kobolds thought it was Cook’s attack, and even smashed the weapon in their hands in anger. Of course, it was accidentally injured. Cook saw this scene also very funny, this kobold’s wisdom The degree is not very high. As for the trebuchets, the range is much larger, but these trebuchets are not accurate at all, but most of them fall into the kobolds.

When Cook saw this, he dropped some smoke bombs. Cook originally wanted to use smoke bombs to interfere with the sight of the kobolds below, but he didn't expect that the smoke bombs would be dropped and the kobolds turned their heads and ran away. All the weapons inside were thrown away.

"No." Cook was puzzled, what is the reason for this kobold, and why he is leaving.

"Brother Cook." Seeing Cook's magic helicopter, Vincent was excited to give Cook a hug.

"Head of Vincent." Cook was overwhelmed by Vincent's enthusiasm.

Wildhammer also gave Cook a hug, and finally Wildhammer looked at Cook expectantly and asked: "Cook, is there any wine? I hate this **** place."

Cook smiled and took out two small barrels of ale. Wildhammer cheered and snatched the ale from Cook's hand. Then he took a sip. Wildhammer said to Cook, "Oh, great, Cook, you Simply my best friend."

But before Wildhammer had finished speaking, the other dwarves rushed forward, and the two kegs of ale were snatched by the other dwarves in an instant. Wildhammer jumped up and chased after him, and then it became a scene.

Vincent smiled and watched Wildhammer leave, then took Cook aside, and then asked in a low voice, "Cook, what weapon did you use just now, why did the kobolds run away."

Cook couldn't figure it out: "I don't know, let me see first, I just wanted to use this method to interfere with the sight of the kobold."

"Cook, do you have any smoking things like you?" Vincent was also surprised, and then sighed with good luck. If this smoking thing has an effect on kobolds, it can be foreseen that this kind of thing is in the whole How much benefit the world will bring.

"There are hundreds of them. Just take them. I'm studying them carefully." Cook took out a box from the Magic Helicopter, which was the size of a grenade.

Cook introduced: "This is a smoke bomb, a smoke that can last for half an hour."

"Haha, Cook, with such a good thing, we have a much greater success rate in defending. How is Cold Spring City going." Vincent took the smoke bomb and laughed, then asked.

Cook shook his head and said, "Very bad..."

When Cook explained the situation in Cold Spring City, Vincent's expression was much saddened. Vincent smiled bitterly and said, "This is the most common tactic used by kobolds. A small part is used as bait. I didn't expect us to be fooled. .

Cook smiled and said: "Don't worry, Cold Spring City is still very safe for a short time. At the beginning, I burned the kobolds with a fire. Within a few days, those kobolds couldn't get past the fire."

Vincent patted Cook on the shoulder: "Cook, hope is all on you. I hope you can find a way to deal with kobolds as soon as possible."

"No problem." Cook immediately agreed upon hearing Vincent's words.

There is no sunny shelter on the top of the mountain, and most of the combat supplies have long been lost. The few tents also contain some wounded. The tents form a simple camp, while most of the other people rest in the trenches.

Cook took a look, and then asked Vincent, "How many people do we have."

"There are more than 20,000 people in total. We have lost a lot in the battle for a few days." Vincent replied with a wry smile, because most of the survivors were mercenaries, not regular troops, because in the melee, personal strength Is the most reliable.

After looking at the topography of the mountain, Cook said, "Vincent, this is not the way for us. I think we need to move. Seeing that there is no mountain over there, there is a steep cliff on one side, and there is a platform near the mountainside on the other side. Most of them are also cliffs. We just need to defend the gentle **** in the middle, which is the best for defense.

"But how do we get there." Vincent looked at Cook and said with a wry smile. The mountain was chosen in a hurry at the beginning, but this mountain needs defense on all sides, which requires a lot of defensive strength.

"I'll think of a way." Cook took a visual inspection, at least more than two kilometers.

Then Cook made a simple calculation and said: "I have a way, but I need help."

"What way." Vincent didn't expect Cook to have a way.

Cook pointed and said: "Use the rope, which is higher on this side and lower on the other side, and then draw over the ropeway."

"But there is no such long ropeway..., do you have Cooke." Vincent also wanted to move over at the time, but there were too few flying mounts. Hearing Cooke said that, he denied it first. I realized that Cook must have a rope in his hands, so he said that.

"Of course." Cook replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll find someone to help with Wildhammer right now." When Vincent heard that it was possible to transfer, he immediately became excited. To know that he could transfer to the opposite mountain, Vincent was confident to stick to it for a month.

The Wildhammer came soon, and the McCann brothers heard that Cook was coming, and they also came to see Cook from the back of the mountain. The Giant brothers were very energetic and apparently did not suffer any harm.

Soon a group of dwarves got busy on the top of the mountain. The metal rope required for a distance of more than two thousand meters itself is a great gravity, plus there are people, so the fixed depth required is very unusual.

The rock was digging into a cave several meters deep, and the metal rods were punched in, and then poured the black iron that was found in the kobolds. Then Cook rode the magic helicopter and started wiring, Cook The metal cord with the thickness of the ballpoint pen core is used, which is made of composite metal and the rib of Warcraft.

Soon the two McCann brothers began to fix the metal rope on the opposite mountain. Three hours later, the metal rope was fixed.

"Go to the dwarf to build defenses first, and move fast." After testing, there is no problem with the metal rope, and Vincent ordered.

It used to be very simple. Just put the animal skin on the metal rope and slid over. However, for safety, the distance between everyone was more than 50 meters, and a lot of branches were placed on the opposite side. Resist this inertial force.

The next thing is simple. After the flying mount was broken, after more than 20,000 people were transferred, it was already midnight. The kobold tried to attack several times, but was smoked by the smoke bombs that Vincent dropped. It is Baotou scurrying.

The new camp was quickly established. There is a platform on the mountain peak and a cliff over 30 meters below the platform. Only a part of the middle area has a relatively steep gentle slope, which was built on the gentle **** forcibly by the dwarves. A new city wall was built, and all the unused metal was melted and poured into the gaps in the city wall. The two-meter-high city wall was poured with molten iron. The entire city wall is more than 200 meters long and has a platform. The trees below have also been cut down, and most of them have been carried on the platform. If it is a bit difficult for ordinary people, but these are the lowest level professionals, so it is not only fast, but also not difficult, huge The platform is more than 20 square kilometers. There is a water source on it. The edge of the platform is also not on the log fence. There are patrols along this fence. Because the kobolds also have flying units, be careful.

Among the two people, 15,000 took turns guarding, and the remaining 5,000 were responsible for building camps, building fences, etc., while Cook was studying the smoke bomb in the newly built wooden house to study what makes the kobolds afraid.

Several kobolds are being **** in the metal cage on one side, all of which Cook used for the experiment.

The composition of the smoke bomb is not too complicated, magic crystal powder, combustion aid, ultra-fine charcoal, and finally some paralytic agents, and some plant powders that can produce a pungent burning smell.

When Cook made smoke bombs, he thought of tear gas on the earth, so he added some.

With this level of research, Cook quickly understood that the burning of a pungent plant powder would make the kobold's sensitive nose unbearable, and the kobold's nose has become the biggest weakness.

However, this level of attack is not deadly, and there is a solution, that is water, but there is one point. Kobolds are very afraid of water. They will scream in fear when they see deeper ponds. It's stinky because of not taking a bath for a long time.

"Finally finished." Cook looked at the new formula. This is no longer a smoke bomb, but a formula of medicine. This medicine is applied directly on the body. This pungent smell does no harm to humans. The smell is scent, but it is very irritating to the kobold.

It's like some people will be chased by bees after applying perfume. Perfume smelled by humans is irritating gas smelled by bees. This is the easiest way to deal with kobolds.

"Cook, you're sure this thing is useful, it's not really perfume." Vincent and Wildhammer sprayed this kind of potion on their bodies, and then Vincent asked very strangely.

"Yes, this kind of thing has a certain effect on animals with a strong sense of smell." Cook nodded and said.

Wildhammer looked at the kobold on one side, then picked up the weird bottle in his hand that sprayed out some perfume with one click, and sprayed it at a kobold without a word.

"Wow." Just as soon as the spray went down, the kobold screamed, and with his nose, tears couldn't stop streaming down, and he wailed in fear.

"It's really effective." At the end of the wildhammer's look, the kobold convulsed, not to mention the combat effectiveness, even standing.

Vincent looked at Cook and asked excitedly: "Cook, how long will it take for this thing to equip all of us~www.wuxiaspot.com~Vinson, this is still flawed, but the fragrance will attract other monsters, and The effective range of this scent is only fifteen meters, and it has no effect on the long-range attack of the kobold." Cook reminded.

"Haha, the long-range attack of the kobold, Cook, please, are we afraid of those junk things." Wildhammer exaggerated, because now the kobold has passed out of foaming at his mouth. The hammer looked at it with disbelief that there was probably only one drop of this potion, at least a few hundred drops in the small bottle. Hearing what Cook said, he immediately cried.

"Head, head, no good, kobold shaman, and there are still two." A human rushed in quickly and reported to Vincent.

"What, let's go." Wildhammer and Vincent rushed out with a change of face.

When Cook heard this, he mumbled: "Shaman, I want to see how these guys are different from orc shamans."

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