A Unique Hunter

Chapter 880: Kobold Shaman "Medium"

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Cook kept waving the weapon in his hand while rushing towards the place where the strange group of kobolds were. In fact, the location of these strange group of kobolds was not far from the altar, only a few hundred meters away. It's just distance, plus Cook's height itself is a lot taller.

"Boom." This strange instrument rang again, and Cook's attack frequency immediately became messy.

The attack frequency is like listening to music and tapping. The attack itself has a rhythm, but when the sound is interrupted, the rhythm is messed up. Cook is surprised. Although the attack frequency is disrupted, he is constantly pounced around him. The kobolds who came up attacked several times, but the material used in the magic pattern equipment was simply beyond the reach of the weapons in these kobolds.

It's not that Cook doesn't want to use the magic pattern equipment on his body and the magic pattern weapons in his hand, but Cook is now at the legendary level, wearing officer-level magic pattern equipment. This kind of equipment is very powerful, but the same needs to be consumed. There are also more grudges, so Cook does not want to use it, but dare not use grudge attacks.

It's like the ancient people got a tank, there is not enough energy to push it, only when the tortoise shell is used.

"Wow." When the strange group of kobolds saw Cook rushing over, one of the kobolds wowed.

Kim then Cook saw the strange group of kobolds constantly standing up, one by one kobolds about the same height as their own. These kobolds are different from the surrounding kobolds, they have scales instead of other kobolds. These kobolds were completely dark, with cold eyes and no emotion at all. These scaly kobolds were originally sitting on the ground, so Cook did not see them.

"Dragonborn kobold, and it looks like a black dragon!" Vincent and the others on the city wall took a breath of air and were completely shocked.

"I don't look like a black dragon, but the shape of the scales looks like a crocodile dragon." Wildhammer also looked very solemn.

"Urollolo." A kobold shaman howled loudly, and then with a wave of the wooden staff in his hand, a green light enveloped Cooke.

"Stagnation halo?" Cook felt a slight inconvenience. Looking at his green body, Cook immediately understood that these guys are so-called kobold shamans, and they are negative auras.

Cook's eyes lit up. You must know that among the orc priests, only high priests can release the negative aura, but looking at the aura released by the kobold shaman, this power is too small.

"Hahahaha." The kobold shaman who had just released the sluggish halo raised his stick and shouted.

Hundreds of dragonborn kobolds rushed towards Cook, but this time these dragonborn kobolds all used their own paws. The paws of these dragonborn kobolds stretched out like they were holding a thief. The claw weapon is average, but more flexible than that.

"Humph." Cook snorted coldly when seeing these dragonborn kobolds rushing over.

"Crazy." With a move of Cook's heart, the whole person instantly became mad. The whole person instantly became bigger and taller than those dragonborn kobolds, and Cook put away the one-handed sword, a seven-meter How long a single-edged sword appeared in Cook's hands. It was also a fine-quality military equipment, weighing as much as 160,000 jin. Of course, if you entered vindictiveness, you could reduce the weight, and Cook wouldn't be able to hold it without going crazy.

Cook's image has also undergone a fundamental change, ears grow, eyes are red, and the rest of the parts are covered in the equipment, invisible, but even so, Vincent and others are shocked.

"It's going to be mad, it looks like this is a bunny blood." Wildhammer said in disbelief with his mouth wide open. ‘

Vincent smiled bitterly, because the blood of humans contains blood of other races, but it is more difficult to awaken these blood than to reach the sky. ‘

Although humans have the largest number of people in the sanctuary, they also have the most powerful people, and humans also have the most extensive land, but it must be admitted that human racial talents are not as good as other races at all, and among humans, one wants to become Super strong, then you must first awaken racial talents, but what is embarrassing is that humans have no racial talents, so the awakening is often the talents of other races, the madness of orcs, the forging of dwarves, and the mathematics of dwarves. , The precision of the wizard and so on.

So in the human world, as long as you awaken the racial talents of other races, the growth rate will increase. But the only thing that makes Vincent better is that the bunny people’s racial talents are not crazy. Of course, a race of a race There are many talents.

Racial talent refers to things that can be mastered without learning, like madness, forging, and the precision of elves, almost all are innate, but humans are not good. Humans need to spend a lot of time on learning. Time was wasted, so those with racial talent are ahead of their peers around this point, which is also one of the reasons for being able to become stronger.

The single-edged sword in Cook’s hand is actually the kind of weapon like a saber. It is called a single-edged sword in this world. Cook holds the single-edged sword tightly with both hands, just sweeping it gently. The kobold was emptied of a large circle immediately, and all of them were torn, because the single-edged sword had a torn **** pattern on it.

Cook’s attention was focused on the **** pattern. Cook discovered that the **** pattern could absorb vitality, as well as soul. The torn kobold's body showed a dry and cracked state, just like being exposed to the sun for a few days. The absorbed energy is actually transformed into the power to tear the magic pattern, which means that this magic pattern does not require the user to inject energy.

"Haha." Cook laughed loudly, and the whole person steadily moved forward, constantly marking open spaces among the kobolds.

"Woo." The Dragonborn Kobold saw this scene and made a threatening sound.

As soon as this threatening sound was made, the ordinary kobolds around retreated like a tidal wave, leaving an open space several hundred meters in diameter. Cook is basically at the foot of the mountain now, but the location of Cook Station is higher. , Cook watched these hundreds of dragonborn kobolds and saw that these ordinary kobolds were scared of this dragonborn kobold. Cook decided to try to see how strong this dragonborn kobold was. If it was still possible, he could regain it. For their own use, after all, these dragonborn kobolds can order ordinary kobolds.

"Roar!" The dragonborn kobold roared, and his long fangs leaked out, roaring towards Cook.

"Good." Cook stabilized his figure, holding the single-edged sword tightly with both hands.

"Puff puff puff." Hundreds of dragonborn kobolds pounced on Cook from all directions.

Cook sneered, then looked at the tearing **** pattern on the single-edged sword, and his whole body broke out in an instant, and then injected into the **** pattern.

Then came a strange puff, hundreds of dragonborn kobolds seemed to be imprisoned in the air by a strange force, some had just jumped up, some had already waved their paws, and Cook's single-edged sword exploded countless ways. The green rays of light, Cook itself is of the wood type, these rays of light are like a large net, directly across these dragonborn kobolds.

Then in the next second, hundreds of dragonborn kobolds made a popping sound all over, and then they all turned into piles of dry and cracked pieces. Cook was also stunned. He didn't expect the grudge he would enter with all his strength. For such a large attack power, in the eyes of outsiders, Cooke burst out of vindictive light, and then hundreds of dragonborn kobolds around were instantly killed. Only Cook knew that it was the **** pattern that formed the uniqueness of the domain. space.

The vitality and soul power of hundreds of dragonborn kobolds was absorbed by the gods, and Cook felt that these powers seemed to be just a little power gathered in the gods, and Cook thought of what would happen if the gods were full of power Could it be that it was an attack that ruined the world, and then Cook realized that the officer’s magic pattern equipment seemed to be a high-level item used by the gods. Cook swallowed his saliva and quickly put the single-edged sword away. If something is known to others, then Cook won't have to think about the consequences.

"No, no, impossible." Vincent stammered.

Dragonborn kobolds are a headache in the entire sanctuary. It is said that a mercenary group encountered two dragonborn kobolds, and they were almost destroyed in the end. Strong defense, strong power, abnormal recovery ability , This is the clearest message left by the dragonborn kobolds to the entire sanctuary, but what happened today? A legendary guy actually killed hundreds of dragonborn kobolds in seconds.

"How impossible, don't forget the elders behind Cook. I guessed that his elders gave some life-saving thing, maybe some kind of powerful scroll." Wildhammer said disapprovingly.

When Vincent heard Wildhammer say this, he thought about it, and it is possible. After all, a family like Cook must have something for young people to save their lives. But then Vincent became very curious about Cook's family. .

Cook rushed directly into the group of kobold shamans with lightning speed. A dozen kobold shamans were brought down by Cook within ten seconds, and then they were stuffed into a pet space bag. Ke didn't forget to put the strange things on the altar, at this moment, two bangs rang again.

Cook turned his head and saw that in front of a strange object, two golden kobolds were trembling at the strange thing.

"Haha, I almost forgot." Cook grabbed the two golden-haired kobolds together. As for the strange objects, Cook put them directly into the space ring and the strange one in the middle of the altar. Things, these things Cook dare not put them in the natural ring, who knows what side effects there are.

"Help, help." The surrounding prisoners who were used as sacrifices saw Cook rushing over and immediately shouted.

"Huh?" Cook almost forgot these prisoners.

Cook easily cut the ropes from these prisoners. At this time, the kobolds around reacted, because the incident just hit the kobolds too much, but this time the kobolds did not besie Cook. Instead, he turned around and ran, and roared with horror. Many kobolds fell to death and were trampled to death.

"You go first." Cook said to hundreds of prisoners.

Then Cook began to set fire to the kobold camp and the simple siege equipment he made. Then Cook slowly retreated. Of course, the fire was secondary. The widowhood loot was real. Cook was in several tents. Demon cores were found inside, all of them are legendary monster cores, there are some gorgeous furs that Cook has never seen before, and there are many monsters teeth, which are being polished, obviously preparing to be made into weapons. There are Warcraft nails.

This time it took more than half an hour to search for Cook. Cook later discovered that the better the tent, the more good things would be found, like the place where the chief of the tribe lived.

After Cook returned to the city wall, he found that everyone's expressions were a little wrong, so he asked Vincent in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

"According to the captive's account, the captured alive were tortured and then eaten alive, but some of the slightly beautiful female soldiers seemed to have been sent away." Vincent said solemnly.

"Women are the women of the mercenary group?" Cook asked in surprise.

"Of course, there are no women in our regular army, and it is said that there are quite a few. There are thousands of people. I guess the women in the team responsible for logistics and transportation have also suffered. There are also some less beautiful women who have been tortured to death. , And the kobolds even ate the corpses." Vincent's face was very ugly.

Although Cook knew that as long as he fell into the hands of kobolds, there would be no good results, but it was another thing to say it. Cook asked in a low voice: "Then I saw women among these prisoners, and a few elves. Is it?"

"No, these are as sacrifices, it seems that there is no torture." Vincent shook his head and said.

Vincent hesitated, then gritted his teeth and said, "Cook, I beg you for one thing?"

"Is going to rescue those women?" Cook didn't understand how Vincent looked.

"Cook, with us, only you can come and go freely among kobolds. Although my strength is higher than you, my equipment is not as good as you, and my fighting spirit is exhausted. It is the rhythm of hunting for death, and you..." At the end of the explanation, Vincent didn't say anything. He obviously felt very ashamed. After all, Vincent knew that he should do this.

"Well, let me interrogate those kobold shamans first, and if it's not right, we can exchange these shamans. By the way, those kobolds in my lab should not be killed. I have to go back and send the letter. "Cook thought for a while and said.

As soon as Vincent heard this, he jumped up and ran: "Don't tell me earlier, I'll go and have a look."

Cook also followed, but the kobolds had been killed directly by the angry captives, and Vincent's face was ugly.

"I said what's the matter with you? We will not come earlier?" A human being said in a cold voice after seeing Vincent come in.

Vincent raised an eyebrow and replied: "How do I do my business."

"You still have reason. There are tens of thousands of people here, watching us as sacrifices below, what do you think?" the human mercenary said, and the rest of the prisoners were also dissatisfied. .

Wildhammer is not as good as Vincent's character. Wildhammer spit out, and then said: "What kind of stuff? It's the same thing that saved you guys. If you knew it, you should not be saved."

"That is, I don't have the ability to kill kobolds. After I come back, I don't know what it is to kill my captive kobolds." Cook also agreed.

"You, you, everyone, you all listen, what attitude these guys are, if you are captured in the future, these guys will not save you." The leading human heard this and immediately screamed.

The faces of the people around were a little weird. Obviously, what this person said was in the hearts of the soldiers around. Cook sneered and said: "Then, according to you, we should send out a decisive charge and kill hundreds of thousands of people. , Save you trash that doesn't know how to be grateful?"

With this mouth of Cook, the surrounding soldiers reacted, yes, do you want us to go out desperately, think about how many kobolds there were just now, if you rush out, the casualties will be large, and someone immediately said: "Captain, I see Drive these guys out, these guys have a bad heart and pose a safety hazard to our current camp."

"Yeah, commander, these guys were rescued, and they still complained that these are unfamiliar white-eyed wolves and deserve to be fed to those kobolds."


Vincent didn’t look good. He heard the people around him say so, he said loudly: "I don’t know that people who are grateful are not worthy of living in the camp. Please drive these guys out for me."

Hundreds of captives were dumbfounded, and some shouted: "No matter what happens to us, he is the only one who is making trouble."

"Dare you, I am..." The human being who made trouble just now did not expect such a result, and immediately shouted loudly.

But Cook stunned the boy to the ground immediately, and then Cook said to the prisoners who were still yelling: "Although you didn't speak, what attitude did you have just now, Commander Vincent, I suggest that these guys be imprisoned first. Get up, and after the war, you will be sued for disrupting the order of the military camp. As for the leader, he will be driven out of the camp."

Vincent glanced at these captives in disgust, then nodded and said: "Put them in custody. If anything happens, kill them and throw this guy out of the camp for me."

"Yes." The soldiers around immediately took the prisoners down and locked them up.

These soldiers also regretted that as soon as the prisoners said that, they were shaken. If you know that there are so many kobolds just now, if the leader really wants to save people, how many people will die, so the situation of these prisoners can be imagined. As for the leader human who threw out of the camp, I don’t know if the two soldiers forgot or something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and threw it directly outside the wooden fence. You must know that this fence is made of logs. It is to prevent things like the trebuchet below, and it is tens of meters high from the ground. If you drop it from this height in a coma, you can imagine the consequences.

"Bah, what's the matter, if it's for these selfish guys, let's go to the rescue, it's just death." After throwing it down, a soldier murmured.

"Let's go, now the camp is much safer, I hope we can live." Another soldier sighed.

"Cook, it's up to you to rescue the prisoners." Vincent bowed to Cook.

Cook quickly stepped aside and said, "Well, I will give you an answer tomorrow morning. I will interrogate these kobolds first, but I don't want these kobold shamans to be harmed, after all, this is my personal trophy."

"Cook, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again. Come here, put me in custody of the guards guarding the laboratory." Vincent went out after speaking and shouted outside.

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