A Unique Hunter

Chapter 882: Exchange captives

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Holo crawled on the ground and replied tremblingly: "When your Excellency said just now, Xiao Xiao secretly took note of it. He put the first material in sixty-five breaths, and then in the next forty-three breaths. Stir it for twenty times, then put in the second potion and solvent..."

Cook felt weird when he heard Hollow's words, because this kobold can say that IQ is not very high, but it is because he is not very smart. After teaching a few times on refining pharmaceutical agents, he can actually succeed. After refining, this is because the kobolds are too smart or the humans are too stupid. You must know that some pharmacists have been apprentices for more than ten years, and the refining drugs have not been successful, and this Holo can actually refining for a few hours. The system is successful.

But Cook was also relieved afterwards, this kobold shaman can be said to be the smartest existence in the whole kobold, how many times.

"Okay, go on." Cook just had some thoughts, but as he understood that these kobolds were in the minority, there were no thoughts anymore, and things that were not universal had little value.

This is just like jade. In the past jadeites, the ice species we are talking about are low-grade, because there are a lot of them, but now the price is high. It is also because of the large number, there is room for speculation, and those behind the scenes. Talents will make more money, and so are antiques. Why are porcelains sold at auction so expensive? It is important to know that there are at least millions of pieces abroad, even more than this number. This is also room for speculation.

Cook continued to let the kobold shaman refining medicine. Cook made some small mistakes in his estimation. After four days, a huge army of kobolds surrounded the entire mountain range, some of which were wearing poor-quality armor. The kobolds still hold metal weapons, but when you look from a distance, you know that these kobolds’ weapons were made by themselves. Among them, there are a few kobolds who are taller, and they wear Warcraft fur. I can still see the leather armor of the past, but on the head is a golden yellow helmet with shiny gems.

"Tsk tusk." Vincent sighed as he looked at the kobolds at the foot of the mountain, and there were a large number of kobolds stationed on several hills in his line of sight.

"Damn it, where did these **** come from?" Wildhammer cursed.

Cook took Holo out, and then put Holo on the wall. The countless kobolds below immediately exclaimed. Within ten minutes, a dozen strong kobolds with golden helmets came below. Wow, yelling below.

"Holo, tell them that we need to exchange prisoners. Once a day, you have more than a dozen shamans. We exchange one a day. As for who to exchange first, let them decide for themselves. Anyway, we need one for the prisoners on our side. Exchange it once, or I will break your necks." Cook said coldly.

Hollow thought of Cook’s cruel heart, and then looked at the kobold below, and immediately yelled loudly, but Hollow’s voice was too low, so Cook applied an amplification technique, and the volume increased instantly. Great, Holo was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted again and again.

The dog’s head below screamed in popularity. Hollow looked at Cook and wanted to say something. Cook waved his hand and said, "I don’t accept bargaining. Remember, if you don’t want to, I will break your neck immediately. ."

Hollow didn't expect to encounter such an unreasonable person like Cook. He thought that if Cook would get angry and break his neck, Hollow looked at the kobold below and immediately shouted loudly.

"Go to someone and bring me another kobold shaman." Cook told a dwarf soldier beside him.

"I'll go." Wildhammer ran over quickly.

A few minutes later, another kobold shaman was brought over by Wildhammer. Cook said to Hollo: "Tell them, I have lost patience. This is a small warning."

"Kacha." Cook directly broke off one of the shaman's legs that he had just brought.

"Wow wow wow." The kobold shaman whose leg was twisted out screamed.

"Hehe, this is only a slight punishment. If I don't agree, I will cut off this leg directly." Cook said coldly with a one-handed sword in his hand.

Holo screamed, and the kobold shaman whose leg was broken by Cook heard Holo's words and immediately endured the pain and shouted at the kobold below, as if angry.

"Your Excellency, they have agreed." Holo breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head and said.

"Well, whoever is the first one tomorrow, let them discuss it quickly. We can’t have fewer prisoners here. If our prisoners get hurt, hehe, I don’t mind giving you the same harm, even better than This is even worse. By the way, it is not allowed to attack us." Cook said with a smile.

Holo screamed loudly as soon as he heard it, and the one who had his broken leg screamed together. When the two guys finished yelling, Cook took the two guys away.

"It's over?" Vincent watched the kobold step back in disbelief.

"What do you want to do, but I like this kid, Cook, he's so refreshing." Wildhammer said in admiration.

"Well, leave those who are on alert, and the rest will go to rest." Vincent then shouted, after all, after several days of busyness, everyone was exhausted, and it seemed that these kobolds would not be able to do so for a while. Will attack.

After Cook treated the kobold shaman who had broken his leg just now, he imprisoned these guys together, and then Cook went to another room to research the suspected sonic attack.

A green light flashed in his eyes, and Cook’s magic power was input bit by bit into this unknown palm-sized thing. After half an hour passed, Cook did not notice any changes, but Cook What is certain is that the magic is absorbed.

For an hour, this thing had no response at all except for absorbing magic power. Cook stopped delivering magic power. Cook thought about it last time and took out a bag of extremely fine magic crystal powder. The finer the magic crystal powder, the better the effect. Of course The finer the quality, the higher the quality. The superfine magic crystal powder was sprinkled directly on the unknown thing just now.

A strange thing happened. The magic crystal powder disappeared quickly, but when it disappeared, a strange pattern appeared on the magic crystal powder. Cook understood it immediately after reading it, and then turned it over and repeated the steps again. A pattern appears.

After reading it, Cook was also shocked. The two demigod patterns, two of which are intact, and the broken ones around, are considered half, which means that this may be a fragment of a super weapon.

An officer-level boutique magic pattern single-edged sword can explode such a powerful force with a tearing **** pattern on it, so how big is the attack from these two demi **** patterns? It's no wonder that Cook has flicked it earlier, which will make the crystal in the house The utensils are broken.

The identification method Cooke did just now is actually the easiest method, because no matter it is the magic circle, the magic pattern, the **** pattern, there are magic circuits that can absorb the energy in the magic crystal powder quickly, and the magic circuit The magic crystal powder on the gap between them loses their magic power more slowly. Although the distance between the magic circuits is very short and short, and the **** pattern is only part of the outside, Cook still knows that it is a **** pattern.

Magic Array Cook knows, and Magic Run Cook also knows, so this is more complicated than Magic Run, and what Cook doesn't know is not a **** run or something, it's the simplest way to eliminate it.

Cook thought that he had lost the magic power for an hour, and finally he almost flicked it. He was frightened, because Cook wanted to understand that the magic power he entered just now was stored. If he flicked it just now, it would be stored in the **** pattern. The magical power was released at once, and Cook couldn't imagine the consequences.

Cook took this unknown fragment with two demigod patterns as his last killer, and carefully stored it next to his body. It was a big killer.

Of course, Cook did not plan to use it frequently, because this piece is already in fragments. The more you use it, the shorter the lifespan. It is a fragment itself. I don’t want the entire artifact to have a complete **** pattern system, so the number of times it must be used Limited, because a complete artifact has many systems, including control, energy backlash, and self-defense, etc., so a single attack can cause great damage to the material itself.

The rest is the strange thing that can release the halo. Cook took it out and took a look. It was obviously a totem pole. The material was bronze. Although Cook was nominally the supreme commander of the Maykai Empire, when it comes to totems, Ku Ke does not have a major in Wumei, and none of the Totem Cook on the totem pole knows it, because the totem is an abstract existence, and people who don’t understand cannot understand it.

Since it was a totem pole, Cook packed up this thing and prepared to show it to Wu Mei, but Cook can be sure that these things cannot be made by kobolds.

"Holo, where did you come from for the sacrifices?" Cook brought Holo over and asked.

"It's the place of bones, it's a famous area in the underground world, where there will be a corrosive mist from time to time, as long as the creatures that enter, even the bones will be corroded, even metal can be corroded, but It’s only for a long time. If it is not corroded, it must be a treasure, but the quantity is very rare." Holo said.

Cook pondered the place of bones, but he didn't dare to draw conclusions without seeing it with his own eyes. Cook asked again: "How big is the place of bones, and are there any good things in it?"

"I don't know, we also obeyed the instructions of the guardian beast before daring to enter the land of bones." Holo replied respectfully.

"Flaming Crocodile? What do they want you to do?" Cook asked in surprise.

"We don’t know. Anyway, it’s just for us to look for things, but they don’t want what they find. However, I found a strange thing, that is, the guardian beasts dare not go to the bones, even the edge areas. , Some of our kobolds have not completed the tasks paid by the guardian beast, and will hide there. At this time, the guardian beast will let us catch those disobedient guys and come back." Holo said.

Cook vaguely grasped something, but after thinking about it carefully, there was no clue. Cook thought for a while and then didn't think about it. After all, inspiration came from the point of view.

"Cook. It's fighting, it's fighting." Vincent rushed into Cook's room and shouted loudly.

Cook hurriedly picked Holo up, and then followed Vincent to go up the city wall to take a look. The kobolds underneath actually fought in a mess. You hit me and I hit you. It was impossible to tell who was who.

"What's going on?" Cook asked in surprise.

"We don't know, we came here only after hearing the news." Vincent shook his head and said.

"They are arguing over who is the first to exchange." Hollow replied on the side.

Vincent glanced at Cook. He didn’t expect that with a few words, the kobolds started fighting with each other. Vincent had to admire Cook. Cook didn’t mind to watch the battle below, but at the city wall at his feet. In four days, the city wall was about five meters high and seven or eight meters wide. The walls were piled with various stones and logs, which were obviously for defense. The cliffs below the walls were cut straight by the dwarves. The highest place It is forty to fifty meters high, and the lowest place is also seventeen eight meters high. The gentle **** that was originally a hundred meters wide was cut off abruptly, and this private house is seventeen eight meters high. However, in this area that was originally a gentle slope, the footings of the city walls in this place were poured with molten iron, which can be said to be very stable, and the stones in the rest of the area were also walls made of about a ton of large stones.

I have to say that this is an extremely vast project. Cook looked at the melee below, so he lost interest, and left a word. "Let them fight, regardless of our business."

"Well then." Vincent was very puzzled by Cook's calm appearance. Wildhammer was already drunk at this time, and Vincent watched from the wall with interest.

The kobolds fought for a whole day and night, and finally decided the order of exchange, but this is already the third day when the kobolds arrived. Below the kobolds pushed a group of dwarves, dwarves, humans, and elves with thousands of people. Captives, and most of them are women.

"Okay, you go." Cook pushed a kobold shaman forward.

"Guck." The kobold shaman's legs trembled. Obviously, this guy was afraid that Cook would not speak much, but he was eager to go back.

"Hurry up." Cook shouted loudly at the thousands of prisoners, and these prisoners heard Cook say so and started to act.

Thousands of captives spent more than half an hour, and then Cook looked at the kobold shaman, patted the kobold shaman on the shoulder, and said, "I hope we won't fight anymore."

Then Cook left at last. When the kobold shaman saw that Cook was gone, he rushed towards the kobold, and then there was a sound of howling and crying. Obviously the kobold shaman was frightened. broken.

Vincent and Wildhammer were responsible for placing the prisoners. Cook watched the kobold army retreat, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He thought to himself that this kobold shaman would say that when he returned home, demon?

Although Cook’s guess is not very accurate, it is still the same. In the kobold’s largest tent, dozens of patriarchs wearing gold and silver helmets listened to this kobold shaman constantly narrating the tragic experience, a certain The intestines in the hapless guy's body were dragged out, then cut open, and finally stitched together, and then scene by scene.

The kobolds around were pale. These kobolds imagined that there was a part of their body missing. They all felt cold sweat and swallowed their saliva unknowingly, but most of them were dubious.

But when the second, third, and fourth kobold shaman came back and said the same, the kobold itself was very timid. Hearing Cook did this, Cook had a nickname, a humanoid demon.

"Cook, it's the fifth one today, and it's less than a week. What shall we do?" Vincent came to Cook uncontrollably.

"In just these two days, there will be reinforcements coming." Cook said comfortingly.

"Reinforcement. The nearest big city is more than 60,000 kilometers away. Even if it is a spacecraft, it needs to transport enough people. It will take at least a few months. You must know that this is not tens of thousands of kobolds, but hundreds. Thousands of things." Wildhammer said grimly. ‘

When Cook saw this, he asked, "Then what do you guys say?"

Both Wildhammer and Vincent were speechless, and Cook wondered if Nick and others should have arrived. It was already eleven days.

"Beep buzz." A dull horn sounded.

"Sorry, this is an air alert." Vincent rushed out, Wildhammer followed, and Cook finally.

"It's our fleet, fleet." As soon as Cook came out, he heard someone shout loudly.

Cook raised his eyes and saw that there were a total of fifteen huge mana spaceships. Cook quickly shouted: "Quickly, clear the site, this is our reinforcement."

The people below all got busy. After half an hour, a huge flat land was emptied, and a silver-white mana spaceship fell down. Vincent and Wildhammer both opened their mouths because of the hundred meters. The long magic puppet is so beautiful, with beautiful arcs and beautiful colors~www.wuxiaspot.com~dongdongdong. "There was a sound of neat footsteps, and hundreds of guards wearing strange equipment stopped, and then blocked everyone around.

"Haha, Vincent, let me introduce you. This is a friend of mine, Miss Murphy." Cook said when he saw Murphy come down.

"Murphy, this is Captain Vincent, Captain Wildhammer, Vincent is the captain of the guards of Cold Spring City, and Wildhammer is the captain of the guards of Gem City." Cook introduced Murphy again.

The others had long been ordered by Murphy and turned a blind eye to Cook. Murphy smiled and said to Vincent and Wildhammer: "It's nice to meet both of you. We belong to the Cotai Chamber of Commerce."

When Cook heard Murphy's introduction, he almost felt his feet soft. Obviously, this name must have something to do with Jin Guangjian. Jin Guangyan also appeared beside Cook, staring at Murphy with anger.

After Vincent and Wildhammer heard the introduction, they were in a bad mood. Vincent smiled reluctantly and said: "Miss Murphy, it seems that the Chamber of Commerce here can't help you much?"

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