A Unique Hunter

Chapter 887: The challenge begins

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Cook looked at the person who came in. The person who came in was a human being about two meters and five meters tall, a full head taller than Cook. This is not the point. How to describe it, that is, the height is eight feet. The waist circumference is also eight. Of course, this is an exaggeration. The whole person gives a sturdy atmosphere, like facing a giant dragon, with bulging muscles. Cook sees that his arms are thicker than his thighs.

But such a person is wearing a samurai uniform, of course woven from magic spider silk, and a pair of cloth shoes under his feet. This person simply stands there, as stable as a mountain.

"Excuse me." Cook stood up in confusion, and Cook was sure in his heart that the identity of this person was not simple, and this momentum was enough to explain.

"I am the lord of Stormwind City, Trust Stormwind." The visitor introduced himself.

Cook froze for a moment, and then reacted, Stormwind City, the main city of the Stormwind Kingdom, and the Stormwind family is the actual controller of the Stormwind Empire, and Trust is the king of the Stormwind Empire. Cook quickly said: "Welcome , Your Majesty the King."

"Haha, haha, sit down, Lolo, what are you stingy **** doing here?" Trust glanced at the dwarf and asked with a smile.

"Your Excellency Trust, I am in charge of Mr. Cook's reception work." Lolo's tone was a bit dissatisfied, but Lolo did not dare to be presumptuous, this trust is an extremely powerful character.

The Kingdom of Stormwind is the only city on the mainland that is close to the sea. Stormwind City is also the largest city close to the sea. There is no need to say anything in the sea of ​​Sanctuary. The ability of Stormwind City to stand on the sea is its own strength. The symbol of Stormwind Kingdom is also the richest kingdom and one of the trade centers on the mainland. The area of ​​Stormwind Kingdom is not very large, only a few hundred square kilometers, but the harbor of Stormwind Kingdom is five kilometers wide. A large ship with a load of tens of thousands of tons was built, and it is said that the Kingdom of Stormwind controls the trade route with some mysterious forces in the depths of the ocean.

Trust is the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the sanctuary, and the son of Trust, Tony Storm is also the leader of the new generation of characters in the sanctuary. Although Lolo is trusted by the dwarf king, the kingdom of storm is too far away from the dwarf territory. Up.

"Sit, Cook, I'm very optimistic about you, this time I bought you a victory." Trust almost made Cook fall to the ground when he opened his mouth. Nima was actually a gamble.

"Thank you for your kindness." Cook replied with a bow. In this place where the strong are respected, respecting the strong is a common rule for all.

Trust looked at Cook and didn't find any difference. It felt like normal, too normal, and no one would pay attention to it when it was thrown in the crowd, but the more so, the more important it was.

"Oh, trust is here." Trust was about to say something, but another human came in at the door.

The human figure was thin, but his eyes gave a very spiritual feeling, his fingers were slender and his skin was smooth, but Cook faintly smelled a strange fragrance from this man.

"The incense made by dragon blood tree." Cook instantly judged that the incense made by dragon blood tree can increase mental power and can make people quickly enter a state of concentration. However, dragon blood incense is used by magicians. I took a closer look and found that this man had bracelets, necklaces, and some accessories. They looked no different from ordinary ones, but Cook was a magician, and his knowledge was not small. Cook dared to pack tickets. When one of them is excited, the place where he lives will become a ruin, the power of the magic pattern jewelry is just talking.

"Hai Lan, you are also watching the fun." Torras moved his fat big **** with a smile, and then patted the seat beside him.

After seeing this person coming in, Luoluo had to bite the bullet and salute: "Luoluo will see Your Excellency Hailan."

"Well, you can go out if you have nothing to do. What's wrong with you as a dwarf here." Hai Lan frowned.

When Cook heard the trust call this person Hailan, his scalp was numb. Hailan is the title. Hailan is a water magician, and the level is also the pinnacle of the sanctuary. Hailan became famous from passing through the Imperius Icefield, which is located In the east of the sanctuary, that is an endless plateau. I don't know how many people have entered, but there has never been alive. Hailan is the first person, and has been awarded the title of Hailan since then.

Hailan’s other identity is the chief teacher of the Batumi Empire, and this Batumi Empire is an empire established by orcs, and Hailan’s two wives are orcs, and are called Hailan’s national division. This is the best among mankind, and a wonderful work among wizards.

"Meet the noble Master Hailan." Cook had to act like a magician.

"Why, you are still a magician." Hailan sat opposite to Trust, watching Cook salute, and asked dumbly.

"Some magic talent, but it's really bad. I'm a hunter." Cook shook his head and replied.

"Don't say so much, I can smell the smell of wine here. Take it out quickly. If you entertain guests, you must look like entertaining guests." Trust said.

When Cook heard what Trust said, he quickly opened the wine cabinet and saw that there were only two bottles of good wine in it, and Jin Guangyan was sleeping in it. Cook himself was afraid of coming. So first take out the good wine and talk to Jin Guangjian. Cook only now wakes up. As long as Jin Guangyan has wine to drink, he will care what you say.

"Sorry, this is the wine, and the pet stolen it." Cook smiled awkwardly, then took out the wine glass and started pouring the wine.

What Cook didn’t see was that just after he opened the wine cabinet, Hailan saw Jin Guangxuan sleeping in it, and smiled first, but then he showed an unbelievable appearance, but only for a moment. , Regained the smiley appearance, and Trust was always paying attention to Hailan's reaction, and he was puzzled.

"Good wine, good wine, this is at least 60 kinds of magic fruits brewed, it seems that there are leaves of the tree of life, did you kid Cook steal the treasure of the elves?" Trust asked after taking a sip of the wine.

"No, I got it from a flower elf friend." Cook had already thought of the words.

"Flower elves, didn't it mean that the flower elves are in the hollow mountain." Hailan asked strangely when he heard Cook say this.

"Hehe, I actually came out of the empty mountain, where our family has lived in seclusion for countless years." Cook opened his mouth and came.

"Hang Kong Mountain, that's dangerous." Trust said meaningfully.

Cook sighed and said: "Who can say no, we are still in the outer area, and life is already very difficult, so we have to come out."

"Haha." Hailan thought to herself and smiled, but said nothing.

The two bottles of wine finally fell on their stomachs, and Trust and Hailan left. After Cook sent the two away, he also pondered. Cook's words were half-truth and half-truth, and Hailan and Trust did not dare. Easy to enter, on the one hand, it is still the site of the golden beast, and the number of monsters in the hollow mountain is too much. There are several at the peak of the sanctuary. Only the dwarf who wants money and life will go where, but the mountain The giant's site is still in the outer area of ​​the Kengkong Mountain, which is considered to have just entered the Kkong Mountain, so Cook is not afraid of these people to check.

As for the flower elves, Cook also deliberately leaked it out. After all, the flower elves cannot always live in seclusion in the hollow mountain. This is extremely bad for the racial development of the flower elves. Danger is also the driving force of development.

"Hai Lan, where should I sit." Trust asked while looking at Hai Lan.

"If you have anything, just say it straight." Hai Lan frowned.

Trust didn't care, and asked in a low voice, "That kid Cook doesn't seem to be telling the truth."

"I know I can't hide it from you. I think that kid's pet looks like..." The last few words Hailan just made a mouth shape.

"Impossible." Trust jumped up, staring at Hailan.

"Believe it or not, and I not only felt the breath of magic in this kid, but also the power that an orc priest possessed." Hai Lan said with disdain afterwards.

"No, no, it's impossible," Trust stammered.

Hailan smiled and said: "According to the truth, this possibility is possible, just like I awakened the racial talent of the orcs. I have the blood of the snow leopard among the leopards. This kid cannot awaken the racial talent. As long as the talents of the awakening race can become priests, don't forget, I have two priestly wives."

Trust still replied in disbelief: "Impossible. There are many talents in the human race of Awakened Orcs, but these talents are of no growth value. Cook has the blood of the Bunny, but this kid's awakening racial talent is probably I don't know what it is."

"Your message is wise, what is it?" Hai Lan asked with a smile.

"The blood of the Bunny is crazy, but many people saw it with their own eyes. I still have a magical image in my hand." Trust said with a smile.

Hailan was completely surprised. The Bunnyman's racial talent has become mad. None of Nima's 100,000 Bunny people has the madness talent. There may be one in a million, but after being mad, it is still alive. The sobriety in the transformation has become mad, not to mention the bunny man, it is the tauren among the orcs, the liger, tiger and leopard three races with high madness rate, sober madness is also a one percent probability.

"This kid, haha." Hailan said these words for a while.

"Otherwise you thought I was interested in coming to this smelly place." Trust said the reason for coming here, and then looked at Hailan.

Hailan touched her nose and said, "I am the great sage who asked me to come here. I can't say anything about it."

"The Great Sage." When Trust heard these words, he was completely messed up. What is the Great Sage? That is the prophet of the orc clan, the highest spiritual leader of the orc clan, as for the pope, there is nothing here, only God servants, and then worship gods, the **** servants are responsible for general things, and the gods come from time to time to deal with some things.

"Okay, I'm leaving first." Hailan wants to analyze these things and see what the great sage has for letting himself come here.

Since the sky was over, Trust has come to Cook from time to time, he brought his own good wine, and told Cook a lot of secret things. The excuse of course was to win glory for mankind and fight for the face of the dwarf king to be lost to the sea. While going, Hailan only came occasionally, and didn't say much when he came, and occasionally asked about the things in the hollow mountain.

After a week, the challenge officially began. Cook led by Lolo to a huge stadium resembling a stadium. Of course, the all-metal structure used by the dwarf as always is a nouveau riche in the eyes of others. Li is disdainful.

Cook looked around. There were at least one hundred thousand people. The middle field was as big as two football fields. There were huge gas lamps. Yes, the dwarves used gas lamps. There was a red table on the side. In the seat of a slip, Hailan, Trust are all sitting there, and there are races such as dwarves, elves, giants, etc., which are obviously representatives of all parties, and humans account for half of the representatives of all parties.

The dwarf king was very conspicuous. After seeing the dwarf king, Cook still saluted very respectfully: "Your Excellency the dwarf king."

This title is a bit interesting, sir, this title covers a larger area, and the addition of the three words dwarf king is just to respect the title of dwarf king, as for the person in front of you, let's talk about it.

The dwarf king took a deep look. If his eyes can kill someone, Cook must be dead. The dwarf king asked directly: "What are you going to challenge? Just say it."

Ignore, barely ignore, but everyone present thinks that the dwarf king has this ability to ignore Cook’s existence. Cook’s words that sound good are ordinary people, and those that sound bad are just not influx. What is the dwarf king, even if The strength of the dwarf clan is at the very end, but the dwarf king also governs more than one hundred large cities with a population of hundreds of millions. It should be an attitude to ignore.

"This is a challenge book, but I want to see the proof of the land." Cook doesn't care, ignore it and ignore it. What you want is your attitude. If you have a better attitude, some things are not easy to handle.

"Humph." The dwarf king snorted coldly, and a dwarf beside the dwarf king coaxedly said: "In front of so many people, we will have less land proof."

"I just want to know, yes or no, if not, I'm still very busy." Cook asked without raising his eyelids.

"You..." The dwarf who was talking next to him was pale with Cook's words, and was about to attack.

"Enough, shame." The dwarf king yelled coldly. The dwarf king looked at the surrounding audience, knowing that there is a magic circle here, so everything he said would be greatly amplified.

Cook laughed after seeing this land certificate. There were several racial certificates on it. Obviously, the price of getting this thing was not small.

"Hehe, if I lose, I don't know if this thing is worth or not." Cook said with a smile.

When people around heard this, they felt sorry for the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, because even if Cook lost, tens of millions of kobolds, dwarfs have the ability to control their lives. If Cook provokes the divorce again, tusk, the dwarf chamber of commerce. The second is to lose.

"Don't say so much, if you lose, I want you to be my servant." The Dwarf King pointed to Cook and said.

Cook touched his nose, and said, "Since the Dwarf King asked so, what if I win."

"Win, kidding..." the dwarf king said coldly.

Cook immediately interrupted and said: "Since the dwarf king has now affirmed that I lost, could it be said that the dwarf king will cheat in the next challenge, or the dwarf king is a prophet."

"You..." The anger of the dwarf king, he was interrupted by the crowd, and he wanted to kill Cook immediately.

But the dwarf king was interrupted again this time, and Trust said with a smile: "Dwarf king, you are too stingy. You are allowed to ask for more people's bets, but you are not allowed to ask for it. Your dip is too cheap. Got it."

"Then you say what you want." The dwarf king was accused of being cheap, and it was in front of everyone. The dwarf king really wanted to point to Trust's nose and asked, what can I get from such an innocent guy? , But the dwarf king can’t. There is a saying that the more you describe the darker.

"I hope to get the engineering notes of the dwarf king." Cook said embarrassingly.

When Trust and Hailan heard this, they were stunned for a while, and then laughed loudly. The people around them also laughed. Only the gnomes in the stands below shouted: "Despicable, shameless, sly bastard, How can we give you the engineering notes of the dwarf king."

The dwarf king was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into contemplation, because the dwarf king's notes were not simply engineering notes, which involved many of the most advanced things that dwarves were studying.

After smiling, Trust said, "I bet the dwarf king is not willing."

"I don't want to change it. After all, the notes of the dwarf king can be said to be priceless." Hailan knows how precious the notes of a peak powerhouse are. Sometimes an inconspicuous sum can make People understand it.

The dwarf king pondered for a moment and said: "It's not that I don't want to, but that this engineering notebook is related to some secrets of our dwarf clan."

"Well, I hope to get the practice notes of the dwarf king." This is what Cook waited for. You said engineering is the secret of the dwarf clan, so what about your personal practice notes.

"Puff~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hailan just took a sip of water and it spewed out all of a sudden. Hailan really did not expect that Cook would make such a request.

Turras sighed: "Hey, the dwarf king has nothing to say. The engineering notes say it is related to the entire dwarf clan, but this practice note is personal. How can this kid, Cook, be so smart that he knows to drive people into the corner. ."

"Haha, yes." The dwarf king's face was pale, but he had to grit his teeth and reply to Cook.

At this time, Cook gave the challenge book to Lolo. Lolo opened it and sneered, and then said loudly: "Cook’s challenge is to use something other than magic materials to make the fastest machine. Regardless of shape, size, this machine can carry at least two people for long-term movement. Finally, the final winner is determined according to the speed of the machine's movement, the load capacity, and the duration of the movement."

ps: Everyone guessed what the challenge will be.

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