A Unique Hunter

Chapter 915: The establishment of a strategic alliance

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Before Cook had spoken, the following alliance members started to make trouble. The news that Cook released just now is really shocking. Everyone has not awakened from the shock. Hundreds of magicweave equipment have been added to expand the Alliance Guard. To add dozens of sets, you must know that it is easy for the members present to live another two or three hundred years, dozens of sets a year, hundreds of sets in ten years, and thousands of sets in a hundred years.

After the alliance members had calculated their minds, they also breathed in shock. It can be said that there are really thousands of guards armed with magic pattern equipment. What kind of concept is that? Sanctuary is at least invincible. Some people even know, really With such a big battle, the gods above must be jealous of three points, and the thought of making the gods jealous makes the people present simply can't calm down.

Just at this time, the Dwarf King actually dared to jump out. Although everyone did not know the content of the challenge of the Dwarf King to Cook, but for the members present, the Dwarf King was just a soy saucer, and this soy sauce passed by. The timing was not good at all, and it became the object of these people to vent.

"What, that three-inch Ding, who dare to challenge our alliance members, I don't think I want to live anymore." As the president of the largest chamber of commerce in mankind, Philip not only possesses the high-level strength of the sanctuary, but the guards around him are even stronger. Incomparably, in the human domain, Philip sometimes can make a human kingdom perish with a single decision, and Philip has always had a hope, that is to get involved in the magicweave equipment business. Here in Cook, Philip successfully realized his wish, although it was a scalping, but It's better than the miserers of the Mageweave Trade Union, and business people know that sometimes they can't help but beg for help. Philip thought that if the Alliance Guard is formed, whoever shows Lao Tzu's expression on Nima, Lao Tzu will let the guard go out.

In fact, the benefits are far more than these. The members of the security alliance are almost all human beings. With common interests, Philip's Chamber of Commerce has received a lot of help in the expansion. Therefore, Philip is considered to be a more profitable part of the people. For this strategic alliance Also more agree, so Philip was the first to jump out.

"That is, these dwarfs are arrogant and arrogant. I have decided that after my sphere of influence, I will not allow the sale of dwarfs, let alone sell anything to dwarfs." Another big man also said.

"Cut, it goes without saying that the dwarf's things are not as cheap as those of our Machinery Union Chamber of Commerce, so whoever buys them." Someone cut out dissatisfiedly, and said disdainfully, obviously there was some friction between the two.

Cook saw the noise of the people below, and grinned and said: "Well, let’s leave things alone with the dwarf king. Let’s take a look at the agreement of our strategic cooperation alliance. Of course, as a member of the alliance, you have rights and obligations. I understand everything, as well as the management method of the guards and the conditions required for dispatching the guards. It is impossible for us to run hundreds of thousands of kilometers to bully ordinary people. This is too worthless."

"President Cook is right. The guard is actually a deterrent thing, but if anyone doesn't care, then we can let the guard teach them a lesson." Someone immediately said.

Because Cook has explained above that the deployment of the guard requires funding, and the source of the funding is contributed by everyone. This is also Cook to prevent the future alliance from using the guard indiscriminately. If you want to pay, it will be voted by a show of hands. Consider it.

The affairs of the dwarf king were left aside, and the contract of the strategic alliance had to be constantly revised, constantly discussed, and a series of things such as the selection, management, and command of the guards. It took more than two days to make this new The alliance was established.

At the end of the discussion about the name of the alliance, Cook had already been quarreled. Let the following members who seemed to be smashed to discuss. Cook's quarrel for two consecutive days and two nights made Cook a little unbearable. Cook replied After arriving in the room, she took a bottle of sober potion. Lina saw Cook doing this and asked with some confusion: "Cook, what happened?"

"Why do you ask?" Cook asked Lina curiously.

Lina sat next to Cook and said, "Seeing you working so hard, something must have happened, and it's still serious."

"Hehe, there is nothing wrong, just a conflict with the Mageweave Master's Union and the Gnomish King is imminent, I just stabilize the rear, don't let us mess with ourselves first." Cook said with a smile.

The storm in the gods is uncertain how long it will erupt, and Cook didn't want to tell Lina, but Cook had a sense of urgency in his heart, and Cook had to work hard to cultivate his own power.

After looking at the strategic alliance contract that Cook brought back, Lina looked at Cook and said, "Cook, is this too fast? According to your way of doing things, you will not be so impulsive to do things. If this contract night In one or two years, I think you will get more benefits."

"Hehe, Lina, the plan is the plan. Whenever we encounter changes, we have to plan ahead. Moreover, with the Sanctuary so big, we can't make all the money in Free City, so it doesn't hurt to give up some, although it seems that we have paid some. But our Liberty City has now gained a firm foothold. This is something that can't be exchanged for much money." Cook smiled.

Lina gave Cook a white glance. Lina herself wanted to ask Cook, but seeing that Cook was so relaxed, she didn't say much. In Lina's view, Cook had matured a lot by saying this.

"Asshole, asshole, arrogant, shameless asshole." As the dwarf diplomat sent by the dwarf king to challenge Cook, Puffy is extremely angry. The dwarf clan is also one of the famous races in the sanctuary. , But as the special envoy of the dwarf king, the dignified diplomat was actually aired for two days. In these two days, only at the beginning, someone received him, but then no one received him.

"Damn it, you have to charge." What made Pa Fei even more resentful was that in this Liberty City, even diplomats, envoys, food and accommodation needed money, and Pa Fe was scolded by daily bills.

Although Pafei wanted to ask someone to find out what happened, no one reported it, and Pafei was almost taken into custody, charged with insulting the waiter in the tavern. In the end Pafei paid a high fine. And this is something you can't even think about in the dwarf territory, isn't the servant used to beat and scold it casually?

Pa Fei vented all by himself in the room, but Pa Fei did not dare to smash things because it was broken and needed compensation at the price.

"Your Majesty Puffy, your Majesty will meet you tomorrow morning, please prepare." A diplomat of the Free Kingdom knocked on Puffy's door and said.

"Damn bastards, you will pay for this." Puffy shouted loudly when he finally saw people.

"Your Excellency, please pay attention to the etiquette. I don't think you want to be expelled from the free kingdom." When the diplomat in charge of the message heard Puffy's words, his formulaic expression finally changed, becoming extremely cold and indifferent, giving Puffy harsh caveat.

Pa Fe was given this warning, and it was very shameful, but Pa Fe really didn’t dare to be arrogant, because the guards in this place were simply not humans, they were just driving people to death. The last time the waiter was abused, he was beaten by two guards. After a meal, of course, Pa Fei definitely would not think that his resistance was justified.

"In our Liberty City, everyone is equal, so you better put your dwarf set away." The diplomat in Liberty City is actually very proud of his words. In Liberty City, we should say goodbye. The biggest difference in this place is that everyone is equal, at least before the law, even a low-level street sweeper and a nobleman are equal before the law.

Pafei's throat moved, but he didn't dare to refute. After Pafei was alone, Pafei smashed everything in the room, but then he was heartbroken. Pafei decided in his heart that he must let the dwarf king. Looks good at this **** Liberty City.

Puffy stood in front of the palace in Liberty City. He was already suffocated and wanted to throw the challenge book in his hand on Cook’s face. He was ill-tempered these days. Puffy saw a lot of people who came to the palace to do business. In the free kingdom, everything is done in a huge castle, and when you enter the castle, there is a huge sign, and there are special guides who need to go through what procedures and departments. It's all clear that the Freedom Kingdom is said to be extremely efficient. Generally, the day's affairs are completed on the same day, and the longest thing can not exceed ten days, and the parties can report to the special department after ten days.

Puffy waited outside the palace. The palace was on the other side of the castle. Looking ahead, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Military, etc. are all on both sides. People come in and out from time to time. Puffy has already waited. More than two hours, but there are more than a dozen people in front of Pafi.

"Are you here to apply for a trade pass too?" Standing in front of Puffy was a dwarf, who looked at Puffy and asked with a smile.

"No." Puffy said coldly.

The dwarf looked at Paffy condescendingly. The dwarf only felt a little condescending in front of the dwarf. The dwarf said with a smile: "You dwarfs are like locusts. If there are any business opportunities there, you will run faster than anyone else."

"I said I am not." Pa Fei's voice was much louder.

"No, it's not, then what are you doing?" The dwarf saw that the dwarf was angry. The dwarf was not angry, but looked at the dwarf with a smile and asked. For the dwarf, provoking the dwarf is just a pastime.

Puffy looked at the dwarf with a sneer, and raised the challenge book in his hand angrily: "I am on behalf of our dwarf king, who issued the challenge book, dwarf!"

"Haha, haha, you three inches, actually lied, the dwarf king challenged His Majesty Cook, haha, it's too funny." The dwarf was taken aback, and then laughed.

"Dwarf, look at it clearly, I am true." Pa Fei was sneered by the dwarf, and immediately jumped up and said.

"Bang, dwarf, your whole family is short, not as tall as I am, so you dare to call it a dwarf." The dwarf was finally irritated by Puffy's mouthful of a dwarf. Originally, the dwarf was fine to find a sense of superiority in the dwarf, but Nima took a bite. A dwarf, and a mouthful of a dwarf, is simply disgusting to the dwarf. As for the special envoy of the dwarf king, in front of the fiery temper of the dwarf, all are scum.

"Toot toot." After a quick voice, Pafi and the dwarf were controlled by the guards.

Puffy is the opponent of the dwarves, and most of these trade passes are guys who run solo. They are also very strong. In addition, they are suddenly attacked by the dwarves. Poor Puffy is beaten and bruised, so Puffy pays After paying a fine, he was kicked out of the Freedom Realm. As for the challenge book, of course, it was passed on by someone else.

After returning to the dwarf territory, Pafei cried loudly in front of the dwarf king: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Freedom Kingdom is a group of bastards, a group of garbage, a group of mud-legs who don’t know etiquette and etiquette, your Majesty, look, I am Your special envoy, there is still a bill for food and accommodation. This is simply not giving you face, not giving us the face of the dwarf clan, this is Chi Guoguo's contempt..."

"Bang." Hearing his envoy was insulted like this, the dwarf king smashed things around him angrily.

"Then you didn't say clearly the time and place?" The Dwarf King shouted loudly.

Puffy narrowed his neck and quickly nodded and said: "I have said it clearly, I have said it clearly."

"What did the trash of Cook say?" The dwarf king looked at Pa Fei and asked.

"I, I, I haven't seen anyone." Puffy replied crying.

"Go, go, a bunch of rubbish." After the dwarf king heard it, he became even more angry, but he didn't see anyone.

Cook looked dumbly at the challenge novel of the Dwarf King, because Puffy took this challenge book to fight the dwarves. The challenge book is already Zou Baba's. After Cook read the content of the challenge book, Hehe smiled and said, "The Dwarf King has become smarter this time, and he actually knows to challenge his own strengths."

"Engineering, tut tut, Cook, the dwarf king, wants you to surrender on this." West Asia's belly has slightly bulged out, and Cook has more time to stay with West Asia~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Haha , Engineering? "Cook chuckled.

Actually speaking, the so-called engineering of the dwarf, in terms of mathematics on the earth, is nothing more than a simple elementary geometry, and there are also things in higher geometry. Cook just takes out the same thing, and let the dwarf king win. It doesn't count if you scratch your hair.

Xia looked at Cook and asked with a smile, "Looking at what you said, do you have confidence?"

"Hey, the dwarf king will know that I'm great by then, isn't it just engineering." Cook smiled and hugged West Asia, and Cook could feel the pulsation of the baby in West Asia's body. The strange feeling, a strange feeling connected by blood.

"See if you can." Xia was also full of happiness, covering her slightly raised belly with her hands.

"Nikos, you can reply to the dwarf king, saying that I Cook agreed to the challenge." Cook said without looking back, and Nikos left quietly.

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