A Unique Hunter

: 925 Temple of Shadows, collapse!

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Cook said here that the people in the free kingdom have woken up. For most people living in the free kingdom, this is the legendary paradise.

In the free kingdom, there is no privileged class. The law is equal to all people and all races. In the free kingdom, there is freedom of religious belief. This last point is impossible in most places in the sanctuary. In the realm of dwarves, believers who believe in the **** of forging are stronger than those who believe in other gods. When encountering conflicts, the top dwarves will definitely favor believers of the **** of forging.

This makes other temples almost impossible to develop in the dwarf realm, but in the free kingdom, beliefs are equal. In terms of conflicts between believers, the free kingdom is very humane, and at the same time judges right or wrong according to the law.

Those who obtained the free kingdom resident card rushed to the nearby official agencies, because the official agencies will definitely have more detailed information.

But to these people's disappointment, the official agency didn't know what His Majesty Cook said. Everyone listened carefully.

Cook paused and continued: "This is the first war since the establishment of our free kingdom. This war also means the future of our free kingdom. When I made my speech, the war had already been declared. Here, I announce that the Freedom Kingdom has entered a first-level alert state and the conscription process has been initiated. I hope that the people of the Freedom Kingdom can participate in the war to defend their homeland."

Just after Cook’s speech, many people asked where the conscription site was. You must know that serving as a soldier in a free kingdom is a very enviable profession.

The Freedom Kingdom has always maintained a minimum number of soldiers, but the combat effectiveness of these soldiers is extremely strong, and the treatment of these soldiers has made countless people jealous. The first is a set of magic equipment, and the minimum auxiliary medicine is also a high-grade medicine. To perform meritorious service or obtain one and a half positions, then magic pattern equipment is indispensable, not to mention as long as one person becomes a soldier, then the whole family can become residents of the free kingdom.

In terms of residents’ welfare, first of all, learning is free. The official institutions of the Freedom Kingdom have opened many schools, including various combat occupations, as well as auxiliary pharmacy, magic patterns, alchemy, runes and so on.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that in these schools, there are opportunities to listen to the cultivation experience of the great masters. This is a rule of the free kingdom. No matter how high the official position is, there are at least a few obligations for students every year. Opportunities for our class.

For those families who have dreams or children with good talents, this is simply a good thing in the sky.

The conscription location was announced soon. In less than half an hour, there were hundreds of people in front of the 20 conscription points in the Free Kingdom.

There are many types of conscription, logistical assistance, combat attack, and some miscellaneous services, etc., and most of them are garrison troops.

However, the relevant welfare system was also announced. On the square of the Freedom Kingdom, a huge light curtain kept shining with lines of text.

"The rules of meritorious exchange, my god, a set of magic pattern equipment, am I not dazzled." Someone screamed.

"Hey, I've seen it a long time ago. Not only are there magicweave equipment, there are also top-grade potions, top-grade pets, and there is an opportunity for the master to personally guide the repair experience." Someone beside her smiled.

"Then you don't apply yet." The man who spoke at the beginning opened his mouth wide, and asked in confusion after a long time.

"My qualifications are not enough, but I guess there is no problem in applying for logistics support. I am a cook." The person who answered the question said annoyedly, and then said hopefully.

"Haha, cook, cooks can do a good job." The person who asked the question earlier laughed loudly.

"Asshole, asshole, that guy is laughing at the cook." Hobby immediately jumped up when he heard someone mocking the cook.

"Yeah, **** bastard, stand up for me." A group of halflings shouted loudly, but these halflings were too short to see who was speaking at all, and the people around looked at Hobby and the others, all automatically. In the free kingdom, halflings are a very special group of people. In fact, after getting along for a long time, halflings are a very kind race.

The one who was talking just now shrank his neck and strayed away, and the one who said just now that he wanted to be a cook saw Hobbit and the others, he rushed up with bright eyes, and then yelled flatly, "Master Hobbit, Master Hobbit... ...."

After Cook announced the war order, he disappeared. The members of the Security Alliance were anxious because the announcement by Cook was too sudden. Although the members of the Security Alliance already knew that the disappearance of Hobbi would make Cook very angry, but In comparison, the background of the killer alliance is too deep, and the concealment is too deep. The security alliance is on the bright side, so people in the security alliance are a little guilty when confronted with the killer alliance like a dark viper.

At this time, Cook, Lina, Connie, and Manly appeared together on top of a large city. This is the largest city near the Abyss Canyon, the Shadow City, because this city has the largest sanctuary. The headquarters of the shadow god, the shadow **** also has a name on the mainland, that is the **** of thieves, so the shadow city is ranked within one hundred in the entire sanctuary, and the entire city has a population of up to six million.

The Shadow City even monopolizes the road leading to the Abyss Canyon. Legend has it that the Abyss Canyon is the entrance to the endless abyss. The Shadow City is blocked at the mouth of a huge canyon with a width of more than 30 kilometers that gradually descends. A huge gate generally holds the canyon.

The city wall is more than two hundred meters high, and it's all made of hundreds of tons of obsidian and composite metal. The defense power is very variable.

Lina looked at the tall city wall. The top of the city wall was 2,000 meters wide. You can imagine how wide the bottom of the city wall is. Lina looked at Cook and asked, "Cook, you must do this."

"Haha, Lina, you have already arrived at the place, are you still afraid." Cook laughed.

"I'm not afraid, but if we offend these temples, we are not afraid of revenge." Lina shook her head and asked.

Connie spoke next to him: "Lina, you are wrong. If you don’t do anything, someone might be afraid of the temple’s revenge, but as long as we take down the headquarters, then this shadow god’s temple, and this shadow The city is a huge piece of fat, and countless people will stretch their paws to this piece of fat."

"Yes, compared to the temple of the goddess of wealth, there may be more good things in the temple of the **** of thieves." Cook also said with admiration.

"That's good." Lina also understood.

Lina, Connie, and Manly are all at the pinnacle of the sanctuary. They just became gods just one step away. This is one of the reasons why Cook brought three people here. Although West Asia is also the pinnacle of the sanctuary, West Asia is pregnant. , Just guarding the kingdom's interior, Lina, who reached the peak of the sanctuary, teleported more quickly.

Cook took a deep breath and said, "Lina, you teleport me into the temple of the Shadow God, and then you will respond here."

The three of Lina nodded. Cook has poured enough magic power into the three fragments of the **** pattern. Cook will use this thing to make the temple of the shadow **** a thing of the past, but in the face of such a huge temple, Ku Ke can only take preemptive measures.

The fragments of the **** pattern in Cook's hand vibrated slightly, as if knowing that this was another good opportunity for self-repair, Lina chanted the spell, and the two-minute teleport spell was cast on the peak of the sanctuary, just to penetrate the shadows The powerful defense of the Temple of God.

"Boom." Cook disappeared in an instant, and a powerful brilliance burst out from the Temple of the God of Shadows tens of kilometers away. You can see a huge protective shield appearing above the middle of the shadow city's city wall. The headquarters of the Temple of the Shadow God is located.

"On behalf of the Kingdom of Freedom, I declare war on the Temple of the God of Shadow." As soon as Cook appeared, he roared loudly, his voice rolling in all directions.

"Asshole." The headquarters of the Temple of Shadows roared.

Cook felt the whole air vibrate, and Cook smiled: "You all deserve to die."

"Dang~" Cook didn't wait for the people in the Temple of Shadows to move, and flicked his fingers on the fragments of the **** pattern. Cook felt his soul was stunned by the sound of a huge bell.

Cook felt that time and space seemed to have stopped. The whole space was like a mirror being hit hard, cracks like fishing nets, pieces of space fragments were constantly falling off, and thousands of meters away, there were several powerful figures on them. The magic brilliance shone, but even these black magic brilliance shattered like a mirror.

Cook saw the continuous deformation of the muscles on his body, as if being constantly kneaded by an invisible big hand, but what made Cook assured was that no matter how the muscles were deformed, the skin was not damaged.



"Puff." When Cook heard the sound again in his ears, there was a puff of puff sound. Everything within a few kilometers around turned into a pile of dust, and even the powerful figures burst into one. The cloud of smoke disappeared.

"Asshole, asshole, you will be punished by God." Thousands of meters away, a man looked at Cook with a trembling body, because in an instant, the powerful servants disappeared, and there are still many who disappeared. Large blocks of buildings, and these buildings cannot be destroyed even at the peak of the sanctuary.

"Puff, God punishes you so you can't see it." With a puff, the body of the roaring person burst open, and Lina said coldly.

"Kill." Manli was wearing magicweave equipment, and even Manli's mount Earth Dragon was equipped with magicweave armor, and she shouted coldly.

When the three peaks of the sanctuary had no servants, it was a one-sided slaughter against other people. A high-level sanctuary fled, but silently, Lina appeared behind this person, gently With a wave of his hand, a dark hole opened in front of the head of the high-ranking sanctuary, and then this hole disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the head of the high-ranking sanctuary disappeared, and this sanctuary The high-level corpse ran for thousands of meters, then a silver blood sprayed from the headless neck, and then the body fell to the ground.

Connie was surrounded by three fire dragons with thick wrists. These fire dragons kept circling. The person who was hit by the fire dragon was a pile of coke, while Manli was savagely colliding.

In just ten minutes, the Temple of Shadows lost tens of thousands of people, most of which were destroyed by Cook's first blow. Seeing that the entire Shadow City was scattered and fled, the four of Cooke stopped. Cook said loudly: "The Temple of the Shadow God kidnapped Prince Boai of the Free Kingdom. This is the war of the Free Kingdom against the Temple of the Shadow God."

Then Lina took Cook and the others and disappeared. The people who fled in Shadow City were pale. In the eyes of these people, how powerful the temple was, but within ten minutes, they were actually slaughtered. In the past, the upper echelons of the temple, in the hands of the people in the Freedom Kingdom, are like chickens, without the slightest resistance at all.

In the next few hours, more than 30 large-scale branches of the Shadow Temple were slaughtered, and in one day, the Shadow Temple collapsed.

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