A Unique Hunter

Chapter 934: Liberty

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() The two brothers, the **** of conspiracy and the **** of shadow, have ugly faces, the goddess of wealth greeted the goddess of liberty with a smile, knowing that the goddess of liberty immediately cried out after seeing the dress of the goddess of wealth: "Sister, the goddess of wealth, you are making a fuss."

The smiley face of the goddess of wealth immediately changed and became a little embarrassed and helpless. Finally, the goddess of wealth reluctantly smiled and a golden robe appeared on the goddess of wealth. Then the goddess of liberty nodded and said: "Women are better ladies."

The **** of conspiracy and the **** of shadows are angry with ladies, and the lady of liberty also knows ladies

The Lady Liberty is in a red, unknown safari outfit, full of vitality, she also wears some accessories, a pair of snow-white ankles, two strings of silver bells jingle with the movement of the Lady Liberty

The Lady Liberty has a baby face on her head and smiles the slightest smile with the goddess of wealth. The Lady Liberty doesn't seem to know that she just said that she said the goddess of wealth. The regret in the heart of the goddess of wealth. Just remembering that the goddess of liberty is better to fool and ignore the goddess of liberty. Character

"Brother God of Conspiracy, you two brothers must be nothing good together." When you see the two brothers of God of Conspiracy and God of Shadow, the Statue of Liberty is calling the **** of conspiracy, but the meaning of contempt in the words means that children can hear it.

The **** of conspiracy smiled and said with a wry smile: "Lady Liberty, you are..."

The **** of conspiracy doesn’t know what to say. The Statue of Liberty is a very special existence in the world of Liberty. Don’t look at things without going through the brain, but no one dares to provoke such a character because the Statue of Liberty is said to have a strict schizophrenia. The current state is that it does not go through the brain. But there is another aspect of Liberty that goes through the brain.

Because the other side of the Statue of Liberty is that the goddess of wisdom Liberty and the goddess of wisdom are a person but have two souls. The goddess of wisdom is not only powerful in combat, but also makes everyone in the gods scalp numb.

Therefore, although the Lady Liberty is unpleasant, no one wants to offend such twin souls. Twin souls in the God Realm means that there are two Godheads, and if the same person has two Godheads, what kind of fighting power would be like. Got it

The Lady Liberty ignored the defense of the **** of conspiracy at all, but chuckled and asked: "Sister Fortune, did you ask me to come and where to go with you?"

The goddess of wealth did not expect that the goddess of liberty would ask the goddess of wealth, remembering that she told the goddess of liberty to pretend to meet, knowing that the goddess of liberty directly said the **** of conspiracy and the **** of shadows, even staring at the goddess of wealth

And the **** of shadow is even more regretful. Originally wanted to use the goddess of wealth, I didn't expect to provoke such a goddess of liberty.

However, the nightmare of the three of them has not yet ended. The Lady Liberty continued to whisper, "I heard that the sister of the Goddess of Fortune said that there were fun and called others..."

"Others" goddess of wealth, the **** of conspiracy, screamed together, the **** of shadows, the **** of shadows is dripping blood. If the news of the main artifact is known by others, the **** of shadows really wants to choke the goddess of wealth.

"Yes, but they ignore me" but then the Statue of Liberty grumbled dissatisfiedly

Hearing this, the other three sighed in relief, and the **** of conspiracy chuckled and said, "If you don't come, it's their loss."

"I'll just call it again" Liberty shot a few streamers as she spoke

"Boom boom boom boom" The other three immediately flew up and blasted the streamer shot out of the Statue of Liberty and was shattered.

The goddess of wealth saw the astonished Statue of Liberty and quickly said: "Sister, let's see if it is fun or not, if you call someone over, others will blame you."

"Well, it's my sister's thoughtfulness," Liberty replied, tilting her head and nodding for a while.

The goddess of wealth and the **** of conspiracy both nodded quickly. The **** of shadows was even more afraid of making waves again and said quickly, "Well, let’s go quickly."

The **** of conspiracy is also very curious about the good things that the **** of shadow said, but the **** of conspiracy doesn’t value those foreign things, what the **** of conspiracy values ​​is his own clever head. Those who sit tall and command are all talkative, and the **** of conspiracy thinks he is a high-level figure who talks.

The goddess of wealth asked very curiously: "How are we going"

"This time I will go down myself." The shadow **** almost jumps up when he thinks of the main artifact level. But if the main artifact possesses the main artifact, there is no need to hide in the misty ocean all day. He is the overlord of the misty ocean.

"Is it necessary to go to the second child in person?" The **** of conspiracy also asked in surprise

"A mental projection is enough for an ant," the goddess of wealth also frowned.

"Hey, if you are willing to project the spirit, I will go down personally anyway." The **** of shadows is anxious that these people will not go down.

There are several ways for gods to descend on low-level planes. The most commonly used is mental power projection, which is to separate a trace of mental power. The law of low-level planes can also transmit some messages and is called oracles.

Also, the true body of the **** descends in person. This kind of descending is due to the image of the plane level and the law of the plane, the greater the backlash that the **** receives, of course, the shorter the time.

Moreover, the gods may be directly strangled by the laws of the entire plane, so the dangers faced by the real body are extremely difficult to implement.

"The second true body is very dangerous" The **** of conspiracy also knows that this time, it is not easy to let the **** of shadow throw it out. I am afraid that things are not small and the **** of conspiracy is also in a dilemma.

"Big brother, I'm not reconciled, I'm ready," the shadow **** touched out something and said categorically

"Soul Bell" saw the white bell in the hands of the God of Shadow and the others were surprised

"Yes, the soul bell" said the shadow god

The soul bell is a kind of armor of the soul system. It has a strong role in protecting the gods. It is one of the rarest equipment in the gods. The gods themselves are also one of the hardest things. As long as the soul is not harmed, the gods will have no problem.

The Goddess of Wealth has turned her heart for a while, and the things that the God of Shadow can conspire with the real body to come and use the bell of the soul are even more valuable. The Goddess of Wealth thinks of the value of this kind of thing and feels a burst of pleasure.

The Statue of Liberty looked around and said impatiently: "If you don't go, or if you don't go, I'm going to another place."

"Go" The Fortune Girl said that now the Goddess of Fortune can't let the Lady Liberty go, or I'm afraid I won't see things

"I have left a trace of spiritual power in the shadow of that ant, hehe, open it to me" the **** of shadow sneered and then the gray brilliance soared. The void rippled like water, and then a mirror like a door appeared. And Cook’s shadow slowly appeared in the mirror

Cook’s leisurely natural ring gets the essence of nature. Although the space has not grown, the plants in the space grow faster, and the fruits are more delicious and nutritious than before.

Cook holds a golden thread fruit that is half the size of a head. This magical fruit is the size of a goose egg. It is already the best and half the size of the head is already super.

"Hey, you guys are going to eat meat, what's going on with vegetarianism?" Cook said with a sigh when he saw a cub holding a piece of bone in his mouth.

"Tweet Tweet" The cub came to Cook a few steps very fast, first put the Ao Bone carefully in front of Cook

"By the way, it's not bad. It's a high-grade Ao Bone two thousand fruits." Cook took a look and threw the Ao Bone into the natural ring and then a bunch of fruits were thrown out.

"Tweet Tweet" the cub saw the fruit rising to the sky, one mouth all caught a sip of wine, swallowed it, and then tweeted triumphantly, then turned his head back and continued to pull.

"Honest child, I only took out half of it." The way Cook looked at these cubs was hard to imagine that the future Dapeng would be like a dumb duck.

"Haha" Cook can't remember how many bones he cleaned. Just after Cook imagined how many things can be exchanged for these bones after he goes back, I know that a burst of laughter rang above Cook's head.

"Puffing" Cook was scared by the laughter and sat directly on the ground. Half of the golden thread fell to the ground.

"The ants", the **** of shadows, appeared directly above Cook and looked at Cook condescendingly.

Cook looked at something like a mirror in the middle of the sky. Through this mirror Cook also saw the three people on the opposite side of the mirror. It was like a piece of glass. But Cook obviously didn't know this provocative guy Cook and looked around. No one else pointed to himself weakly and asked: "You are calling me"

"Ant, haha, today is your death date." The shadow **** looked at the ordinary ring on Cook’s finger without any magic fluctuations at all, but the shadow **** saw the power of the natural ring with his own eyes. It’s not the main artifact or not so much energy. of

"Are you sick? Just come out. Who do you think you are? You are a god." Cook was also screamed by ants. If it wasn't for the appearance of the other party, it was too weird. Cook would have rushed forward.

"God hehe I am the **** of the shadows" The **** of the shadows introduced himself with a sneer after hearing Cook yelling for a while.

"Cuckoo" Cook swallowed hard and then looked at the **** of shadows and then at the three weird figures behind this guy. Cook swallowed hard.

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