A War Between Spies

Chapter 1300: Non-black or white

Aaron’s side is to deal with the past.

Frankly speaking, Aaron’s side or the gray-clothed person is never a threat. This is because Yang Yi and the cleaners have the advantage of occupying information asymmetry. When the cleaner has the things that the gray-clothed people dream of, they take the initiative to take it out. When setting up a trap, it is impossible for the gray-clothed person to take the initiative.

Yang Yi hung up the phone, then he got up and went to Brian's room.

Brian, who had just slept on the carpet, looked at his eyes and closed his eyes at the moment, but Yang Yi just appeared at his door, but Brian immediately opened his eyes.

Yang Yi walked over to Brian's side and whispered: "Where is this place?"

Brian sat up, he spread his hands and said: "Black market, hey, special black market trading place, you can't see anything here, but if you find it, you can buy whatever you want. thing."

“Including security? I mean a safe hotel, you understand what I mean.”

"Not included."

Brian is very serious about Yang Yidao: "You have money, you can basically buy anything you need, but here, I have to tell you that no one can believe, especially the Baghdad, you look at Salisbury. Is Bu is a very pure businessman? No, as long as he has the opportunity to become a robber, kill you, steal all your money, and don't have to be careful to provide services to you."

Yang Yi smiled and whispered: "I really think that businessmen will talk about rules."

"Yeah, businessmen should behave in the rules, but the problem is that the Baghdad people can talk about the rules of robbers after they become robbers. No one can trust them here. No one has always been like this. It has always been like this."

It seems that Brian is deeply resentful, and Yang Yi whispers: "Are we safe?"

"Safe, because Saliba can't find someone to sell us."

After smiling, Brian waved his hand and said: "I know that you have a lot of questions, then I will tell you, I have not been here, I don't know Saliba, but this kind of trading black market in Sa I existed during the reign of Emperor. At that time, I often dealt with people on the black market."

“Is there any sign? I didn’t see any signs.”

"You can't recognize it. It's very complicated. Ordinary businessmen don't set a clear sign at the door to tell everyone that I am a black market here, but the senior black market traders are different. These black market merchants will set some for others to find him. The store, on the surface, is like a house. It is actually a convenience store, but it does not store any goods. Then, he will set his own logo at the door of this convenience store, such as the one I found, his doorway. There is a verse on it."

"I saw it, it is normal."

"Not normal, there is a specific arrangement pattern, I see, I know that this is a black market."

"Don't be afraid to be exposed?"

Brian smiled and said: "The black market businessman who can do this is not afraid of exposure, because he must be strong enough, and usually is a large official. As for Saliba, he is just a janitor, or a Clerk."

Yang Yi sighed and said: "Understood, we entered the chain store."

"Yes, that Saliba, he is a veteran veteran, Allawi should be his son, and here is his home. He works with the black market merchants and regards his home as a shop selling goods, if He dares to put the boss's money into his pocket, then his whole family will die. This kind of thing is usually the responsibility of the family, because the boss can save his family by one dollar, without worrying about the two people shirking. The situation of responsibility takes place."

"Then we are hiding here..."

“Everyone wants to make extra money. This situation is very common during Sam’s reign. Is there anyone who needs temporary shelter? Well, it’s a bit complicated, it’s like a family hotel, making money from us. It’s Salif’s extra money, because it’s a problem, it’s his own problem, and he has nothing to do with his boss.”

Yang Yi suddenly realized, "I understand, no wonder that Saliba looks very skilled. He is consciously acting as a hostage."

Brian smiled and said: "This family hotel costs five hundred dollars a night. Whether you are a terrorist or a murderer, you can basically live as long as you have money, but if you will be fully City search, Saliba will let you live, but he will turn to inform the secret."

"Don't be afraid of being retaliated?"

"Look at the situation, everything depends on the situation. The people who run this business will not be fools. Don't think that this is a place of war. The people here are very poor. They are stupid. No, they are very smart. Everyone here. They are very smart, they know how to survive."

After that, Brian whispered: "Is there any other questions?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "There is something in Mosul, what do you think we should do now."

Brian was so anxiously anxious that he touched his hair and whispered: "It’s very troublesome, all use electronic interference. The ram must have passed. You know, we can’t build with the old monster anymore. Contact, unless we return to Mosul."

Yang Yi frowned and sighed. Then he looked impatiently: "The biggest problem, we only know that Badadi is in Mosul, and the ram must have gone to Mosul, but where are they?"

Brian raised his hand, and then he looked serious: "Don't guess! This kind of thing definitely does not allow speculation. Now unless you can lead an infantry division to Mosul, never try to rescue the ram."

"I didn't want to rescue the ram, I just want to know what happened..."

Brian whispered: "It’s very troublesome. This situation is really troublesome. Mosul is full of people in Ace Ais. Any rescue operation has to go through battle. I don’t know the exact location. Going is Send to death..."

When talking to Yang Yi, Brian had been on a cell phone in the drums. He kept looking at the values ​​on the phone, but in the end he frowned and handed the phone to Yang Yi, and Yang Yi looked at the screen for a while. After ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ nodded.

"what should we do."

What I just said is nonsense. It seems that Yang Yi and Brian seem to be important, but in fact there is no secret nonsense, and they say that it is St. Regis.

It is not that St. Regis has any suspicions, but that now only St. Regis has a potential threat, then he must be valued.

If St. Regis tries to use any instrument to eavesdrop, it will be discovered by Yang Yi. This is not a device that detects radio signals, but a device that detects power pulses. That is, any electronic device that uses batteries or external power sources will be Detected.

Absolutely high-tech gadgets, Brian will use it, but he really can't figure out whether the above values ​​are normal, and Yang Yi glanced at it and knew that at least in his neighborhood, there are no appliances in use, and Brian Post The data returned by a sensor on the wall indicates that no one is lying on the wall next door to eavesdrop on anything.

All of this data shows that Yang Yi and Brian can make a little bit of a taste for St. Regis, but that's all. The defense must be prepared. In short, everyone except the one who can be absolutely trusted can't trust. The thing is as simple as that.

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