A War Between Spies

Chapter 1310: Sacrifice

I can't see it, but the sound of the directional thunder is very special. The experienced person certainly knows the sound of this death waving a sickle.

The moment the python heard the sound, the whole person stunned.

Anton was shocked too, he was really shocked.

Because the steel Madonna's perfect attack to the extreme, it was ruined by two directional mines.

Not only the directional mine, but also the directional mine has a continuous explosion.

The people who had just entered were ruined by the directional mine. They were dead. In this small space, the result of being directed by the directional thunder is death, only death, nothing else.

Directional lightning is a problem, but the bigger question is how does Satan have a directional mine?

This is a dagger-style attack. Satan has carried out a dagger-style attack. Then they also carry a directional mine?

Directional thunder is not used in indoor warfare...

No one will bring a directional thunder in the battle of the dagger, really, because this choice is not correct, not normal, should not, unless these attackers know that they will be besieged, pay attention, be siege, not besieged .

Because he was killed after being encircled, he did not have the opportunity to use directional mines, and it did not work. Anyway, it was only a matter of morning and evening. One or two directional mines did not make sense.

There is only one possibility, Satan's people have the power of the prophet, they know that they will be surrounded, and are surrounded by a strong and large fortress, just like the current Rajaweed Temple.

The python was horrified to stand unstable, and Anton was shocked to just say a word.

Who is the directional mine in the dagger battle, who is it!

But fortunately, for the python, although he was shocked and angry, he was tempted to vomit blood, but he had not reached the point of despair.

Because the first batch of people who entered were dead, but their number is only a dozen or so. This is a big number, but the Steel Lady is still a battle.

The second batch was also followed by people who were ready to enter the support and support.

The directional mine is gone, the bomb is gone, the explosion just happened, and even if there is a bomb, it will be destroyed by the shock wave, so the second wave of attack should be no problem.

The real life and death contest is coming, and Anton can't help but walk two steps forward.

The smoke is still very large, but for those equipped with dual-mode night vision, limited vision can be overcome.

The Steel Madonna is also attacked at the same time, extremely tacit and skilled.

The Iron Maiden must have gone through many such battles. They are really strong. Anton thought about it and found that he did not know that the team could survive this attack. At least, Satan would have a lot of casualties. The attack of super-top strength is already the level of mutual struggle between the two sides. No matter how strong you are, I can at least guarantee a one-to-one exchange with you, and then see who...

and many more.

This shot is **** wrong.

Anton’s own judgment gave birth to doubt for the first time.

The python is after a stalemate, and the subconscious runs forward.

That kind of thing, um, the kind of squeaky voice, continuous, not as fast as a machine gun, can not match the speed of automatic shooting, but it has reached the limit of the firing rate of semi-automatic single shot, listen It's similar to automatic shooting, but experienced people know not.

This is an ominous voice. Really, this kind of sound sounds absolutely no good thing.

Finally, the sound of the rifle stopped.

But the sound that followed was even more terrible.

Because this is the sound of a gun. Now it’s not a rifle, it’s a slap.

Anyone with experience knows that there are only two possibilities for hearing this voice.

One may be a rookie, this rookie will only hit the bullets at the fastest speed.

Another one may be a master, no, it is a master who will kill.

But the ability to hit the shotgun at this speed can rule out the first possibility, and the Satanic combat power can only be the second case.

Because there are rams inside.

Although the Ram is an ally, but Anton's heart is still half cold, not that he sympathizes with the Iron Maiden, but the common feeling that human beings face the nightmare, that is fear.

Too fast, accompanied by the sound of the gun, and the rapid silence of the rifle.

That is, only one gun is ringing, and other guns are gradually losing their voices. What does this mean? Of course, more and more people die without a chance to shoot, and there are other situations.

"No, no! No..."

The python shouted with a long sound, but he did not order an interruption.

Because it can't stop now, there is no way to stop.

The Steel Lady of the Virgin jumped in one after another, and the people who shot them knocked them down one by one, but the Steel Madonna could not stop.

Stop, even a second, the previous work is abandoned.

Either the Iron Maiden has consumed the bullets and spirits of the ram, or the ram has lighted the people of the Virgin Mary. This is a sigh of relief. Who can't pick up who will die.

The Virgin of Steel is worthy of the name of the strongest mercenary group.

Not to mention the cooperation of the Virgin Mary, not to mention their fighting style, they rely on one by one, knowing that they are going to die, and they can jump in one by one, they are worthy of the name of the strongest mercenary group. When a mercenary group can treat its own life with extreme indifference under discipline, this mercenary group will be invincible.

Anton trembled.

Because Anton is watching the strongest mercenary group die one by one.

Anton knows who the gun is, and who else the ram can have.

Hey. The sound of the gun stopped and it was replaced by a pistol.

There was almost no pause and briefness, and the gunfire continued.

When Anton heard this voice, his body trembled even more.

It turned out to be a pistol, but it was turned into a pistol, and even his mother was a pistol!

This is the voice of the **** of death with a sickle and swept over, and it is more terrible than the directional mine. Because the directional thunder is just a click, the gun sounds no end.

The smoke gradually dispersed.

Anton finally saw a scene in which the soldiers of the Steel Our Lady jumped into the air in the air.

It was like a sacrifice, and the people of the world's strongest mercenary group jumped in one by one and sacrificed their lives to the gun god.

The strongest mercenary group met the gun **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know who the tragedy will be, who is the best.

Finally, the attack of the Iron Lady of Steel stopped, and the gunshots stopped, because the people who could attack were dead, and the gunshots naturally stopped.

The python never stopped calling because he couldn't stop calling. Now, the result came out. The name of the most powerful mercenary group of the Immaculate Conception of the Iron and Steel, the name of the ram is innocent.

Well, the most powerful mercenary group lost to a person, this is the reality.

The python seemed to fall, he staggered and turned back.

When approaching Anton, the python waved Anton to not touch him, so Anton took back the hand that stretched out and wanted to help the python.

The python shook again, then he opened his mouth, bent over, and spit out a blood.

When people are extremely angry, hateful, and angry, they will really vomit blood.

Anton was the first time I saw it. It was really the first time I saw it. He felt so good.

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