A War Between Spies

Chapter 1320: Fierce beast

The sky is bright.

The temple is surrounded by scams, and the only switch of the Iron Lady of the Iron Man is in the hands of the python.

The python will not personally participate in the offensive. He shot and killed two people, but this does not mean that his combat ability is very good. In fact, the identity of the python is a commander, so he will not participate in the attack.

But the python has mastered the detonator.

If the last attack of Steel Our Lady is four hundred, the python will detonate the scam and bury Satan with his people.

The Steel Commando's commando team has been formed. All of them are excellent gunners. In order to blow the enemy's head before someone can shoot and blow out Badadi's head, it is for a little hope.

The python decided to grab the advanced attack before Satan’s breakout. It’s too early to be too late. It’s too late to know. Although it’s impossible to know Satan’s attack time very accurately, he wants to be as close as possible because only the enemy is about to The moment they attack, their attention to defense will be minimized.

In any case, Satan is finished. Anton does not want to admit this reality, but he will accept the reality.

The detonator is wire-controlled, the old-fashioned detonator, pulled up and pressed, and after the current has passed, the explosion points around the main hall will explode together.

The explosive point is connected to the detonator by wires, and the detonator is in the arms of the python.

"Brothers, this is the last battle. I will be with you. If it succeeds, we will celebrate. If it fails, I will be buried here with you."

When the python finished, he put his hand down and whispered: "Go on."

It is dangerous for Anton to be close to the python, because the distance of the python is too close to the bombing point. Once it is detonated, the python will die. Then Anton is too close to the python, and of course it will die.

But Anton is still heading for the python, even if it is easy for him to be exposed.

The python looked at Anton, and Anton looked helpless. He patted the waist and said: "No guns, I really... just don't want to miss the opportunity to watch this battle. Really, I hope you can Understand that as a combat expert, I have to miss this kind of battle, and I will never have a chance to watch it for the rest of my life. I will watch it at close range, not through video."

The python clicked, and he slammed his hand and whispered: "Let's take a look. If I want to detonate, you may have time to leave."

Anton and the python went to a relatively safe distance, but close enough.

The python was kneeling on the ground, and his hand was the detonator.

The commando carried the shield forward, they had already reached the door, and the attack was launched directly.

The sky is slightly brighter.

I didn’t throw the grenade first, I didn’t prepare it, because what I wanted was sudden, it was a sudden attack, and I used the life of these sharpshooters in the Iron and Steel to go out.

Both sides met at the door of the back door.

The shield blocked the door.

But the shield and the two people behind it suddenly fell backwards.

Meet in the narrow road, the real narrow road meets.


A big bang that made Anton feel like a shock.

Bayonet, the first person to rush out is a bayonet, the right choice, because the bayonet is the fastest, faster than the gun when both sides are within easy reach.

I can only see the bayonet and can't see people.


Another big bang, one foot came out.


Another man of the Iron Maiden fell, and then a man jumped out like a lion eating.

Anton felt that there was a big drum, which was deep in his ear and rang in his heart.




A bang, because the person with the bayonet smashed the gun to the face of a person.

Anton finally got a clear distinction. He didn't have the illusion that there was a loud and loud drum sound.

That is Li Jinfang, Anton knows him, he also knows that Li Jinfang is a master, but he still doubts how Li Jinfang did it.

How did you kill six people with a bayonet? These people were not the cannon fodder of Ace Is, the elite of the Iron Lady of Steel, but they were picked by Li Jinfang with a bayonet.

But the most important thing is that Anton Ming Ming saw that Li Jinfang had been shot in the air, so he was curious about how Li Jinfang was able to stab the bayonet with such a large number of guns.

Li Jinfang finally fell, and Anton watched him fall, and then he felt that the drums were even more tragic.

It’s a good idea to send a top-notch master with this loud drum.

Li Jinfang fell, but someone came out behind him.

First shot, then shot, killed two people, but when the gun was shot, he was shot.

Li Jinfang supported it for two seconds. The one that came out later couldn't be supported for a long time, because now one of them will be hit by a bullet and will inevitably hit.

What surprised Anton was how he was still not dead.

In the clear which is more than a gun, how can you still die?

And he is still insisting on shooting, is he playing iron?

Just when Anton was horrified, the second person who rushed out finally fell, but he held his body with a gun and then snorted.


At that moment, the hair of Anton’s body was blown up.

What a familiar voice, how strange the voice is.

It was Peter, and Anton recognized it.

I didn't know how many bullets in Peter, and finally fell on one knee, and then fell to the ground, and someone came out behind him.

The ram came out.

The gun **** is coming.

Satan released their death.

The sound of the cymbal sounded continuously, this is the sound of the gun. The ram ran out.

Bending and running very fast, like a running ram, the position is not beautiful, but also a little funny, but the running ram is attacking.

Every time there is a shot, there must be one person falling down, incredibly fast, unbelievable. At least there are more than twenty people in the team like a circle of wheat, and the ram has a sickle.

The ram dropped the cockroach. The gun was fired. He changed to a pistol and then continued shooting.

The drums are still going on. In fact, the drums have just sounded, and this song has just begun.

The killing of the ram has just begun~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The ram has pulled apart the formation of the Iron Maiden. No one can catch the ram now, watching an individual fall down at an extremely fast speed. East finally spit out his sigh.

Satan rushed out between breaths.

It was as if a person was struggling to stand at the door, but after the door was smashed, the beast that rushed out from behind the door instantly drowned everyone who was blocking the road.

Anton took a step back as the ram raised his rifle, and Anton didn't want to be shot by the ram.

The ram raised the rifle and then the sound of the rifle.

Every time there is a gunshot, there is a man who is going to kill Satan.

Now, it is Satan, but it is the Virgin Mary.

Anton was shocked and confused, and things once again exceeded his imagination, but he did not lose his mind. His eyes were always watching the python, because when Satan was born, he had to promise not to let these fierce The beast died in a big bang.

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