A War Between Spies

Chapter 1322: Air gunboat

The glass in the cockpit has not been broken. Yang Yi was driving him for the first time, but he did not encounter any problems during the flight. He smoothly landed the plane on the runway.

In fact, in the US transport aircraft ranks, c-130 is too successful, so c-130 has become a basic model, or benchmark model, many of the later developed transport modes of the transport machine are evolved from c130, can Fly c130, and then fly C-17 with a little training.

But there are still a few people who can fly like Yang Yi who have seen the flight manual. Of course, there are still few.

The tower controller at the military airport was very curious about why the plane was back.

When the plane stopped, Yang Yi immediately confronted Jason, who was responsible for returning to the United States with him: "You have to be responsible for explaining what happened."

Jason is still fortunate to have survived from a hijacking, and there is no skydiving. After hearing Yang Yi’s words, he is very strange: “We can take off again, change a plane, if you can fly by yourself. Well, we are not as good as flying back, it is not in line with the rules, but we can do it."

“Can you guarantee that the new flight plan is safe?”

Jason stunned, Yang Yi sighed, and then he sighed: "I will leave with something, contact me after you ensure safety."

"Well, next time I won't be contacting you again, it should be."

Yang Yi picked up her own bag and whispered: "It doesn't matter who it is, but I would rather stay in Baghdad. Ok, I think I have to leave."

Leaving the military base was a bit of a hassle, but his identity with Jason was special, plus Aaron’s coordination, although the military base did not understand why their pilots would die in midair, but Yang Yi still took Rui Kyrgyzstan got out of the way.

When I got a car and drove outside the military camp, Yang Yi finally confronted St. Regis: "Do you want to ask anything?"

St. Regis spread his hand and said: "I am really curious, because I feel that no matter what kind of task, it is not normal now. Some people are chasing us, and at any cost, at any cost. That kind, but I am curious, but I still don't want to know what happened."

Yang Yi smiled and said: "Good, very good."

Two people drove forward and Yang Yi took out his mobile phone and gave it to Brian. When Brian was connected, he whispered: "We are back, and something has to be returned in the air. You Is the thing over there handled?"

"Handle it, clean it up, come back."

Yang Yi hung up the phone, and St. Regis curiously said, "Where are we going?"

"Hey, the home of Saliba, the place we have been living for the past two days."

St. Regis widened his eyes and said: "Can Salib not want to kill us? Why go back?"

"Because he wants to kill us, and he did, so we have to go back. It is like this. When a person wants to kill us, we can kill him without any psychological burden. right?"

St. Regis took a breath and said: "I understand, that is, Saliba, their father and son are dead."

"Yes, they are dead."

Reggie sighed and spread his hand and said: "It's a pity. Actually, I really like that guy. He is still young."

"Yeah, he is still young, so he can shoot us with a machine gun, St. Regis, don't you understand? When he picks up the gun and wants to kill us, then he is dead."

Where did it come from, when Yang Yi returned to Saliba’s home, Brian had already packed up neatly.

"went well?"

"Success, they didn't expect me to come back. There were four people in total. I packed up. I didn't use a gun. The body was thrown into the cellar. Before the body rotted and became stinking, we had two days to live here. ""

"It won't last long, it's already unsafe. Let's leave tomorrow, take a good sleep, and leave after dawn."

After the talk, Yang Yi yawned, and then he said to St. Regis: "Now go back to your room to sleep, we need to rest."

Whether or not he really wants to rest, St. Regis returned to his room, and Yang Yi stayed below. He took out his cell phone and called Grevatov.

"Are you in Baghdad?"

"We are here, where are you?"

Yang Yi said his position, then he whispered: "If you want to see us, come here now, after the day, we may have to change places."

"We are going to pass, waiting for us."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Yi faintly said to Brian: "The black devils are coming, just see them here and see what they have planned."

After about an hour, the black devil came.

Except for Talta, the members of the Black Devil all came, Gleevatov, Bereschi, Rotstoski, Vasily and a Pavillion that Yang Yi had not seen but he knew the name. There is also a hammer called a hammer.

Now, the black devil is here for the first time.


After Glevavoov entered the door, he first took a sniff, then inexplicably asked Brian, and Brian said, "Yes."

Grevatov sighed, and then he whispered to Yang Yi: "Things are not the same as I imagined."

"What's the difference?"

"The people who are willing to save Satan are far more than I thought, much more."

Yang Yi lingered for a while and said: "How much?"

"Not very good estimate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The total number is at least 200. The important thing is that these people are all very good troops. From the news I received, hey, it’s all friends of the Rams. The strength is very strong. Now everyone has gathered here. I need to coordinate everyone to carry out rescue operations, but the problem is that we don't know the specific location of the ram."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said, "What are your plans?"

Gletov said very seriously: "We have to get to the vicinity of Mosul first. Otherwise, even if we know where they are, we can't immediately start the rescue operation, and then the rest is the most important thing, figure out him. The specific location where Satan was besieged."

Glewatov continued: "I want to conduct aerial investigations. With our current strength, even if we know the position, we dare to carry out a rescue operation."

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said: "If it is an aerial investigation, the plane is not very easy to find, but... Hey, I went to the Assad Air Force Base today, and then I found out where there are several AC-130 parked in Airport, if you want to investigate, I think it is better to use AC-130 directly. What do you think?"

Grivatov’s eyebrows were picked and said: “Air gunship? Good!”

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