A War Between Spies

Chapter 1325: Popularity is really good

If Aaron intends to do something at the Assad base, Yang Yi is really not good at guarding, and there is not much room for rescuing, so for the sake of safety, Yang Yi asked Brian to take the same thing as the cross. Out of the way.

Only Yang Yi and St. Regis, as well as five people of the Black Devil, came to the Assad military base.

At the time of the arrival, there were ten minutes from the six-hour time, so Yang Yi waited for a while, then for six hours, several people went to the gate of the Assad base.

It was stopped as usual, but this time, Grevatov had weapons on them.

Yang Yi had already taken out his own documents, and he held them in his hands. As for Gulevvatov, several black devils did not cover their faces, but they did disguise.

The sentinel had just reached out and stopped Yang Yi from their group. A sergeant came out from behind. He first looked at Yang Yi with a look of eccentricity, then he said loudly: "I just received orders from superiors and let them in. No need to check!"

Very strange order, the soldiers who were ordered to guard the gates were a little overwhelmed. At this time, the highest rank of the sergeant once again loudly said: "Put them in, don't check, this is the order!"

Yang Yi put away the documents, and then he walked silently into the base camp area.

St. Regis is awesome. He has always been embarrassed. Because Yang Yi told him that he needed to drive an AC-130 to perform combat missions, but did not tell him why he was doing this, St. Regis was embarrassed.

Yang Yi didn't know who Aaron was looking for to give him this AC-130. It was Aaron's business. He only needed to be able to drive this air gunboat to Mosul.

Several people walked silently in the camp area of ​​the Assad military base. They saw Yang Yi and their soldiers were all curious, but no one came up to ask, and they did not have to ask.

It was Jason who came to meet, although Jason didn't know what was going on.

"I received the order..."

Jason stopped just after saying something. He looked at Yang Yi and looked at a few people behind Yang Yi. He swallowed and said, "Come with me."

"The plane is already preparing for an emergency takeoff. The order just received, um, it takes about half an hour."

I couldn't help but look back at Yang Yi, and Jason hesitated. He said again, "So you... forget it, good luck."

Yang Yi nodded and said to Jason: "Thank you."

A group of people came to the runway, the ground has been refueling the aircraft urgently, and the supplement of weapons and ammunition has already begun, but because of the order just received, many ammunition needs to be submitted from the ammunition depot before it can be replenished. So now it's just the beginning of the 25mm cannon's cannonball loading.

Looking at a box of shells was opened, and then began to load the speed of the chain, Rotzowski looked at the watch, then he whispered: "It almost takes half an hour."

Continue to wait, at this time, Grevatov turned his head and whispered: "You can go to the cockpit to check the status of the aircraft."

Yang Yi is facing Ruiji: "Check it out."

St. Regis looked at Yang Yi, then he and Vasily entered the cockpit and began to check the aircraft before take-off.

Continue to wait, watching the 105mm shells and carrying a box into the plane, watching the 40mm shells in a row on the special artillery rack, Yang Yi has a little impatient mood has begun to gradually calm down.

After the fueling was completed, the projectiles had been carried to the aircraft. At this time, the aircraft basically completed all the preparations for the battle and immediately took off.

At this time, it is just that the sky will be clear.

Gleevav’s phone rang, he connected the phone with the fastest speed, and then he took a call.

"Hey, hello?"

After two words, Grevatov hung up the phone, then he looked at the phone, and then he said calmly: "Mosul, Raja Wade Temple, fast!".

Yang Yi didn't know who called this call, but when the phone of Grevatov was put down again, his phone rang.

Yang Yi connected the phone and listened to Justin's death. "Satan is at the Raja Wade Great Temple! If you can help, I will give you 500 million dollars! Pay now! Pay you now!"

The cooperation between the water organization and the black devil is top secret, and it is extremely confidential. Even the ram does not know that the public opinion is Justin.

"Oh, I am not convenient now."

Yang Yi, who finished, immediately hung up the phone. He was only curious about one thing, so he looked at Grevatov.

Glewatov made another call, and then he whispered: "The Rajawed Great Temple, contact all who can go to them, fast, their situation is very bad."

Yang Yi put it down and said, "Let's go."

Several people quickly ran on the plane, then the hatch closed and the engine drove.

You don't have to look for it, you don't have to look for it. You can go directly to the Rajawed Great Temple. Obviously, the advantage is that they give the Rams the most precious time to save their lives.

Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "Who called?"


After whispering, Gleevtov took out the phone again. He said to Yang Yidao: "We will take off immediately and rush at the fastest speed. Please be quick, please!"

Without Yang Yi to say anything, the plane is already taking off.

The plane completed the takeoff in the shortest distance. It must be said that St. Regis was not very qualified as an agent, but he was a very qualified pilot. www.wuxiaspot.com~ The plane took off and quickly left Baghdad. Airspace, this time, Gleevatov Shen Sheng: "Contact Angel, contact Aurora, contact **** face, vampire, contact Mr. Da, use UHF air to contact the radio, adjust to the agreed frequency, receive in our communication Before the interference, the attack initiation time is agreed."

Yang Yi lingered for a while and said: "You are talking about angels... is the angel mercenary group?"


"Hey, the angel mercenary group I can understand, but the aurora..."

"Yes, the Aurora Mercenary."

Well, the Angel Mercenary is a legend, but the Aurora Mercenary is a legend, and it is a retired legendary mercenary group. Well, according to the truth of his peers, Yang Yi does not understand, or he is not very good. I believe that these two are indeed mercenary groups willing to participate in the rescue of Satan.

"So the **** face..."

"The nicknames are all nicknames, but each of them represents... many people, many people."

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