A War Between Spies

Chapter 1342: Technology

Yang Yi ran out of the alley. When he came to the end of the alley, there was already a business car parked there and opened the door.

Without the help of others, Yang Yi will have a hard time escaping from the hunt, because this hunt is not a city or a place, but the power of the country to arrest him as such a person. In this situation, he wants to take his own It’s really whimsical to get out.

Yang Yi got on the bus and the business car immediately opened.

Paul is driving.

"This is very troublesome, I have to start hiding."

"I know."

Yang Yi took off his headgear in the car. His hair was still wet, but the light brown hair had turned black.

Yang Yi picked up the water prepared in the car and poured it on his head again. Then he picked up the big towel that had already been prepared and wrapped it around his head.

"I want to find out what the detection instrument of the white box is. I need to know how it is exposed."

Yang Yi was able to change the sentence at the same time, and then he took out a driver's license, looked at a few eyes, and then began to change clothes in the car.

"You only have three minutes and forty seconds, I try to help you drag it to four minutes."


Yang Yifei quickly changed his clothes, took off his towel, and put a wig on his head.

"This accident is too sudden. Our preparation is seriously inadequate. We will lose the cover of the system after you get off the bus. We will only be able to adapt to it. You must pay attention!"

Paul is driving, but his tone is serious and helpless.

The cover of the water organization for Yang Yi was rushed to the United States in the shortest time after the temporary order was obtained, and then the arrangements made in a hurry, and Yang Yi did not expect to be at the airport. It was discovered, so the water organization can only do the most basic preparation.

That is to say, after going down from Paul’s car, there is no way to meet and cover Yang Yi, but not to prepare for the escape route and equipment, whether it is Yang Yi himself or the person who covers Yang Yi. You can only take a step and look at the random strain.

The currently selected escape route, such as the one lane that Yang Yi firstly reloaded, can be sure that there is no camera inside. Yang Yi is about to get off the bus, but also can determine the safe route, but then the next step, then It's hard to say.

As for why Paul did not drive directly to Yang Yi to the place of Anton, it was because when Paul drove Yang Yi, the car was exposed, no more than ten minutes, and New York City should start looking for this car. Business car.

Yang Yi changed clothes in the car, made simple makeup, threw everything on the back seat, and then waited for Anton to drive through an underground parking lot, Yang Yi opened the door and walked slowly. The car jumped up and rolled over the ground for a week and went straight to a car parked in the parking space.

Yang Yi opened the door with a key. He entered the car, whistled and started the car, and then drove toward the opposite exit of Paul.

Parking fee, Yang Yi drove the car out of the parking lot.

Is it safe?

No, this car has a safe time of up to half an hour. When Paul drove to the busy street and stopped, and then blatantly put the car in the torch, then Yang Yi should be eyeing the car.

Still, the words are not wrong, and any possible clues will be found, and then you will not give up without checking.

However, Yang Yi’s safe time has been extended from just three or two minutes to half an hour after these two changes.

Half an hour, really enough to do a lot of things.

There is also a cosmetic bag on the car, and the clothes in the bag are replaced. Yang Yi is another person.

Yang Yi drove for 20 minutes and came to a large shopping mall. He parked his car in the parking space of the mall and took the bag into the mall.

Yang Yi entered the toilet, then he entered a compartment where no one was, and then began to make up again, change clothes and change hairstyles.

Open a wallet, carefully read the photo of the family in the wallet, and remember the identity of the person. Yang Yi put the wallet in the pocket, then he finished the whole clothes and walked out of the toilet.

Now, it should be able to have one or two hours of safe time. Yang Yi is not sure, so he decided to take a conservative time value, which is an hour.

Why is there only one hour of safe time?

Quite simply, Yang Yi’s face and dressing is not entering the mall, but he is out of the mall. If the CIA is fast enough, it may be able to track the mall within an hour. Then, only need to bring up monitoring. Then Yang Yi immediately lost the camouflage effect.

Yang Yi is also a CIA person. He knows how fast CIA is looking for people. For example, the monitoring of shopping malls needs to rely on human resources to distinguish? No, no need.

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is already very powerful, and facial recognition technology is also very powerful. If there is an image data input to the computer, and then start to identify and find this person in the surveillance video, according to the traffic of the mall, the fastest need only In two minutes, the slowest time only takes three minutes.

Assuming that Yang Yi’s abandoned identity has been discovered, the CIA’s person took the information to find the mall, intercepting the half-hour or one-hour period and starting the comparison. In just a few seconds, Yang Yi entered the mall, even if it was not found. He went to the toilet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but it was enough to lock a general position. Then, Yang Yi did not go out from this approximate position. Then he retrieved the information of all the leavers in this area, and then compared it and found that Yang Yi is now. The image of the person did not enter the mall, but went out from the mall, well, began to find this person.

Is not it simple?

Changed to twenty years ago, no, back to ten years ago, facial recognition technology is not so developed, Yang Yi’s current camouflage level is almost enough to escape, but now, under the rapid development of science and technology, Yang Yi It can be good to have only one hour of safe time. You can get two hours, and that is luck.

Yang Yi plans to leave the mall and take a taxi to leave. There is an hour, enough for him to stay farther away.

But luck is not always on the side of Yang Yi. When Yang Yi walked to the mall door and was about to go out, the four suits and Yang Yi went across.

A man in a black suit looked at Yang Yi, he was in a hurry, but after seeing Yang Yi, he immediately stared at Yang Yi. After observing Yang Yi’s four or five steps, he immediately held it down. In the lower back, one hand stretched out to Yang Yi, loudly: "Mr. FBI!, stand where you don't move!"

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