A War Between Spies

Chapter 1353: Emergency interrogation

Four people started to get on the bus. Until now, there were no hotel staff or waiters trying to stop them from leaving. They didn’t say that they looked very miserable unlike terrorists, even if they were really terrorists, who would dare to stop? It.

Yang Yi did not hurry, he watched the car start up, pressed two horns, drove the crowd gathered, and then slammed the throttle out.

Yang Yi also drove the car out, and his speed was not slow.

If the car is driven up, it will be discovered soon.

However, it was discovered that it was discovered. The opportunity was rare. Yang Yi estimated that he would never encounter this opportunity again. Only four people were dispatched. Now the three bombs are wounded and wounded. This opportunity does not catch the chance of being condemned. .

Act, let's take the shot.

Yang Yi slammed the throttle and chased it up. Sure enough, he just drove up and the car in front of him found an abnormality.

Driving chase?

Just kidding, Yang Yi is a person, the other is four people, even if there is at least one seriously wounded inside, but the remaining people have the ability to shoot.

This kind of opponent, the kind of shooting that will kill people, as long as Yang Yi dare to give the opponent a chance to shoot, he will die, and he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Because this is not the kind of brainless villain in the movie, the light knows that the shot is not the kind of person.

Therefore, Yang Yi could not delay, he drove out and went straight to the front of the car.

Rear-end is a must, but not directly.

When I bumped into it, the airbags exploded. Yang Yi had already been hit by a squad, and it was difficult to get around.

Therefore, Yang Yi is heading for the rear wheel of the car.

The car in front started to be a snake-shaped maneuver. If you are not good, you are still looking for an opportunity to knock over Yang Yi’s car. However, this is the time to test the car skills.

Yang Yi did not dare to say that this car skill, he is indeed quite quite powerful.

The hands repeatedly turned the steering wheel, and the throttle under the foot was never loose. When the first shot of the current car broke the glass and began to shoot, Yang Yi had hit the front left side of the front body with the corner of his front.

After hitting it and continuing to accelerate, Yang Yi directly hit the car in front of him and ran across the car in front.

It was not a talent that could shoot even under the violent impact. It was a fairy, but the safety period was a bit short. When the two cars were in a relatively stable state, Yang Yi suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

The front car was turned over and turned over two turns on the road. Yang Yi quickly stepped on the brakes and hit a direction. Then he tried hard before the car got out of control and hit the pole. Parked the car.

The car stopped, and Yang Yi pushed the door open. He pointed the gun at the car first, but did not dare to go straight.

As long as there is still someone in the car who is awake and has a gun in his hand, then Yang Yi is looking for death in the past. Now he has mastered the initiative, but he has not yet fully controlled the situation.

What should I do? I have to know that there are four people in the car that was turned over in the front, and although these four have lost their hands, they are still very powerful.

In fact, the solution is also simple, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is better not to let them have a chance to shoot.

In fact, Yang Yi has always done this.

If this raid became a gun battle, then Yang Yi was a complete failure. Fortunately, he only let his opponent shoot a shot now, or it is played through the glass, basically no threat.

Yang Yiwei was behind the front of the car. He pulled a smoke bomb away and threw it away.

The smoke bombs couldn't be thrown into the car, but the position where the smoke bombs stayed was on the side of the car. The white smoke still floated into the car. The space in the car was so small that it was unbearable to get in.

Yang Yi still holds a special smoke bomb for the agent. This is not only the manufacture of smoke, but also a powerful hypnotic effect. However, now he feels that it is unnecessary to use it, or save it, Anna Starkina sends Although the equipment comes in a variety of styles, but each one is not much, it is better to save some points.

Along with a severe cough, a person climbed out of the rear window and, after a while, climbed out of the front window.

It was two people who could climb out and the other two did not move. It seems that they were too hurt and could not afford to come out of the car that was turned over.

Yang Yi raised the gun, the first shot hit the leg of the man coming out of the back window, the second shot was empty, and Yang Yi intended to hit the arm of the person in front.

I feel that there is a fever on my face. At this time, the spellwork that is not working well is really too irritating.

"This is a warning shot. If you still don't want to let go of the gun, I will hit your head next time!"

Yang Yi said coldly, and the smoke was soaked by the smoke bombs. The driver who didn’t open his eyes hesitated. After all, he still hated and put down the gun. He fell to the ground and put his hands behind his head. .

The gun on the leg was a leg that was smashed twice on the ground. After opening his eyes, he had to close it. Then he was very angry and shouted: "Fuck! Fak oil! Fake oil! You warn why the shot hit my leg, Fake oil!"

On the one hand, it was no problem, and he refused to let go of the gun in his hand. Yang Yi was very helpless and fired another shot. This time he hit the other leg of the hard-nosed guy.

"Let's put down the gun, don't you find out that I am merciful? From the explosion to the present, if I want you to die, you have already died twice. Now, let go of the gun and kneel on the ground!"

The person who shot in the leg wanted to resist the end, but one step was wrong, step by step wrong, and from the moment he was blown, they had no room to turn over, so he finally threw the gun aside.

"You, the one who is squatting, I know that you have a knife on your calf, pull it out and throw it away. I know you have another gun, throw it away. I want to talk to you. If you still refuse to cooperate, you know that I will How to do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You should be very clear."

After a short silence, the two began to silently throw things away, not to throw them out, but to put them on the ground, and then pushed them away.

"My buddy is still in the car, they are dying, and the police are coming, and you don't want to wait for the police to come."

Yang Yi certainly didn't want to wait for the police to come. He quickly walked over and kicked the smoke bomb that was still smoking to the side. Then he pointed the gun at the man on the leg and said: "One question, no thinking, answering within three seconds, two people answer together, can't answer four people to die together, answer the inconsistency and die together, listen well, you... what is your name."

"We...oh, my name is John."

"My name is Myers, no, he is John."

Of course, Yang Yi wants to ask this, but he needs to throw a question to divert the attention of these two people.

So when two people turned back and made a mistake, Yang Yi did not entangle, but quickly asked: "How do you find me?"

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