Chapter 129 Press Conference, Unconditional Support for Mainland China!

Lin Fei’s eyes switched between the turbulent storm outside and the text scrolling on the screen.

These days, everything about him has become a hot topic.

In various media outlets in Hong Kong, Lin Fei’s name seemed to have become a symbol, a tinderbox ready to explode, setting off an unprecedented public opinion frenzy.

Feilong Group, Lin Fei’s Office

The door of the office was knocked.

Lin Fei raised his head slightly and said calmly:”Come in!”

Qiao Jiakang walked in quickly, with anxiety written on his face:”Boss, all media now Everyone is talking about our Feilong Group, and everyone is speculating on your intentions. Some even start to make sarcastic remarks behind our backs and smear our Feilong Group. You see, do we need to guide some public opinion? I can take some measures to suppress it. Suppress the hot search.”

Lin Fei leaned on his seat, his eyes indifferent, and he shook his head gently:”Akang, do you think this hot search can still be suppressed?”

“I!”Qiao Jiakang was stunned.

Lin Fei continued to ask:”Let me ask you, are our PHS sales good?

Qiao Jiakang thought for a while and said,”The sales are not bad!”

Lin Fei asked again:”Is it because our movies are not selling well?”

Qiao Jiakang was stunned:”It’s not bad. The sales of both movies and peripherals are very good!””

“So why are you panicking?”Lin Fei asked back.

“I am worried that public opinion and the media will spread rumors and smear us, thereby disturbing the citizens of Xiangjiang and affecting the sales of our products!”Qiao Jiakang sighed.

Lin Fei shrugged:”It doesn’t have to be like this.

People’s hearts are like the tide and public opinion is like the wind.

They are all changing rapidly.

These hot searches and public opinions may seem overwhelming, but for us,”633″ will not have any impact.

First, it is impossible for the citizens of Xiangjiang not to buy our PHS because they have no other choice.

, Second, we have two major TV stations in Hong Kong, one is Asia Television and the other is TVB.

Now they are both in our hands.

Do you think it is the print media or the TV media that is better!

Qiao Jiakang was stunned. He didn’t expect that Lin Fei was so calm and calm.

That’s right. Lin Fei basically has a monopoly on these technologies. Their main product is PHS. Is there anyone else? Can you produce a PHS?

Qiao Jiakang couldn’t help but ask:”Then, boss, you mean, we will do nothing!

Lin Fei said with both hands:”What else?”

Qiao Jiakang said:”My boss, you don’t know how they discuss us. Don’t you care about your own image?” At least the TV station needs to be operational!

Lin Fei said slowly:”Image?” Oh, images are nothing but illusory things. Moreover, the more debates and heated discussions there are, the more people’s curiosity will be aroused. By then, they will understand that everything we do is for the bigger picture. Akang, let them discuss and speculate. This is also considered free publicity.

Qiao Jiakang said:”Boss, what do you mean, we still have to wait until public opinion ferments?””

“good! Lin Fei nodded and said,”We just have to wait until the public opinion ferments and becomes the strongest!”

Qiao Jiakang clenched his fingers tightly and couldn’t help but say:”Boss, you are always so calm, but some of your words are really ugly. Those slanderous remarks make me want to chop this bastard with a knife.”!.”

Lin Fei stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the Xiangjiang River outside the window.

“Discredit? laugh at? These gossips cannot hurt me. We are following the plan and achieving our goals. As for the outside world, let them have their say.”

Qiao Jiakang nodded:”Okay!”

Xiangjiang’s media and social platforms have begun to discuss the fierce negotiations between mainland China and Great Britain since Lin Fei was smeared.

This seemingly elegant, but actually full of gunpowder battlefield of public opinion has gradually become a place where people from all sides unleash attacks, debates and The stage of prediction.

In a radio program, two political commentators were at war with each other, fiercely debating the future of mainland China and Great Britain.

“You guys have no idea! How could Great Britain lose to the mainland?”A tasseled supporter asserted so forcefully with a thick tasseled accent.

“The British had just won the Falkland Islands War. Their military strength and strategic capabilities were obvious to all. No matter how the mainland rose, it would be impossible to defeat the British.”He made no secret of his admiration for Great Britain.

On the opposite side, an expert who supported the mainland was not to be outdone:”You can be arrogant after winning a small war? How can the strength and heritage of the mainland be comparable to that of that small archipelago? What Britain faced in the Falklands War was just a miscellaneous army with backward equipment, and the power of the mainland was definitely not something that Britain could despise.”

The debate has become more intense, and the comments on the Internet have become more and more intense.

Some people say that Britain is an empire with a long history and has a strong technological and economic foundation.

“Great Britain will win!” has become their cry of war.

At the same time, there are also objections. They believe that after years of rapid development, the mainland’s strength and international influence have gradually increased. It is no longer the closed country it used to be.

In a lively teahouse Inside, several old men were discussing the international situation while drinking tea.

“I see, the British are nothing more than that. Even though they look glamorous on the outside, they are actually rotten on the inside.”An old man said, holding up a tea cup.

“that is! When will Great Britain realize that this is no longer the time for them to rule the world?”Another old man shook his head and sighed.

“Don’t talk about it, these are high-level affairs, what can we ordinary people do to interfere with it? Drink tea, drink tea.”Someone tried to dissuade her.

Lin Fei’s office was spacious and cold, but the moment Guan Zhilin gently opened the door, the temperature there seemed to rise suddenly.

Guan Zhilin was wearing a black and delicate silk dress, which highlighted her bright and jade-like figure. Her skin color is as light as a cat, and her eyes are a bit shy and coquettish.

Her long hair is flowing in the wind, and her fragrance is light, making people want to get closer. Lin

Fei glanced at her, trying to hide the fact that his heartbeat was racing.

Although he had been”conquered”, Guan Zhilin still made his heart beat every time he appeared.

Guan Zhilin gently bit her red lips, which were full of temptation. She walked to Lin Fei’s side, gently hugged his waist and pressed against his chest.

Her eyes flashed with worry, and she asked gently:”Mr. Lin, are you really okay? It makes me really sad to see you being attacked by the media.”

Lin Fei felt the warmth and tenderness radiating from her body.

He lowered his head slightly and kissed her forehead:”Don’t worry, I’m used to it. These little things that are not worth mentioning do not affect me. Guan

Zhilin pouted and said dissatisfiedly:”You are always like this and don’t take yourself seriously.” I don’t want to see you get hurt and I’m really worried about you.”

Her cute and gentle appearance made Lin Fei’s heart so soft that he couldn’t help himself.

“Got it, be good. Thank you for your concern, but you also know that I am a tough guy, so what is this little trouble?

Guan Zhilin smiled slightly and pinched Lin Fei’s shoulder coquettishly:”Can’t a tough guy make his woman feel bad?””

Lin Fei held Guan Zhilin’s little hand, with a playful smile in his deep eyes.

“Do you know what the outside world says about me? They all said that I would secretly support the mainland and would not openly take sides. But how could I be guessed by them.”

Guan Zhilin frowned, her clear eyes full of worry

“Mr. Lin, the situation is so sensitive now, is this really a good idea?”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Fei smiled lightly, his domineering and confident expression was beyond words.

“The more public I stand, the more in the sun, the less anyone dares to lay a hand on me. Guan

Zhilin bit her lip and asked softly:”But, Mr. Lin, is there really no danger?” I…I don’t want to lose you. Lin Fei leaned forward slightly, put his forehead against hers, and said domineeringly and gently:”Don’t worry, I have plenty of ways to protect myself.” What’s more, there is the mainland behind me.”

Guan Zhilin leaned gently on his broad chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, but her heart was still turbulent.

She raised her face and looked at him with a hint of tears.”I believe you, Mr. Lin. It’s just… I just care about you too much, so I’m afraid.”

Lin Fei just smiled slightly, not knowing whether Guan Damei was hypocritical or sincere.

However, he still liked this feeling of being admired.

“rest assured! Lin Fei had a smile on his face:”That’s all they have!””



Lin Fei stood in front of the big window of the office, took a deep breath, and looked sternly.

He turned around and called Qiao Jiakang over:”Qiao Jiakang, it’s almost time to hold a press conference.”

Qiao Jiakang frowned:”Now?”

It was almost getting worse, and he knew that this would trigger a bigger crisis. Troubles

“Yes, I want all of Xiangjiang to know my position. Lin Fei ordered:”Notify Sing Tao Daily, Agent Daily, Ta Kung Pao, Xinhua News Agency, and our own Feilong Media. By the way, my attitude can be broadcast on Asia Television and Wireless Television.”

Qiao Jiakang’s eyes widened, and deep excitement showed in his eyes:”Boss, these are the number one media in Hong Kong, they are really going to become big!

Lin Fei’s eyes became sharper:”That’s why I want them to come.”……..”

Qiao Jiakang knew that Lin Fei’s decision would not change, so he immediately arranged manpower and notified the five major media.

When the five media outlets heard that Lin Fei was going to hold a press conference, they were immediately excited. They knew that this would be big news that shocked the whole of Hong Kong.

Media reporters rushed to the Feilong Group headquarters. For a while, the hall was bustling and noisy.

The news of this press conference instantly ignited sparks in every corner of Hong Kong, and citizens were full of expectations and curiosity about the coming storm.

Zhao Mingxia, the editor-in-chief of Ta Kung Pao, said to her subordinates:”This press conference is a big event, and we must get first-hand news!”

The manager of Sing Tao Daily was also very excited:”We must dig out Mr. Lin’s news this time The underlying reason for holding a press conference.”

The editor-in-chief of Broker Daily was even more impatient:”Prepare quickly, we have to get ahead of other media and win the headlines!”

Zhou Jianfeng of Xinhua News Agency was calm as usual:”We must remain objective. Be neutral and report the truth.”

Finally, the press conference officially began. Lin Fei walked to the stage and scanned the reporters below with his sharp eyes:”Dear journalists, I am holding this press conference to answer your questions publicly. Doubts.”

The camera was focused on him, and the reporters’ brushstrokes flew across the paper. Every word and every look in his eyes were caught tightly by countless pairs of eyes.

A reporter asked:”Mr. Lin, there are rumors that you support mainland China. Can you confirm whether this is true?”

The corners of Lin Fei’s mouth raised, revealing a faint smile.

He looked at the audience and replied loudly:”This is not a rumor. I am indeed optimistic about mainland China.”

The Xinhua News Agency reporter was excited, with his heart beating wildly in his chest.

He couldn’t help but stood up:”Mr. Lin, can you tell us why you support the mainland?”

Lin Fei smiled faintly:”The mainland, this ancient and mysterious land, has thousands of years of civilization history. After three years After ten years of development, it basically has a complete industrial system, and five years ago, the mainland also showed its openness and tolerance to the outside world. It is no longer the closed country it used to be!”

His eyes showed. Showing endless confidence and respect for the mainland: The mainland has a huge population base and huge market potential. Coupled with its unremitting efforts and struggles, it has gradually risen and shown unparalleled vitality and potential.”

Lin Fei’s words were sonorous and powerful, and every word seemed to echo in the air.

A reporter asked:”Mr. Lin, what you said is unfair. Is the UK inferior to the mainland? The British Empire now has strong technology and a strong economy. I don’t understand why you insist on supporting the mainland to manage Hong Kong!”

“This journalist friend! Lin Fei slowly said:”I want to ask you, who are you?” Are they British or Chinese?”

“I……”The reporter was stunned for 1.9 minutes:”I am Chinese!”

“So, why do I support mainland China? Do I still need to explain to you?”Lin Fei asked back.

“This is not right! The reporter said:”Who can manage Hong Kong well, who can bring economic prosperity to Hong Kong, and who can govern Hong Kong!”

Lin Fei nodded:”You are right. I think it is better to let Daying and Mainland fight. I am looking forward to whether Daying can win. As long as we can win, I will support Daying unconditionally.” , what do you think of this?”

“Mr. Lin, are you supporting the war?”The reporter caught the loophole in Lin Fei’s words.

“If Daying doesn’t even have the courage to safeguard Hong Kong, why do I think Daying will develop Hong Kong well? In other words, from the British perspective, Hong Kong is just a colony. Will such a country regard us as one of its own?”

Lin Fei shrugged and continued:”Although Daying was once dominant, it was gradually declining. We must understand that the future belongs to the East.”

The reporter said angrily:”Then why did the Qing Dynasty cede Xiangjiang?”

“The Qing Dynasty is the Qing Dynasty, and Huaxia is Huaxia!”Lin Fei said:”If the British could take back Xiangjiang by force, then now that the mainland is stronger and they want to take back Xiangjiang, I believe that they also don’t mind using force.”

The reporters were dumbfounded.

The whole audience was silent, everyone They were all staring at Lin Fei closely, as if they were afraid of missing every word that came out of his mouth.

“The prosperity and rise of the continent is an inevitable trend in the development of human civilization. It has profound cultural heritage and endless innovation potential, and its prospects will be extremely broad.”

The reporter from Xinhua News Agency held the pen in his hand tightly, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Finally, Mr. Lin made a public statement.

Người mua: ÁN҉H҉☆S҉áN҉G҉☆đảN҉G҉

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