Chapter 0090 Ten billion, acquiring a bank?

Luo Yingshi now had to cut his flesh and leave the field.

If you can no longer generate cash flow, you will be directly bankrupt and liquidated.

Cut the meat early and run out while you are still valuable.

This time of bargain hunting, it only takes three to five years. When the real estate in Xiangjiang starts to prosper, my worth will definitely exceed tens of billions.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lin Fei is doing nothing now.

In the future, he will definitely join the four major families.

Of course, for Lin Fei, he didn’t want to simply become one of the four major families. How cool would it be to directly turn Xiangjiang into Lin Family City?

The current thinking has changed from the previous incremental thinking to stock thinking.

Who can survive will be qualified to face a better tomorrow.

This is a big wave, an unprecedented crisis has hit, although it has swept away the life savings of most blind investors, and caused a huge impact on Hong Kong’s industrial and commercial economy and stock market.

This crisis has also brought severe challenges to many companies.

Who is the real deal and who is the husky among wolves.

Eagle Group is actually quite good.

At least his assets are still valuable, and at least Lin Fei is still willing to pay for them.

But now, there are some projects that Lin Fei really won’t even take a second look at.

A large number of companies will learn from Hong Kong Island’s past experience. While developing real estate, they will also control the company’s debt ratio and liquidity to avoid really involving themselves.

Even if this kind of company encounters such a crisis, it can still wait for the dawn.

There are also companies and investors who generally invest blindly, take huge loans, or use leverage; in the end, they are like a soap bubble that bursts as soon as they are popped.

Feilong Group’s top executives, Lin Fei, Qiao Jiakang, Tan Wenning, Tang Wenzhe, and Shao Jiahui, gathered together for a high-level meeting.

“I want to buy a bank!

Lin Fei glanced at everyone, but with a smile on his face:”How do you feel?””

A few people were silent.

After a while, Tan Wenning said:”Boss, do you mean to acquire the bank? Is it a literal acquisition?”

“Otherwise, what do you think I’m talking about? Lin Fei smiled and said:”In this situation, the unlucky one must be the banking industry. This is the fact. Many financial companies have begun to liquidate one after another. I think it won’t be long before a run event breaks out on Hong Kong Island. This At that time, we can actually look for a few banks and take them down completely!”

As he spoke, Lin Fei clenched his fists and said:”With a bank in hand, whether we do business in Xiangjiang or in the mainland in the future, it will be more convenient for us!”

A few people fell into silence.

Mainly, no one has ever experienced this kind of thing before.

For a moment, I really didn’t know what to say.

Tan Wenning was the first to speak:”This is indeed an opportunity. , however, we have no experience in this area yet!”

“No experience, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is, we need a bank! Lin Fei smiled and said,”Take the next one first!””

Qiao Jiakang touched his chin, and then slowly said:”This is indeed an opportunity. I think, next, there will definitely be a run on Xiangjiang. At this time, we can indeed win at a low price. A bank!”

For banks, they don’t just watch depositors deposit money. When depositors deposit money, they need to pay interest. Saving money cannot be regarded as the bank’s profit but a liability.

For banks, normally The operation is to lend money, loan it out, and then get back the high interest rate.

The interest rate for the loan must be higher than the interest rate for storage.

For banks, it is not about saving more money, but lending it out.

The more the better, but there are problems with loans.

You can’t guarantee that you will get a return if you lend money.

What if the company goes bankrupt? What if someone takes the bank’s money and runs away? It is impossible for all of them to be used as working capital; that is to say, depositors’ money will always be greater than the bank’s working capital; therefore, no matter which bank has a bank run event, it may be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Even in the face of an extremely horrific bank run, in the end, HSBC survived the disaster. However, HSBC also controlled 51% of the equity of Hang Seng Bank from then on, and then slowly the shareholding ratio came to 62.14%.

Now, the safest banks in Hong Kong are HSBC, Hang Seng Bank and Standard Chartered Bank.

The risks are very high.

“Boss, what’s your opinion?” Tan Wenning asked

“Hang Lung Bank! A smile appeared on Lin Fei’s face:”I think Hang Lung Bank is very good. My plan is to secretly acquire the shares of Hang Lung Bank and find a way to completely win over Hang Lung Bank!”

Qiao Jiakang frowned slightly and said:”Hang Lung Bank’s scale actually already has a certain ability to resist risks. I don’t think it is so easy to win!””

“If it were easy, I wouldn’t be eyeing Hang Lung Bank, they are huge!

Lin Fei smiled and said:”Taking it down will save us a lot of things. Aning, I will leave this matter to you!”

Tan Wenning nodded quickly:”Okay!”

Lin Fei thought for a while and said:”Go and have a good talk with the banker brothers first. I am still very sincere!””

Tin Wenning asked:”What is our budget?

Lin Fei smiled, and then said calmly:”Go and talk first, see what they say, and we will make a budget when you come back!””

“clear!”Tin Wenning nodded quickly.


Lin Fei touched his chin, knowing it well.

Next, Hang Lung Bank will suffer three waves of blows.

The first case to be implicated was the trouble caused by Xie Liyuan Gold Shop.

Xie Liyuan Gold Shop can trace back to the Tongzhi year of the Qing Dynasty. Originally, Gimpo was developing smoothly. In the 1970s, the Bretonson System was disintegrated. Then, the price of gold rose sharply. Xie Liyuan Gold Shop took the opportunity to launch the”Thousands of Gold Accumulation” Plan”: In other words, Xiangjiang citizens can open gold accounts and buy and sell gold according to the gold price of the day.

This policy has been very popular among Xiangjiang citizens. Industry insiders estimate that Xie Liyuan Gold Shop has absorbed more than 20 million yuan in funds through this; but the problem is that this gold is only gold on paper.

It is impossible for Xiangjiang citizens to buy gold every day, and Xie Liyuan Gold Shop will not be idle and reserve so much gold.

Then, the time came to 1982, that is, this year the international gold price rose sharply. Every tael of gold increased by nearly 1,500 yuan. This immediately caused a large number of Xiangjiang citizens to buy gold. However, Xie Liyuan Gold Shop did not have that much gold at all, so it could only Buying gold in the market to cover positions, and going back and forth, led to losses, and then further led to insufficient capital turnover, and eventually bankruptcy.

The collapse of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop was also a series of reactions. Originally, Gimpo and Hang Lung Bank had a close relationship. The two parties signed an agreement, and the bank recognized the gold shop’s gold certificates. As a result, once the gold shop collapsed, Hang Lung Bank directly disowned it, and investors took Jinpu’s gold certificates were exchanged for cash at Hang Lung Bank, but they were refused.

Then, things got serious. Countless users raised the issue, triggering a run on Hang Lung Bank. Within two days, nearly 100 million yuan was withdrawn.

Fortunately, this time Hang Seng Bank, Standard Chartered Bank and Hua Xia Bank issued statements to fully support Hang Lung Bank, and the run wave temporarily subsided.

The second implicated case – the gold store problem has not been completely resolved. Two months later, Diners Finance Company was forced to liquidate because it owed a total of HK$650 million to a number of banks and could not repay it. Then, someone discovered Two of Hang Lung’s directors were also directors of Diners Club, so Hang Lung Bank’s solvency was once again questioned and another run broke out.

Then many active financial companies in the market collapsed one after another, and the market was in turmoil.

The third implicated case – Hang Seng Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and the Hong Kong government found through investigations that Hang Lung’s problems were far more serious and terrifying than disclosed.

Hang Lung Bank had hidden a batch of bad debts, which was already a serious violation.

After breaking the laws of Hong Kong, a check payment was made by Hang Lung Bank on the market.

For a time, Hang Lung Bank was once again pushed to the forefront, and the bank run occurred for the third time.

Three consecutive bank runs directly depleted 90% of Hang Lung Bank’s health bar.

At this time, I can just take advantage of the opportunity and directly take over Hang Lung Bank


Feilong Group (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Fei was drinking coffee slowly.

Tan Wenning stood in front of Lin Fei and told about his experience in the Philippines.

The banker brothers are not in Xiangjiang, but in the Philippines. They are overseas Chinese businessmen Hu Jian, one named Zhuang Rongkun and the other named Zhuang Qingquan. In 1976, they acquired 80% of the shares of Hang Lung Bank.

As soon as I heard that Tan Wenning was coming to acquire Hang Lung Bank.

The two brothers met Tan Wenning, but their tone of voice was not so nice.

For example, I have never heard of what kind of shit Lin Fei is.

For example, if Lin Fei really wants to take over Hang Lung Bank, it is not impossible, either he can give us the micro-cell technology for free, or else, let Lin Fei directly use 10 billion to acquire Hang Lung Bank. bank.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at Tan Wenning, with a slightly solemn look in his eyes:”Did they really say that?”

“No embellishing! Tan Wenning gritted his teeth and said,”Boss, brother banker, you are so disrespectful!” Lin

Fei put down the coffee cup, but with a smile on his face, he said lightly:”Go find Henry and contact some government officials.”……”

In the previous life, Hang Lung Bank developed too fast in the 1970s and speculated excessively in the real estate boom of the early 1980s. Therefore, during this crisis, the bank was already in a quagmire and could not extricate itself. In the end, the Hong Kong government accepted Hang Lung Bank and provided financial support through the Exchange Fund. Hang Lung Bank injected HK$300 million, and what Lin Fei needed to do was very simple.

Let the government go bankrupt and liquidate, and then buy the bank at a low price.

This naturally involves countless political revolving doors.

It doesn’t matter… he is already familiar with this routine.

Tan Wenning nodded, and then couldn’t help but ask:”Boss, aren’t you angry?”

“Why should I be angry? Lin Fei smiled and said:”They just don’t know how powerful I am. Now, I will let them see how powerful I am!””.

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