A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 13 Chapter 72: Out of the Purple Mountain, into the Holy Cliff

【Strange Theater from London】【】

In the depths of Purple Mountain.

Everything suddenly became silent.

After proving the Tao, it is natural to suppress turmoil and uncertainty. If other Tianjiao said so and put on a confident posture, the two saintesses would not particularly care.

What kind of emperor's talent, young emperor, ancient emperor's reincarnation, over and over again, there are so many tricks.

And young people are really high-spirited.

As for the result... it is actually very cruel. With the arrival of the golden age, most of them are just heroes for a while, and there are very few people who are qualified to set foot on the ancient road of stars in the future.

The only exception is the mysterious Underworld Emperor Body... Even though they are born noble, have seen a lot of things, and their horizons are extremely broad, knowing how difficult the emperor's road is, they still believe that this is not false

Lu Li and Zhang Lin communicated face to face, and the chaotic green lotus hung above, sinking and floating, with thousands of strands of green light hanging down.

Due to the full suppression of the ancient emperor's weapons, the fifth generation Yuan Tianshi began to shed all his red hair at this moment, and the evil energy in his body began to fade.

However, it didn't take long, and it turned out that Zhang Lin's fate still could not be changed.

As the red corpse hair decreased, his flesh body continued to emit a rotten smell.

"Forget it, the curse has penetrated deep into my soul. When I return to normal, it will be the end of my life."

The Yuan Tianshi, who once ruled all over the world, sighed.

Who in the world can not die?

One sentence has stumped so many outstanding people throughout the ages, even the great emperors of ancient times have collapsed in the years, only the weapons cast by immortal gold and divine materials are immortal.

And Yuan Tianshi, who walks proudly in the nature of the world, digs out all the secrets underground, can obtain amazing treasures, and can extend his life, but he cannot be immortal.

Ten thousand years have passed since Zhang Lin disappeared in his later years. Who can live so long for an ordinary monk?

You must know that he is not a great holy body, let alone a great emperor of the human race. If he hadn't become a demon, he would have died long ago.

Now, Lu Li used the imperial soldiers to forcibly drive away all the weirdness in his body, but in the end he could only let him rot and become a dead body.

It's just that Zhang Lin didn't feel very disappointed. After living for so long, he has long been a person whose life energy has dried up, and he doesn't love longevity.

"I have already taught you the key to the Yuantian Divine Art, so remove the Emperor Soldiers, there is indeed any need in the future..."

"For example, the revival of the ancient race can wake me up, dragging a royal family on the road, and this life is not in vain." Zhang Lin said to himself, and then the red hair soared, and it became waist-length in an instant.

Afterwards, while showing pain, he pulled out bunches of horrible red hairs, walked back and forth, and passed through ancient caves one after another.


Finally, there was a beast-like roar from a certain cave, howling like a wounded beast.

"Remember to save her!"

After a while, Zhang Lin's voice was hoarse.

And everyone also instantly understood the meaning of this sentence. This is asking Lu Li to save Yang Yi, the saint of Yaochi, who was 10,000 years ago. She is still alive!

This matter is not difficult.

He had already promised the saint of Yaochi before.

"I owed her too much back then, and even after I died, she fell into a desperate situation." Zhang Lin's voice was trembling, and one could imagine his red-haired hands were trembling at the moment.

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

Yang Yi is her confidante, and when she learned that something bad happened to him in his later years, she was heartbroken, regardless of her own life and death, and resolutely entered Zishan, and never appeared in the world again.

The saint from the past chose to enter Zishan to die for Master Youyuan, while Zhang Lin, half-demon and half-human, lost his mind after becoming a red-haired monster, but still had an instinct to save Yang Yi.

This made Lu Li sigh.

"Can you revive it here?"

Focusing on the contemporary Yaochi saintess, there is no need to use the essence of the phoenix elixir, the fairy liquid from the tenth floor of the old land can be combined with a small medicine king.

"Forget it, the fifth generation Yuan Tianshi is probably not willing to meet Senior Yang Yi..."

Love transcends everything.

At least for the pair in front of them, there was no suspense at all. Yang Yi didn't care about Zhang Lin's appearance, but the latter couldn't resist.

This stone village is located in an oasis with a radius of more than ten miles, and there is a lonely mountain on the horizon, which is several thousand meters high.

There is no soil and no vegetation. It is completely a rocky mountain. It is purple-brown in color, as if it was polished from dull purple gold.

If you stare carefully, you will see a large number of knife marks and holes on it, all of which are almost weathered and obliterated.

In fact, the mental state of the people here is not bad, digging sources for a living, life is not worry-free, and they can go to distant oases to exchange daily necessities.

Just occasionally being blackmailed by small gangs.

"Thank you to the immortals for sending back the bones of our ancestors."

Now, the people in Shizhai wanted to kneel down but couldn't do it, so they could only invite them to stay for a meal. After all, if they couldn't repay their kindness, they would be really sorry.

Not far away, a group of young people stared blankly at the two saintesses who looked like fairies in the moon.

at the same time.

The Black Emperor poked his huge head over and said:

"You have paid homage to Zishan for generations, and you will have great blessings in the future."

Because the first ancestor of the Zhang family, Zhang Lin, the master of Yuantian, once said that descendants will stay here to pay respects to Zishan, and there will be great blessings in the future.

However, their life was not satisfactory. Lu Li just helped to kill a group of rogues who came to collect protection fees - this is the characteristic of the Northern Territory. It is not weaker than the ancient family, and even has half of the emperor's soldiers.

"About the Yuantian Book, according to your first ancestor's intention, it should not be passed on to his descendants."

"It involves a lot of taboos."

Opposite Lu Li, Zhang Wuye, who is highly respected in the village and able to call the shots, was stunned for a moment, and said in disbelief:

"The first ancestor is still alive?"

"Not really, the state is very bad. To be honest, it is no better than death. Even if there is suppression by the emperor's soldiers, it can only guarantee his sanity for a while."

Fifth Master didn't know much about monks, but when he heard the word "Emperor", he still couldn't help admiring him. After all, our ancestors were magnanimous, and no matter how poor they were, they still knew what existence must be respected.

"Trouble you, everything is in accordance with the arrangement of the first ancestor, we can't bear the weirdness."

"How about this, I will teach you a volume of scriptures. It's not advanced, but it can be cultivated to the Immortal Realm." Lu Li couldn't help but convey all the methods of cultivation to the minds of everyone in the village.

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

In order to avoid being disturbed by the outside world, a set of formations was engraved, which can block the famous people in the Dragon Transformation Realm and help them survive the danger.

The stone chips flew like a slashing attack.

Long before disappearing, the fifth-generation Yuan Tianshi left a lot of things for his descendants, but he was worried that they would not be able to keep them, so he always showed people the most common images of stone piers, stone mills, and stone rollers.

Now, Lu Li guides the villagers of Shizhai onto the path of cultivation, and then he will let them all out.

Heterogeneous source, bean-sized Shenyuan, and a pink fleshy fruit that looks a bit like a peach.

The latter was so fragrant that people couldn't help but want to swallow it in one gulp. Moreover, thanks to the fact that the Heavenly Eye had already seen through everything, it was not damaged at all.

"It's so fragrant, it must be the fruit of immortality, right?" The **** dog's eyes glowed green.

"The color of the fruit has changed, and the aroma has faded, so seal it up quickly," Daoyi saintess reminded.

The pink fleshy fruit gradually turned blue, and the aroma did fade a lot.

"Woof woof! The fetish cannot be sealed at all, eat it quickly, otherwise the energy will be gone!"

The **** dog became more and more anxious.

Regarding this guy's integrity, Lu Li didn't believe it at all. No matter how much he treasured it, could it be compared to the essence of the elixir?

After sealing it with the source technique, Lu Li handed it to Zhang Wuye without any hesitation, while looking at the Black Emperor with warning eyes.

I don't know how the Great Emperor Wu Shi raised such a dog with no integrity...

"These red hairs will bring ominousness, let me purify them for you."

"Thank you little brother."

Although Lu Li acted domineeringly and couldn't tolerate any discussion after making a decision, the villagers knew that he was treating him well and had no calculations.

Not far away, the smell of meat is overflowing.

Roasted whole lambs were placed on the fire.

This time, the two saintesses took off their light veils, causing the men, women and children in the village to lose their minds, and Lu Li also feasted their eyes on them.

Only the Heihuang was not affected, this rotten dog was busy pestering Zhang Wuye, saying that there were two young men with extraordinary blood in Shizhai, and he could train them to be invincible emperors, but he needed some rewards.

Obviously, he wanted the fruit.

However, Lu Li did not stop him.

As it said, there are two young people with very ancient blood flowing in their bodies, not to mention powerful, even if it is an ordinary king body, it is difficult to match, but they are amazing enough and have training value.

After getting the confirmation, Master Zhang Wu didn't hesitate, handed over the fruit to the Black Emperor, and entrusted it to train young people named Er Lengzi and Wang Shu well.

Mostly because he still had a conscience, he was ashamed to deceive the old man, so the **** dog slapped his chest loudly, saying that he wanted to pass on the forbidden ultimate move in the "Black Emperor Sutra" to the two of them.

After a few glances, Lu Li withdrew his gaze, grabbed the sizzling leg of lamb with one hand, and reached into his bosom to feel it.

Nine Secrets of Lizhou?

Looking carefully at this mysterious brocade, there are many sincere words written on it, making people believe that there are really clues related to the Nine Secrets.

To this day, Lu Li is still willing to believe.

According to the above, there are two locations in one, the Purple Mountain guarded by Nine Dragons has now been explored, and a secret was accidentally obtained, which was passed down by the Jiang family **** king, and now this senior has returned to the clan.

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

The remaining one is very far away, already close to the central region of the Eastern Desolation.

To be honest, it didn't match Lu Li's original intention. He planned to start from the Eastern Wilderness and the Northern Territory, cross all the way to the northwest, and go to the Northern Plains where the Emperor Chaos was, to fight against the reincarnation of the ancient emperor.

And real men never turn back...

Of course, in this world, Lu Li felt that he was not a man in the true sense.

【Holy Cliff】

This is an ancient name, which was marked on this brocade. He felt that this name was a bit special, so he couldn't help asking:

"Have you heard of the Holy Cliff?"

The two peerless saintesses tapped their heads together.

The Holy Cliff is located at the junction of the Central Territory and the Northern Territory. The location is very special. Almost no one comes here on weekdays, so keep it at a respectful distance.

Because, this is an ominous place, there is a Dacheng Holy Body blood-stained on the dry cliff in his later years, who died here, which made everyone fearful.

You must know that once such a top physique known as the immortal golden body is completed, it will be a supreme existence worthy of competing with the ancient emperors, but it ended up in such an end, who would dare to explore the secrets?

Although the name sounds like a cliff, but when you get closer, you realize that it is incomparably magnificent. This is a big mountain, majestic and heavy.

Its whole body is black, as black as ink, and the infinite ancient trees on it are hard to hide. There are more than fifty big mountains standing side by side, and the atmosphere is majestic.

"Dacheng's supreme sacred body is very powerful. It was cut off from the undead mountain in the restricted area and used as his retreat." The **** dog sighed.

Behind it, a little girl carved in powder and jade is eating mutton, her mouth is full of oil.

Whether it is the father of Emperor Wu Shi, or the Dacheng Holy Body, they were taken advantage of by Xiao Xiaoxiao's generation only after the energy and blood decayed in his later years.

Therefore, Lu Li recognized that this physique possessed unrivaled supernatural power, and that foreign visitor who was judged to be a waste would have a high probability of rising.

what do you say that is…

It seems to be Ye Fan.

"I'll see you later when I have a chance."

While whispering in my heart, Daoyi Saintess said with emotion:

"Heroes are late, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair. This is the greatest tragedy in the world..."

"Why would a fairy who is in her youth express such emotion, you are not an old woman who needs to fight against the sky."

In a word, two blank eyes.

In the vast night, four people and one dog continued to move forward, and in front of them, more than 50 black mountains stood side by side, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

After seeing them, it seems to have really stepped into the restricted area of ​​life.

"There are weird things in it. In the past, there were saint-level figures who broke in, but after entering, they didn't know how they died. It's very strange and mysterious, which makes people confused." The **** dog is well-informed.

However, it did not cause any fear, that is, the dog who said this was not very afraid. After all, the handed down saint soldiers and emperor soldiers are in a state of recovery, not to mention that this is just an interception from the corner of the undead mountain~www.wuxiaspot.com~It is the real The Undead Mountain can also go in for a stroll.

Turning his eyes, the Black Emperor seemed to have thought of something. He really wanted to persuade Lu Li to go deep into the Undead Mountain. There are many fetishes there, especially the enlightened tea tree...


Suddenly, there was a long howl of a lone wolf, the sound was shrill and mournful, echoing in the black mountains.

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

"Don't think about it, your relatives are haunting here."


The **** dog bared its teeth, but did not dare to bite:

"For the sake of the fact that you have given me so many good things, don't worry about it. Just give me a dozen pots of divine spring liquid to comfort my wounded heart."

After the words fell, a few old crows full of death spirit flapped their wings on a dead old tree outside the black cliff, making piercing calls, full of sadness.

"Let's go, late will change!"

Lu Li didn't intend to quarrel with the unscrupulous black dog, and took the lead. There were saintesses on the left and right, looking very carefree.

And the Black Emperor didn't dare to be alone, and followed closely with his little daughter on his back.


On the way forward, a white rabbit rushed out, and then a weasel also rushed out. It was already too old, and the fur on its body was about to fall off.


Then, a big bony snake, as thick as a water tank, also slowly climbed out, meandering towards the distant cliffs.

On the fifth day of the new crown, coughing, nasal congestion, easy fatigue, and uncomfortable breathing.

(end of this chapter)

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