A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 13 Chapter 76: Xingzimi

【Strange Theater from London】【】


The peerless and sinister aura rushed out, and the black mist billowed up into the sky, completely engulfing the place.

However, a golden glow burst out of the Conferred God List in time, landed on it, and directly landed on the restless ancient coffin.

And Chaos Qinglian also shot out a halo, so far, the unrivaled murderous intent has subsided like a tide, otherwise this place would not be able to stand at all.

Not far away, the avenue is overwhelming!

The nine secrets were completely born.

A dao map is horizontal in the void, very clear, like the nine heavens descending, making people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts and want to kneel down on the ground.

"The opportunity is right in front of you, whether you can comprehend it or not depends on your own chance!"

After saying that, Lu Li began to stare at the Dao map in the air, and began to comprehend it seriously.

As for what was in the opened ancient coffin, it became a secondary matter. Anyway, all crises will be resolved by the emperor soldiers, so they don't need to worry about it.

"It's hard to comprehend..."

While whispering, Daoyi Saintess focused again, she had confidence in her own talent.

After a while, the young Taoist nun exuded the aura of the Dao, standing there quietly, but there was no mist, no brilliance, but it was very ethereal, as if it was in harmony with the heaven and the earth.

On the side, the saintess of Yaochi is not inferior at all, and has successfully resonated with Dao Tu.

"Damn it, Xingzimi!" The **** dog was extremely anxious, cursing, and said, "This is a supreme secret technique created for two-legged creatures. I can't comprehend it unless I turn into a human. Damn it, my emperor If you want to defy the sky, you must cultivate today!"

After finishing speaking, Gouzi really went against the sky, and immediately stood upright, stood on the ground like a human, and shouted: "Without a holy technique that this emperor can't learn, I won't believe in evil!"

To be honest, this scene should be drawn to inspire other monks.

Even a dog can practice across racial boundaries, if others don't insist, how embarrassing it is?

Among them, the most relaxed one is Lu Li. His physique is unparalleled, and the nine ancient characters in his eyes are dancing, interweaving a mysterious Taoist diagram, which is no different from the one standing horizontally in the void.

Obviously, the mind has long been silent in it, and I feel the inner truth, which is very mysterious. It is the secret of the complete version of Xingzi, which is far beyond what the previous footwork can compare. If you understand it, you can set foot in the field of time!

Time passed bit by bit, and several people remained motionless, silently comprehending.

Undoubtedly, Lu Li gained the most. He has already withdrawn his eyes, closed his eyes, stopped looking at the Dao map, and started to evolve himself in his heart.

The **** dog was the most restless, standing upright, yelling to defy the sky, while comprehending the Nine Secrets, while running around like a human.

However, its savvy is really high, its speed is getting faster and faster, and finally it almost turned into a black shadow.

During this process, large pieces of black hair fell off, and while standing upright and running naked, he shouted:

"Damn it, in order to learn the secrets of calligraphy, I will run on two legs in the future, and I must go against the sky!"

In fact, during the whole process, the little girl was always observing curiously, and finally couldn't help making gestures, stepped forward with her little feet, and disappeared from the spot with a whoosh, which woke up several people.

"Ninny." Lu Li called out.

I saw the little girl appearing on the coffin wall, crying in fright, looking down helplessly, the little guy is very innocent at the moment, with tears in his eyes, and said:

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

"I'm just trying..."

Lu Li hurried to the coffin, picked up his little daughter, and was about to send her down, but he caught a glimpse of what was inside the coffin and couldn't help frowning.

In the sarcophagus, there is half a pool of **** water at the bottom, bright and dazzling, as if it has just flowed out of the human body, and there is an old man's corpse inside, floating above the **** water.

His body is immortal, holding a golden scepter, overflowing with peerless murderous intent, it can penetrate the soul of a person!

"This person has a strong murderous aura, as if he had slaughtered tens of millions of creatures in his lifetime. It is completely inconsistent with the aura of the Dacheng Holy Body protecting the universe."

Apart from the Tsing Yi deity, among the people present, Lu Li had the most right to speak, because he had been in close contact with the corpse of a Dacheng Holy Body, and his temperament was completely different from it, and even more majestic.

"This... should be the Lord of Heaven, the ancient sage!"

The **** dog recognized it carefully, almost fell in shock, and whispered:

"In the past, there were rumors in the world that his life essence was exhausted, and he was killed in a great battle. I never thought that he personally fled to the holy cliff with the Nine Secrets of Journey and died here!"

In the words, the murderous aura overflowing from that golden ancient stick almost froze the entire holy cliff, as if it was a **** in Senluo, there is no doubt that it is the supreme scepter of heaven!

"There was a period of time in the past, when the Heavenly Court held the supreme scepter, it could almost order the world." The **** dog sighed.

"However, someone twisted his neck..." Daoyi Saintess was puzzled.

The neck of this ancient saint was twisted, with clear fingerprints and some green hairs on it.

"My daughter is afraid..."

The little girl buried her head in Lu Li's arms, not daring to look down, and whispered, "There is a person lying in the pool of blood, his body is covered with green hair."

"Dacheng Eucharist?"

Lu Li stared at the blood pool, his eyes penetrated everything, staring at the blurry figure inside.

This is indeed the case, this Dacheng holy body has been dead for endless years, but it still cheated after death, twisting the neck of an old sage!


Below the ancient sage and the lord of the heaven, there was a violent fluctuation in the blood, and suddenly there was a big green claw covered with corpse hair.

Immediately afterwards, the real Eucharist appeared, his majestic posture ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was two or three heads taller than ordinary people, like an immortal **** and demon, overlooking the common people, governing the ups and downs of the earth, time is indelible, and it will last forever!

However, those eyes are extremely frightening, you can't look straight at them, the **** thick hair sticks together, there is immortal power flowing, the body is covered with corpse hair, the breath is so oppressive, it will make people's minds burst.

Almost instantly, the emperor's soldiers circulated the aura of the supreme avenue, and only heard a bang, and the unrivaled power of the world rushed to every corner of the holy cliff.

During this period, the array pattern left by the ancient emperor did not stop it, but shot out wisps of brilliance, and together with the chaotic Qinglian sealed the ancient coffin and the corpse of Dacheng's holy body.

Long! Long!

The more than fifty black mountains standing side by side are all shaking at this moment and are about to collapse.

Finally, the big hand covered with corpse hair was suppressed, and fell heavily back into the half pool of blood, splashing a large amount of blood, which actually annihilated the void.

The colors of the two saintesses changed. If this thing hit someone, even the Holy Master would surely die. I really didn't expect that after hundreds of thousands of years, the blood in the coffin would still be so terrifying!

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【Strange Theater from London】【】

At this time, the Emperor Soldiers had quickly interweaved a group of patterns with the innate patterns, covered it down, and immediately sealed the blood pool, together with the Lord of the Heavenly Court, they were all suppressed below.

Frankly speaking, Lu Li had been tempted by that scepter before, but now that he has no hope, he can look away and re-examine the Dao map about Xingzimi.

It is very mysterious, mysterious, extremely fast, and can easily touch the field of time. It is worth spending hundreds or even thousands of years to study.

(end of this chapter)

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