Tuesday, February 11, at 8 o'clock in the morning.

   The return to the soul corpse wantonly chasing passersby seems to have never happened, but the streets are still a bit deserted.

   In addition, last night, the **** live broadcast by Lu Li and Duke on the ABC Broadcasting Company was also attributed to a special program, and a large number of staff stood up to help clarify, which was just a joke.

   And these are money, no, it is the power of capital.

  Of course, some New Yorkers who have witnessed their beloved turn into a soul-returning corpse and spit out six-foot-long tongues, are even more convinced:

   The high level deliberately concealed some terrifying things and must escape the city as soon as possible.

   In this regard, the politicians and chaebol alliance led by Palmer did not stop them, as long as these people do not spread panic to the outside world, they will be released.

   "After waiting for three full hours, there is still no one coming. They won't all be eliminated, right?"

   Reality cannot develop exactly as planned. Seeing that there is no movement around him, Duke feels disappointed.

Instead, it was Palmer. The old guy seemed to have thought of something. He said with some guilty conscience: "Before meeting you, a gentleman surnamed Zhou asked Shi Xin Group to investigate two people, and finally only one named Wei Feng was locked. Community police."

  Mr. Zhou?

   An arrogant, vicious figure came to mind.

   In fact, when he heard this, Lu Li had already guessed part of the truth: Wei Feng and Zhou Tian had a deep grievance. This guy used the power of the Shixin Group to arrange a large number of gunmen to cooperate with him. At the beginning of the plot, he killed the opponent.

   As for Pan Ming and other allies, there is a high probability that there will be more bad luck...

   Of course, there may be other possibilities, but they are unknown.

   "Regardless of them, let's set off." Lu Li made a final decision.

   Because, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no room for hesitation, lest the blood ancestors get a respite and come up with some conspiracies.


   "I was notified just now that the mixed-blood Vaughn, who led the Hunter Squad, has arrived at the blood ancestor hiding place ahead of schedule."

  The words fell, and Quinlan walked towards the parking lot with a bone sword on his back.

   Frankly speaking, he has waited for this moment for thousands of years. Now that the decisive battle is about to come, not only is there no tension in his heart, but he is very excited.

at the same time.

Palmer’s pre-arranged combat team has also been in place. These men are equipped with a large number of silver weapons: silver bullets, silver-plated daggers, silver-plated crossbow arrows, ultraviolet lights, and stab-resistant clothing made of latitude-free cloth (to avoid Be infected, transformed).

   In addition, some team members are also equipped with special bombs that capture nets and fill silver dust.

   In fact, it is really surprising to be able to arm a capture team that specializes in dealing with blood ancestors in such a short period of time.

   From this point of view, regardless of previous suspicions, to win Palmer, this move is right!

   At eight ten in the morning, the sun is dazzling.

   The convoy set off and rushed to the destination.

The head of the capture team, Duncan, sat next to Lu Li. He was holding a tablet computer and quickly said: "Chambers Avenue Station is located at the intersection of Chambers Street and West Broadway in Manhattan. Line, Line 2 and Line 3."

   "At this moment, ten surveillance drones have arrived at the station, and residents of the surrounding five kilometers have also been evacuated to a safe area."

   "The National Guard is responsible for the security work on the periphery, and we, who hold the pass, are the main offense."

Immediately afterwards, the burly black bodyguard took out a map from his handbag and methodically said: "This station has been in disrepair for a long time, and it was out of service more than ten years ago. Therefore, we specially obtained the drawings and even asked for it. A mousetrap familiar with underground facilities in New York served as a guide."

   Hearing this, the strong man sitting in the back row with Duke introduced himself: "Hello, I am Fett."

  As a professional rodent killer employed by the government, Fett often goes deep underground to understand the density of the rodent population and solve the source of the rodent infestation. Therefore, he can guarantee that no one knows the underground world of this city better than himself.

   Just yesterday, Fett discovered that there was a surge in rat injuries. Tens of thousands of rats were busy fleeing New York. They seemed to be avoiding something.

   In order to understand the truth, he opened the manhole cover and went underground by himself, trying to figure out what was compressing the living space of the rats.

  As a result, Fett saw the unforgettable scene of his life. A group of humanoid monsters hid in the sewers, constantly twitching their bodies, and were extremely aggressive, capable of spitting long tongues full of mucus...

At this time, Lu Li looked through the mirror in the car and saw that Fett’s face was a little strange. He thought he was too scared, so he said to reassure him: "Next, I will trouble Mr. Fett. Of course, you are only responsible for leading the way. The corpse of the soul-returning soul is handed over to us, there is no danger."

   "Return to the corpse?"

   For the sake of money, Fett casually complimented: "Are those big mice exclusive scientific names? Very appropriate."

   After a short while, silence in the car was restored, and everyone was thinking about their own thoughts~www.wuxiaspot.com~ including Lu Li and Duke who were the main attackers.

  After laying the net of heaven and earth, the blood ancestors have become something in the bag, but what should the three ancestors do?

   Grab all of them to make medicine?

   This option is worthy of serious consideration. After all, they don't believe that there are really no blood-sucking corpses in the world. These monsters must have many innocent souls in their mouths.

   In that case, it's better to cut the grass and remove the roots and kill them all at once.

   The two looked at each other.

it is more than words.

   Nine ten in the morning.

   The convoy came to a halt slowly, and a mysterious team wearing a clown mask and a little stature came oncoming, and the leader should be Vaughan.

   I saw that he nodded to Quinlan first, with a somewhat cautious attitude, and then walked quickly to Lu Li's side, his voice hoarse and muddy: "Sir, on behalf of the three ancestors, I will obey your arrangements."

   After some description by Gus, the ancestor decided to temporarily hand over the command of the mixed-breed team to Lu Li, and at the same time, he was afraid of him.

   After more than two thousand years, a variable appeared-Quinlan, and the white blood of the blood ancestor was flowing in his body. The strength is understandable, but it is very unreasonable for a human being to be strong in this way.

   However, the ancestor did not expect that the other party not only had a mysterious origin, but also had their idea.

   Of course, both Lu Li and Duke understand: You have to eat one bite at a time. The most important thing is to enter the abandoned subway station and wait for the blood ancestor to die before talking about other things.

   Just like this, a line of No. 100 people walked in along the old stone ladder:

   The light in the platform is dim, and there are several abandoned cars parked around. Many places have been sealed with reinforced concrete by official agencies, leaving only a passage with no end in sight.


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