A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Prehistoric fishing

At noon the next day.

It was about eleven o'clock, the first ray of sunlight shone into the cave, and Lu Li, who was sitting on the outside, slowly opened his eyes.

On the side, Duke and Pan Ming hugged tightly, snoring one after another, apparently falling asleep, and the pile of fires used for heating and lighting had been extinguished.

Upon seeing this, Lu Li picked up the embers with a dagger, and then put on the dead branches and wood sticks that he had hurriedly collected last night.

After a while, the flame ignited.

It can last for about twenty minutes...

At this point, Lu Li got up from the ground and checked the wound. After confirming that the scab had formed, he silently picked up the tool and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

It's also a coincidence that when they were on the road last night, the three of them wanted to find a place leeward, arrange it a little bit, and make do for the night, but they found this place after taking a flashlight at random.

It is located three or four meters above the ground, and can easily climb up by stepping on raised rocks and cracks——

Limited to humans, and small and medium-sized beasts such as cheetahs and bobcats.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes?

Thinking of this, Lu Li's mood improved a lot, climbing the rock with one hand and moving down.

Not long.

On the ice sheet, there was an additional figure, and the low mountains around it were undulating, without a trace of green, only clumps of dry shrubs.

However, not far from the cave, there happened to be a relatively dense bush.


A lovely figure appeared in Lu Li's mind.

The flesh is plentiful, the taste is good, the musk glands can be used for medicine, and the fur has excellent warmth retention. It can be described as a treasure.

In addition, its risk is relatively low.

Because of this, Lu Li was looking forward to encountering this creature again while collecting firewood.

As for the dire wolves, this kind of large meat-producing predator, let's forget it——

The experience of running in a hurry last night told Lu Li a truth: Don't provoke prehistoric behemoths before you are fully prepared. They are not the mascots for people to visit in the zoo.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up his pace and came to the bush, cutting wood while looking around.

The tundra dwarf birch, the trunk is no more than **** wide, and the wood is dry, and the hand saw will break with two strokes.

And this also means that he needs to cut a lot to meet the heating demand.

Time passed slowly.

The firewood piled under Lu Li's feet accumulated more and more, but he still saw no trace of small animal activities.

It seems that you can only eat charcoal-roasted wolf meat.

Frankly speaking, if there is a choice, Lu Li will definitely not touch this thing. There is too much crude fiber and the meat is hard. At the moment, there is no iron pot and no fishy seasoning. He only eats it to fill his stomach, not to mention it. enjoy.


At this time, there was movement more than ten meters away.

New dishes are here!

The surprise came so suddenly.

Without thinking about it, Lu Li immediately took out his pistol, aimed it at that area, and pulled the trigger directly.


Bang bang!

After three consecutive rapid fires, everything returned to silence. He quickly rushed over and pushed aside the bushes.

Small black eyes, a thin tail longer than the body, two fat mice...no, muskrat!

What I really want to come.

Maybe it was because of too much hardship yesterday that Lu Li actually gave birth to a hint of joy in the depths of his heart.

Then, a bigger surprise came?

In the area where the muskrat is located, there is an ice cave covered with snow, about the size of a palm.

Is a small ice lake at your feet?

It should be correct. If it is not close to the water source, how could this bush grow so densely in front of you, besides that, muskrats like to inhabit low-lying areas with lush aquatic plants.

Thinking of this, Lu Li carried two rat tails and a bundle of firewood tied with a rope, and turned and walked towards the cave.

In his opinion, this place is completely a geomantic treasure, with bushes and glacial lakes, which can be used as a base to explore slowly.

at the same time.

Duke and Pan Ming had already set up their sniper rifles at the entrance of the cave, condescendingly, observing the bushes not far away——

As early as when Lu left the gun and shot the muskrat, the two were awakened, and when they opened their eyes, they saw that there was no one, and they were completely sleepy.

However, at this moment, when they saw Lu Li, who had returned with a full load, walking towards him, their hearts were very complicated.

"Blame me, I slept too hard."

Duke's words are full of self-blame.

It stands to reason that as a person in the best condition, he should consciously take more responsibilities, but he slept with the wounded Pan Ming until now.

Thinking of this, Duke hurriedly left the cave and went down to help carry things, while Pan Ming looked up and looked around, and after confirming that there was no lurking danger, he slowly climbed down with the sniper rifle on his back.

After a few minutes.

The three men merged smoothly, and they were all in good spirits.

"Woke up?"

Lu Li greeted him, handed the two muskrats to Duke, and said with a smile: "I'm telling you a good news. I just found out that there is an ice lake near here. Maybe you can catch fish."

It's such a great pleasure to have a bite of hot fish soup on such a cold day.

"It just so happens that I have two pins and a bunch of umbrella thread. I thought it would be useless. Hahaha, I will be free!"

After the words, Duke's magical laughter echoed over the ice field, scaring away some curious little animals, such as polar foxes and arctic rabbits that can blend in with the snow.

"Well, I'll go back to light a fire, boil a pot of hot water, and dispose of the two muskrats by the way, you can go over there and have a look."

With that, Pan Ming took the bundled firewood from Lu Li and started climbing.

"No need to come up, I threw down the backpack."

After a few minutes.

Lu Li and Duke came to the muskrat den with their bags on their backs. It was indeed an ice hole, but it was a puddle of mud on the bottom of the lake that was connected.

Obviously, the place where the bush is located is the shore.

"Lao Lu, stay away, lest the bullet hits the ice and bounces off and accidentally injure you."

At critical moments, Duke never loses the chain.

He raised the large-caliber sniper rifle in his hand, and when Lu Li walked to the safe area, he aimed a shot at the side.

The roar sounded.

The ice surface immediately shattered, but no water splashed out of the lake, and Duke was not in a hurry, it was another shot after the bullets were loaded~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom!

This time, the liquid splashed and an ice hole about three fingers wide was formed.

Upon seeing this, a smile appeared on Lu Li's face, so the next thing would be much easier.

The sound of gunfire is endless.

Soon, the bullet blasted a big hole for two people to fish.

Stir the ice water——

Let fresh air into the water and attract fish to gather here.

Then, Lu Li bent the pin, wrapped it with umbrella thread, hung a piece of muskrat intestine, and threw it down.

However, the first prehistoric fishing had not yet started, and it ended in failure because the ice water was too buoyant to sink the simple version of the hook.

After thinking about it, Lu Li tied a small stone to it, and the fish hook sank smoothly.

From this moment on, the first angler in human history was born.

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