Long-lost white light.

Long-lost classroom.

Lu Li woke up in the darkness. This was not his first death, but the most humiliating one.

Because, even if his abilities are sealed, he is still a normal person with strong limbs, and he still holds modern firearms in his hands.

Unfortunately, there was no time to use it.

It was directly killed by a group of primitive people!

In addition, what kind of species are those guys?

Are the modern races who crossed the land bridge ahead of time and came to the New World?

At this time, Lu Li recalled some details he had seen at that time:

The stone spear is polished smooth and sharp, and its hardness is not much worse than that of iron.

With strong limbs, he twisted his waist, threw his arms, and threw a spear.

Frankly speaking, their muscle lines are even more exaggerated than those warriors in ancient Greek bronze sculptures. It is thirty or forty degrees below zero, and they can still maintain combat effectiveness in animal fur.

In addition, the facial features are also very strange.

The eyebrows are thick and the nose is very big...

There is a saying, if the deceased is not himself, Lu Li will even pay high respect to those primitive people——

The eyes are hostile, and the body is like thunder.

In the setting sun, the figure with a spear and throwing a spear pulled the old man, looking like a dragon slaying warrior.

At this time, Duke's voice came from the front: "What are you thinking about?"

Hearing this, Lu Li shook his head, feeling complicated, and sighed: "Recall the scene before death."

As soon as he was reminded, Duke instantly changed his face, and he was out of anger: "Those **** savages?"

Obviously, this guy also died aggrieved.

"Yes, a dozen javelins fired a volley, and I was stabbed into a hedgehog..."

The voice came from behind.

Pan Ming's face was gloomy. As the saying goes, the arrogant soldier must be defeated, but he did not float at all. As a result, he was caught off guard and died miserably.

The three looked at each other, and they all saw grief and helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Let's go, find a place to have a drink."

Duke glanced at the wall clock and added: "According to the time flow of the college, it has only been more than an hour before the class bell rang, and it was not lunch time."

Lu Li looked at the desk subconsciously.

Assistant teacher Bai Xiao is happy where he is going, and there are two lines of blood written on the blackboard next to him——

[Don’t wait, just go straight away]

[No rewards and no punishments, just think you have a harvest]


It seems there are, but I can't tell.

In addition, the cooperation with Pan Ming and Duke is even more tacit.

"Go to the recreation area for a cup of coffee?"

After speaking, Lu Li glanced at the left and right sides. As the three of them talked, a few more students returned to the classroom.

"Brother, how did you hang up?"

Before leaving, Duke, the social flower, asked familiarly.

Someone's face collapsed, and while smiling bitterly, he asked, "Have you seen a giant short-faced bear standing up to two stories high?"

"It's not much slower than the cheetah, and there is no response at all when the bullet hits it. It slaps it up, and the whole person is broken into meat foam."

Afterwards, another classmate took the conversation and couldn't help but vomit: "Have you ever seen a real mammoth guarding a cub? The three-story building is so high."

"A group of gray wolves were hungry and fainted and took away two baby elephants. I didn't do anything. I sat on the tree and silently watched the live version of "Prehistoric Animal World". Then I was regarded as an accomplice and took a few blows. Trampled, the intestines squirted out of the nose..."


Before he could finish speaking, the dear fellow retched. Obviously, this taste was very unpleasant.

Gradually, more and more people.

The complaints are endless--

Caught a lynx, tried to bring it back and domesticated it as a pet cat, but was accidentally cut with a sharp claw;

The sense of direction is too bad, and I get lost while walking around, and finally fall into the ice gap when walking at night.

After observation, Lu Li discovered that most people have two things in common:

First, I am very confident--

Shocking the ancient and the modern, even if the ability is blocked, as long as the gun is in hand, I am as invincible as a traverser in the world!

Although the painful lessons of the second monthly exam made everyone afraid to go too far, they weren't completely disheartened.

As for whether it is good or bad, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

Second, the game of life——

Anyway, it's just a survival lesson in the wilderness, and just after the make-up exam, what's wrong with it? The big deal is resurrected.

This kind of mentality makes Lu Li feel a little bit, after all, humans are not machines.

Therefore, if you have to sum up your experience and understanding, you really can't say it for a while.

"Don't be poor."

"Let's go."

Due to a delay, the three people left the classroom at half past nine.

He was busy with schoolwork and didn't adapt much when he first came to school. Therefore, this was the first time Lu Li walked on campus in a leisurely mood.

The freshman teaching building, the second teaching building, and the third teaching building, there is no senior, in the mouth of assistant teacher Bai Xiao, it is a legendary existence.

However, in the eyes of freshmen, the seniors of the sophomores and juniors are legends. Except for teaching assistants and class teachers, they have not seen them in the college at all...


Somehow, Lu Li thought of the senior who was acting as a broker. The two had only communicated on the Internet, and the other was also very mysterious.

"Where is the library?"

Aside, Duke, who had adjusted his mentality, thoughtfully said: "I remember that students with excellent qualities can go in and study for four hours."

"I didn't see it." Pan Ming shook his head.

Unknowingly, the three of them have already walked to the leisure area of ​​the college, where there are holographic cinema, holographic game hall, comprehensive gymnasium, gun hall, shopping mall, adaptive bar...

There is also a coffee shop.

Lu Li pushed open the glass door and said casually:

"I didn't see any information about the library on the forum. It is like a non-existent building."

Soothing music floats to the ears.

In fact, Lu Li and Duke visited this cafe once. After returning from the Arnhem battlefield, he made an appointment with Wei Feng from the next class.

At this time, Pan Ming said to the non-existent waiter: "A cup of hot cocoa."

"A cup of white coffee."

"A cup of macchiato."

After that, three cups of steaming drinks and a shopping voucher appeared on the reception desk at the front desk.

The default payer is: Pan Ming.

Probably because he was the first to speak.

However, it didn't cost much to learn.

【Hot Cocoa X1-----2 Learning Points】

【White Coffee X1-----2.5 Learning Points】

【Macchiato X1-----2.5 learning points】

[Half price discount for premium students]

【Total-----3.5 points】

Good quality and low price~www.wuxiaspot.com~conscientious merchants.

As long as they are students of this school, no matter how they perform in the Duplicate World, after returning, they definitely don't have to worry about how to live.

"You are talking about the library?"

A gentle, familiar voice came from the rear right.

Duke didn't look back, but a beautiful figure appeared in his mind.

Senior sister, An Yao, the dream lover of most freshmen in the elite class, is responsible for teaching a brief history of Western mythology! ! !

"There is a place here."

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