A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 20: Click (2)

   The gray hooves stepped into the mud, splashed with sand and dust, the tiger and leopard rider clamped the horse belly, did not use any fancy methods, only flattened the blade, drove the black mane war horse to charge at high speed.

   Obviously, they are only interested in Mrs. Mi and Adou. As for the maid, kill them.

   The half-moon-shaped cold light swept across the waist and abdomen.

   Immediately afterwards, the maids who stayed on the periphery fell down like they were cutting wheat.

   Flesh and blood fly all over.

   In this chaotic world, a few more grievances have been added.

   However, Sister An is not included in this list.

   When this team of tiger and leopard riders turned their horses back and prepared to capture Mrs. Mi, the leader suddenly found that there was one missing person in the team.

   As the incident happened suddenly, everyone present had never seen what happened.

  Except for Lu Li——

   He saw that there was an extra dagger out of thin air in the hands of Senior Sister, without the slightest stagnation, she threw it out, and the tiger and leopard rider who harvested lives fell to the ground instantly.

   "This maid...slaughter my sergeant, kill!"

   "Kill my robe, pay for my blood!"

   The horse neighed and charged, a cavalry raised his saber, the blade pointed outward, and charged again.

  【Transformed bloodline, it will hide the appearance when used】

   I saw An-senpai leaping up lightly, pulling out the two self-defense short knives on her waist, and when the cavalry got close, they crossed and cut them down.

   "Madam, get on the horse!"

   "I will take you and Ah Dou to the surrounding area."

   At this moment, the senior sister in a light red skirt had already won a war horse. She stretched out her left hand and lifted Mrs. Mi up.

   The picture freezes here.

   "This is my first monthly exam, how do you feel?"


   The two elder sisters have completely different temperaments.

   One looked timid and didn't seem to be used to the battlefield. As a result, suddenly he was possessed by a **** of war, his eyes were sharp as eagles, and his words were full of gaze.

   is standing next to him, wearing a white dress, his black hair turned into a high flying fairy bun, as if walking out of the painting, full of fairy spirit.

   "Didn't you find it?"


   Lu Li paused, and said: "The first second, like a weak woman without the power to bind a chicken, the next second..."

   For a time, I couldn't find a suitable word to describe it.

   is too ridiculous!

   The scene just now, changing to Changshan Zhao Zilong, Wu Sheng Guan Yu, or Zhang Fei who broke the Dangyang Bridge, will not cause such a shock to Lu Li.

   "What's the reason?" An Yao smiled, "I didn't joke with you, I am also a werewolf."

   "The initial bonus of werewolf blood to the body, isn't it that exaggerated." Lu Li sighed.

   As far as the current form is concerned, he can't resist, he can only choose to believe An Yao's words temporarily.

   "Do you see me using wolf form?"


   "So, are you still worried?"

   "The principal will limit personal abilities and will compensate accordingly."

   Hearing Lu Li's answer, An Yao snapped her fingers.

   "Yes, I have actually used the wolf form, but the appearance has not changed, and the physical state has reached the peak."

   "In addition, the shocking ability similar to the bone spur, although it can't be used, the principal will compensate in other ways. That's it for his ability to throw hidden weapons."

   So far, there is no doubt.

   Unless An Yao-senpai deliberately creates an illusion to confuse herself.

   Then again, what did she do like this?

   Probably, it can only be attributed to bad taste.

   Withdrawing from her thoughts, she suddenly found An Yao's face approaching, exquisite and pretty, it's really hard for people not to think too much.

   "Did you see clearly? These eyes." She narrowed her eyes slightly.

   Under the firelight of the battlefield in the distance, it is difficult to tell what color the pair of crystal clear eyes are, vaguely recognizable, it is between dark green and gilt gold.

   "If you can't see the werewolf evolve to the end, will the pupils of the eyes become like this?" Lu Li couldn't help stepping back, thoughtful in his heart.

   "That's right, boy."

   "Aim for senpai, please work hard."

   The words fell, An Yao's pupils returned to normal, but the corners of her mouth were smiling.


   is a pun?

   Lu Li sighed, he could barely see it.

  The pedigree issue is indeed a coincidence. This person pulled himself into this space without any malice. He just has nothing to do when he is idle, demonstrates himself, and plays with him...

   You are a senpai, please be more serious, okay?

   However, Lu Li knows how to deal with this kind of molesting. As long as he is not embarrassed and does not speak with a sullen face, it is the other person who is embarrassed.

   Unfortunately, he is still too young.

   "Don't speak...Are you shy?"

   The ridicule sounded, and Lu Li instantly broke the defense.




   In a new round of confrontation, Lu Li was defeated without any suspense.

   "Please don't go to sleep after the class of the elder sister."

   The voice became ethereal.

   Without waiting for Lu Li's reply, the ancient battlefield in front of him began to shatter, from the sky to the hills to the Cao Jun banner, turning into gray smoke.

Before disappearing completely, Lu Li glanced not far away. The freshman-age senior was surrounded by a tiger and leopard riding, rushing from left to right, wherever he passed, everyone was killed, but only one person, but showing thousands of troops. The momentum of the horse.

   Behind her, Madam Mi was holding a thick cloth wrapped tightly——

   A Dou that can't afford to help.

   Bad luck!

   Lu Qi screamed secretly.

   The next moment, fresh air without a trace of blood poured into his nose, and he finally returned to school.

   And the air rippled.

   Duke and Pan Ming, who are stupefied, have their heartbeat and breathing again. They did not notice the abnormality that happened to them, and stepped forward.


   Not even time has changed.

   At this moment, Duke turned and glanced at Lu Li who was standing there, staring at his watch in a daze, "What are you doing?"


   Lu Li responded and quickly followed.

   But the line of sight moved to the front.

   An Yao-senpai still has a smile on her face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ casually said: “Don’t worry, the principal and the jury will maintain the fairness of each exam and ensure that all candidates can perform at their true level.”

  The words fell, Pan Ming and Duke nodded, and the doubts in their hearts disappeared.

   Obviously, this is her answer to the original question.

   Although Lu Li already knew the answer, the other two didn't know it because they were not on the same timeline just now.

  The invisible wolf→the nonexistent wolf

   The latter breaks through biological and physical limitations and directly involves cause and effect. The limit that can be achieved is to wipe out its own existence from the root cause and become "never existed", without any interference from the outside world, but can affect the outside world.

   For the elder sister, I am afraid that she will stop at any time.

   At this point, Lu Li's eyes looked at An Yao, full of vigilance.

   After all, boys must protect themselves when they go out.

at the same time.

  Senior Sister An seemed to have guessed Lu Li's mind, and after a blank glance at him, she continued to walk forward.

   Not long after, a narrow, deep stone passage appeared in front of him.



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