Hearing what he said, the man in the audience couldn't hide his disappointment on his face. He thought that Lu Bu was brave and hard to meet in the world. Now he wants to make contributions, but he has nowhere to do it.

However, the man on the stage was his adoptive father, and even though he was dissatisfied, he couldn't say much.

Afterwards, he couldn't help but think of his delightful enmity when he was in Bingzhou. He raised his head to see his adoptive father, and then looked at the case slip on the table, he reluctantly clasped his fists and retreated.

At the same time, Lu Lizheng and Zhang Liao were roasting the game that Pang Chun and the others had beaten back. I didn't know if this guy was lucky or what happened. He even brought back a half-old wild boar.

This is what makes Lu Li's eyes light up. This is a good thing. In modern times, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. Even though you have eaten something just now, how can it be compared with these things.

However, as a pure ancient man, Zhang Liao possessed such a powerful force. He was tired of eating wild boars. In this food-scarce world, these game meats are also the main source of food!

"Brother Wenyuan, once in a while, I don't feel like eating this game!" Lu Li turned the wild boar in his hand and said to Zhang Liao with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Liao smiled and handed over his wine pouch.

"Haha! Come and have a drink, it's a pleasure to eat the meat and drink the wine!"

"Thank you, Brother Wenyuan!"

Lu Li didn't dislike it, took the wine pouch, and took a few sips.


After wiping the wine from his mouth, Lu Li handed the wine pouch to Zhang Liao again.

"Brother Meng Ming has a good drink."

Seeing Lu Li drinking so much, Zhang Liao's affection for him suddenly increased a lot, who didn't like the bold and upright man.

Grilling the roe deer on his hand, Zhang Liao asked Lu Li, "Meng Ming, what kind of person do you think Ding Gong is?"

Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Lu Qi was a little agitated. He knew that his newly recognized elder brother had the intention to recommend him to Ding Yuan, so he pondered for a while and replied: "Ding Ding has been upright and courageous throughout his life. Inspired, loyal to the big man, attacked foreign enemies, and made great contributions to the big man!"

Zhang Liao couldn't help but nodded when he saw Lu. Although Lu Li said all good things, and it was very superficial, in Zhang Liao's mind, Ding Yuan was such a person.

The other party not only has the kindness of knowing and meeting him, but also a man of great talent and generality. If Lu Li really said something bad, it would appear stupid.

Originally, Zhang Liao wanted to wait for the place and let this brother follow him to hone it for a while. Now it seems that he has to recommend it to Ding Ding at that time!

"Yes, although what you said is a bit too much praise for Ding Gong's words, but you can see that these are already pretty good."

In the whole "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Lu Li didn't know much about Ding Yuan, because it wasn't long before he appeared on the stage that his son was beheaded.

However, since he dared to follow Dong Zhuo when Dong Zhuo wanted to abolish the waste young emperor Liu Bian and make Liu Xie the emperor, it shows that he must be loyal to the big man.

He knew that Zhang Liao’s hurdle was passed by himself. As long as he kills more Yellow Turban thieves in the next time and makes military merits, he may not be able to show his face until the 18th Route princes crusade against Dong Zhuo. Leave a fortune on it.

But he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, what exactly is the invincible Lu Fengxian like!

"Brother Wenyuan, I remember that Ding Gong also has a master book named Lu Bu. I don't know what he looks like?"

Hearing what Lu Li said, Zhang Liao didn't seem surprised. After all, Lu Fengxian's name was unknown to the people of Zhou, and Lu Li knew it was reasonable.

Zhang Liao thought for a while. He wanted to say something, but then he shook his head and said to Lu Li: "A person like him is unparalleled in the world. Only when you see it with your own eyes can you be clear. No matter how others describe it, it is impossible to reflect. No one can describe him clearly!"

Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Lu Li was really shocked. He couldn't think that Zhang Liao had such a high evaluation of Lu Bu!

He knew that Zhang Liao and Lu Bu were not at all in the superior-subordinate relationship described in other novels. They are now Ding Yuan's subordinates, which can be said to be equal.

However, Zhang Liao had such a high evaluation of Lu Bu, which shows that Lu Bu's personal charm is still very high, but Zhang Liao didn't know that Lu Bu, who he evaluated so high afterwards, would kill his adoptive father himself.

"Okay, it's almost enough to eat, we should also hurry up, and we have to meet the large army at the ferry before dark!"

Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Lu Li asked Pang Chun and the others to put out the fire. Then they turned on their horses and followed Zhang Liao. He realized that something big might have happened.

Now the Yellow Turban cholera in the Central Plains, but with the death of the great Liang Xianshi Zhang Jiao, the Yellow Turban thief is no longer a climate. If this group of elite can be dispatched, then there will only be the Huns in the south!

Thinking of these clutters, Lu Li felt that there was a mass of anger burning in his chest. At the time of five chaos, these alien races caused countless disasters on the Central Plains!

"Brother Wenyuan, are you going to the south to kill the Xiongnu?"

Excited, Lu Li directly stated his guess.

Zhang Liao turned his head and glanced at him and said, "You are clever. Seeing my Central Plains civil strife, these alien races have thoughts that shouldn't be raised again. This time they will definitely kill them with fear and extinction!"

Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Lu Li deeply felt the hatred of the Han people towards these alien races.

But so what, in this era, it's not that you ride on my head and regard me as a pig and sheep, and when I am a beast, I am riding on your head, treating you as a beast and horse, and regard you as a beast.

That being the case, why not let your race ride on others' heads and treat them as beasts?

Even though you have kindness, these alien races have never thought of you as a human being. All they want is to grab food, money, and women from you!

Hearing what Zhang Liao said, Lu Li couldn't help but pat the dark horse's **** with the back of a knife. He wished he would appear in the place where the Huns were making trouble now, and kill a good one!

"You are a good horse!"

Seeing Lu Li's horse running fast, Zhang Liao couldn't help but praised him, knowing that even the unparalleled Lu Fengxian, the horse he rides is not as good as the dark horse under Lu Li's seat.

"Oh, oh!"

Hearing Zhang Liao's praise, the dark horse couldn't help but scream.

After returning to his senses, Lu Li grabbed the mane on the black horse's back and let it gradually let go of speed. Then he turned to Zhang Liao and said, "If Wenyuan is willing, I will give you one afterwards!"

Since he can use his blood to turn this ordinary horse into a BMW that is hard to find in the world, then he can make a second horse!

These drops of blood are nothing to him, but Zhang Liao's friendship is extremely important to him.


Hearing Lu Li's words, even Zhang Liao, who has always been prudent, couldn't help but shine. This BMW is as easy to obtain as the army, and it is difficult to find one of them. It is extremely difficult to meet!

And which hero does not love BMW?

"Of course it is true!"


Even when he was riding a horse, Zhang Liao couldn't help but smile when he heard Lu Li's words.

A group of people rode hard towards the ferry.


In the long wilderness, only the dust splashed by horseshoes keeps rising!


Soon they rushed to the ferry, where a group of black armored soldiers were camping here. Looking at these murderous black armored soldiers, Lu Li and Pang Chun behind him were a little shocked!

This is this era, the real elite, it is these people who guard the frontier and maintain the Han Dynasty!


Seeing Zhang Liao and the others coming, some generals in the barracks hurriedly ran out and led Zhang Liao with horses.


After the horse stopped, Zhang Liao stood up and dismounted and introduced to the generals: "This is Brother Lu from Taiyuan. Brother Lu came all the way and killed many Yellow Turban thieves in order to take refuge in Ding Gong and serve the country. From now on you will treat him as your own brother!"

"Brother Lu!"

"Brother Lu!"


Seeing these swarthy, tall men clasping his fists, he quickly responded!

Seeing Lu Lisheng's whiteness, these generals couldn't help but give birth to a comparison with him. In this world, the strong are respected, and they want others to respect you. They rely on strength, not relationship!

"Brother Lu, shall we make a comparison?"

A sturdy man walked up to Lu Li and said to Lu Li, there was a scar on his face, which looked extra eye-catching. They had just set up their camp, and it was the time when nothing happened!

Hearing what he said, Zhang Liao didn't say much. He knew Lu Li's strength. He couldn't suffer a loss in the hands of these guys. On the contrary, it was these guys who accidentally said they couldn't suffer a big loss in Lu Li's hands. !

Fighting in the military is a common occurrence. It can not only increase the enthusiasm of these people, after all, no one wants to always lose in the hands of one person. At the same time, this is also a rare entertainment program in the military.

Hearing what he said, Lu Li smiled, and he really gave him a pillow when he fell asleep. He was thinking about finding some people to compare with him and verify his strength. How good is it in this world!

Although these people couldn't let him verify it, they also gave him a chance to learn from Zhang Liao!

After a while, he will defeat these people one by one, even if his cheap brother does not want to end, I am afraid he will have to end!

"My son! Let me come!"

Seeing this scene, Pang Chun and the others stepped forward and said, the so-called soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, in their eyes, these people are not enough for their son to take action.

However, Lu Li refused with a smile. The strength of the few of them was okay against the mobs of the Yellow Turban Thieves, but they were far from the elite group of soldiers killed out of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

Not to mention anything else, the evil spirits radiating from these people in front of them, when used in the battle, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to find a countermeasure.

If the two sides win and lose each other, the cheap brother himself has no idea of ​​finding a place for his generals. When will this make him wait until he can find such a good opportunity to verify his strength?

"Retreat! Since this brother is interested, then I will have a good discussion with him!"

What he said was not only to Pang Chun and the people in front of him, but also to Zhang Liao who was on the sidelines.

"Taiyuan Lu Li!"

"Yanmen Zhang Zhao!"

The two clasped each other's fists and each reported their names!

Others retreated and left a large area for them. At this time, the soldiers who had been resting in the barracks also gathered together. When they saw that their commander was confronted with a little white face, Can't help but be a little surprised!

With such a little white face, his own commander can't beat him half-dead with a single punch?

These off-field soldiers dared to despise Lu Li. Zhang Zhao, who stood facing Lu Li in the field, did not dare to despise the slightest. He felt the heavy pressure on Lu Li. This pressure was still on his generals many years ago. Felt.

His talents are limited. After stepping onto the top of ordinary people, he was still unable to awaken the battle spirit. This made him regretful, but Zhang Liao was different. Although Zhang Liao was younger than him, he came from behind and awakened the battle spirit early. !

At that time, the two had a discussion, and the pressure brought by Zhang Liao at that time was not much different from what he is now.

"This young man has actually awakened the battle spirit!"

At this time, Zhang Zhao suddenly remembered this matter, how old is he? I am afraid that the general has not yet awakened the spirit of war at this age!

Zhang Zhao grinned, and then violently pulled out the knife from his waist and slashed towards Lu Li. Although his talent was dull, but he had been killed on the battlefield for many years, but it also made him comprehend a set of knife skills that belonged to him.

He didn't want to defeat Lu Li, but at least he had to force him to use his own battle spirit. In the battle against his general, he didn't even force Zhang Liao's battle spirit out.

Zhang Zhao's first attack surprised the people around him. When the two played against each other, they were generally the first to take the lead and the weaker side would take the lead.

Now in their eyes, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, with one-stop ten or even one-hundred thousand commanders on the battlefield, when faced with a little white face, they actually took the lead. Doesn't that mean that their commanders actually Weaker than this little white face.


The sound of Jin Ge's interlocking made them turn around. Under this impact, Zhang Zhao was shocked and stepped back!


Stabilizing his figure, Zhang Zhao then rushed towards Lu Li with a knife in both hands. As long as Lu Li can take a step back, he can fully display the sword technique he has practiced for many years, and it is possible to force the opponent to release the soul of battle. !

Lu Li seemed to have seen Zhang Zhao's intentions. He decided to give the other party a chance, because the generals who had awakened the soul of war and the generals who had not awakened the soul were so far apart!

Just like him and Pei Yuanshao at that time, if it weren't for Pei Yuanshao's carelessness, he would never kill each other, and Pei Yuanshao, who released the battle spirit, would easily wound him seriously.

If it wasn't for him to talk too much, he might be the one who died!

However, he has absolute confidence in Zhang Zhao.

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