A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 22: Official position (1)

Although Jiuyuan cannot be said to be rich, it is a big county with a population of 10,000 households.

White wall with black tiles.

The large buildings are still connected by corridors, but the soldiers are spinning around. No one is so eager to stop and appreciate them slowly.

Da da da……

The army boots stepped onto the wooden board. At present, he was still a white Lu Li, consciously walking at the back of the team, trying his best to make himself inconspicuous, but compared to other generals, his overly handsome and young face still attracted a lot of attention.

Some maids dressed in curly robes stopped on the road and on the corridor, secretly pointed to Lu Li, talked a few words in a low voice, saw him look over, and hurried away, but waited for this team of wolf-riding generals gradually Far away, they got together again and began to discuss this strange and overly young young general.

"Generals, please, Ding Gong is in the study."

The guides were not sergeants, but two fluttering doormen in black with high crowns and long sleeves.

It can be seen from this that Ding Yuan is not a pure martial artist, he is more particular about ostentation.

Thinking of the attitude of those maids towards him, Lu Li added another sentence in his heart:


After all, the rich and powerful people who really pay attention to the rules will not indulge the female relatives in the family like this.

In the silence, a group of people came to a courtyard. The black-clothed doormen stopped leading the way. They stood outside, bowing and beckoning everyone to enter.

Zhang Liao was also not long-winded, obviously he had come to see Ding Yuan often, and walked straight ahead to lead the way.

The area of ​​the yard is not small, the floor is covered with blue bricks, about 30 steps forward and backward, extending to the side of the wall, there are also some honeysuckle and a few clusters of withered bamboo. Survive.

The only commendable thing is that someone deliberately placed a small bronze sundial among the grass.

Perhaps it was Ding Gong's special order to show that he cares about time, is keen on political affairs and military affairs, and has no time to rest.

Well, there is really no basis for this, it is purely Lu Li's brain supplement.

It is hard to imagine that at this time the day before yesterday, he was still fighting with the Yellow Turban thief, preparing to run to Luoyang to find the undeveloped boss Cao, but now he appeared in the other courtyard of Yifang Xiaoxiong Dingyuan, waiting for his brother Zhang Liao to introduce him on his behalf.

Is fate secretly doomed?

Frankly speaking, when he is about to see the real Lord of Binzhou, who can save your own fate in a word, Lu Chengzhong will inevitably start to agitate.



Under Zhang Liao's leadership, more than a dozen generals filed into the study. Lu Li followed behind with his hands deep, and at the same time took the opportunity to quickly look ahead.

The stove was burning, and the man sitting at the table instructing the document had white sideburns, but his body was burly and he could not see a trace of oldness.

At this moment, he has stopped writing, and he must look at the generals in the audience, and slowly said:

"I thought you had to arrive tonight at the earliest. You have worked hard all the way, let's sit down."


Zhang Liao responded, and once again led everyone forward, sitting on a mat respectively.

Since it was the first time to meet, and it was such an important occasion to meet the lord, Lu Li, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but straighten up, watching his nose and his heart, waiting for Zhang Liao to introduce himself to Ding Yuan.

"Now there is no need to repeat the situation, right?"

"Yes, the Yellow Turban thieves launched their troops from Hexi County, colluded with the Qiang people, and attacked Taiyuan northward. The southern Huns and the Zahu soldiers were united, and they were besieging Yunzhong and Yanmen counties. Shi Zhang Yi was trapped in the border."

Unfortunately, as soon as the two met, Lu Li could only kneel on the soft seat and listen patiently.


Ding Yuan seemed to have thought of something ridiculous, he sighed, and suddenly said: "Wen Yuan, what do you think should be done with this situation now?"

Zhang Liao was silent, but the famous general on the opposite side did not hold back, and said bluntly:

"Split the troops in two ways, all the way to the south to join the county soldiers to eliminate the Yellow Turban thieves, and the other way to the north to rescue the governor and protect the enemy from outside the country."


Immediately afterwards, the sound of clapping the table sounded.

Lu Li looked up and saw that the speaker was about thirty, with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a full beard, giving people a rough and unrestrained feeling.

For some reason, I always feel that this guy is getting cold. In fact, it's not difficult to see that Ding Yuan, who is a Bingzhou Biejia, doesn't want to rescue the governor, otherwise he would have to wait until now, and he would have enlisted nearby county soldiers to go north for assistance.

Subconsciously, Lu Li sneaked toward Ding Yuan, who was sitting in the top position.

At this moment, he lowered his eyes and said, "The old man wants to do the same, but his strength is limited."

When the words were over, Ding Yuan raised his hand, and one of his own guards understood, walked to the table and passed on the official document on it.

Probably there was not much content. Zhang Liao glanced at it and passed it down. At the same time, Lu Li noticed that there was a little more solemnity on his face.

What is written on it?

Unfortunately, this internal military information is definitely not leaked.

Because of this, Lu Li returned to his original posture, and continued to sit in a dreadful manner like an outsider, until Zhang Liao's gentle voice came from the front:

"Meng Ming, take a look too."

Hearing this, Lu Li was stunned for a moment, first looked at the older brother who had treated him well, and then at Ding Yuan who was sitting in the main hall.

At the same time, more than a dozen generals looked at here, as they should.

In fact, after seeing Lu Li's methods in school, these rough guys have regarded him as their own.

Seeing Ai looked at the person who introduced him, Ding Yuan showed a smile on his tight face, nodded, and stroked his beard and said: “Meng Ming? When I saw him now, he was indeed worthy of his name."

A good look, easy to go to the emperor hall.

From the hereditary system of the Pre-Qin Dynasty ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to the system of investigation, examination and enlistment in the Han Dynasty, although most of the officials advocated the selection of people by virtue and talents, they also paid attention to the background, appearance and five senses.

In the same way, even if it is the selection of generals, the value of the face can be regarded as a bonus item, the silver gun and white horse Zhao Zilong, Qiyuxuan Ang Lu Bu...

Therefore, Ding Yuan naturally likes Lu Li, who is beautiful and outstanding as he looks at it.

In addition, he can awaken the spirit of war in his weak crown, and he was recommended by Zhang Liao's letter. Ding Yuan felt that he only needs to train him well, and he will soon have one more general who can be his own.

I heard the boss complimenting myself.

Lu Li looked at Ding Yuan a little more cordially, first he gave his promise, and then no longer hesitated, he took the case from the general next to him.

[Xiu Tu Ge Hu has 100,000 soldiers, Kou Yunzhong, Hu Chen from the left of the Southern Huns, 150,000 soldiers, Kou Yanmen, the two are concealed to join forces]

Army of 250,000?

Lu Li couldn't help frowning. There was water in this number, but it was definitely not too much. With Hu Bing good at riding and shooting, the situation in the north was indeed not optimistic.

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