A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 36: Old friend

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At the time of Mao, the wind and snow had stopped.

The soldiers walked out of the tent in twos and threes, flexed their muscles a little around, and talked in a low voice.

According to the military order, in the barracks, you cannot walk around at will, let alone make noise.

At this time, Lu Li, who had slept for only an hour and a half, also opened his eyes. First, he briefly cleaned his teeth with charcoal and cold water, and then walked out of the camp.

Because it is winter and the weather is bad, the surroundings are still dark.

However, there are braziers every three to five feet, and a faint fragrance can be faintly smelled.

Lu Li glanced at it as he passed by. A pot made of clay was placed on the brazier, and it was bubbling inside. The soldiers used the leftover pork from last night to cook a thick porridge.

It can be seen that they are very satisfied with this. After all, the harvest in recent years has not been good, and meat porridge can only be eaten in a dream, but now, every meal can be seen, and it is still three meals a day.

Except for generals and a few night inspections, no one knew that a major event happened last night——

The identity of the deceased has been confirmed. He was the guard of Yunzhong County, and he risked his death to break through and send a message to the outside.

Morale in the city was low, and the Huns often launched attacks in the middle of the night and used flying arrows to spread letters. They used heavy money and official positions to confuse the people and soldiers to open the city gates. The situation was not optimistic, and reinforcements were urgently needed.

Therefore, Lord Ding Yuan ordered that he began to march quickly at dawn and must arrive at Yunzhong City within twelve hours.

Considering that the overall quality of the county soldiers is not as good as the wolf cavalry, and they are mainly infantry, this speed is indeed not too slow. You must know that Ding Yuan's order was to rush to the border within three days, but now only one day has passed.

For a moment, Lu Li couldn't even figure out what kind of attitude this hero had towards the governor Zhang Yi.

The curtain opened.

The elder brother Zhang Liao knelt and sat at the table, his armor was neatly dressed, and he was eating the food at the moment. There was still some soup stains on the corner of his mouth. He was obviously eating in a hurry.

"Meng Ming, sit down and eat together."

Hearing that, Lu Li was also welcome, took out the pottery bowl from the food box and filled a bowl of meat porridge.

Isatis with plenty of salt and garnished with tender greens.

Lu Li felt very satisfied to have a bite of warm porridge while he was marching.

At this time, Zhang Liao put down the bowls and chopsticks, wiped off the soup stains on the corners of his mouth, and said in a deep voice:

"Meng Ming, the lord must charge forward every time he fights to boost morale, and his safety is left to you."

Upon seeing this, Lu Li stopped and nodded solemnly: "No."

Because of eating too quickly, some soup stains also stuck to his short beard.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Liao shook his head, stopped talking to interrupt, silently picked up the bowl, and added a bowl of porridge to himself.

Rest and reorganize, confirm the marching route, bury traces, and gather as a team.

In this way, when it was busy about an hour, the sky was lightening, and the troops rushing to the north to assist again began to pull out.

The five village elders who came to comfort the army at night, standing on the head of the city with dove-head crutches, watched them go away.

I saw that the wilderness got on the car and rode the banners, spears and halberds were like forests. After the marching team opened, it was a dozen miles long, with knights in the front and pawns in the back.

And Song Xian, who served as Zuo Yuhou, led six or seven hundred knights on horseback, and walked in the forefront to clear the way. Behind him, nearly a thousand foot soldiers marched forward with spears.

From a distance, the smoke and dust are filled, and the military capacity is very prosperous.


The Yunzhong County Office is becoming brighter than ever before.

Countless fire snakes jumped out from the cracks in the tiles, devouring everything frantically, making a snapping noise, and houses collapsing one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the fire became one piece, billowing black smoke into the sky.

This city, which has been standing on the border for hundreds of years, was shrouded in fire. The ground cracked and the walls melted in the tongue of the fire.

At this moment, Jin Xian wears the Jinxian crown that can only be worn by the governor, with a bronze official seal hanging on his waist, and laughs triumphantly as he looks at the county city that is about to turn into a sea of ​​flames.

at the same time.

Many county residents hiding in secret rooms and sandwiched walls rushed out, all of them in a panic.

There were men and women, old and young, and most of them were still on fire, screaming screams while running away.

Many young children couldn't stand the choking smoke, they lost their strength and tripped on the ground. They could only call grandpa and mother, crying and crying until they were swallowed by the fire.

As for the people who escaped by chance, a complex and unspeakable emotion surged in their hearts.

Can't wait to eat the Huns in front of them, and at the same time eager to live.

"Male Ding Quan..."

At this time, Jin thought of the warriors who died during the siege, and paused for a moment when raising his hand, and changed his words: "Forget it, take those children who are not as high as wheels back to the tribe."

"All the other males are killed."

"Fill the well."

For a time, the horses' hoofs screamed.

The splattered blood became more stench under the high temperature, and the beaten Huns grabbed pieces of the remains and threw them into the well.

Many Huns did not know why the leader wanted to do this, but just executed the order.

And Kim didn't bother to explain.

This is the method he thinks from the military books, which can pollute water sources, spread the plague, and cause trouble to the Han army who came to support.

"I am a craftsman!"

"Do not kill me!"

The pleading sounded.

It is a pity that the Huns did not understand Chinese, so he only thought he was begging for mercy, with a grinning smile like a prairie wolf on his face, and raised his spear to send it forward.


Sparks are splattering everywhere.

A flying arrow knocked the bronze spear into the air.

Jin's voice sounded with a weird accent, but it was indeed in Chinese: "What do you do, cast weapons or smelt iron?"

"The villain is a mason."

"What can you do?"

"Building the city, participated in the repair of the city wall a few years ago..."

The next moment, a scream sounded, and an iron arrow pierced the mason's chest.

Jin put away the organ crossbow, "drag it to fill the well."

The Xiongnu soldier holding the bronze spear was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, hurriedly crossed the stonemason's body, and threw it into the well with a splash.

"What are you thinking?"

Jin turned around and looked at the black-clothed youth who was kneeling aside.

Hearing this, Du Quan raised his head and revealed a blood-stained face: "I heard that Shan Yu was courteous to talented Han people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, since the founding of the Western Han Dynasty, there have been many Han people fleeing to the Huns. According to records, these people were called "the dead in Vietnam."

A considerable number of them were deeply reused by Shan Yu, and some even became members of the Xiongnu ruling class. For example, the Yanmen Weishi who was captured in the Ma Yi plot was made the king of heaven, and after Li Ling surrendered, he was even more sealed. For the right school king.

"Yes, but we don't need a mason who can only repair city walls." Jin played with the organ crossbow in his hand. "Besides, what is it? He is a toothless wolf, no, a dog."

The tone was sorrowful.

Hearing this, Du Quan humbly crawled on the ground.

[Three Kingdoms: In March of the 5th year of Zhongping of the Han Ling Emperor, Xiutugehu attacked and killed Zhang Yi, joined forces with the left part of the Southern Huns, and killed Shan Yuqiangqu of the Southern Huns]

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