A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 48: Baima Yicong

Dawn broke.

On the snow-covered wilderness, the forest sea shook.

Two riders, one after another, rushed towards the southwest.

Due to the dense forests, weeds and shrubs, and King Guli constantly changing directions to avoid tracking, the speed of black-maned horses is greatly restricted.

However, the situation would soon improve, because Lu Li decided to **** his finger to feed the horse blood.


At this time, the black-maned horse's eyes were humanely proud. The owner's blood could make it change from a normal horse to a horse of thousands of miles. Taking the opportunity to drink a few more drops, it might be able to evolve again.

At this point, the black mane horse didn't hesitate, swallowing Lu Li's fingers directly into his mouth, taking the initiative to draw blood.

One second...two seconds...ten seconds...

Realizing that the stupid has no sign of letting go, Lu Li lifted the scabbard and prepared to give it a hard blow, but when he thought of it, the black mane horse had been diligent and diligent since going north, but let it go.

The good general assists the Ming master, and Baoju is the hero.

Since ancient times, many heroes in the world have been accompanied by horses, arranging horses and fighting in all directions. After several times of cooperation, Lu Li also felt the importance of mounts.

One, there is no need to be distracted to control.

Second, when fighting, it will actively cooperate.

Third, when wrestling with enemy generals, don't worry about the mount being unable to support it.


All in all, when confronting the enemy, he exerts his full strength without hesitation.

唏law law.

At this time, King Guli was still smashing the horse hips with his whip. Although he knew that his mount was about to die from exhaustion after such a long journey, who was letting death be chasing him?


After entering the boundary of Youzhou, the enemy generals should be a little jealous, right?

King Guli kept hinting in his heart: Hold on for a while, everything will pass, my destiny is mine!

The sweaty horse was in pain, and the four hoofs were raised high, trying to support it, but I have to say that the horse is indeed extraordinary, and the general arrival is still fast.

at the same time.

Lu Li looked at the slightly shriveled belly of his thumb, pulled the rein, and said in a harsh tone: "It's up to you next, if you can't catch up..."


Without waiting for him to finish, the black-maned horse suddenly hissed up to the sky, and his eyeballs began to congestion, as if it might explode at any time.

Is this... overfilled?

Lu Lili felt cold, and while the black mane horse was still able to run, he quickly drew out the horn bow from behind.

Shooting people first shot horses, but King Guli slipped and changed directions back and forth. Once he missed his head, he might be pulled away again.

Just as Lu Li was preparing for the worst and preparing to bend his bow and shoot an arrow, the black-maned horse suddenly sprayed a mist of blood from his snout, and his speed suddenly increased.

Obviously, after swallowing the high-quality werewolf blood again, it transformed again. Although there was no change in appearance, Lu Li sitting on his back felt it for the first time--

The surrounding scenery retreated rapidly, and the cold wind whizzed in my ears.

As for King Guli, he hurriedly glanced with his left light, and was instantly scared to death.



King Guli leaned down, holding the rein in one hand and gripping the handle of the knife tightly in the other.

"Thief, can you dare to fight with me?"


Seeing that figure gradually magnified in his eyes, Lu Li laughed loudly. This is an experience pack for walking. As long as you kill him, even if there is an accident in the future and you are eliminated, you don't have to worry about the final result!

"My destiny is with me." As the horse galloped,

King Guli murmured: "Escape from the catastrophe in front of you, this king will surely become the ancestor of the Xiongnu, born by the heaven and the earth, and placed by the sun and the moon. This is just a test."

The distance is getting closer and closer, and you can even hear the hooves of each other's horses.

Somehow, Lu Li's mind popped out: Yue black goose flies high, Shan Yu Ye flees.

Unable to help, there was a sense of pride in his heart, and he saw him pull the bowstring with his thumb, and while his eyes were condensed, he shouted: "King Guli, be careful of Liu Shi!"

When the words were over, a flying arrow gleaming with cold light buzzed out with a buzzing wind.

After hearing the mocking reminder, King Guli felt humiliated and his face immediately turned blue, but his movements were not slow at all. Before the arrow flew out, he raised his hips and stepped on the stirrups, and quickly turned sideways under the horse's belly.

The whole process was extremely skillful, as if it had been rehearsed countless times in advance.

But the next moment, the sweaty horse wailed and fell directly to the ground.

Leng Jian plunged into the back, blood gushing.

As the son of the Xiongnu Shanyu, Lu Li would be the first to not believe it if he didn't have any means to press the bottom of the box. Therefore, he didn't expect much of this blow, as long as he shot the opponent's mount.

Now it seems that success!

I saw King Guli, who was lying on the horse's belly, slid forward for dozens of steps with the help of the momentum, and then struggled to get up.

"Good mountain scenery, is this the place of burial you chose? Hahaha."

From chasing after midnight to breaking dawn, from sparse moon stars to fluttering snowflakes, and turbulent for a long time, Lu Chengli had already accumulated a lot of depression and anger.

However, this chasing game can finally come to an end, and the mood is instantly clear.

In the snow, King Guli raised his head, and one person and one ride were reflected in his pupils.

At this moment, he was so desperate, did he just die here like this?

My fate is with me!

Under self-brainwashing, King Guli was also a little bit courageous, he let out a scream in his mouth, and a vision manifested behind him.

The black smoke billowed, and the sound of sacrificial rites was faintly mixed in it, and the richness was superior to that of the previously killed Wan Qichang and Mo Che.


King Guli shouted hard Chinese words, charged forward, a cold light flashed across, and suddenly changed in the air.

It was not Lu Li that Yuanyue scimitar swept, but the legs of his hip mount.

Lu Li's eyesight was so extraordinary that he naturally saw the opponent's small movements, and immediately sighed: I'm so daring, dare to move the horse that I fed by myself!

As for the black mane horse, he blinked his big eyes, raised his hoof, and easily avoided the blow.

At almost the same time, Lu Li raised the long knife in his hand and pressed it down, immediately slashing the head of King Guli.

The coordination is perfect.

Between life and death, King Guli rolled his tongue and spit out a strange syllable.

Is this trick again?

During the robbery~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Lu Li had seen this kind of tactics, and even experienced it personally when he was playing against Chemoche.

In an instant, time went back, as if King Guli had never cut the knife, he raised his weapon again to block.


The sound of gold and iron reverberated over the canyon.

The full-moon scimitar is only a magic weapon given to his son.

The nameless long knife, the side weapon of the Yellow Turban general Pei Yuanshao.

The collision between the two magic soldiers was nothing short of rest. With the collision as the center, the ripples oscillated, shaking the falling snow around them to fly upside down.

Lu Lihu's mouth trembled slightly, and the black mane horse that had just been evolved took two steps back to counteract this force.

And what about King Guli?

Lianren took a knife and rolled out a full dozen steps before hitting a rock before stopping.

One in one, the judgement is settled!

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