A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 50: Changshan! Zhao Zilong?

Affected by the sacred stone, the entire Three Kingdoms world has become extremely abnormal. Lu Li thought that the soul of war, and the magical techniques that he had never seen before, but could change the astronomical phenomenon, and fortune-telling were unbelievable enough. As a result, he never expected not only In this way, there are still such secret techniques.

People are on horses, people are dead and horses are dead.

No wonder an ordinary soldier can improve so much strength in a short period of time——

Don't look at Lu Li's performance just now extremely relaxed, if he is caught off guard in the future, he might actually capsize in the gutter.

At this moment, the scene is extremely quiet.

The remaining six Baima Yicong saw the robe collapsed to the ground, silent, and all of their eyes were splitting.

"Who is your Excellency?"

At this time, the leader of the team put down Chang'an, licked his lips, and said dryly: "I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding."



Lu Li let out a chuckle.

In fact, at this time, he had already figured out a possibility: grabbing power.

After all, cross-border law enforcement has been explicitly forbidden in the past dynasties. In addition, King Guli is dressed in luxurious clothes and has a very different style from the Central Plains. It is really not difficult to guess his general identity.

Of course, the above is just Lu Li's personal guess, or he wants to find a reason for his murder.

Because, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is no longer important what the truth is.

At the same time, Lu Li's expressions and movements fell in the eyes of Young General Baima, and he suddenly shouted: "Go! Disperse!"

When the words fell, he pulled the reins and rushed up, buying time for the subordinates to escape.

"Where righteous comes, life and death follow each other! The sky is a lesson, and the white horse is proof!"

Suddenly, the shouting sounded again, and Lu Li looked at each other coldly, and the white light was more radiant than before. With the white horse without a trace of variegated under the crotch, it was an extraordinary hero.


A touch of azure appeared on Lu Li's long knife, which was an exercise of his own strength, similar to the separation of True Qi, but it was most suitable for clearing soldiers.


Lu Li whispered and swung his knife down.

Immediately afterwards, a huge light blade flew out with the sonic boom, and the white horse rushing a few steps away let out a whine, breaking the horse and the man into two parts.

The two are not at all an order of magnitude.

After killing the teenager, Lu Li didn't stop, and Zhuoma rushed towards the direction where he disappeared.


At this hour, the sky is bright.

Lu Li stood by the surging ice river, holding a corpse in his hands, and threw it into the ice cave with a plop.

"The last one, let's leave."

After speaking, he turned around, only to see the black-maned horse staring at the bushes beside him, his nose sniffing uneasily.

Thirty steps away, a young man stood quietly, born eight feet long, not much shorter than Lu Bu, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, holding an ancient sword in his hand.

After a glance at the opponent, Lu Li immediately shifted his gaze, thinking of explaining a few words, but feeling unnecessary, he simply turned on his horse.

The road headed towards the sky and walked on each side.

And at this moment, the handsome young man suddenly spoke, "Your Excellency killed the Yicong of Duting Hou Gongsun Zan, do you plan to leave just like that?"

"How are you doing?"

No matter how cautious Lu Li was, he wouldn't be afraid of a young man, even if the other party looked difficult.

"The murderer dies, and the wounded person is tortured." The young man said very seriously, "Mou is Changshan Zhending, whose surname is Zhao, whose name is Yun, and the word is Zilong."

When the words fell, he pulled out the ancient sword in his hand and pointed it at Lu Li, posing a posture of announcing his name.

Zhao Yun?

Hearing this, Lu Li on horseback buzzed in his head, and he was extremely sure that he had not misheard it. Besides, there should be only one Zhao Zilong in Changshan.

Why is he so young?

It seems that he has not yet reached the championship. It is not right. It is now in the fifth year of Zhongping, which is 188 AD. According to relevant data, Zhao Yun was born in the first year of Jianning in Han Dynasty (168 years). On it.

To say that this person, once unlucky, he will choke his teeth even to drink, let alone other things.

Obviously, after killing King Guli, Lu Li's fortune began to take a turn for the worse. First, he was watched by a small group of white horse Yicong. He wanted to solve the problem peacefully, but under the circumstances, he had to suffer again. Killer, cut weeds and roots.

The Wishful Abacus was played well, so that the episode was over. After all, the evidence was gone. Unless Gongsun Zan is a **** who can pinch and count, this matter can only be ignored.

As a result, just after erasing the marks and preparing to withdraw and evacuate, he ran into Zhao Yun again. Lu Li himself couldn't believe this bad luck:

Could it be that the principal felt that his early days went too smoothly, and forcibly arranged a thick barrier?

You know, this is Zhao Yun!

Maybe you will die!

Forget it, make sense first.

At this point, Lu Li raised the head that hung around his waist and said loudly: "The official, Taiyuan Lu Li, is General Yamen under the command of Biejia Dingyuan in Biezhou, because he is pursuing and looting King Guli at the border to the territory of Youzhou."

In fact, Lu Li had already noticed that Zhao Yun in front of him did not ride a white horse and carried a silver spear. He called Gongsun Zan Duting Hou instead of the lord.

Sure enough, after hearing his explanation, Zhao Yun put away the ancient sword and cast his gaze on the recognizable alien head: "The soldiers under General Gongsun want to grab merit?"

"The officer doesn't know."

Hearing that, Lu Li held the rein in his hand and shook his head.

Encounter-be attacked-manslaughter

Even now, Lu Li still feels that what he did is right. It's nothing more than a bit more murderous. If you don't kill these people, should you keep them to inform and make enemies for yourself?

Hearing the cause and effect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhao Yun was silent for a while. He heard that Duting and Hou Gongsun Zan were outrageous, and that Xiangyong in Youzhou wanted to cling to it. He wanted to see it in person, but after hearing Lu Li's statement, he again Some hesitated.

The general Binzhou chased the enemy across the border, which violated the Han law, but the chaser was King Guli, the son of the Xiongnu Shanyu!

If you encounter this situation on your own, at best, you can guarantee not to kill indiscriminately.

But, is this head really from King Guli?

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun first bowed his hands in salute, and then tentatively said: "Although a certain is in Youzhou, he has also heard about the Huns offending the side. He dare to ask the general, how is the situation in Bingzhou now?"

Upon seeing this, Lu Qizhong was overjoyed, bowed his hand in return, and replied: "The city in the cloud has been broken, and the governor Zhang Yi was killed. Fortunately, the lord arrived in time and personally led our robbery camp at night. Presumably, the situation is set at this time. "

"If you don't believe me, you can go to the North with Li, and when you get to the big camp, everything will be clear."

When the words were over, Lu Li restrained the restless black-maned horse and looked straight at Zhao Yun.

It is war or peace, in one fell swoop.

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