A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 53: domestic affairs

"Brother is worried. My family is a little less famous in Changshan County, and no one dares to offend it easily."

Zhao Yun replied grandiosely.

Hearing this, Lu Li was speechless for a while, he almost forgot that Zhao Yun in official history was a well-dressed boy.

"Three Kingdoms Zhao Yun Zhuan" quoted "Yun Bie Zhuan", saying: The cloud is eight feet long and has a majestic appearance.

Righteousness: a person who is willing to do what he does.

In other words.

In the future, when Zhao Yun went to Gongsun Zan, he also brought a group of strong men who volunteered to join the army with him. They belonged to the group with money and did not go alone.

Unexpectedly, in the Gaowu version of Three Kingdoms, the same seems to be the case. After all, only local wealthy clans have this kind of influence and can help people cover their whereabouts.

Therefore, a smile began to appear on Lu Li's face without any worries:

She looks handsome, has a good family, and has extraordinary skills. I don't know which daughter of the family will be cheaper in the future.

Then, a thought jumped into Lu Li's mind, and his face changed again.

He suddenly figured out why the lord was so kind to him, he was afraid that he didn't want to hire a son-in-law!

Parents to enrich people.

The marriage of children and daughters is all decided by the elders of the family. That night, Ding Qinyu unwrapped the sachet in the back garden and gave it to himself, and also made it clear that he would not marry.

The other party's acting style is so bold, can it be solved by avoiding seeing it?

I am afraid that Ding Qinyu has already informed the lord, and the lord’s attitude is also obvious——

The original vanguard position was suddenly changed to General Yamen before the battle.

At first, Lu Li thought this was because Ding Yuan was worried about his own safety and needed the support of an extraordinary general. Now it seems that he wants to stay by his side to observe and test his character and ability in the school.

As for the promised General Yang Wei, I am afraid it is not a big pie. As long as he does not perform badly, this position is almost a certainty. After all, the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders, and Ding Yuan is the daughter.

In the battle of the robbery camp, he decapitated thousands of ranks and killed many Wanqi chiefs, and then ran a long distance for nearly a thousand miles, cutting off the head of King Guli...

This kind of performance is absolutely no problem!

General Yang Wei is just around the corner.

I have to say that this soft meal tastes really good and can save 20 years of struggle.

You know, Ding Qinyu has gorgeous features and a slender figure. He is definitely a man's gift. If he is forced to come into this world in a different situation, and he will never return, then Lu Li will definitely not refuse, and even willing to pursue it actively.

But he can only stay for one year, and he must leave when the time limit expires. If he gets married halfway through, he has an heir...

Before he finished thinking about it, Lu Li shuddered and kept repeating in his heart:

Don't make mistakes!

"Why does my brother frown, but Yun doesn't take care of it well?"

At this moment, Zhao Yun paused and looked at Lu Li, whose face was uncertain, with a concerned expression.

The eyes of the two met, Lu Li seemed to have thought of something, his brows raised slightly, but he returned to normal immediately, and said calmly, "Nothing, just a few trivial things thought of."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yun nodded his head in disbelief and continued to lead the way.

It is winter now, there is no farming to be busy, and it is almost noon, most people are staying at home, only a couple of teenagers squatting on both sides of the road, chatting one by one.

One of them had sharp eyes, and happened to see Lu Li and Zhao Yun walking along the path, hurriedly pulling up their companions, leaning against the wall, and making room for them to pass.

At this time, a young man asked diligently: "Brother Yun, can you tell me something?"

Zhao Yun replied: "Nothing."

"You just assume that you haven't seen anything."

Hearing that, several young sword-bearing teenagers looked at Lu Li, who was sturdy and temperament, and paused on the head of King Guli. Then, they looked at each other, squeezed their hands together, and replied:


If I knew it, I brought a black cloth bag.

At this moment, Lu Li also realized that this move was too blatant, but this head was of great importance and could only be carried with him. I hope Zhao Yun's brother-in-law would not blame it after seeing it.

"Five gates to the east are the humble house."

Not long after, the two led their horses to a courtyard.


The courtyard door opened and a beautiful woman came out.

Lu Li only felt his eyes light up, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Zhao Yun.


The beautiful woman looked surprised. She wanted to ask something, but when she saw a man in armor standing next to her, she changed her words: "Your Excellency?"

Lu Li was making a decision while reporting his origins, "In Xia Lu Li, I will drive Ding Yuan's tent under General Yamen in Xia Lu Li."

"It turned out to be General Lu!"

The beautiful woman raised her hand to raise her head and wanted to salute, but was stopped by Lu Li's words: "I met Zilong at the same time, and I have already dated my brother. This time I came to meet both of you. How dare you accept the gift of the elders."

After finishing talking, go deep into the end.

This scene fell in Zhao Yun's eyes, which moved his heart, and at the same time he became more and more curious about Ding Yuan, who had never met before, what kind of heroes could make Lu Li willing to serve him.

The beautiful woman had a good impression of Lu Li and invited him in, "Please come from the general."

The courtyard was cleaned up, but there was no view, which was different from the imagined wealthy family.

After a while, the beautiful woman took the two through the yard and came to the hall.

"The home is simple and simple, making the guests laugh."

There was also nothing in the main room. There were only a few seats on the floor, and a short one in front of the seats. Lu Li also noticed that there were a few bamboo baskets hanging on the wall. Other than that, there were no long objects.

Si is a shabby room, but Wu Dexin.

Subconsciously, Lu Li thought of these two words for the occasion, so he pressed his doubts and said politely.

Perhaps due to etiquette, the beautiful woman quickly retired, saying that she was going to buy food and drink.

"Brother A has been ill in bed for many years. The doctor said that the medicine stone is helpless, and it has only been in the past two years."

At this time, Zhao Yun, who had been taciturn since entering the door, finally spoke and explained: "Because of this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yun must come back and tell Brother Bingzhou about his trip, lest he worry about it."


Lu Li took out a stack of yellow talisman from his arms and handed it over: "Brother Xian, I took this thing from the Yellow Turban general Pei Yuanshao. It was made by the great wise teacher Zhang Jiao before he was alive. It was delivered with warm water. ."

This is the Gaowu version of the Three Kingdoms. There are a lot of magic methods that can cure diseases and save people. For example, the Taiping Dao Huang Talisman in front of you can treat all traumas. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is dead but flesh and bones, but it is not far away.

However, Zhao Yun shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Alas, Yun had heard of this rune before, so he went to find a few of them, and they were also made by Zhang Jiao himself. It's a pity, it's useless!"

Hearing this, Lu Li's expression also became solemn.

The Taiping Dao Huangfu can be described as a magical weapon for treating trauma. Lu Xu, who stepped into the Guimen Gate with half his foot at the beginning, recovered most of it instantly after using it.

I really can't think of what kind of injury can make Zhao Yun say the useless words of the talisman.

Could the trauma come from the spiritual level?

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