A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 56: A good general is hard to find

According to historical records, "Jingguan" first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period when the beacon was everywhere.

At that time, the two countries of Jin and Chu fought, and Chu was victorious. In order to frighten other vassals, Chu gathered the bodies of the Jin people and placed them outside the city wall, and built a terrifying grave.

Although it is very cruel and considered harming the world, it did achieve the effect of deterring other countries. Because of this, the various princes not only did not unite to denounce this behavior, but rushed to imitate it to demonstrate their force.

Unexpectedly, when the Hun prisoners of war heard Zhang Liao's ruling that they would only build the dead into the capital and not hurt the rest, they worked harder.

"General, this is the head of the leader of our tribe, and it may be worthy of merit."

"This person's identity is not simple, he is Xiaowang Pi..."

The situation was urgent last night, and all the cavalry who attacked the camp had only one idea in their minds: kill through.

So how could they bother to identify the enemy's identity and kill the matter directly. However, now that the prisoners of war actively cooperate, things have become much simpler.

Ding Yuan immediately changed the order:

All the nobles of the Huns above ten thousand horses do not need to be filled into Jingguan, cut off their heads and let them blood, then pickle them with lime and salt, and finally put them in a box for preservation, waiting for the envoy sent by the imperial court for acceptance.

As for the captains, chiefs of a thousand horses, and chiefs of one hundred horses, they also enjoyed special treatment and were placed at the top of the Jingguan Temple in order to emulate them.

The smell of blood and stench spread dozens of miles away, and also attracted groups of vultures. They greedily enjoyed a free meal, but the Han sergeant did not stop them.

There are too many corpses, tens of thousands.

Even though the lord sent a lot of elites who could lift a tripod to help, they still couldn't take care of it. They were busy from noon to the unity time before they reluctantly built it.

It is one mile in radius and thirteen feet high.

From a distance, it looked like a small bag of soil swelling up in the wilderness, except that it exuded bursts of stench.

Fortunately, Zhang Liao was rich in experience. He deliberately ordered people to get lime. When pour the Jingguan, he had to spread the object evenly between the corpses on each layer. Not only that, after the Jingguan was built, he personally commanded the soldiers and was outside. A thick layer was piled up so as not to cause plague.

After all, tens of thousands of corpses are piled in one place, just let them decay, and the people in the state will suffer in the end. Lime can be used to save the chief of thieves, and it can also prevent evil and evil spirits——

In the eyes of people in this era, the so-called evil and evil spirits are the source of the plague.

"Why hasn't Meng Ming come back?"

Hearing that the construction of Jingguan was completed, Ding Yuan deliberately walked out of the Chinese military camp and made a round of inspections.

However, looking at the darkening sky, his pride gradually faded, because he thought of Lu Li, who went to chase the enemy single-handedly.

In the early days of the war, he was able to commit a prosecution to Feng Dy and lead the people to charge forward. It was brave, especially the behavior of self-reporting his name before the battle. Every time I think about it, Ding Yuan still feels passionate.

It is really gratifying that such a young Toshihiko who looks heroic and loyal to the Lord can take the initiative to take refuge in himself.

Born in a poor family?

It doesn't matter.

The hero doesn't ask where he comes from. He Ding Yuan came from a more humble background. How is it now? Zhang Yi was besieged and killed by a foreign race, and the position of the assassin was left empty. Only a little operation was required, and this was what was in the bag.

In fact, after witnessing Lu Li's performance last night, Ding Yuan regarded him as a good son-in-law. He only waited for the army to return to his teacher and clean up the remnants of the yellow turban.

"Lord, don't worry, Xu is something trivial happened on Mengming's road, which delayed the hour."

Zhang Liao calmed down. Seeing that the lord was a little anxious, he slowly analyzed: "Although the Huns have weird methods, they are far from the opponents of those who understand the soul of war. I heard that Meng Ming killed Wan Qichang in a single face, let alone mention it. The pampered King Guli is over, it's almost destroyed."

Not long ago, Zhang Liao personally hacked and killed King Zuo Xian. The whole process was extremely easy, like a pig butcher, plus his knowledge of Lu Li's strength, his remarks were naturally convincing.

At this time, Ding Yuan also stabilized his mind and said helplessly: "The old man is not worried that he will not be able to capture King Guli, but is afraid that he will cross the border and attack the thieves, and conflict with the officers and soldiers of other states."

"You and Ji are not very powerful." Zhang Liao still has confidence in Lu Li: "What's more, Meng Ming is always quick and wise, and he will be able to return with his whole body."

Somehow, Zhang Liao thought of the scene when the two met. After meeting him, the guy didn't blush or breathe, and pointed directly to the fork in the road ahead and said: Left.

If it hadn't been known in advance that the killer was wearing a fox fur, he might have been deceived.

"If Meng Ming cannot give the old man a reasonable explanation after returning to camp, he must be punished severely."

But Ding Yuan, who was comforted, was in a good mood, smiled and stroked his beard, looked into the distance and said:

"Punished him for half a year's salary."

As for whether the love will cross the border and whether he offends other princes in the middle, Ding Yuan is not at all concerned. As Zhang Liao said, there are no warriors in You and Ji. Besides, who can compare with Fengxian?

at the same time.

The black-maned horses of Tuo Luli and Zhao Yun kept snapping their noses and couldn't help slowing down.

As gusts of bad wind passed by, Zhao Yun frowned and couldn't help asking, "Where does this stench come from?"

"It should have come from the Huns' camp."

Lu Li carefully identified the direction and said to himself: "No, it stands to reason that the lord should have sent someone to bury all the corpses in the past, how could there be such a heavy smell."

For a time, the two were surprised.

At the same time, he thought of a possibility: Xiu Tu Ge Hu divided his troops to help him, and he was fighting fiercely with the Han army. Therefore, the lord (Ding Yuan) had no time to distract himself from the corpse.

At this point, Zhao Yun couldn't help but clenched the ancient sword in his hand, and asked: "Brother, why don't we look for the high ground first and observe the form ahead?"

"Need not."

After calming down quickly, Lu Li shook his head. He had confidence in Zhang Liao, not to mention that Hu, who had been around Yanmen County for a long time, had the ability to fight the Han army. Maybe it was the lord who made some new tricks.

Furthermore, given the bravery of him and Zhao Yun, why should he be afraid of those stray bulls, who dare to block the way and kill them directly.

In this way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lu Li clamped the horse's belly and signaled the black mane horse to speed up.


With a strange cry, a black shadow passed in the wilderness, setting off countless snow and dust.

"came back."

At almost the same time, Zhang Liao, who was about to return to the camp with the lord to wait, showed a smile on his face and turned to look to the southeast.

Hearing that, Ding Yuan, an old and prudent person, also raised his eyes and looked into the distance.


A small mountain bag was reflected in Zhao Yun's eyes, and the stench came from here.

People who are interested in joining the army know this thing.

A few years ago, Huangfusong suppressed the Yellow Turban Uprising in Xiaquyang, and used 100,000 heads to build the Jingguan Tower!

At that time, the whole country was in an uproar, and the general instantly changed from the famous pillar of the country to a bloodthirsty butcher.

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