A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 7 Chapter 64: Starry sky

"With the universe as the background?"

Inside the cafe, the three of them were shocked.

"Yes, it is almost impossible for you to meet, unless you are lucky and are born on the same planet." Senior Jiang's expression was very serious.

After all, the travel between galaxies is often measured in years, and the location of each other is not clear. Instead of believing that they can meet in the vast universe, it is better to buy a lottery ticket. The probability of winning a prize of 10 million is greater than this.

"Can you buy mechas in advance and bring them into the exam scene?"

"Yes, but it can't crush that era." Jiang Xin replied based on the facts.

"This is too general, can seniors talk about specific standards?" Duke was a little disappointed.

Compared to the minimalist NeoKeisatsu mecha, he wants to bring the original Star Mecha into it.

One person becomes an army and directly starts the star wars.

It sounds like it's burning.

Jiang Xin obviously knew what the second-year junior was thinking, and he was full of black lines, saying: "You are only freshmen, don't think about bringing in any big killers."

"Other freshmen are not so wealthy, and the principal has always been fair. It is impossible for them to become a foil, and they will not be given a chance to stand up."

In fact, although this freshman is not a good one, the world he has experienced is more exciting and more difficult than the predecessors at the same stage.

Only in this case, other talents will have room to play and get a chance to stand up.

"Then bring an entry-level mecha."

Pan Ming looked very open, not too entangled.

Although he is cultivating immortals, he is currently in the stage of refining the body, and he hasn't mastered any magical powers, so he doesn't need to worry about being restricted by the principal.

And the strength of a body can give birth to tigers and leopards, coupled with the first-level mecha, confidently sweeping the starry sky.

At this time, Lu Li asked the last question, "Senior, can you tell me more details?"

"The background of the next exam is the entire universe. God knows how many secrets are hidden in it. I saw aliens, saw the civil war erupting in the starry sky, and saw the higher races continuously sowing the seeds of civilization in the universe."

Speaking of this, Jiang Xin looked helpless. After all, the universe was so vast that even he couldn't see the whole picture.

What's more, the content of the exam was originally top secret, and the principal allowed "cheating" within the scope of the rules.

"Recently, I have watched more sci-fi movies in the dormitory to expand my horizons and make my thinking a little bit ahead."

After hearing a few suggestions, the three of them left the cafe, and Mr. Jiang, the administrator, also returned to the library.

In the meantime, Jiang Xin told Lu Li that if he encounters problems in the process of cultivating the skill [Gravity Dilution], you can ask him for help at any time.

However, [Lone Wolf's Insensitivity] was just enough to get started, and Lu Li didn't do what he thought for a while.

Exchange opinions-each practice-

After determining the general content of the next exam and discussing the countermeasures, the three went back to their homes and started a new round of practice.

on Monday.

Lu Li awakened from the sitting state.

He easily put away the skill slab, got up and walked to the window, and opened the curtain.

The sun is shining in.

Brightness and temperature are constant.

The whole school is under the control of the principal. If it is sunny, it may mean that he is in a good mood. If it rains continuously for several days, it may be that he has encountered something upsetting.

Anyway, in the school forum, this statement is very marketable, but no one has tried to verify its authenticity.

Taking a few mouthfuls of porridge casually, Lu Li took his notebook and walked towards the teaching building.

I didn't dare to eat more during the anatomy class.

Fortunately, the amount of classes this week is not as scary as last week. After this morning, the next time I see Bai Xiao in class will be Friday.

After I arrived in the classroom, I started the class directly. There was nothing to be polite, and it was not the first time I participated.

White light filled the entire sight.

The next moment, everyone appeared in the anatomy room, also known as Assistant Professor Bai's personal collection.

[Teacher in general, love is speechless]

The eight-character mantra engraved on the wall is inexplicable. No one knows what weird corpses are waiting for them to dissect today.

Perhaps, it's still alien.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Li may understand them better than Alien himself, their weaknesses and strengths.

In his notes, dozens of pages of research reports are recorded.

【Worker Bee Alien】

【Parisis in four-legged mammals in juveniles, after adulthood, the speed is faster and more flexible than the aliens conceived by the human body.

It can establish a spiritual link with other creatures, and even go further, to control the other side's thinking.

The inner molar can protrude up to one meter from the outer mouth and can be used as a weapon]

【Height: 2.5 meters or more

Length: 4.6 meters or more

Color: brown, gray and black

Features: high flexibility, strong aggressiveness, high risk, high heat resistance]

【Drone Alien】

[The head has obvious characteristics, with a layer of translucent exoskeleton, as well as exoskeletons in other areas of the body. The density is high and the defense is exaggerated. It is difficult to cut off with a laser scalpel.

There is a special organization in the larynx, which can make a roar of some kind with a high probability, summoning the same kind to fight together. The bite force of the teeth is about 420 kgf per square centimeter.

The internal organs anatomy results show that it can survive in the space environment]

[Height: 2.45 meters or more

Length: 4.6 meters or more

Weight: 158.76 kg

Color: black or gray

Features: high flexibility, strong offensiveness, high risk]

[Battle Alien]

[The head wrinkles are obvious, the movement is very fast, and it is good at climbing... There is a sharp exoskeleton hyperplasia at the tail, which has a very long range of extension and strong penetration...]

In addition, there are still types such as spitters, hitters, boiling people, and crows that have not been touched.

In the rest of the time, being able to dissect all the aliens once is already considered highly efficient.

"What do you want to study today." Bai Xiao squeezed his chin, wandering back and forth between the corpse storage tanks, and asked: "The alien that has been dissected for so long, should I change to another kind of creature?"

"..." Lu Li was speechless.

Because Senior Jiang had been vaccinated earlier, he knew that he would encounter a variety of cosmic civilizations in the next exam, but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard that Bai Xiao was about to change creatures.

Alien appearance is ugly and structure is ugly, but everyone has adapted to it in a week~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suddenly changed to other creatures. What should I do if it becomes more disgusting?

"Don't dissect the aliens?" A classmate frowned and said in surprise: "I thought the ultimate goal of the exam is to eliminate them."

"Teacher, let the wind come out, stop setting smoke bombs."

Complaints are endless.

And Bai Xiao shook his head helplessly, "The principal has arranged the content of the class. I can only choose from dozens of starry sky monsters."

"Don't always think about taking shortcuts, pick one at will this time."

After speaking, he walked to a large storage tank, grabbed the handle of the tank cover, and gently lifted it up.

Suddenly, a strong smell mixed with formalin flavour permeated.

The main force of the Zerg basic unit-the warrior, has sharp limbs like scissors, and the color is yellow and black.

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