A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 8 Chapter 41: Nurturing master

The Tinder traveled slowly in the universe at a near-stationary speed.

Through the huge porthole, Lu Li saw countless planets, which flickered in the dark.

In fact, with human visual ability, it is difficult to see any details in this vast space, only to appreciate the insignificance of oneself.

"According to the pre-arranged time, Roche's biological side should arrive in half an hour."

Roger took two cans of beer from the co-pilot Andy and handed one of them to Lu Li.

"I didn't expect that my first starry sky journey would end in this way."

"Although it took only a few days to enter deep space this time, the process is wonderful, isn't it?"

After finishing talking, Roger found an empty seat next to him, sat down, half-tilted, staring at the dark and deep starry sky, and muttered: "Frankly speaking, I've been in such a thrilling situation for the first time for so many years, so I almost returned. not going."

Nearly two days have passed since the two men destroyed their bodies and threw harmful garbage into outer space, during which no accidents occurred.

Everything is so smooth and comfortable.

Not only that, no one asked about the details of the battle that took place in the rear cabin at that time, as it had never happened before.

Because, they can imagine how subversive the cognition of that scene actually made it shake the heavy scientific research ship more than 500 meters long.

Fortunately, two professionals were invited on the ship to take care of the security work, otherwise, everyone would die.

Humans who have broken free of genetic locks are so strong.

The above two points are all the thoughts of most people.

Only Roger knew that this was not the combat power that could break out of the first-order genetic lock at all.

Of course, a certain spy who was inserted had similar thoughts, but for his own safety and avoid revealing his identity at critical moments, Ta chose to act in a low-key manner.

Because of this, the captain and Dr. Amy faintly believed what Roche said:

They have placed some secret monitoring equipment on the spacecraft to ensure that everything is under the control of the company.

"Mr. Chef made some hot food with the last ingredients, try it."

While the two were chatting casually, Miss Colleen came over, holding two plates of shredded pork rice with vegetables and a small half of roasted elbow in her hands.

In an instant, the fragrance is tangy.

In the past two days, everyone has relied on energy bars to supplement their nutrition. It's not that there are no fresh ingredients to use. In fact, they are too many to eat. Unfortunately, they are all in the cold storage of the top restaurant and cannot be taken out temporarily.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the area behind the medical cabin was completely sealed off, and the logistics staff only brought out a small amount of food.


Lu Li smiled and took the dinner plate from the female engineer and gulped it. Because of the tasteless energy bar for several meals a day, his mouth was already tasteless.

In contrast, Roger, a foodie, doesn't think there is anything.

After all, in the past ten years, he has performed several interstellar missions, and this journey based on years is based on energy bars and fluid food.

"Will the negotiating team sent by Roche Biology be here soon?"

Miss Colleen spoke suddenly. She was holding her dinner plate and squatting not far away. Her mood was obviously depressed, as if she was worried about where she would go.

Roger was very patient with this girl who helped and repaired the body for many times and rescued important property for free. He put down the spoon in his hand and promised: "Don't worry, we will let everyone return to the land safely. ."


On the side, Lu Li drank the beer left in the bottle and added: "It's just that you need to live in a different place."

At almost the same time, the crew members who were listening to the conversation between the three people sighed. They couldn't talk about how sad they were, but their conjectures were confirmed, and they couldn't help but feel gratitude.

In fairness, after experiencing these incidents, even if Roche Biosciences vowed to ensure the safety of everyone, no one would dare to go back and live.

Mr. Captain even bluntly said in private that next, he will find a well-ordered and more developed life planet to settle down to ensure that he will not be persecuted in the future.

When the Tinder was shrouded in a strange atmosphere, hundreds of millions of kilometers away, a light transport ship was approaching at a speed faster than light.

finally reached……

Standing in front of the porthole and staring into the distance, Luo Yue flashed a trace of fire in his eyes.

In order to obtain the mysterious creature called alien, he personally boarded a spaceship, entered deep space, and negotiated with people.

"Sir, the scanner has detected the location of the Tinder number." The female secretary trot over to report to her work.

"Get in touch with them as soon as possible to complete the docking work."

Having said this, Mr. Luo pressed the fiery in his heart and warned himself in his heart: The alien has not yet arrived, so he can't get over it.


In space voyages, each spacecraft usually travels faster than light. Therefore, if two ships want to complete this work, they must reduce their speed to the slowest and keep moving in the same direction. Finally, when the spacecraft leaves the factory Realize docking at the preset interface.

It sounds uncomplicated, but the actual operation is extremely troublesome. This requires not only the cooperation of both parties, but also a large number of special tools and technical personnel.

However, Roche Biology has been prepared for a long time, and it will not take much time to achieve this goal.

What really surprised the secretary was that his boss gave up the trial plan.

Before departure, the company had mobilized the most elite security forces and equipped them with various advanced weapons. It is said that many of them are contraband from other higher planets.

However, Boss Luo will not explain the reasons to others, at least not to his subordinates.

Among the people present, only two board members who accompanied the board knew that this was due to the news from the inside of the eyeliner: that Mr. Lu was fighting with the monster in the cargo hold and caused a huge movement, and almost took a heavy scientific research ship to the side. turn.

Can human beings really achieve this level by relying on their single strength?

In order for the negotiation to proceed smoothly, Boss Luo cancelled the trial.

According to his original plan, before the docking of the two ships, a mecha-clad task force will be sent out to test whether the other party is qualified to negotiate with the other side.

And now... let's make money with peace.

In short, Boss Luo, who got the inside information, decided not to rectify what means. Everyone sat down, negotiated the conditions, and strived for a win-win situation.

"Boss, we are trying to establish contact with Tinder, but there has been no response there, is it..."

A technician with glasses hesitated.

"Probably the ship's correspondent was killed. There is no need to think about it." Luo Yue waved her hand and motioned for the other party to leave.

"Use a communicator." A rich and ruddy director sighed.

Not far away, the other director did not speak. He seemed to have no interest at all in the upcoming negotiations, with a sad expression on his face.

Along the way, everyone has become accustomed to the director's attitude, did not pay too much attention, and continued to be busy with their own affairs.

[Dear Mr. Lu Li, we have arrived near the Tinder, and we are about to start docking. Is it convenient for video calls? 】

A message jumped out.

After seeing this message, Lu Li instantly became energetic, and Roger, who was drinking with Andy by the side, also noticed something and hurried over.

"Did the scanner find anything?"

"Wait a minute."

The co-pilot Andy swiped twice on the holographic light screen. Soon, he pointed to a red dot and said: "This should be it. The moving speed is rapidly decreasing. It is estimated that he will arrive nearby in five minutes and complete the docking with us. ."

Hearing this, Lu Li nodded, touched the simulated light screen with his finger, and agreed to the video communication request.

Boss Luo's smiling face immediately appeared in front of everyone. He bowed first, and then said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry about your lives being threatened anymore. I will take you home."


Instantly cold.

After so many disasters, everyone regards it as the culprit. If it weren't for the strength to allow it, it would have been sprayed a long time ago. How could it be as silent as it is now.

However, Boss Luo is able to achieve today's achievements, so naturally he will not feel embarrassed and unable to step down because of this small matter.

He pretended that nothing happened, with a kind smile, first greeted Captain Lin Xiu, and then looked at Lu Li.

The two had made a video call two days ago, and they naturally knew each other.

"I finally saw you, Mr. Lu."

"Of course, and Mr. Roger, thank you very much for your contribution."

As the saying goes, reach out and don't hit smiley people.

However, when the big guy Roger looked at the man who was coming for the appointment on the screen, he had a very strong impulse in his heart, that is, following the communication signal, teleporting over and punching him to death.

"Don't waste time, come and talk quickly."

Lu Li raised his hand and patted Roger on the shoulder, and took out a simple remote control from his pocket. There were not many complicated buttons on it, just a button printed in red.

"During this period, it's best not to play tricks, otherwise..."

Although she didn't speak thoroughly, Luo Yue did understand the subtext, and her smile froze.

In the power compartment of the Tinder, there are four vector hybrid nuclear-powered thrusters. Once detonated, no one wants to live, and nothing is left in it.

"Two, I came to the negotiation with enough sincerity, so there is no need to do this."

"I hope so."

"Can I see Alien One? I heard that it made a lot of noise."

At this time, Luo Yue made a request, but Lu Li did not refuse. He knew that this was the opponent's bottom line.

The crew wanted to be safe, and Roche wanted to get aliens, and both sides strictly adhered to their bottom line and did not give in.

"Some mutations have taken place in that alien, which is more dangerous than it was when it was born." Lu Li seemed to be giving each other a vaccination to prevent them from being shattered by what they saw next.

On the other end of the screen, Boss Luo and the people around him held their breaths.

In just a dozen hours, Alien No. 1 has grown from the size of a human baby to a behemoth that can shake a heavy scientific research ship. It is too legendary and research worthy.

Countless lines of sight moved with Lu Li, from the cabin to the medical area, and then to the corridor of the scientific research area...

Soon, the careerists and scientists guarding the screen saw a group of dark shadows, curled up in the corner, covered with shackles.

Especially the head is directly covered with alloy mouthpiece and traction rope.

It's just... why is it so small?

The color has also changed, from off-white to blue!

"Mr. Lu, can you give me an explanation? We have said that we have strictly adhered to the three bottom lines. This is the basis of negotiation."

Boss Luo had a sullen face. If he hadn't scrutinized Lu Li's terrifying force value and valuable research materials, he would have turned his face long ago.

"Three bottom lines."

Lu Li didn't seem to know why Luo Yue was doing this. He squeezed his fingers and said, "First, I guarantee that you will get a living alien. Second, let the outside world know what happened on the Tinder."

"Third, Roche Bio-guarantees the safety of all crew members. This is your obligation and has nothing to do with me."

After speaking, Lu Li pointed to the blue alien subspecies lying on the ground, and asked knowingly, "Is it because it doesn't meet the conditions?"

Thin, rickety, timid...

Looking at the despicable species crawling on the ground, Boss Luo's expression was very wonderful.

If it weren't for this guy to look similar to the drone fighters he had seen before, he would even think that the other party was playing with him.

"Look at the exoskeleton, the sharp edges, and the sharp inner teeth."

Lu Li seemed to be possessed by a street vendor, trying his best to sell inferior products. "In addition, the blood in his body is proof."

When the words fell, a military dagger slashed across the small blue alien arm, and yellow-green blood splashed down, and the floor was corroded into several holes visible to the naked eye.

"Mr. Lu, you are a wise man, let's open the skylight and talk brightly..."

The rich-looking director was a little impatient and was about to argue with Lu Li, but was interrupted by the big boss Luo Yue, "We'll meet in three minutes. Talking in person can dispel a lot of worries and show sincerity, right?"

"I'm looking forward to it." Lu Li nodded.

Alien No. 1 evolved into a queen, a queen with unlimited potential, naturally it is impossible to leave it to careerists.

And the face-carrying bug with its mutilated body, although not in good condition, is only an embryonic syringe. If it can still parasitize the host normally, it is also very dangerous——

With Roche's biological power, it is not difficult to find humans who break the first-order genetic lock to breed monsters.

Fortunately, the last egg laid by the queen was not a worm, but a blue subspecies.

The subspecies are strong or weak, but they are affected by the environment. The evolution direction is different from the orthodox Alien~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In order to breed the weakest Alien in history, Lu Li did not give it the opportunity to draw nutrients from the egg. Dig it out, hang it up and beat it up.

At the same time, no nutrients are given.

In particular, the royal gel was all shoveled down and thrown into outer space. The traces were burned over and over again with a flamethrower to ensure that no active substance was left.

The same is true for substances such as acid blood.

So, this little alien was hungry for two days, and the love from Lu Li never stopped.

In fact, this is not without basis. In the absence of energy replenishment, it can only overdraw its own potential if it wants to repair its injury.

After tossing back and forth dozens of times, the last alien on the ship became like this:

Half-dead and skinny, worse than a wild dog on the roadside.

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