A Weird Theater That Started In London

Vol 11 Chapter 52: stalemate (1)

Behind him, there are no pursuers.

The road ahead is extraordinarily smooth.

This is completely different from what Lu Li imagined.

If the Japanese want to expand the results of the war, or, if they want to completely erase everything about Nanyuan, then they should take this opportunity to launch a pursuit.

Even though Lu Li has confidence in himself, there is still a hole card that has not been opened, but he still has to face the reality:

The Japanese only need to send a small army of a thousand people, coupled with the second of Qiyue's seven spears, they can wipe them all out without any suspense.

This is what puzzled him the most.

How tyrannical Hideyoshi the old monkey is, not only the name and generals under his command understand, but the actor also has a deep understanding.

Are you unwilling to suffer any more losses?

It seems that the red lotus karmic fire and the influence of more vests have indeed played a role.

Of course, Lu Li roughly guessed an answer that was closest to the truth, so he put aside all distractions and focused on leading Can Yong to retreat to the north.

Before arriving in Gongju and Cheonan, it was impossible to see the regular army, at most some retreating militiamen of the Li Dynasty, and another group of Japanese...

Behind him, in addition to the left army of Utaki Hide's family, there is also Kato from the right army.

After losing the Kato Corps, the right-wing army still cannot be underestimated. After all, among the two major armies, the right-wing army who launched the feint is actually the main force.

Although it is unlikely, the chance of being hit by the opponent cannot be ruled out. What if it is so dramatic!

You know, the omnipotent principal likes to do things the most, making the parties feel speechless.

Because of this, Lu Li, who was injured on his neck, did not go north to Jeonju immediately after he left Nanyuan.

There is a saying that when the catastrophe comes, the heaven and opportunity will become extremely chaotic, and no matter how powerful and proficient in the way of divination, there is no way to calculate anything.

He tried to calculate the whereabouts of Chen Yuzhong, but as a result, the tortoise shell and copper coins burst together.

But relying on experience, Lu Li thought that he had abandoned the city and fled, and without seeing any trace of the Japanese, he decided to preserve his strength, and waited until the Ming army's backup arrived, the general situation was over, and then fought bravely against the Japanese...

A guy with a wishful thinking, a representative of a speculative military general, who is only willing to fight against the wind, and a stalemate with a certain degree of confidence.

"Go west and follow the coastline."

Facing Lu Li's sudden suggestion, the demons nodded, even if they couldn't figure out the way.

However, out of the principle of dispelling concerns, soliciting opinions and checking for omissions, he explained it.

"After winning the naval battle, the Japanese sent most of their warships up the river. Previously, the Shimadzu family and the Konishi family were on board, and the coastal defense was obviously weak..."

It turned out that he was overthinking it.

During the whole telling process, both the demon and the Liaodong cavalry were silent. Of course, it was not a very negative silence, but a concentrated stare with anticipation in their eyes.

Well, there is no need to explain.

Lu Li, who confirmed that he was fully trusted, simply stopped talking nonsense and set off along the escape route he planned.

The Battle of Nanyuan has come to an end.

The following is the defense of Seoul.

As long as you successfully contain the Japanese pirates' offensive and confront them for a period of time, you can enter the stage of strategic counter-offensive.

During the intermediary period, the battle became more and more smooth.

How to be suffocated now, how to relieve anger in the counter-offensive stage, and change positions on offense and defense!

However, the defense of Seoul was not so easy to pass. The Japanese devoured the peninsula several times, and the two-route army completed the reunion, and the morale would definitely increase accordingly.

If there are no actors involved, the defense battle will end in this way—

The Japanese occupied Tian'an and controlled Jishan, and the Ming army was forced to retreat.

From this point of view, the Japanese army won.

But looking at the battle damage ratio, the Ming army was undoubtedly victorious.

Lu Li had a different understanding of this.

This is thanks to the cultivation of a certain senior. In the class, he supervised his study of history books, let him play the role of a Japanese general, and asked him to analyze the battles and submit relevant reports with the attitude of writing papers, so as to obtain the reward of learning points. .

Occupying Tianan and Jishan was a victory, and defeating the Ming army was also a victory.

Then what is the purpose?

The strategic goal of the Japanese army was to go north to Seoul and capture the capital of the Li Dynasty.

The strategic goal of the Ming army was to prevent the Japanese army from going north to Seoul, and to defend Seoul to the death.

After the two Japanese army commanders Kuroda Nagamasa and Mouri Hidemoto occupied Jishan, they did not continue their advance and chose to stop.

No way. During the Battle of Jishan, all the soldiers of the Ming army taught them a lesson.

The Japanese army has always boasted that it is invincible in hand-to-hand combat and has never been defeated, but the Northwest Army of the Ming Dynasty broke this myth.

Moreover, Kuroda Nagamasa personally led the army to fight against the Ming army cavalry throughout the whole process. This was the second time in his life, and the first time was the battle against Li Rusong's Biti Pavilion.

Because of this, he was very familiar with the nearby terrain, and knew that from Jishan to Seoul was a rare smooth road in the entire peninsula, and the open terrain was most conducive to the battle of the Daming iron cavalry.

【The spear flies by lightning】【gallop like flying】

Once the Japanese go north, the Ming cavalry will once again let them experience what it means to be relaxed and free, galloping back and forth, fighting if they want to fight, and walking if they want to, without any hindrance.

This kind of battlefield where you can launch an attack anytime, anywhere can be called the paradise of the Ming army and the **** of the Japanese army.

Therefore, whenever I think of Kuroda Nagamasa and Mouri Hidemoto here, they choose to remain silent and make up their minds. Before solving this problem, they will never go north easily.

The above is all Lu Li's understanding of the battle of Jishan. The conclusion is very clear. The actual winner of this battle is Daming.

The Japanese army stopped going north.

And when it stopped, the war was reversed.

Jishan was the northernmost point reached by the Japanese soldiers in the midst of Ding You's chaos. Soon, the coalition forces of the Ming and dynasties took this as a starting point and entered the stage of counter-offensive.

The next time the Japanese pirates crossed Jishan and entered Seoul again, hundreds of years later, in the Jiawu year when China was impoverished and weak, the ruler was the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Tunguska Boarpi family.

Right now, Nurhaci, the leader of the Jiannu, is still developing vulgarly, and Lu Li can't think of him for the time being. If he can defeat the Japanese thieves alive and lead his troops back to defend Liaodong, he will definitely think of this thief chief.

But the Japanese…

With Hideyoshi overseeing the battle, the calm period after the Battle of Jishan will probably not come. The Japanese pirates who broke the first front of the Ming army will be surprised to find that, just like Nanyuan, everything is done by foreign forces.

Unless Li Rumei and the others lead the army to come in time, another head-to-head confrontation will completely destroy the arrogance of this group of invaders.

It's definitely not Lu Li's imagination. With each victory, with Nanyuan as the center, history has undergone major changes. The reinforcements should be on their way, and they must have crossed the Yalu River.

From everyone's attention to no one cares.

Nanyuan spent just a few hours.

The strategic center has quietly shifted, whether it is Daming, Li Chao, or Hideyoshi the old monkey, they all start to turn their attention to the Gyeonggi region.

But the suffering of the people of Nanyuan continues.

Hidemoto Okawachi, the author of "The Story of the Joseon", participated in the massacre. At this moment, after cutting off ten heads, he wrote in his diary: This is a sacrifice to the patron saint of the Great Bodhisattva Hachiman.

Then, he put down the blood-stained knife and diary, folded his blood-stained hands, and bowed respectfully in the direction of the Japanese mainland.

In order to boost morale and vent his emotions, a military heavy city was empty.

There are countless corpses piled up on the ground, most of them have no heads, and no noses on the heads, because Hideyoshi-sama has a whim, and wants to use these things to build a temple in the mainland to show his achievements.

Clouds move in all directions.

Lu Li moved north along the coast to make sure he could catch up with the battle of Jishan in time.

During this period, the Japanese were carrying out their traditional massacres, and Li Chao, Wen Wu, was anxious and waited for the situation to become clear.

However, these people who are greedy for life and fear of death have forgotten that they have a superstar.

Since the navy was annihilated in the Battle of Qicheonyang, the navy that Li Chao was proud of and hated to the core of the Japanese sank to the bottom of the sea along with the warship.

Once, when Yi Sun-sin was in charge of the army, the navy was invincible, but with the suppression of the Imjin-Japanese rebellion, the cunning rabbit was not dead, and the lackey was already cooked.

This **** of war, who was feared by the Japanese and admired by the Ming army, was directly exiled because of party disputes.

The King of Joseon also seemed to have forgotten the surprise and emotion that Yi Sun-sin brought him at the critical moment of the country.

Yuan Jun took office.

But the same team was handed over to him, and it was over all at once. The speed was so fast that the Ming army headquarters who made the detailed plan directly cursed the mother, and the guilt of Nanyuan's loss was also inseparable from it.

However, people die and debts are eliminated.

The ministers of the Li Dynasty, who were specialized in fighting in the nest and who were well versed in the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, began to pretend to be dead. They thought of Li Sun-sin, who was half-dead, and hoped that he would come out again and continue to create miracles.

But no one dared to propose, and the King of Joseon also thought of Yi Sun-sin, and felt too embarrassed.

However, Li Ying felt embarrassed for too many things, but he felt that he could always complete his self-adjustment.


Everyone invariably forgot about this man.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, the navy is gone, and the re-activation of Yi Sun-sin is just a thought for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

On the other hand, Yi Sun-sin went through too much pain and fought **** battles, but he was severely reprimanded. It was nothing at all. One night not long ago, he suddenly woke up from his sleep because of a nightmare:

He was walking on a hill by himself, when the horse suddenly stumbled, causing him to fall from above and into the icy stream next to him. Immediately afterwards, his most beloved youngest son, Tang, suddenly appeared in front of him, lifted him up, hugged him tightly, and said nothing.

Later the next day, Yi Sun-sin received a letter from his hometown in the south.

Before it was opened, the flesh and blood moved first, and the heart was flustered.

When he opened it up, Yi Sun-sin found out that it was the handwriting of the second son. The first letter of the letter was the word "sorrowful". He instantly understood that the youngest son's death was the hands of a Japanese who died tragically to protect his hometown.

[Heaven is not benevolent. If I die, you will live, and the principle will be constant; if you die, I will live, so the principle will be obedient. The sky and the earth are dark, the day changes color, mourning my boy, why did you abandon me? The heroic spirit is out of the ordinary, and the world does not leave the world. The rest of the offenses will bring harm to your body. Today, when I am alive, I will only mourn for He Yi, and spend the night like a year. 】

After writing this text for his son who died tragically, Yi Sun-sin took office.

Twelve plank boats.

This is the only thing left for the troops that could have fought head-on with the Japanese Navy.

The generals under his command persuaded that the matter had come to this point, and the navy had already died in name only, so it might be better to give up completely, and the whole army went ashore to fight the land battle.

Yi Sun-sin categorically rejected this suggestion. He did not shy away from the war because of the great grievances he suffered. Instead, he regained his energy, reorganized the navy from scratch, and continued to perform miracles.

This man would have sparks with Lu Li next, and tried to walk along the seaside, avoid the Japanese army on the right side, and reach Lu Li safely in Seoul. He didn't expect that his prediction was wrong.

It is true that a large part of the Japanese army entered the peninsula through the river, but there is still a fleet cruising in the open sea, supplying supplies through the small Japanese cities along the coast—

The army is launching a full-scale offensive against Jeolla-do. Since the victory of the Qichuanyang naval battle, the Japanese naval divisions have no role to play. Under the two major premise, the Sixth Corps's Todo Takato, Kato Yoshiaki, Wakisaka Anji and others are resistant. Unable to be lonely, he decided to help Yukita's family to fight Nanyuan.

In addition, the Shimadzu family also had some navy, which gave Lu Li the illusion that the Japanese navy had done everything.

The fact is that there are still more than 300 Japanese warships roaming the coastal areas, led by General Kojima.

In the last Imjin War, Yi Sun-sin shot and killed a Japanese general with a turtle ship in a water area called Dangpo. Shimatsuchi's brother.

Therefore, the two are mortal enemies.

When he heard the news of Yi Sun-sin's return to the sea, Mr. Kojima-tong went crazy every day, carrying more than 300 warships along the sea, frantically looking for the enemy who killed his brother.

the other side.

Seoul, Nanshan Camp.

The general responsible for the defense here is Pan Ming. He has a thousand elites under his command. He is responsible for protecting Jingluo Yang Hao and supporting Suwon at any time.

To be more precise, it is mutual horns with Suwon, UU reading www. uukanshu. Both are around Seoul, but one is guarded by Yang Hao and the other is guarded by Ma Gui.

As for the latter, there are 2,000 troops, and the bosses are Boss Zhou and Du Quan respectively.

The burden of history rests on the shoulders of the three.

Zhou Tian, ​​who has finally played a decent character, has made up his mind to be a dignified anti-Japanese hero, seize this hard-won opportunity, and vaguely expect Lu Li to appear.

Because, he has created a miracle and successfully rewritten the direction of this war.

Many actors feel that Lu Li can continue to perform miracles, and Pan Ming is even more convinced.

"Ma Gui's letter made Duke leave Quanzhou as he wished, and rushed to Nanyuan in time. I don't know how many gains..."

"If the benefits are enough, his brain is hot, and he may have already received the lunch."

After leaving the tent, Pan Ming looked at the direction of Nanyuan from afar. The angle was very accurate, and his guess was also very accurate.

It's a pity that someone is no longer there. He has seriously swerved. At this moment, he is leading a group of demons and five hundred cavalry from Wuyangyang, rushing to the seaside and rushing to another storm center.

Soon after.

Yi Sun-shin and General Manager Laishima Tong, two naval generals, will explain to Lu Li what an accident is and what a surprise is.

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