A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 101 The Trial of the Seven Sons (25)

Looking at the current situation alone, it is difficult to think that Renly's plan is correct, because since he started to have contact with the other party, the little nun's stealing habit has not only not been improved, but has become more serious.

The only difference is that the things she steals are shared with Renly every time.

Raya has considered herself a friend and knows how to share, which is a good thing. But what he shared was her stolen goods, which made him feel quite subtle.

However, Renly did not "verbally" blame, because the other party could not understand what he meant. Even if he scolded her, she would not know anything, let alone if he was beaten. Growing up, this woman probably received more beatings than ordinary people. There are dozens of times more children.

However, despite this, she had to express her opinions, so every time she stole something during this period, Renly would take the little guy and run to the original owner to return the item and apologize. Sometimes he couldn't find it. If it belongs to the original owner, he will give it to an old nun who has high prestige among the nuns, and then ask her to help deal with it.

He thought that in this way, Raya would understand the meaning of doing this sooner or later.

At the same time, he didn't think that coming forward like this would cause any trouble. Because of Laya's long-standing reputation, even if she didn't do this, others would be suspicious or even accustomed to it. In other words, if she hadn't been cared for inexplicably in the church, she would have been there long ago. He was kicked out. Now that he has not been kicked out, adding more notoriety is "irrelevant".

This behavior rather surprised the nuns.

"Sir Lemon is a good man."

"What's the use of being a good person? Raya is hopeless."

"It's a good thing since Laya can listen to him, and we can avoid a lot of trouble. I hope the gods will bless him..."

The people who live here are some nuns who are not young. Most of them are very tired of the mute nun who can't be driven away and has poor education. Now there is someone to control it and it is really effective. , they are naturally happy to see it.

It's just that there are good comments here, but there are also bad ones.

The clergy were abstinent and sensitive about it, but now it was hard for a warrior's son to hang out with a nun without attracting criticism.

This kind of discussion has never stopped and is even spreading more and more widely.

So one day when Renly was in the middle of training, he was called by Knight Moray to talk to him, or to explain his actions.

The conversation took place in a conference room. In addition to Knight Maury, there were also Nancy Tarbeck, the leader of the Sons of Warriors, the training officer Owen Knight, several deputy captains whom Renly did not recognize, and a monk dressed as a monk. bald man.

"We were told that you have recently become close to a nun in the church?"

The black-haired Captain Nancy has an unusual round face and two thick eyebrows. When the face is straightened up, it looks extremely fierce. However, thinking about the scene when he first saw him, Renly was very worried. It's hard to think of him as a "serious person".

"Sister Raya," he confessed, "I'm teaching her how to read."


These words seemed to shock the people present. They looked at each other in disbelief.

"With all due respect, sir, I do not believe that a girl who has been deaf and mute since childhood can learn to write," the bald monk began. He appears to be a member of the Templar, not a member of the Warrior Sons.

"Have you tried it?" Renly asked.

"Of course not."

"How do you know it can't work if you haven't tried it?"

"A normal person can understand why she can't, Sir. I don't think I need to explain it." The monk shook his head.

"That's what I originally thought, but it turns out that this perception is wrong." Renly replied seriously: "She can understand words. I don't know why, but she can understand."

"Then why did you teach her to read, or why did you contact a nun?" A strange deputy leader asked coldly, seemingly unhappy that such a trouble had occurred in the knights.

"For a strong knight to come into contact with a weak nun, this will bring about very bad comments in the church, and the impact will not be very positive."

"It's just mortal prejudice."

Renly had already thought about how to deal with it before he came, so he immediately replied after hearing this: "An ancient sage said it well, when you see white arms, you think of nakedness, and when you see nakedness, you think of going to bed. This saying doesn't quite fit here, but the meaning is It's almost the same. When they see us coming together, they think there's adultery. In fact, it's not that complicated at all. It's just that their dirty minds are instinctively thinking about dirty things. Yes, it's instinctive. With all due respect, sirs, such people are probably not very religious."

These words made the bald monk cough dryly. Several other people looked at each other in confusion and acted unnaturally. Only Knight Murray remained expressionless.

"So what's the truth?" he asked.

"The truth is salvation."

Renly replied: "A person who has been unable to listen or speak since she was a child, and who does not understand any reason except the instinctive eating and drinking, is like a beast, but she is a human being. If a person has fallen to the level of a beast, doesn't he need redemption? "

"Our nuns will naturally teach him," the monk replied.

"Your nuns can do nothing but slap her ears."

"There are many people who suffer in the world, but she is nothing in comparison."

"Of course, but she is a nun, a nun living in the temple." Renly said loudly: "We preach that the gods save the world, but in the end, there is still one person in the temple who has not been saved under the eyes of the gods in heaven. Isn't this a mistake? Don't we need to make up for it?"

This made the people in the conference room look at each other, and no one spoke. Renly felt that he had said everything he should say, so he said the last sentence.

"This is my purpose. Although it will be questioned, I will continue to do so. If you think my starting point is suspicious, then I am ready to accept supervision at any time."

After he finished speaking, he shut up and the place fell into a silent atmosphere. However, after a while, Knight Murray raised his hand to signal him, so Renly bowed and left, leaving these people to discuss inside.

There was a door behind him, and the sound seemed quite weak. Because someone was guarding the door, Renly had no chance to stay and eavesdrop, so he could only step away, and he felt helpless about it.

All these words were just his sophistry. He didn't think his real purpose was noble, and even suspected that he was taking advantage of the feelings of a little girl. But no matter what, he thought this behavior was good, so although he felt awkward sometimes, he still decided to continue.

It's just that I had been thinking about the task itself before, but I didn't expect that there would be trouble in such a trivial matter.

But after thinking about it, Renly didn't care much, but turned and walked out of the hill, preparing to get the mint he needed today first.

Thank you to the book friend Lenengzi for the 500 reward, thank you to the book friends Huxizizai, Taiwu Zhenren, I am Yeyunyuanya, and the book friends Woxuemianyun for the 100 reward~

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