As they continued to travel, the weather around them gradually became colder, but it was not that the further south they went, the colder it would get, but that autumn was coming.

The climate of this world was very strange, and there was no regularity in the change of seasons. For example, this summer had lasted for nearly two years, and in Renly's memory, there were two years of snow-filled winter.

Summer and winter were the themes of this world, and autumn and spring were relatively short.

The carriage moved slowly, and stopped at many castles in the Reach on the way, so that when the team arrived in front of Highgarden, the "first castle" of the Reach, more than a month had passed.

The team had a large number of people, and the lords of the Reach always sent soldiers to accompany them for protection along the way, so there were no unexpected situations.

Except for Renly's left hand.

The onset of the Chaos Mark could not be controlled, and it could not be predicted before the onset, so that Renly was a little cautious even when peeing, and his daily life was seriously affected.

He wore gloves, but sometimes this ability would ignore the existence of gloves, and sometimes it would directly act on the gloves. Later, he found a solution that was not a solution, which was to wear two layers of gloves.

This method sounds unreliable, but it is unexpectedly effective in actual use. Although Renly was puzzled by it, he was somewhat relieved.

In addition to the trouble caused by his left hand, the rest was only the fatigue caused by the continuous travel.

More than a month of continuous travel was boring, even if he always stopped to participate in the reception banquets held by the major families in the River Reach. Fortunately, Renly's physique was much better than before. Facing such a long journey, he did not get sick. On the contrary, Duke Tyrell, who was traveling with him, accidentally caught a cold on the way.

However, because of the consideration of the child's frailty, the team had a maester from the River Reach to follow, which did not make the Duke's illness worse. So when they arrived at their destination, Duke Tyrell's illness was almost cured.


Highgarden is the most beautiful castle in the Seven Kingdoms.

This sentence was the most common one that Renly heard on the road. He had been a little skeptical before, but now he believed it.

The carriage slowly moved forward in the hilly wilderness. Looking out of the window, the castle made of white marble at the end of the sight was located on a high hill with a gentle slope. Three consecutive walls rose up and surrounded the high hill. Looking from afar, the towers, green plants, fortresses... the rows of buildings had a strange beauty, which was obviously carefully designed.

The land outside the castle was surrounded by a dense pine forest, with many sentry towers in the forest. As the team left the wilderness and walked into the forest, a wide river gradually emerged in front of them.

Under the sun, the river with a bright luster flowed at the end of the pine forest. There were small boats leisurely in it, and the forest island was lush and green. The white castle named Highgarden stood quietly on the high ground on the other side of the river, majestic and exquisite, like a city-state inhabited by forest elves.

This castle is not only beautiful, but also very large. The buildings are arranged layer by layer along the surface of the hill. At first glance, it can even be called a small town.

However, in fact, it is just an exclusive castle where people from the Tyrell family can live.

In comparison, Storm's End is a country bumpkin.

Renly thought secretly.

The team that passed through the pine forest finally stopped at the bank of the river in front of the castle. A straight stone bridge spanned the entire river and connected to the gate of the first wall of the castle on the opposite bank. Renly and Duke Mace got off the carriage and walked here on foot, and the other personnel followed behind.

There were bursts of bird calls around, and the clear river water on both sides flowed at a moderate speed. At the end of the stone bridge is the entrance to the castle of Highgarden. Because someone had notified it in advance, the gate had been opened at this time, and a group of noble men and women dressed in bright and beautiful clothes stood in front of the door.

The number of welcoming personnel was huge and looked grand, but this was normal. After all, Renly represented not only himself, but also the king behind him.

"Welcome, Lord Renly, we have been looking forward to your arrival." After approaching, the beautiful woman with long silver hair raised her skirt and saluted the black-haired boy.

"Just call me Renly, ma'am."

The black-haired boy bowed in return and said seriously, "Don't call me sir, that's too much trouble. I'm not a child enough."

The tender voice was full of serious emotions, which eased the unfamiliar atmosphere a lot. The silver-haired woman smiled slightly when she heard the words, and the people around her also smiled.

"Come, Renly, let me introduce you, this is my beloved Lady Ellery, this is my eldest son Willas, and this little fat boy is my second son Garlan, and this is..."

The joy of returning home made the Duke of Mace next to him particularly enthusiastic. Every time he introduced someone, Renly would salute the other party politely, showing great humility and politeness.

This is the attitude that should be taken.

Although he and the Lord of Highgarden, Mace Tyrell, are both dukes, in fact, the two are very different.

Renly's title only sounds good. The territory and strength he actually possesses are probably not as good as those of the other vassal.

Among the Seven Kingdoms, Highgarden, or the Reach behind it, is basically the strongest region in terms of comprehensive strength. Not to mention Renly's small broken island, even Baratheon's Stormlands cannot compare to him.

In the continent of Westeros, the River Bend has the largest population, the most prosperous spiritual civilization, and the richest land. And if it weren't for the abundance of gold mines in the Western Territory, even the Fortune Reach would be ranked number one.

In comparison, the Stormlands next to the river bend are simply shabby. Due to climate and geographical problems, the lords of the Stormlands are extremely poor. The Lord Baratheon family also has no money to go anywhere——

Renly had long suspected that among the Seven Kingdoms, apart from the North, the Stormlands were the poorest.

"My mother has limited legs and feet and is waiting in the banquet hall, where we have already prepared a welcome dinner."

After the group of people exchanged greetings, they walked through the castle gate and walked along a green road full of thorns and hedges. The hostess of Highgarden said this.

"I hope Lady Olenna won't be impatient to wait." Renly stuck out his tongue after hearing this: "I heard that she has a bad temper."

The boy looked a little uneasy, and people around him couldn't help laughing when they saw this. After hearing this, a thin and well-dressed young man said with a smile: "Grandma does have a bad temper, but I think she just likes to tell the truth, which is sometimes very difficult to avoid." Hurtful.”

The speaker was Willas Tyrell, the eldest son of the Duke of Mace and heir to Highgarden. He was a gentle-looking young man, several years older than Renly. The fat brown-haired man next to him was similar to Renly. A gift is as big as a gift.

"For example, she has always disliked Garland's body shape. She would just talk about it when there was something wrong."

The brother's words made the little fat man with a round belly look over him resentfully.

"Vilas, can you please stop laughing at me in front of the guests?"

"My good brother, you know exactly what ridicule is -" the brown-haired boy replied with a smile: "what is telling the truth."

These words made the little fat man bulge his face with anger. People except him were quite happy to watch. Renly on the side felt that these two brothers were very interesting.

He was not very familiar with these two people, because they did not exist in the show he had watched in his previous life, but in fact they were the most important figures in the next generation of the Tyrell family.

In contrast, one of the little gays Renly knew was just learning to walk and was being followed behind by the Duchess holding her hand. The other was just a swaddled baby girl. He was held in the nurse's arms and fell asleep.

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