When the news came that Lord Renly had been captured, Lord Malbard Chesta of Greenshield was hiding in his kitchen warehouse and doing some unspeakable things with a skinny young female cook, which even caused the servants to It took me a long time to find him.

Then when he heard the news, Count Chesta, who was originally impatient and irritable, felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on his forehead, and immediately turned off the fire.

"How - how could he be captured? There are so many guards around the child?" The earl murmured with trembling lips, but the servant was obviously unable to answer his question.

So the middle-aged earl, who was in disheveled clothes, hurried towards the scene of the crime.

At this time, a large number of fleets participating in the war had just left, and the people on the island were still busy finishing up and cleaning up. Most people had little understanding of what happened at the port, and only had a vague idea of ​​what seemed to be happening.

So when they saw their master running towards the port in disheveled clothes, everyone was quite curious about it.

"what happened?"

"I heard that someone was making trouble at the port?"

"Who is so bold?"

"It can't be that the Ironborn are coming..."

"How can this be?"

There were so many people coming to Highgarden that few noticed that there was a child following them. Even if they did, they obviously couldn't guess his true identity. After all, Duke Tyrell was accompanied by many of his vassals. .

However, others didn't know it, and it was certainly impossible for Count Chesta not to know, so he was filled with anxiety at this time, even more anxious than his own son being captured.

The port area had been blocked by the garrisoned soldiers at this time. After the Earl arrived, he led a group of people to negotiate. However, the woman who captured the young Duke had a very tough attitude, claiming that unless a ship was sent to send her to the vicinity of Cliff City in the West, she would not be killed. He will not let go of his prisoners.

Count Cesta's threats and inducements, and even his begging, had no effect. In the end, he could only do what the other party asked him to do - send a ship to see him off.

"With all due respect, Lord Chesta, we can't explain it to the Duke if you do this!"

Until the merchant ship left the port and slowly left, the Tyrell guard captain beside the earl said with a serious face: "I can't bear the consequences of losing Lord Renly, and I don't think you can either."

"Don't worry, don't worry, of course I'm not doing nothing." Count Chesta said while wiping the cold sweat on his face and showing a smile to the guard captain.

"Sailors, cooks, servants, oarsmen...all the crew members are mine. There will always be a chance to rescue our little duke, don't worry."

"I can't let go, my lord."

The guard captain was also born into a noble family, so he was not afraid of the man in front of him at all.

"Before the young Duke was captured, he was also surrounded by your people, but in the end, he was succeeded by that woman? I wonder why such a dangerous woman sneaked into your port?"

"And I remember correctly, your people were closer than mine at that time." After hearing this, Count Chesta's smile faded and he said coldly: "Need me to remind you? Your dereliction of duty is much more serious than mine. ”

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and the two finally looked at each other and tacitly agreed not to continue the topic.

"Now how to do?"

"Seal the news first." The middle-aged earl gritted his teeth and said, "We must rescue the child. We must not let this matter affect the Duke's war."

"I've said before that Green Shield Island may not be safe, but it's a pity that no one believes me." The black-haired boy sitting on the table in the swaying captain's room said emotionally inexplicably. As he spoke, he glanced at the other side. A woman sitting on a chair in the distance was wiping the sword in her hand.

"Otherwise I wouldn't have been caught by you."

"Innocent boy." The woman said without looking back, focusing on the newly acquired half-hand sword in her hand: "If I want, I can catch you even if you are hiding in the castle."

She looked like a dashing young woman with a wild fighting style, but the figure sitting there now looked dignified and elegant, which made Renly vaguely recall the Duchess's teachings when he was in Highgarden.

This also made him very curious about the woman in front of him.

"Are you a noble?" he asked.

"No one is more noble than me." The woman replied matter-of-factly.

"Then why do you do such a thing?" the boy continued to ask.

"Because I want to," the other person replied, glancing sideways at him.

"Shut your mouth now, don't speak without my order!"


The black-haired boy blinked and asked, "Are you annoyed now?"

"If you say one more thing, I will—"

"Cut your tongue or chop your fingers? Okay, I'll shut up."

Renly replied, then turned over and sat on the chair behind the table, looking calm and honest.

His target was near Fairy City, and the Cliff City the other party mentioned was also in that sea area, so although he was currently captured, this was exactly what Renly wanted.

Therefore, he was not prepared to break the current situation. It was enough to say a few test words to get a rough understanding of the other party's character.

But he didn't want to, but the woman who called herself Tai Anna became a little interested because of his honesty, or in other words, she was curious about this little guy who didn't panic at all after being kidnapped.

Looking sideways at the boy's face, she paid particular attention to his beautiful eyes and charcoal-black hair, and asked, "Whose family are you from?"

Renli kept silent, and the other party raised an eyebrow.

"Answer my question, or I will--"

"You told me not to talk anymore." The boy said innocently.

He knew that he didn't act like a normal child, but it was obvious that he couldn't cry, so he had to look tougher. At the same time, it would be easier to "get closer".

"I'll let you answer now!" the other party said firmly.

This question was not easy to answer. Before he figured out the true identity of this woman, Renly felt that no matter which family he brought up, he seemed to be at risk of being exposed, after all, she didn't look like a commoner.

But if he told the truth...

So the boy was silent for a while, but when he found that the other party was impatient, he still sighed and said, "I'm from the Tully family."

"The Tully family of Horn Hill?"

The woman asked, her deep blue eyes narrowed unconsciously.

"Why did you come to Greenshield Island?"

"I came to see the world."

"Who is your father?"

Renly's mind moved when he heard this, and he said, "Randal Tarly."

"The current head of the Tarly family?" the woman asked.

"Yes." The boy replied, "He is very powerful."

The woman nodded when she heard this.

"Samwell Tarly is also a well-known figure."

As she said this, she looked at Renly thoughtfully for a few times, then turned back to continue polishing her sword.

Renly did not speak again, but fell into deep thought.

The Tarly family of Horn Hill is one of the most powerful families in the Reach. The current head of the family, Randyll Tarly, dealt a heavy blow to the powerful Baratheon during Robert's Rebellion, so that Robert had to let his own Storm's End be besieged, and he fled to a town in the Riverlands in a panic, hiding like a dog that had lost its home.

So, Randyll Tarly is a very famous person in the whole Westeros, and his fame in the River Reach is even not inferior to that of his feudal lord Mace Tyrell.

Similarly, many people, at least the nobles in the River Reach, also know that Randyll Tarly's eldest son was born just over a year ago.

However, the woman in front of him didn't realize this at all...

Looking at the tall back of the person sitting on the chair, Renly was thoughtful.

At least, he can now be sure that the woman in front of him who is suspected to be from a noble family is not a native of the River Reach.

And the Samwell Tarly mentioned by the other party...

Renly is actually very familiar with this name, because whether in the past life or now, he has understood the person behind this name.

In the previous life, there was a cowardly fat man named Samwell in the drama, who later became a university scholar inexplicably. And that person is actually the real eldest son of Randyll Tarly, who should be just over one year old now.

So the person the woman is talking about cannot be him.

Renly guessed correctly. The person he was talking about was Samwell Tarly from the time of Aenys I, the head of the Tarly family from the time of his last instance. He had made great military achievements and killed countless Dornishmen, and was called a barbarian.


Although there was nothing special about using ancient people to praise contemporary people, the tone of the other person's speech made Renly feel very strange, as if... compared to Randyll Tarly, she was more familiar with the Earl of Horn Hill from more than 200 years ago?

Thank you to the book friend Pure Domestic Loves China for the 2,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Supreme Lord Admiral Spyr for the 200 reward,

Thank you to the book friend xiaotang246, the book friend Qian Diyin and the book friend Tianyi Zifeng for the 100 reward~

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