The originally relaxed atmosphere suddenly became serious because of these words. Facing the black-haired boy's question, the silver-short-haired woman's expression froze for a moment, then she narrowed her eyes and said, "Of course I'm sending you away." Get a bigger reward."

She couldn't take back her words after she said them. It was a bit embarrassing for her to let things slip for a moment, but Maegor didn't care that much.

What's the point of telling the truth? It would just make the little guy less honest, but she didn't think there would be any consequences for a child being dishonest, even though the child was quite smart.

However, what surprised her was that the expression on the boy's face did not change after hearing this. He just said "oh" and then said nothing.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Maegor raised his eyebrows and asked, "Your father's enemies are all in the Iron Islands."

"At the worst, I'll have to pay a ransom..."

Renly replied, "It's not like we're missing a piece of meat."

Defeated noble captives can indeed be exchanged for ransom, but this is a rule in Westeros. In the Iron Islands, this rule may not be easy to use, especially when the other party's father is a powerful faction in the River Bend. The premise.

This child is smart, but still too young, Maegor thought to herself after hearing this.

This is normal. For a child who was raised in a castle with no worries about food and clothing, most of his knowledge of the outside world is limited to history books and bards. He probably thinks that everything outside is beautiful.

Feeling inexplicably emotional, the tall woman ignored the boy's reaction and turned around to continue walking.

"You are a very interesting boy. Maybe I will change my attention." She said.

Renly glanced at her back and curled his lips.

What he said just now was just to end this topic as soon as possible. In fact, of course he couldn't be that naive. Instead, he thought that the Maegor in front of him seemed to take it for granted.

Like, how is she going to get to the Iron Islands? Who are you trading with? There is nothing to prove her identity, so how can the transaction partner believe her? And why should people trade with you?

Wouldn't it be better to grab it by force?

Renly didn't know what the other party was thinking. He might have a plan, but it didn't matter because he didn't think he would be sent to the Iron Islands.

Although being out of the sea made him a little unsafe, the overall situation was still under his control. The man in front of him had the idea of ​​​​sending him to the Iron Islands in exchange for benefits, but he obviously did not expect that as soon as he arrived at the sea range, then the choice is no longer in her hands.

Renly was not worried about this. Relatively speaking, he was more concerned about another thing.

That is, what has this world become?

The gender of the person in front of him surprised him, but apart from this, her origin was already obvious. It was the last instance he had experienced.

Based on this, it seems that the origins of the followers of the Sons of the Drowned God that are circulating in the Iron Islands have become clear——

At that time, the Son of the Drowned God launched a rebellion for the second time but was beheaded, and then was sacrificed to the weak King Aenys. However, the death of the Son of the Drowned God does not mean that all his followers were also wiped out.

So if the mark on his hand can really cause people from that copy world to travel through time, it is not incomprehensible for such a group of people to appear.

But why does this kind of time-travel lead to sex change?

Is there some kind of power that affects the journey? Or some other reason?


Continuously walking under dim light, the boy touched his left wrist and pursed his lips in silence.

He remembered this mark of chaos since he completed the task of guiding the Sons of Chaos to the right path. At first, he thought that the mark was so special because the system in his body had given him corresponding power.

However, looking back on many past tasks, the rewards obtained are closely related to the completion of the event, so is there another possibility?

In Renly's mind, he couldn't help but recall the face of a girl with a turned-up nose and freckles. Her intimate smile seemed to be still vivid in his mind, but when he thought about it again, he felt completely different.

What exactly are Sons of Anarchy?

This question emerged from the bottom of his heart and occupied most of his thoughts, but as usual, he still couldn't figure out the answer to this question.

But I should at least understand what happened...

Muttering secretly, the boy raised his eyes and looked at the female figure walking in front of him.

The person in front of me was completely deceiving when she said that the gods sent her here, but there was no doubt that she was from that world.

So no matter how you say it, taking out everything the other party knows is what you must accomplish.

Judging from the other party's existence, that world couldn't be a place that would stand still or disappear as soon as he left. So he wanted to know what happened there after he left?

The beach where two people, one large and one small, landed was actually not too far beyond the scope of Greenshield Island, and might even be separated from the island by only a piece of sea, so they were still within the scope of the Reach.

She didn't know if there were any pursuers behind her, but the cautious silver-haired woman wisely did not take the coastal road near the coastline, but instead took a zigzag path.

Fishing villages, woods, creeks, fertile fields, farmhouses, manors, orchards...

As we go deeper into the river bay, we can see traces of civilization everywhere, such as the leisurely turning mill windmills, the women farmers who go to collect firewood in groups, the roosters crowing on the earthen walls in the early morning, the barking dogs, and the knights who are rushing to the battlefield one after another in old or bright mail armor.

The war has caused a turmoil in the entire Westeros continent, and ordinary people have complained about it, but for some hired knights, mercenaries, and even bandits, this war is a rare opportunity to make a fortune.

At this time, most lords will hire these third-rate people who are usually disdainful as soldiers, and select some excellent hired knights from them as their own retainers.

For these displaced hired workers, in addition to taking this opportunity to make a fortune, finding a master they can rely on to support themselves for the rest of their lives is also something they are very eager to do.

Yes, the goal is that simple.

Everyone knows that the knight class is the starting point of the nobility, but this statement is not correct. The simple title of knight cannot give the knight any wealth. At the same time, the daily consumption required to maintain this identity also forces them to do some things such as being ordered around, running around, and even robbing.

Only by winning an industry and turning from a simple knight into a wealthy knight can it be said that they have initially embarked on the road of nobility, but wealthy knights cannot be considered complete nobles because they do not have the right to hang people.

So, the knights in this world are not so high-end. Most of the chivalry in the poems is just something that the children of the nobles can brag about. For most civilian knights, they don’t have enough food all day long, and they sleep in the wilderness to save money. How can they have the leisure to think about those things?

Although he has been in this world for more than six years, the black-haired boy who has never left his guardian is actually quite unfamiliar with all this. This ancient and simple medieval world in his cognition now looks so vivid and moving as he keeps on traveling and observing it in person.

Wild flowers swaying in the wind by the roadside, ox carts creaking, sheep bleating, and even the simple smile of a passing farm girl...

This is a real world.

The boy sitting horizontally on the horse thought, feeling the touch and temperature of the "woman" behind him, and he added secretly.

It is also a chaotic world.

It is the 284th year of Aegon's Conquest. Autumn has entered its end. The war has begun on the sea surface of the Western Summer Sea. Countless people flocked there, and countless people avoided it. Such a contradictory phenomenon tells the eternal civilization habits of mankind, but all this cannot affect the normal operation of all things in nature.

On a dim morning, the first snowflakes of winter drifted down with the cold breeze.

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