A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 156 The One Who Can't Be Caught (6/9)

Chapter 156 The One Who Cannot Be Caught (69)

The dark sky became darker as it spread to the north, and finally turned into a pure ink color. At the end of the sight, the sea and the sky were one color, and there was a faint flash of thunder in the terrifying darkness. Suddenly, it seemed as if the sky had fallen.

The sea breeze blew around, and the drizzling rain kept hitting the face, causing waves of itching. The sailors stood on the deck and looked at everything in the distance. They were trembling with fear, fearing that the terrifying storm would spread towards this side.

Under their feet was a long ship with a grape sail, and behind this long ship were more fleets with the same emblem. Now this large fleet was docked in the waters south of the Fairy Island in the Western Territory, quietly waiting for the storm in the distance to disappear.

The three-masted longship at the front of the fleet was called the Queen of the Arbor. The leader of the fleet, Paxter Redwyne, was in the captain's room of the ship at this time. In addition, there was the brown-haired Duke Mace Tyrell and many important lords of the Reach.

"It seems that the gods believed in by those iron men did not bless them."

Standing in front of the window at the edge of the captain's room, looking at the dark and violent sea, the young Duke of the Reach sighed.

"Maybe we will come here in vain."

This made many lords behind him laugh, most of them gloated over this, only a bald orange-haired middle-aged thin man frowned as he looked out the window.

"This storm is not normal. Logically speaking, such a big storm should not occur in this season."

"Maybe those iron men angered their storm god?" A young noble with a red fox embroidered on his chest shrugged and answered.

"Or maybe the Drowned God has had enough of the idiots in the Iron Islands, so he wants to use us to get rid of them?"

"Be careful with your words, Florent." The thin orange-haired lord glared at the young man after hearing this.

"Don't talk nonsense about gods in the sea!"

The other party shrugged his shoulders after hearing this, but didn't say anything more.

"This storm came at the right time. I was afraid that Stannis's ship would sail too slowly and couldn't catch up." Another lord changed the subject and said, "In this way, even if the Ironmen don't suffer heavy losses, their journey will be slowed down."

"I'm afraid that Stannis will also be affected by this storm." Someone next to him shook his head and said, "No one knows how wide the scope of this storm is."

"I hope the gods will bless him--" Others spoke up one after another.

"I'm afraid that the Ironborn didn't suffer much in this storm, but gave up their original plan, so our ambush would be in vain."

"If they hadn't suffered heavy losses, they wouldn't have retreated."

"I hope so..."

The lords stood in front of the window and talked for a few words, then turned back to sit at the conference table under the leadership of the young duke, and the orange-haired lord waved to a tall and thin servant in the corner.

"Lian, come and pour the wine."

The servant named Lian nodded and walked up quietly to fill the wine glasses of the lords one by one. After this was done, he walked to the orange-haired lord and whispered: "My lord, the wine in the wine pot is gone, I will go to refill it."

The orange-haired Earl Redwyne waved his hand, and the handsome young servant bowed and left.

Many river lords behind him were still discussing the war, but the young servant who walked out of the captain's room had a different expression from before. He looked up in the rain and looked at the dark sky. A trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Then the handsome servant turned and walked towards the cabin entrance, and finally arrived at a small room under the deck. After looking at the young man who was lying unconscious in the corner and looked exactly like him, he frowned, and then suddenly felt something was wrong and reached out to grab it. He didn't see anything, but his wrist kept shaking, as if something was struggling wildly in his hand.

However, this struggle did not affect the servant's movements. After finding some items in the room, he held the struggling "air" in one hand, pushed open the door with the other hand, stepped out of the cabin, and murmured in a low voice, making a hoarse female voice.

"Maybe this is a new clue, little guy."

"Your master is really hard to find."


When the storm came, the huge fleet of the Iron Islands was not in the core area, but it was not completely out of the storm. Instead, it was affected by the storm to the left wing of the fleet, and more than ten warships and hundreds of men were damaged. Fortunately, this loss was not too serious for the overall strength of the fleet.

The fierce storm lasted all night. When the dark clouds in the sky dispersed and a touch of strong sunshine appeared, the Ironmen who escaped the disaster began to be busy salvaging the drowning and repairing the boats.

However, while they were busy riding a large number of small boats to rescue people, one of them suddenly found a person who should not appear in their sight, so they hurriedly rescued him.

"I sent him to get information, why did he come back?" Looking down at his brother with a swollen abdomen lying on the deck, the middle-aged man in black armor who hurried over frowned and asked: "Is there an accident?"

No one answered this question. The drowned people on the ship were giving artificial respiration to the person involved with their mouths. On the other side, an iron man whispered: "We also rescued a strange woman, Commander, do you want to ask her?"

The tall figure was about to nod when he heard the words, but the unconscious man lying on the deck suddenly opened his eyes. After bending down and coughing a few times, he suddenly vomited out a large amount of seawater. Then the commander of the iron fleet said: " The great Drowned God has returned you to us, Aeron, what news do you bring?"

His voice was loud, but perhaps his ears were filled with seawater, but there was no response to this question, so the fleet leader named Victarion asked again.

The other party seemed to have heard what he said this time, so he raised his head, but the expression on his face was completely different from the wild and unruly brother in Victarion's memory. His blue lips trembled, and he trembled and said a word of fear. Come.

"The Drowned God punished us. We - the sons of the Drowned God - are the true sons of the Drowned God! I saw him, I offended him, we all, we all - the Drowned God forgive me!"

After he said that, he started to kneel down and cry loudly, causing a trace of displeasure to flash across Victarion's resolute cheeks, while the long-haired Drowned Man who saved this guy narrowed his eyes.

"Don't make fun of the Son of the Drowned God. He already died two hundred and forty years ago—"

"it is true!"

Before the Drowned Man could finish speaking, the black-haired Aeron angrily grabbed the guy's collar as if he was offended.

"He can summon schools of fish, and he can also turn into a fish. What is the Son of the Drowned God you are talking about!?"

These words made many onlookers frown, but after hearing the words, the Drowned Man's face suddenly became suspicious. His brown eyes kept looking at the young face in front of him. After a while, he couldn't help but ask One sentence.

"Who told you that the Son of the Drowned God would summon schools of fish?"

"I saw it with my own eyes!"

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