Chapter 158 Forced Transfer (89)

Considering the sailing time, the supply problem, the speed and whether the body can bear it, and the surrounding environment...

Before jumping into the sea, Renly had thought about many things, but he had never thought about the problem of turning.

This made him feel quite confused for a while.

The sky was bright and the stars were sparse. In the cold and dim sea, the boy poked his head out and turned his head to look around. The endless sea surface extended to the end of the world in all directions, as if it was endless.

Looking up again, the starry sky above his head was bright and deep, but Renly could not tell which one was which among the densely packed stars.

"What is the shape of the Ice Dragon?"

Recalling the compass constellation mentioned by the brown-haired boy Willas when he was chatting in Highgarden, Renly recalled for a while, but in the end he could not remember the specific situation of this constellation.

So he had no choice but to give up.

Looking back at the supply barrel floating behind him, Renly did not check it, but he could clearly see that the food inside was running out due to his long time of being lost. This made him feel a little depressed, and he also regretted delaying jumping into the sea for the sake of a momentary pleasure.

"Is it possible to take the risk of taking a boat?" He thought secretly.

His body strengthened by blood made him much more resistant to the cold in the ocean than at first, but he still could not stay in the sea for a long time, so he would always surface at a certain time during the day to bask in the sun, and therefore he saw many ships passing by.

But those ships were all Ironmen ships, so he did not dare to get close.

However, if it continues like this...

Thinking about this problem, Renly recalled a certain experience in the past, and finally he gritted his teeth and plunged into the sea to hide and disappear.

After another two days, he still did not determine the direction. Whether considering the wind direction, the sun, or even observing the direction of the sailing ships and then guessing, it was ineffective, but made himself exhausted.

So he made up his mind.

So the next day, when a single-masted clipper with a nettle whip flag slowly approached from the distant sea shrouded in morning mist, a sailor on the ship suddenly found the figure of a boy holding a wooden barrel floating on the sea ahead.

"Strange, how come there is a child in the water here?"

After glancing at the short figure, an old iron man with a gray beard muttered to himself, but he turned around and walked to the stern to find a rope without hesitation, and shouted: "A kid fell into the water, come here, help me get him out!"

After hearing this, a young black-haired iron man immediately ran over, looked closer, and asked in confusion: "How come there is someone here?"

"Maybe he came from the storm a while ago."

"Is he one of us?"

"We'll know when we get him out."


As they talked, they signaled the helmsman to move slightly, and let down the rope after getting closer, but the little guy floating in the sea holding a wooden barrel did not look at the rope, but yelled at the sailors on the ship.

"Which side are you from!?"

There seemed to be a hint of nervousness in the childish voice, but the people on the ship sounded familiar and friendly, because the other party's words clearly had an Iron Islands accent.

"Who cares which side we are from, boy? If you don't want to die, climb up quickly!" The old sailor with gray beard cursed with a smile, and some busy sailors around him also laughed.

"If you don't tell me, I won't go up!"

The boy responded loudly: "There is a war here, who knows if you are enemies?"

"If you are enemies, you would have shot an arrow at you long ago, boy." The black-haired young sailor shouted back at him impatiently: "Hurry up, we are in a hurry to get on the road!"

"Are you really one of us?"

"You are blind! Don't you see what is painted on the sail?"

"A whip, what can it be?"

"That is the family emblem of our Lord Tawney, boy, Lord Tawney of Oak Island! Don't say you haven't heard it. Besides, you can't hear how people on our island speak?"

"I am from Old Wake Island, but I don't know what Oak Island is." The boy muttered, but he hurriedly climbed up along the rope.

So the rescue sailors went back to their respective places. Many people on the ship didn't pay much attention to the drowning kid with an Iron Islands accent. Only the gray-bearded old man asked curiously.

"You are so young, who brought you here?"

"I am the squire of Sir Harlo, of course I have to follow my master to the battlefield." The boy leaned against the edge of the boat and looked at the old iron man vigilantly, "Why are you asking this?"

"Heras Harlo?" The old iron man frowned when he heard this.

"Do you know him?" the boy asked back.

"There are not many knights in our Iron Islands." The other party snorted, as if to express disdain for this, and his tone and attitude became a little worse.

"Why did you lose him?"

"Of course I encountered a storm." The boy replied: "Can you help me find him?"

The old iron man patted the boy on the back of his head when he heard this: "We have to go back to Pike Island, but we don't have time to find your master. Go and work now. There is no waste on the ship. When you arrive at Pike Island, you will wait for your master there. If he is not dead, he will always go there."

"You are dead!"

The boy glared at him, then turned around and ran to an ironman not far away and put his hand together. The old ironman who was kicking because of his words kicked in vain, and even accidentally sprained his waist, which made him grimace for a while, but after looking at the clever boy, he still laughed and cursed, and then did his lookout work without paying attention.

It was obvious that Renly had successfully fooled him.

There were corresponding accents in all parts of the Seven Kingdoms, and some old hands could tell where a person was born from just by the accent.

The accent of the Iron Islands came from the ironman who possessed Renly in the first copy. At that time, it might be the body's instinctive memory, and he naturally had this accent when speaking.

Although he has already changed back to his body, he can still remember some of how he spoke in the past when he thought about it carefully.

At the same time, the sea area seemed to be controlled by the Iron Islands fleet. At least during this period, he had never seen ships from the Reach or other places in Westeros passing by, otherwise it would not be so troublesome.

So the combination of the two naturally gave him a certain degree of credibility.

The last identity made this disguise more credible.

In fact, Renly did not know who Horus Harold was, but he heard from the three small boats before that Victarion, the commander of the Iron Islands fleet, did not like a guy with this name, so this guy was sent to the land to get information. No one knows what his situation is now.

At the same time, Horus Harold is also one of the few knights in the Iron Islands who believes in the Seven Gods.

It is strange for a boy of six or seven years old to run to the battlefield, but the knight squire system has always been like this. At the age of seven, he is already qualified to become a squire.

This disguise was originally risky. Although war mobilization involves thousands of people, if you are unlucky enough to meet an acquaintance, you may still be exposed.

Fortunately, or not unlucky, Renly did not meet anyone who knew about this. The only old ironman who knew about this person was quite disdainful of this and was even reluctant to pay attention to him.

This is probably a conflict of faith. Renly guessed secretly, but he was happy to see it happen.

So in the sea area of ​​Fairy Island in the West, when the two sides of the war initially launched a tentative attack, no one thought that a Baratheon royal boy had already boarded an ironman ship and headed towards the base camp of the Iron Islands.

It was a bit difficult to find the way back by yourself. After asking around, it seemed that you were already far away from the mainland without realizing it, so Renly's plan was to first arrive at Pike Island in the archipelago, and then find a way to take a boat to the land there.

This process must be very troublesome, but after realizing that he could not find the direction in the sea at all, the distance was far, and the supplies were really not much, Renly could only take this risk and move forward.

At the same time, he also looked forward to the outbreak of the storm curse, which might directly determine the outcome of this war.

Unfortunately, there were only a few cloudy days, let alone storms, which disappointed Renly for a while, and he really couldn't figure out how the curse worked.


There were no twists and turns on the way. Occasionally, someone would pay attention to him, a servant boy, but not many people would care about a child, and his identity was not exposed.

Renly thought that there were basically no accidents in this disguise, but unfortunately this idea disappeared when the ship arrived at Pike Island.

The port area of ​​Pike Island was bustling, and it seemed that some big shots were patrolling here. The returning ship was not big, so it would not attract much attention.

However, as the ship slowly approached the port, Renly suddenly felt his left wrist warm.

At the same time, in the unloading area of ​​the port, a middle-aged man with black hair and black eyes frowned, and then suddenly looked over.

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