The coastline under the blue sky looks vast and bright. The beach is covered with red-brown crabs that are either crawling or motionless. White birds are flying high in the sea. Occasionally, a few of them land on the reefs to comb their feathers. They are not afraid of ships coming.

Not far from the beach is a barren hill area covered with weeds, and at the top of the area stand rows of pale and ancient huge skeletons. They are the remains of Naga, or what the Ironmen call the hall of the Grey King.

The Iron Islands are a place of constant disputes, but this area located in the northwest corner of Old Wyk Island has always remained peaceful.

In ancient times, under the ribs of Naga was the place where the kings of the Iron Islands were crowned and selected.

Not long ago, when the Iron Islands rebelled against the Baratheon Dynasty, the new generation of Iron Islands King Balon Greyjoy was also crowned with a driftwood crown here, and then called on all the Ironmen to start a war.

Just as this beach is called the Holy Coast, this place is a very sacred place in the hearts of countless Ironmen, and now, Renly, the "holy" son of the Drowned God, has arrived here.

A small gray-green-blue robe looks quite loose and free on him, and holding a black driftwood stick also makes this beautiful black-haired boy look more solemn.

After getting off the boat, he was followed by a group of Drowned people, and other boats were docked one after another, unloading some food and items needed to build a camp.

At this time, the climate has basically entered winter. Although there is no snow, the temperature at the seaside is still not warm. Walking on the soft beach, the breath you exhale is a little white.

Kicking away a red-shelled crab that blocked the way, Renly looked at everything in front of him. Finally, he looked at the pale ribs on the top of the hill not far away, and felt that this place seemed to have not changed much in nearly three hundred years.

He sighed and sighed about this, but suddenly a soft greeting came from behind him.

"Has the Son of God been here?"

"No." Renly answered unhappily.

"They say you are from Old Wyke Island?" the person behind him asked again.

Renly glanced at the person asking the question, not wanting to pay attention to him.

This person is called Rhian, with a very ordinary pointed face and the common black hair of the Ironborn. He was wearing a rather loose robe of the Drowned Man, and he was not short in height, so he looked very thin overall.

He was the one who dived to "rescue" Renly last night. Because of his "merit in protecting the emperor", he was arranged by the leader of the Drowned Man to protect Renly, the Son of God.

Renly hated this person, but he couldn't show it too obviously. After all, this person was his "lifesaver", but he didn't want to answer the question of his origin.

So he changed the subject and asked, "How long will we stay here?"

"It takes until all the Drowned people in the archipelago have gathered." The tall and thin Ryan replied, "Master Salt Tongue and Master Drum have announced your identity."

Renly nodded when he heard this, and did not ask any more questions. He turned his eyes to look at the hills in the distance again.

Salt Tongue and Drum are the two leaders of the Drowned people around. Salt Tongue is the old Drowned person with long gray hair who is confronting Tal, and has more than 50 local Drowned people following him, while Drum is a younger Drowned person who came from more than 200 years ago and is the leader of the group of more than 30 ancient Drowned people.

Renly thinks these two people are completely ambitious people who want to rely on his identity as the "Son of God" to work together to unite the entire Drowned class of the archipelago.

What they want to do next, Renly doesn't know much, but he can see clearly what they are doing now-calling people to build a camp on the beach.

The Drowned People were all wearing grey, green and blue coarse cloth robes, which looked quite thin in winter, but none of them seemed to feel cold. They were working hard and were using some driftwood collected from the sea to build simple wooden houses and tents.

This kind of thing obviously didn't require Renly to wait here. With nothing else to do, he decided to go to the place where the Naga remains were.

He didn't forget that the bones actually had special effects, and he was also curious about whether the thing had other effects.

No one stopped him, but seven or eight Drowned People followed him all the time, protecting him anytime and anywhere.

After the kidnapping, the Drowned People transported the boy to Old Wyke Island without stopping, and sent enough people to follow him, and strictly examined all the people who met him, which made Renly feel like he was tying himself up in knots.

But at this time, his mentality had changed, or he was no longer too worried about escaping.

Because he learned something when he touched the wrist mark this morning, and this thing directly solved the ship problem that had troubled Renly for a long time. However, this matter still needs to wait for a while, and in the meantime...

Thinking absentmindedly, a crisp voice suddenly came, interrupting his thoughts.

"Are you the son of the Drowned God?"

This seemed to be the voice of a little girl. Looking up, Renly found that there were two children standing at the end of the beach, with brown hair and black eyes, a boy and a girl.

The boy was shorter and the girl was taller, and now the two were looking at him curiously.

They are quite brave.

Renly thought, nodded to the two children, and didn't intend to pay more attention to them and prepared to continue walking, but the girl's next sentence made Renly couldn't help but look at her more.

"You are so beautiful!"

"Thank you, you are also very-"

"Can you marry me? I want to marry you."

This surprised all the Drowned men following Renly, and one of them even stepped forward to reprimand him. Renly was amused and felt that children were really interesting, so he waved his hand and walked away without caring.

"How can this be called nonsense?" The girl behind him continued to shout: "Men can marry women, why can't women marry men?"

"Come on, old man, are you going to hit me?"

"Don't pull me, Theon, why are you so timid?"



Renly thought that the boy before was not the poor eunuch?

Calculating, it seems that the age is almost the same...

He didn't think much about it, because as he continued to move forward, the Drowned men scattered around the entire coastline all bowed to him passing by, and some even knelt on the ground with fanatic faces, making Renly uncomfortable for a while.

However, during this period of time as a charlatan, he was familiar with this, or he could ignore it, nodding or waving his hands occasionally, and more often just ignoring it, and no one cared much about it.

When he was far away from the coastline, these people were basically gone.

The road in the area where Naga Hill was located was not flat. As he moved forward, the surface slowly rose upwards, full of gravel and weeds, and it was not easy to walk. However, the advantage of holding a stick in his hand was that he didn't have to worry too much about slipping and falling or being tripped.

A group of drowned people guarded Renly and finally successfully arrived at the Naga remains on the hill.

Standing on the hard rock surface, the shadows cast by the rows of ribs above his head, looking up at the pale and ancient huge bones under the sun, Renly couldn't help but recall the scene when he appeared here last time.

At that time, time was tight and there was no chance to pay close attention to this place, but now -

The thoughts in his mind stopped abruptly, the surrounding environment seemed to become a little hazy all of a sudden, even the sunlight in the sky also became hazy, and his heartbeat suddenly increased at this moment, making Renly couldn't help but cover his chest, and then he looked up and looked around blankly, only to feel dizzy and dizzy, and the blood flow in his body was getting faster and faster...

Faintly, he seemed to hear a vast roar from the depths of the sea.

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