A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 172 Characteristics of Evolution

Aeren Greyjoy, the fifth son of the Greyjoy family, the youngest brother of Balon Greyjoy, the current king of the Iron Islands, and the captain of the Ironborn who once kidnapped Renly and Maegor.

He is a handsome young Ironborn, but even if he looks good, he still looks scary when his face is pale and his lips are blue.

Looking at the young Ironborn in front of him who is only wearing a pair of sealskin shorts, Renly frowned.

If I remember correctly, not long ago, this guy asked me to hold a ceremony for him personally, but I was perfunctory at that time, but I didn't expect that this guy who was so eager to join the Drowned Army was drowned.

Renly didn't have this person in his previous life, but he knew that the Euron in his memory was the second brother of this Aeron, and Theon was this person's nephew.

Of course, all this is not important at the moment. The most important thing for him at this time is how to fool him?

The murderer who drowned the man was standing beside him at this time, staring at the boy with an expectant and solemn expression. There was also a group of drowned people surrounding him. Everyone stared at Renly, as if afraid of missing his slightest movement.

"Can you save Uncle Aeron?"

The young voice was full of worry and expectation. It was the boy Theon who was mixed in a group of drowned people. After he finished speaking, someone among the drowned people responded.

"That's not saving, child, it's taking Aeron out of the Flowing Water Palace. The great Drowned God needs a good sailor, so He called Aeron over."

"Then as the son of the Drowned God, the Lord Son of God should be able to bring my uncle back, right?" The boy asked suddenly, and seemed relieved.

No one answered his question. The Drowned People were silent in the face of this. Renly, the person involved, just glanced at the boy and ignored him.

However, the boy's words hit the point.

As the son of the Drowned God, it is not easy to take someone out of his own hall, right?

At least many superstitious people think it seems easy, but only those with a cool head know the real situation.

This is one of the reasons why Renly did not intend to pretend to be the son of the Drowned God from the beginning. Being a charlatan sounds interesting, but it is not so easy to pretend. You need someone to help you deceive people, or you have real skills...

Renly thought of the "senior" of the son of the Drowned God more than two hundred years ago. If I remember correctly, he also drowned many people. Afterwards, he just made a few light remarks and no one cared. However, the situation of that person is different from Renly at this time. That person has already established the image of the son of God and has even been crowned as king.

And himself...

He did not think much, but knelt on the head of the drowning man, touching his left wrist with his right hand, and covering his forehead with his left hand.

It was cold and stiff.

In his memory, there is a person in this world who can resurrect the dead, but that is obviously not himself. For this situation, it seems that there is no other choice except to try the ancient road seed on his left wrist.

Renly didn't know whether the Seed of the Ancient Road would work on the dead, but he thought that it was the worst option to just say casually like that "senior" that the Drowned God would not let him go.

The middle option was to put on a charlatan attitude and announce the result after "trying hard", so that even if he was questioned, he could probably fool people.

As for the best option...

Watching the fire that others could not see merge into the dead man's forehead, Renly pursed his lips.

He knew that the fire could not merge into dead things, but now it merged into it, so did it mean that the other party was not completely dead?

However, his previous experiments on this were flour and wood, not human corpses...

The fact that there was no feedback from his wrist afterwards made Renly's heart sink.

So he began to think about the consequences of this matter unconsciously in his mind.

If possible, he naturally wanted to deny his identity as the Son of God, but he would not say it at other times. Denying it at this time would be completely courting death, so even if he could not save the person, he had to put on a charlatan attitude.

Even if he would be questioned, even if the Greyjoy family held him responsible afterwards, that would be a matter for the future. For the time being, Renly did not think that the people around him would turn against him directly because he did not save the people.

Which priest who drowned people has not drowned people?

But even so, he must find a chance to escape afterwards, because this identity has cracked and is not so solid. Maybe one day something like this will suddenly happen, and then he will be asked to take the blame.

Thinking of this, he could not help but get angry at the old guy named Sauron behind him.

You don't have the ability to drown anyone you want?

Drowned people, but you drowned your king's brother.

Drowned, drowned, you asked me to block the knife for you...

He did not continue to think about it, because a faint feedback suddenly came from his wrist, which made Renly's eyes condense, and he focused on the dead in front of him.

The other party was still motionless.

But it seems that he is not dead completely...

The boy felt a little happy, and then he was a little worried.

But what should he do?

Artificial respiration?

Start CPR?

As a qualified modern person, he has no idea about these things, and he is probably not as familiar with them as the drowning people around him...

Call others to rescue quickly?

The leader of the drowning people was not saved before, so how can I ask them to save him...

Time passed slowly. On the surface, the boy was expressionless, but secretly his mind was running fast. But after a certain moment, his mind suddenly moved, and he closed his eyes.

The boy who was kneeling and sitting there stood upright, with his left hand covering the head of the corpse. His black hair and loose robe were constantly swaying in the sea breeze, and his solemn face looked really like that.

This makes many sensible people wonder in their hearts, wondering if this kid really has the ability to live the dead?

This seems unlikely, but this child has many characteristics that ordinary people do not have. If it is true...

It seems quiet, but in fact the undercurrent situation seems to be much quieter at this moment. People instinctively hold their breath and stare closely at the boy in the shallows, staring at him kneeling there motionless, staring at him His clothes were soaked by the sea water, and he stared at the small fish gradually gathering from all directions along the shallow water, and finally gathered into a circle around the boy's legs...

The tall and thin Drowned Lean was among the Drowned people, so his expression became a little complicated. Many Drowned people around him also felt trembling in their hearts. Those Drowned people who originally believed in the Son of the Drowned God were even more hopeful.

The two children in the crowd were startled by this, and then were scolded by an old drowned man and shut their mouths tightly. However, the silence did not last long.

When the dead man who was originally lying motionless in the shallows suddenly stood up, when he bent over and began to cough violently and vomited a large amount of seawater, when the man who should have been sentenced to death glanced around with his painful and blank eyes. At this moment, the crowd immediately became uproar.

"Alive, really saved!"

"The Son of the Drowned God, indeed the Son of the Drowned God——"

"The great Drowned God appears..."

A group of people shouted at this moment. Some helped pat the back of the resurrected man to make it easier for him to spit out the seawater. Others helped Renly stand up and then tied the hem of his robe with their own hands. The sea water soaked in it was wrung out, and some people were busy bending down to wipe the sand and dust off their bare little feet with their sleeves. More people were around, either cheering or joyful, or standing there in shock and doubt about life.

However, none of this affected Renly's thoughts. At this time, he was still immersed in a system message that had not surfaced for a long time——

[Your psychic heart characteristics have successfully evolved into psychic words]

Evolution... Psychic Words...

Renly, who was busy serving the drowned people, seemed a little absent-minded. After looking at the young ironborn he had "rescued", he shifted his gaze and looked at the Naga Hills in the distance.

There will be another chapter later~

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