From the current war to past history, from the establishment of the Targaryen dynasty to the results of each war launched by the Iron Islands in the past three hundred years, from the resources of the islands to geographical and economic issues...

The conversation in the sealskin tent lasted for a long time, until the sky darkened, and Balon Greyjoy, the king of the Iron Islands, opened the tent and walked out. After taking a deep breath of the air with the smell of the sea, he turned and bowed to the tent, and then walked away with a hurried step.

Renly in the tent didn't care much about this - after all, he just wanted the Iron Islands to be more honest and submissive, and not to go out and rob all day long.

However, the premise of this honesty is naturally to be able to eat well and wear warm clothes, so he gave a few suggestions by the way...

Thinking about it, Renly took a sip of the wheat tea in the cup, his expression thoughtful.

The previous conversation was not entirely about the Iron Islands. Later, Balon also mentioned a personal confusion with him, that is, the blessing of the power of the Drowned God -

that is, the seed of the ancient road in Balon's body.

A rebellion to restore the ancient road seemed to provide a lot of nutrients to the seeds in Baron's body, so that in addition to the feedback power, it also bred a new ability, or in other words, it made Baron's body change a little bit--

Something similar to webbed feet grew between his toes!

This situation surprised Renly very much, but he had no idea about it. At the same time, in order to keep it mysterious, he did not dare to look at it more, but just claimed that this situation was a "normal phenomenon."

So Baron was relieved.

However, he was relieved, but Renly could not ignore the emergence of this phenomenon. He suspected that it was because of the feedback of the seeds of the ancient road that Baron's body had a "reversion" phenomenon?

Although in his memory, people were all transformed from monkeys, but there was no such saying in this world. In other words, on many islands in this world, there are legends that the local islanders have mermaid blood. Renly even heard that many people in the Three Sisters Islands of the Valley have webbed feet and hands. I don't know if it's the same thing as Baron...

Thinking about it, he shook his head and got up to pack up.

Proposing suggestions was just a side job. The main result of his conversation was that a ship would quietly dock tonight, and Renly would take that ship to Westeros.

That's right, he was going to leave tonight.

Renly had no attachment to the identity of the Son of the Drowned God, and he would not stay any longer if he could leave earlier.

Although Balon Greyjoy was puzzled by the idea of ​​the Son of the Drowned God secretly leaving the Iron Islands, he still decided to help.

On the one hand, Balon did not think that the Son of God did not know that he was the Son of God as the Drowned People did before. Or Balon thought that the Son of God was the Son of God, and even if he left the Iron Islands, he still could not hide this fact, so what was the problem of leaving the Islands temporarily?

Anyway, the Son of the Drowned God would always return to the Iron Islands. After all, the Iron Islands were the only ones in the world who believed in the Drowned God. How far could he, the Son of God, go even if he left?

On the other hand, although he welcomed the existence of the Son of the Drowned God, he obviously did not want any Son of God King to appear in the Islands.

It is enough for the Iron Islands to have one leader, but the Drowned Men want to create another one... What are they going to do? Seize power?

Want to restore the short-lived Drowned Kingdom three hundred years ago?

In a sense, Balon is on a "united front" with Renly, so he agreed to send a ship to pick up Renly and send him to Westeros.

At the same time, although he was curious about why the Son of God wanted to go to the Green Land that was not under the jurisdiction of the Drowned God, he did not ask more questions when Renly did not explain-

There must be a reason, which may involve gods. It is better for him, a mortal, not to get involved in such things rashly. After all, his own affairs are in a mess and he can't manage them.

Of course, Balon still asked whether he needed him to send people to follow him, but Renly refused. However, he readily accepted the claim that he would provide him with some money necessary for walking in the "human world".

"It's a pity that I can't get it all in one go." In the tent, after packing up all his things, Renly sighed secretly.

The defeat in the naval war caused the Iron Islands to completely lose control of the sea area south of the islands. Now the southern sea area is full of "enemies", and the ships of the Iron Islands dare not pass through there, so they can only send Renly to the sea bordering the north of the islands - either the North or the Riverlands.

Needless to say, the North is the farthest place from Highgarden. It is already winter now, and it is estimated that it will be freezing cold there, so the only choice is the Riverlands.

This is quite troublesome, because he still has to travel a long way after arriving in the Riverlands. Renly hesitated for a while because in addition to letting the people of the Iron Islands send him away, he can actually wait until his cheap brother Robert arrives in the Iron Islands and directly join the friendly forces.

In fact, this is what he originally planned.

It's just that war is simple to say, but it is very troublesome to mobilize in practice. Even if the naval power of the Iron Islands is abolished now, it will probably take a long time for them to reach the islands.

And if he really did that, he couldn't explain why he was here... and as the son of the Drowned God, who was very popular in the archipelago, anyone with a keen eye could easily find out what Renly had done here, and then...

So Renly decided to leave tonight.

In fact, he has nothing to deal with. The main thing is himself. The secondary ones are four shells containing the seeds of the ancient path, a "bronze ring" with three uses left, and an air cat that has been harassing him recently. , a few ordinary winter clothes prepared by the flooded people...

After all, that's all.

After roughing up his bag, he pretended to sleep and extinguished the brazier in the tent, and lay in bed for a long time. It was not until almost midnight, when it became quite quiet outside, that Renly left a line of words on the surface, and then He opened a loose corner of a tent that had been reserved before and hurried towards the coastline not far away under the cover of night when no one noticed.

There were night watch Drowned Men around the beach, but these Drowned Men obviously had no relevant experience. They were illuminated by bonfires at night, which greatly affected their vision, so their sight of the dark land seemed quite blurry. In addition, Renly had already He had an escape plan and had a clear understanding of the distribution of the drowned people watching the night, so although the process was not smooth, he finally succeeded in reaching the end of the coast.

However, before Renly could take off his upper body clothes and jump into the sea, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Looking back, a thin and drowned figure came into view.

"Rian..." Renly narrowed his eyes.

"Where do you want to go, Lord Son of God?" the other party asked softly as he approached. An ordinary and slender face looked hazy and illusory under the cover of the dark night.

"Instead of asking me where I want to go," Renly said, sitting cross-legged on a rock beneath him.

"Why don't we discuss how you came here?"

"I heard some noise, so-"

"As far as I know, you are not on duty outside my camp tonight." Renly interrupted with a sneer: "Don't tell me you happened to get up to pee?"

"No peeing."

The thin drowned man replied in a low voice: "I just can't sleep a little bit."

"Really..." Renly was noncommittal, and then asked suddenly.

"who are you?"

"I'm Ryan, your-"

"You're not Ryan."

Renly interrupted: "You claimed to be from Lone Light Island, but I sent people to investigate there and found that there is no such person as Ryan on Lone Light Island - so, who are you? What is your purpose? "

The other party was silent after hearing this.

There are only two chapters today, friends. I didn’t mean to break the chapter. I actually went to the dentist yesterday and didn’t write the third chapter... To be honest, I still have to go to the dentist today, but I will try my best to update it tomorrow. .

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