In a trance, the cracked bones in front of him faded away and finally turned into darkness.

The noises below the hill also quietly subsided during this process, like a movie that ended, and the curtain closed after the song ended.

The darkness was silent and deep. In a state of half-awake and half-asleep, Renly didn't know how long it had been. In a daze, he only felt two pieces of information emerging in his mind-

[You have obtained a new skill: Dagger Mastery LV5]


[You have completed all events, and you have obtained the item: The Sacred Statue of King Rhodes]


When Renly woke up again, he found himself slumped against the side of a feather bed in a quiet little room. The stone floor was hard, and his hands could only feel cold and rough.

The surrounding atmosphere was peaceful and serene. The pale yellow silk bed curtains floated with the cool sea breeze blowing in from the open window, and the complicated brocade hanging on the fireplace kept rubbing against the wall, rustling with the wind.

The sun was shining outside the window, and the shouts and cries of children could be heard faintly. The familiar voice made Renly blink, and then he took a deep breath.

As a result, a foul smell instantly rushed into his nostrils. It was the smell of a plate of salted fish on the bedside table behind him, which made Renly's sense of ease and comfort just emerge disappear immediately.

"Salted fish, sea breeze, two little idiots... It didn't take long, otherwise Qiao Mi would have found me lying on the ground."

Muttering, a memory of using a dagger kept churning in his mind, stabbing the enemy, turning and hiding, how to deal with other weapons...

Everything was finally deeply imprinted in his mind, just like when he acquired archery before.

Renly then looked down at his hands.

These were a pair of slender little hands unique to children, but the things in his hands were completely different from when he first entered "history".

In his right hand, the dentures that were originally held in his palm have now turned into a handful of corrupt gray-white dust. As the boy's fingers moved, they kept spilling on the stone floor. It was no different from normal sand and dust. He lowered his head and sniffed, but there was no smell left.

"It's gone after passing the level?" Renly frowned, shook off the dirt on his hand, and looked at the items in his left hand.

A rusty bronze ring that was obviously several sizes larger was currently hanging on the middle finger of his left hand, and at the same time, a pale, thin broken bone with cracked teeth was also tightly held in his hand.

Renly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was drowned when he entered with his dentures before, he accidentally brought out a seaweed, so he guessed that he could take something out of it. Now it seems that this is true.

"But the one I cut off is obviously not so short... and why can't clothes and the like be brought out?"

After pondering for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so he decided to ignore this problem for the time being.

At this time, in addition to the ring and the broken bones, there was also an old and dull yellow wooden sculpture of a little man lying on the ground next to him, pressed on a light green rush on the stone floor.

This seemed to be the final reward. After picking it up, Renly lowered his head and looked at it carefully.

The little man was carved from oak, with a brown-yellow color, without any craftsman's breath. The statue itself was angular, the figure stood upright, touching his chin in a thoughtful posture, his face and robes were lifelike, and it was obviously the appearance of the Drowned King.

When Renly looked at it, no information emerged, but he saw a line of words in the common language of Westeros engraved on the base below the wood carving -

"Maybe I am a mermaid?"

He whispered this sentence, but as soon as the voice fell, the seemingly ordinary statue suddenly creaked and shattered, and then collapsed in an instant, turning into a piece of sawdust-like dust that accumulated in Renly's palm.

A tingling and cold feeling grew from the palm of his hand, and the brown dust quickly melted into the palm skin like ice and snow melting in the heat, and then there was no trace of its existence.

But the tingling and cold feeling did not disappear, but spread quickly throughout the body like cold air. At the same time, a message emerged.

[You have received the blessing of the ocean, and you have awakened the characteristic - the breath of mermaids]


I feel that I have become a little different, but he can't tell how different.

After being stunned for a while, Renly looked at the Myr silver-plated round mirror on the small table in front of the window, wanting to check his gains again.

However, the angle of his sitting on the bedside table was a little wrong, and the lower half of the round mirror could only reflect his forehead, so he stood up and walked over, and by the way, he closed the window inlaid with green glass, and the noise of the children below became inaudible.

The round mirror clearly reflected his cheek, and when he looked at it, a pair of beautiful blue eyes also looked at him.

[Racial level: LV1]

[Knowledge: Heraldry LV7, Archery LV5, Dagger Mastery LV5]

[Knowledge: Fishing LV2, Language LV1, Etiquette LV1, Fishing Gear Making LV1]

[Derived characteristics: Psychic Emblem, Mermaid Breath]

Several pieces of information emerged one after another, but unfortunately there was no explanatory text for the newly acquired Mermaid Breath, which made him completely confused for a while.

After thinking about it, Renly straightened his messy blue velvet top in the mirror, smoothed the wrinkles on his brown trousers, and then stepped out of the room wearing a pair of flat slippers.

At the door, I happened to meet my personal servant Qiao Mi, who was catching up. He was very surprised to see him going out.

"Young Master, what are you going to do?"

"I'll go find Maester Cressen," Renly said as he walked away.

"Qiao Mi, let's go with you." The servant Qiao Mi who was left behind shouted: "We have nothing to do anyway."

"Okay, I'm just missing a companion to study with."

These words made the short servant pause, then he touched his forehead and said hesitantly: "Qiao Mi suddenly remembered that the cook in the kitchen is sick, and he wants us to work for him... Qiao Mi will not agree with him first." There you go, farewell, Master Renly."

After he said that, he turned around and ran away.

Watching the other person's back hurriedly leaving, Renly curled his lips, feeling that the mud could not support the wall.

The old maester was still in his small room filled with bottles and parchment books. Facing Renly who opened the door and walked in, his eyes broke away from a red book.

"I heard you didn't have lunch?"

"I ate a kipper. It was in the room. It was dry and salty." Renly, who was empty in his belly, said as he glanced at a bookshelf near the small table and pulled out a book from the dazzling collection of manuscripts. .

Then he picked up the parchment book with a gray cowhide cover and an iron buckle and climbed onto the stool opposite the old bachelor. Due to his height, he could not sit there formally, so he had to kneel on the chair straighten his back and lower his head. Opened the book.

Most of the pages were skimmed by him, and it wasn't until a page at the back that he suddenly stopped turning the pages.

"After the burning of Harrenhal, Aegon Targaryen and his sisters set their sights on the remaining countries in the Seven Kingdoms that had not yet surrendered. The Iron Islands lost their king and fell into chaos. Harlaw Island, the Womack family Colin, the leader of the group, has the blood of the Hall family, so he claims to be the legal heir of the black blood and takes the lead in claiming the throne..."

"On the sacred Old Wyk Island, forty Drowned priests gathered under Naga's ribs and placed a driftwood crown on the head of one of them. The king supported by the Drowned people was named Rhodes. Considered to be the living son of the Drowned God."

"In the first year of the Conquest, Aegon Targaryen was crowned Lord of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Warden of the Realms, and King of the Andals and the First Men in the Starry Sept in Oldtown. The following year, Aegon rode the dragon Balerion arrived on Great Wyk, and with him came a huge fleet..."

"The invasion of foreign enemies ended the fighting and civil strife in the Iron Islands that lasted for more than a year. The Drowned King of Old Wyk Island turned to his father the Drowned God for help, hoping to summon a sea monster to stop the invader's fleet. The sea monster did not appear in the end. Then the Drowned King filled his robes with stones and walked into the sea to discuss with his father. Thousands of people followed him into the sea."

"The Ironborn were unable to resist the Conqueror's dragons and fleets. The Iron Islands finally surrendered. Aegon Targaryen allowed the Ironborn to determine their own rulers. The kingsmoot was therefore held under the rib of Naga on Old Wyk. Lord of the Reavers, Viken Greyjoy became the ruler of the Iron Islands - and House Greyjoy continues to rule to this day."

"In the 37th year of the Conquest Calendar, Aegon Targaryen died of a stroke on Dragonstone. His son Aenys succeeded to the throne. Rebellions broke out across Westeros. Priest King Rhodes claimed to have finally returned from the Drowned God's father. Leading a rebellion against the Greyjoy family's dominance, the rebellion failed and the Priest-King's head was sacrificed to the Iron Throne..."

The only sound in the quiet room was the sound of turning books. The old maester, who closed the book in his hand, looked at the name marked on the spine of the gray cowhide book opposite and asked kindly, "Are you suddenly interested in the history of the Iron Islands?"

No matter where they are, studious children are generally very popular, especially when surrounded by a group of idiots who are tired of learning.

"That's right."

Renly nodded absently, filled with disappointment that he could not rewrite history, but then he reacted, raised his head and added: "Not just the history of the Iron Islands, I am interested in all history."

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