Beautiful ice blue eyes, fair and delicate face, a slight smile on the corner of the mouth...

If it weren't for the face of the person opposite him, who was wearing a golden robe with long sleeves, and whose hair was much longer than his current short length, Renly would have thought he was looking in the mirror.

Just thinking about the condensed appearance he had seen before, he suspected that this person did not originally look like this, but could change his appearance at will.

As expected, the first sentence the other party spoke directly confirmed this.

"Male humans generally prefer to communicate with the opposite sex rather than with the same sex. At the same time, they always have a false confidence in their appearance."

The beautiful girl's voice, as graceful as pearls falling on a jade plate, can make people relax unconsciously. At the same time, the meaning contained in the words also proves that the other party does not seem to be putting on any spiritual airs.

"Who are you--"

Renly asked hesitantly: "Are you the Seven?"

"As you can see, the Seven Gods are all the people who believe in the Seven Gods." The other party replied softly: "Rather than saying that I am the Seven Gods, it is better to say that I am a temporary spokesperson gathered by the Seven Gods to talk to you."

"If the Seven Gods are all people, how can he want to communicate with me?" Although he was anxious at this time, Renly was still suspicious of this: "In other words, how could he think?"

“Whatever man has, God will naturally not lack.”

The girl less than five meters away from him replied: "Human thoughts and desires are based on their own positions. God's thoughts and desires are rooted in all believers, so He has the need to communicate with you."

Renly seemed to understand this, but he didn't come here to investigate and understand what God was all about, so after hearing this, he nodded silently and changed the topic.

“So what is He trying to communicate with me?”

Although the other party is not a human being, negotiation naturally requires taking the initiative, so directly saying what I want you to help me from the beginning is the worst option. Most of the time, you will be trapped by the other party. On the contrary, the first thing is to understand the other party's purpose first. should be done.

But obviously his judgment does not apply to the person in front of him, because after Renly finished speaking, the other person directly explained the current situation clearly.

"You want the gods to resurrect your friend, but He cannot truly resurrect her because your friend does not really exist in this world."

"Not real?"

Renly was stunned when he heard this, then frowned and said: "How is that possible? It's not true. Could it be that everyone who talks to me these days is just air?"

"Her soul and body exist." The girl explained: "But she does not exist, or in other words, she does not exist in this world."

"But she has body temperature, needs to eat and drink, and has her own goals in this world." Renly was even more confused: "If this is not existence, then what is?"

"Appearance of existence does not mean existence in the true sense."

The girl said: "You can think of her as a reflection in the water, a light shining from the morning star in the sky. She has her thoughts, memories, soul, and body. Her behavior is no different from ordinary people, but she is not real. In other words, as far as the gods are concerned, she does not really exist in this world. She is at the other end of time, but she was thrown into the present due to the rift in time, so I say, she does not exist."

Cogito ergo sum.

Renly wanted to use this sentence to refute, but he was more concerned about the various meanings contained in this sentence.

does not exist?


Time rift?

These words were mysterious and mysterious. Thinking of everything he had faced in the past, he had a vague understanding, but more doubts and incomprehensions emerged.

But then he suddenly thought that he had tried to use the seeds of the ancient path and the fire of the Drowned God to save Rhaenys, but it just didn't work...

Is it because of her "non-existence"?

Everything he heard made Renly want to continue asking on this topic, but at this moment, the other person's words brought his mind back to the right track.

"But being unable to be resurrected does not mean that she cannot be saved. The gods cannot save people who do not exist in this world, but they can make her become a person in this world."

"What do you mean?" Renly frowned.

"The Sea King Ferrego Antalion of Braavos has a wife who believes in the Seven Gods." The girl replied with a smile: "And she has recently been praying devoutly to the gods to give her a child."


Renly frowned at this.

Regardless of the incomprehensible words that the other party said about the existence or non-existence of the other party, Renly still knew the reincarnation very well, and he also knew the Sea King of Braavos clearly.

There are nine free trade city-states on another land east of Westeros. Braavos is the most powerful city-state among the nine free trade city-states, and Neptune is the ruler of Braavos.

If this is the arrangement, then Renly doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. Although it is not a physical resurrection, it is not much different from physical resurrection, and the effect may be better.

But at this time, he had some doubts about whether everything the other party said before was true. I have any other choices?

"What are the conditions?" he asked, "What are the conditions?"

"The condition is that you must become the agent of God in the world." The girl said: "Handle some matters related to believers for Him, such as punishment, reward, judgment, blessing..."

At first Renly didn't feel anything when he heard these, but gradually he found something wrong.

"When?" he asked.

"Until you die."

"Impossible!" Renly frowned and replied: "I can promise to do one or several things for Him, and I can serve Him for one or several years, but if you want me to be His servant for life, don't even think about it."

"Don't you want to save your friend?"

The girl asked curiously: "Besides, the Seven Gods are not an independent will, and you are not anyone's servant."

"I want to, but it's not at the cost of sacrificing freedom."

Renly said coldly: "As for what the Seven Gods are, it doesn't matter, because whether it's serving one person or a group of people, the key is service."

The other party didn't speak after hearing this, but bowed his head and pondered.

Seeing this, Renly didn't speak again, and began to wait silently for the other party's response.

What he said was not a kind of bargaining, but what he really thought.

The agent of the gods?

The title sounds grand enough, but he had awakened a god himself before, so he didn't think there was any honor in being an agent.

And the "service projects" mentioned by the other party didn't sound like bad things, and they should even be good things. Renly himself didn't reject it, but it was impossible for him to spend his whole life doing this.

He did want to save Renys, but this rescue was out of guilt, shame, and unwillingness... All kinds of emotions made him uneasy, anxious, and bored, so that he could willingly pay a lot of price to exchange for the other party's life to bloom again, but this price did not include his entire life.

"Then we can change another way."

The girl, who had been thinking for a while, raised her head and looked at Renly again: "The gods can cooperate with you."

"How to cooperate?"

"The gods help you complete a task, and you help the gods complete a task."

These words made Renly's expression startled, and he opened his mouth to speak, but the other party did not stop talking.

"The gods resurrect your friend, and you need to help the gods complete a task. The next time the gods look for you to cooperate, you help them complete it, and then they will help you do something."

Task - reward?

Such a visual thing made Renly instantly think of this, but the other party's next sentence relaxed this agreement again.

"The gods do not limit the time of cooperation, you can choose to terminate the cooperation at any time."

Compared to the previous ones, this kind of cooperation is much better, and Renly was thoughtful. He asked: "Is it something within your ability? Or is it very difficult?"

"For the first cooperation, He can relax the conditions, and He will also give you an extra small gift."

The girl said: "But the next cooperation He will decide what you need to complete based on the difficulty of the questions you raise, or help you complete an equal task based on the difficulty of the questions He raises."

"So what do I need to do this time?" Renly asked.

Based on this person's attitude, Renly found that the so-called Seven Gods did not seem to be able to find anyone to be His agent or partner, otherwise it would be impossible for him to bargain.

Think about it, this is normal. For hundreds and thousands of years, except for those increasingly corrupt church members, no one has ever claimed to be the messenger of the gods, or anyone has done anything extraordinary.

Even the Seven Gods themselves have never shown miracles -

Obviously there must be some hidden secrets or restrictions.

However, Renly did not intend to pursue this. He thought that the current model sounded fair and reasonable, so he did not intend to climb up.

"There is a Seafront City near the Twins where you are." The girl said, "It is being harassed by the Ironborn. You need to resolve the crisis there and not let the Seafront City be occupied by the Ironborn, not even for a day."

These words made Renly's mind quickly flash through all the relevant memories. With his mind turning, he slowly nodded.

"What about my friend?"

"The previous agreement remains unchanged. He will send your friend to Braavos." The girl replied.

Renly was relieved when he heard this, but then he thought of another problem.

"Will she retain her original memory after reincarnation?"

"Of course."

The girl said: "The gods will not actively interfere with your friend's memory. The gods' deal is to resurrect your friend, not to make her a stranger."

"So He can interfere with memory?"

"Yes, but don't worry, the gods won't-"


Ren Li interrupted the girl, and was silent under the other's strange gaze, and then said: "I hope you interfere with her memory."

"I hope she forgets me."

Thanks to the book friend who strives to become a top student, the book friend Shadow in the corner, and the book friend on the seventh floor for the 100 rewards~

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