All the undercurrents related to the battlefield in Haijiang City are surging here, but the real battlefield over there has been brewing and is now gaining momentum and ready to move.

Knights and soldiers from all over Westeros gathered in Lannister Port, an important city in the West. Under the good command and coordination of the major lords, they boarded the prepared river warships and began to adapt.

Tomorrow morning they will embark on the counterattack against the Iron Islands. Some are nervous about this, some are excited, and some are accustomed to it.

Most people are still optimistic about the outcome of this war. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is too great. It is just optimism. Whether they can escape from the war and even earn credit and glory requires all their efforts. That's what happened in the past.

Glory aside, no soldier dares to be careless when it comes to his life.

Relatively speaking, the lords who commanded the soldiers felt quite relaxed about this. After the transport fleet arrived at Lannister Port, the river nobles on it naturally also arrived in the city of their good neighbor in the west.

The Duke of Mace in the River Bend declared at a military meeting that this war could not fail. The most important thing for them now was to rush towards the Iron Islands with thunderous force and beat those iron bastards to their knees.

This kind of direct and reckless plan without worrying about anything attracted the support of many people, and also attracted the slander of several people who were proficient in war present, but it did not cause any turmoil, because King Robert, who was in charge of the overall situation, had not yet paid attention to that kind of plan. degree.

King Robert was a carefree man, and he led his army in a straightforward and overwhelming style, sweeping away like a storm. But that does not mean that he is not cautious, or that he is not cautious when it comes to war.

So he directly ignored the Duke of Metz's proposal and chose to listen to the opinions of several other lords to arrange the counterattack plan and key points.

During the preparation period before the war, they had basically finalized the battle plan——

Stannis Baratheon led the army to attack Great Wyk Island, while Lord Barristan Selmy, the captain of the Kingsguard, led the army to attack Old Wyk Island. The remaining lords were responsible for other islands, and finally counterattacked Iron Island together. The core of the archipelago - Pyke Island.

The general policy has been determined, but specific aspects need to be continuously discussed. However, as the departure time gets closer, the plan has been improved to some extent.

After the last war meeting, everything was ready, and the lords left the hall to do their own business, while the young King Robert began to deal with some matters other than war.

"There are some unidentified people appearing in various parts of the Seven Kingdoms?" Listening to the news from the intelligence chief Varys, King Robert couldn't help but feel happy: "Isn't there a guy who claimed to be Tywin's ancestor a while ago, similar to that?"

"We don't know yet."

The bald intelligence chief Varys chuckled and said, "It is said that there is also a woman who claims to be Maegor Descendant."

"This is quite new."

Robert touched his chin when he heard this: "Is he pregnant?"

Wallis coughed dryly and was about to reply with a humorous remark, but the other party waved his hand: "Forget it, a bunch of circus clowns came from nowhere. They can't cause any trouble, so don't pay any attention to them."

Seeing this, the bald intelligence chief began to talk about the second thing.

"Farmers in the Royal Forest have reported that a group of wild boars have been very active in the forest recently, and something abnormal may have happened. They hope that His Majesty can send specialized personnel to deal with the matter."

"That must be because we don't have time to hunt." Robert said cheerfully: "The wild boars miss the barking of our dogs."

Obviously such a trivial matter was not worthy of attention, so Varys continued to speak.

"One of our members in the Iron Islands claims that there are reports of miracles and the Son of the Drowned God spreading in the islands. They also say that the Son of the Drowned God can resurrect the dead."

Resurrection of the dead?

Robert thought for a moment, but then he waved his hand in an absurd manner: "Magic stick, clown, liar, wild boar, this world is really getting more and more chaotic - by the gods, Varys, you can't Say something useful?”

"A letter from the Freys claimed that Lord Renly was currently visiting them at the Twins. They said-"

"Is old Walder Frey out of his mind?" Robert said displeasedly upon hearing this: "My little brother is staying in Highgarden, how could he appear in old Walder's shabby castle?"

"They claimed to have rescued Lord Renly from a kidnapper." The Intelligence Chief said as he took out a parchment letter from his sleeve and presented it with both hands.

Robert raised his eyebrows when he saw this, took it and spread it out to look at, his face gradually turning dark.

"Ask the White Walkers to be captured by him! Then what is Mace Tyrell doing? He actually took my little brother to the Shield Islands!?"

The parchment letter clearly wrote everything Renly said when he lied to the Frey family before. He was kidnapped on the island, went all the way to Seaside City near the Twins, and was finally rescued and sent to the Twins.

Because of Rhaenys's "disappearance", the Frey family directly attributed the credit for rescuing Renly to themselves in the letter. They thought that no one else saw it anyway. Even if the boy later said that there was someone else who rescued him, Labor King Bo probably wouldn’t believe it either.

But let’s not say that Renly didn’t know about this kind of careful thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t care, and he might even be more happy about it, because it would mean that the Frey family directly “takes the blame” for his whereabouts.

As for Robert, he clearly saw that the letter had the seal of the Frey family, so naturally he would no longer treat it as nonsense. However, because of this, he felt quite annoyed.

"Call that Tyrell to me. I want to ask him personally what he is thinking in his pig head when he brings a six-year-old child to the battlefield!?"

After hearing this, Varys bowed and left, and soon returned with the burly Duke of Metz.

However, the Duke of Metz looked at a loss when asked by the young king.

"I received your letter, Your Majesty." He said blankly: "You claimed that you wanted me to take Renly to the battlefield to see the world, so I took him to the Shield Islands. Later, he fell ill——"

"When have I ever written a letter like this?"

Robert interrupted in surprise.

"Are you mistaken?"

These words made the Duke of Metz even more confused. Because he felt that this was a trivial matter, so when His Majesty the King didn't take the initiative to ask, he didn't mention it much. After all, he could tell at a glance that he was pretending to be sick and staying on the island. What are you planning to do, but you don’t want it to happen right now...?

"But the letter is clearly stamped with your seal, Your Majesty, and it is also clearly written by Grand Maester Pycelle. How could it be wrong?"

"Impossible, I didn't ask Pycelle to write this letter, and ask a six-year-old child to go to the battlefield? How stupid can someone think of this?"


"Perhaps it's the Grand Maester's fault, Your Majesty."

Varys on the side saw that the two people were confused for a moment, so he couldn't help but whispered: "Maybe Grand Maester Pycelle made a mistake, or... or let the bad guys take advantage of the loophole. You know, the Grand Maester is too old, so be careful The heart is inevitably lacking.”

"He has so many dogs in the tower, how can he let others take advantage of them?"

Robert asked rhetorically after hearing this, but he also saw clearly that the Duke of Metz in front of him was also a "victim", so he gritted his teeth and said: "There must be something hidden in the kidnapping and forged letters."

As he spoke, he glanced at the Duke of Metz on the side, and then said to Wallis: "Send someone to investigate this matter. I want to find out who is plotting against my little brother!"

The meaning was already very clear. While Varys nodded, the Duke of Metz also hurriedly claimed that he would also launch a corresponding investigation, so the matter was decided as such for the time being.

Then the Duke of Metz resigned, and the Chief of Intelligence reported one last thing, which was also the young king's family affairs.

"As for the naming of the prince, the queen wrote to ask for your opinion."

"Didn't I tell her last time? Let her make the decision on such a small matter." Robert waved his hands impatiently after hearing this: "My son has not been born yet, and he is already thinking about the name. That woman spends all day Too busy?"

"Her Royal Highness the Queen said that if it is a boy, she would like to name the child Joffrey, so she is asking for your permission."


There are only two chapters today, and there will be a year jump soon, so I need to sort out the subsequent plot lines~

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