Compared to the young and capable female bandit nine years ago, the Bailu Wenda in front of her looked like an elegant lady, with her blond hair neatly combed, her demeanor restrained, and her whole body temperament much calmer.

"That Melisandre is said to be a red-robed woman who believes in the Lord of Light, sir, but she is very mysterious and we cannot see the real person."

Renly, who was wearing a thin linen shirt and sitting at the head of the bed, was closing the long sleeves on his wrists that covered his palms. After hearing this, he asked seemingly casually: "Are you looking for a door too?"

"Yes, Queen Cersei has been using her manpower to help search for the red-robed woman in King's Landing."

"Did you find anything?" Renly asked again.

In recent years, a group of people called the Old Disciples by the lords have appeared in Westeros. This group of people always preach that the door to the old world has been opened and the world will be destroyed, so that door must be found and destroyed. ——The remarks were very out of tune and not well received by others.

However, this group of people still has real abilities. At least, they are very knowledgeable in mysticism. In other words, the so-called disciples of the old days are the priests of the divine sects outside the continent of Westeros. Various, including the Red God Sect that believes in the Lord of Light, and is also the sect behind the red-robed woman who killed "Renly" in the original plot.

"Probably not." The blond woman replied: "But the queen sealed off several areas, including a well in Flea Bottom and a shop in Steel Street. The throne room was also closed for an afternoon."

Renly frowned at this, and then asked with a serious expression: "My brother agrees to do that?"

The black-haired boy's serious face had an invisible intimidation effect, which made the already respectful woman lower her head after hearing the words, but this did not affect the words in her mouth.

"It is said that they blocked it while His Majesty the King was going to Silk Street."

Silk Street is a brothel street in King's Landing. There are a lot of high, middle and low-end brothels in it. It is the most popular entertainment venue in King's Landing.

Renly's face relaxed when he heard this, and he said half-jokingly: "He always does that. In the end, even if he doesn't die from drinking, he will get sick and die one day."

Wen Da couldn't answer this, but Renly didn't follow this point and continued to say anything. Instead, after putting on his boots, he got up and walked to the simple wine cabinet in the room, took out the wine glass and flask and poured two glasses of wine. One of them was handed to the other person, while he took a sip of the bitter crimson liquid and fell into deep thought.

The old world - it was impossible for him not to guess what something with such a sense of sight was. The gate to the old world mentioned by the group of foreign gods and priests must be the chaotic mark on his left wrist, and that group of people could not tell the difference. Factions act together with faith, and the message behind them is also obvious.

Just looking for someone can make Renly feel a sense of crisis, looking for a door...

"How are you feeling?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I feel fine, but I occasionally feel... itchy at night." The woman replied, with a confused expression.

"How often?"

"Basically once every two days."

Renly hummed after hearing this but said nothing.

Compared with the improvement of his knowledge over the years, the things on his left wrist have not changed much. There is currently a deal with the Seven Gods under consideration, but he has not decided whether to do it yet. Naga Fire is still the same, but has recovered from the weak state. The only change was the seeds of the ancient path. Over a long period of time, he accumulated hundreds of seeds, and this also allowed him to discover a special feature——

That is, as time goes by, the original gray fire will gradually become colorless and transparent, and this transparent fire does not have any "Tao" in it.

He once conducted an experiment on a death row prisoner and came to an interesting conclusion - blank seeds can become any imaginable or unimaginable power seeds, or in other words, blank seeds will change according to the target of possession. And derived different changes.

This is obviously a good thing, because Renly cannot use the ancient seed derived from his wrist. After all, that thing can affect thinking, and what he creates will only be unruly bandits and robbers, and he does not think that such people There is so much value to be said.

"Come back to High Court with me tomorrow morning, observe closely, and spend more time with your son."

After thinking for a while, Renly said: "It's enough that someone in King's Landing is keeping an eye on it."

"How is Tob lately?" the other party couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

It's strange to say this. She, the former female bandit, doesn't feel any restraint when she is the current intelligence leader outside, even when facing His Majesty the King. But for the master in front of her, she doesn't feel any restraint. I always feel that the other person is very intimidating, so much so that I dare not speak casually when face to face.

No matter how much she dared, it was hard for her to hold back when faced with the news about her son.

"Of course it would be nice to ask me to tell you."

Renly chuckled and said, "Whether it's good or not, you'll know for yourself when you go back and see."

One look at this man's expression showed that nothing was wrong with his son, so the woman felt comforted, and then stayed here to tell some other less important news, then she said goodbye and left through the window.

Renly lowered his head again and began to think.

In addition to looking for doors, the group of priest disciples also actively hunted and killed the "ancient people" who came over. They may have believed that the ancient people knew relevant clues, or they may have other influences.

But overall, these have little impact on him so far.

It's just that he needs to be prepared for a rainy day. After all, what those people want to destroy is himself...

Thinking about some shady ideas in his mind, Renly finalized a preliminary action plan that night. However, the matter could not be rushed. The main reason was that he was all the way in the Reach, and the intended target of the plan was to be implemented in the Reach. King's Landing is really out of reach.

He planned to wait until White Deer Winda's "vacation" was over, or simply wait until he left the Reach and officially returned to Dragonstone to take over before starting to implement it.

That's right, he will leave Highgarden in a while and head to his territory, Dragonstone——

In Westeros, he reached adulthood at the age of sixteen, and his career as an adopted son in the Tyrell family basically came to an end. He has not left yet, but is just waiting to join the sixty-sixth year of his cheap adoptive mother. Year-old name day party.

After staying in the manor for a night, the hunting team set off again early the next morning, heading towards High Court, and finally arrived that afternoon.

The white castle standing majestically at the end of the broad river bank is no different from what you saw at first, but once you walk inside, you will find that the people here are no longer what they used to be.

The elegant silver-haired Duchess has a few wrinkles filled in the corners of her eyes. They are not obvious, but they silently reveal that she is no longer young. Renly's cheap adoptive mother has been troubled by toothache for a few years, but now she does not have such trouble. , because all her teeth have fallen out. The tall and mighty Duke of Metz was not in the castle, but in King's Landing as the Minister of Finance.

In contrast, the gay guy in my memory, the kid who once struggled to walk, has now turned into a pretty boy who followed Renly and asked questions at the dinner after returning from the hunt, and the wet nurse The wrinkled baby in her arms and sucking milk has now grown into a beautiful little girl with a dignified and elegant temperament. She is whispering in the corner with several female companions of the same age, and occasionally bursts of laughter.

"Girls are stupid, and so is Margaery."

The beautiful boy with short, smooth brown hair beside him murmured to Renly.

"He always giggles and says childish things. It couldn't be more annoying."

Renly shrugged when he heard the words, and Willas on the other side looked at his little brother curiously after hearing the words.

"What childish thing did she say?"

"She asked me under what circumstances the box would move on its own." The boy said disdainfully: "I said how could the box move? The box is made of wood, and wood cannot move at all. She said there must be boxes that can move. , because she has seen it, and when I asked her where she saw it, she hesitated and couldn't tell me - she must have wanted to ask me to find the box all over the castle to trick me, and I won't be fooled by her. "

After hearing this, Willas nodded in agreement with a serious look on his face, and then murmured in a low voice with his brother. Next to him, Renly narrowed his eyes unconsciously and glanced suspiciously at the girls in the corner of the hall. I happened to see one of them looking secretly at this side, their eyes met instantly, and then the other person turned his head back as if he was guilty, with a serious face pretending to be listening to what his friends were saying.

After thinking for a while, Renly spoke to Vilas beside him, and then walked towards the corner with a serious face.

There happened to be a moving box in his own room. It was an object that was touched and alienated by Renly when he accidentally forgot to pick out the "seed" one year. It was also the "trash can" where he used to hide things, but this That's not the point. The point is that there are a bunch of scary things in that box that even he is quite afraid of——

The pile of toys from his childhood, toys that must never be taken out of the box.

Still owe 19 chapters~

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